
Saturday 13 February 2010

Demarcation issues

Diary of a Geek in Oxfordshire has also noticed that Police are to pose as burglars in Cheshire and posts a nice piece of satire:
"the move has met strong opposition from the UK's blaggers. Keith Chav, General Larcenist of the Union of Burglars, Thugs and Allied Trades, said, "this is disgusting. It's a matter of demarcation, innit. Distribution of labour. The police should do their job, and we do ours. Why can't they stick to what they do best? They don't do burglaries, and we don't fit up innocent people."

Mr Chav added that the Union of Burglars, Thugs and Allied Trades were considering balloting for strike action, but declined to elaborate as to what form any industrial unrest would take."

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