
Tuesday 9 March 2010

Michael Foot remembered

Amidst all the fond reminiscences about Michael Foot; his consistency and steadiness of belief being two of his key traits, I don't remember these quotes being recalled:

"The country has a right to hear from the P.M. whether she and the Government envisage the official figure rising to that total."
That was Michael Foot questioning Margaret Thatcher as to whether unemployment would reach 3 million (Hansard 24/06/1981).

There you go, Michael Foot seeker of truth, fighting for the downtrodden.

But hold on what's this?

"No, I will not amke such a prediction. It would not be sensible. Indeed, I do not think that any Government has made predictions of the character suggested."
That was Michael Foot refusing to predict unemployment levels himself just six years earlier (Hansard 28/10/1975).

There you go, Michael Foot hider of truth, fighting for his government.

Michael Foot; was he right in 1981 and wrong in 1975?

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