
Saturday 3 April 2010

Dr Who returns with a new Doctor

Tonight leaves me feeling a little trepidous as Matt Smith starts his run as The Doctor. Matt Smith starts his run as the eleventh Doctor in an episode called "The Eleventh Hour".

I am a huge Doctor Who fan and so the start of a new Doctor in the role is a worrying moment. Will I prefer the new Doctor as I did with Tom Baker taking over from Jon Pertwee and David Tennant taking over from Christopher Ecclestone or will it all go horribly wrong as it did when Peter Davison replaced Tom Baker, Colin Baker replaced Peter Davison and let's not get started on Sylvester McCoy?

By 19:30 I will know if I will be a happy NotaSheep or will I have to find something else to do early on a Saturday evening... I will report back.

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