
Monday 7 July 2008

Andrew Marr

Guido reports that
"The Indy this morning has an interview with Andrew Marr, this passage made Guido laugh:

"I can be exceedingly aggressive when I want to be," he says, claiming that encounters with Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling on his Sunday morning BBC1 programme, The Andrew Marr Show, "were as aggressive as any interview you will have seen for a long time"."

I felt compelled to comment on Guido's site and here is my response:
"Marr is a Labour poodle of the highest order. Maybe because he did not actually go down on both knees and suck Gordon's knob until the juices ran down his ears (per your cartoon), Marr thinks that counts as him being aggressive.

The BBC's pro-Labour bias disgusts me and I am fed-up with having to pay for the BBC to spout the pro-Labour/anti-Conservative propaganda that they broadcast day in day out. As the general election gets closer we can look forward to the attacks on Tory sleaze increasing in intensity and frequency. I only hope that come June 2010 David Cameron has the balls to launch a proper independent investigation of the BBC, one with the scope to investigate all BBC bias and to recommend prosecutions (or at least censure) of those that have broken the impartiality requirements of the BBC Charter. I look forward to seeing a number of high ranking BBC figures, both management and journalistic in court and maybe even in prison, but maybe I am being unrealistic.

Do I sound pissed off? That's because I am pissed off. I'm pissed off with the BBC's endless attacks on TORY SLEAZE whilst downplaying any stories about Labour sleaze. The BBC's attacks on Boris Johnson's team are in such contrast with the way that the BBC soft-soaped any references to allegations of corruption in Ken Livingstone's team, that only a fool or a knave could claim there was no bias.

I am pissed of with the pro-Palestinian propaganda and the anti-Israel bile that emanates from the BBC. The BBC know what they are doing when they denigrate the only democracy in the Middle East and by extension the Jewish inhabitants of that Country.

The BBC that I loved, the BBC of quality Radio 4 programming and BBC TV programmes that do not just cater for the lowest common denominator, does still exist but only in the margins. In general the intelligent unbiased BBC is hidden beneath the facistic left-wing group view of the rest of the BBC. For every "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue" or "Just a Minute", for every "In Our Time" or "The Archers", for every "Dr Who" or "David Attenborough" there is a biased piece of reporting by Roger Harribin or Andrew Marr or a "Question Time" panel biased to the left with an audience to suit, or a 5Live phone-in devoted to the absolute certainty of Global Warming (no dissent to be tolerated), or yet another segment on "Today" devoted to the wonders of Cuba's medical system or Hugo Chavez or multi-culturalism or the failings of American foreign policy, or there will be another George Bush is an incoherent moron "joke" on "The News Quiz" or "The Now Show".

It's brainwashing, it's bias and I have had enough."
My apologies for the rather tasteless oral sex reference, you will need to look at Guido's cartoon for it to make sense.

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