
Saturday 3 April 2010

Dr Who - thoughts on the new Doctor

New titles rather 'cartoony'

Stephen Moffat messing with children's minds = cracks in walls through which you can hear voices?

"Your Scottish, fry something" - careful, not too much comedy please...

"wibby wobbly timey wimey" the David Tennant line is back...

"Prisoner Zero has escaped" - the original prisoner - The Devil?

He's not coming back in 5 minutes is he?

That's a very short skirt for a policewoman, legs not bad though... Isn't she Amelia Pond?

The corner of your eye...

Bit of thigh in the close ups of The Doctor's face; something for the fathers...

"What, what, what!" bit reminiscent...

"Just believe me for 20 minutes..." Good writing


The Pandorica will open...?

0000 Quantum Fast - the word is zero

"What a disappointment you've been..." - a hostage to fortune for the reviewers?

"Silence will fall...!"

Nice look at naked Doctor from Amy Pond, rather lascivious

Hello I'm The Doctor; basically RUN"

RiverSong said "My Doctor, he could open the Tardis with a click of his fingers..." and this Doctor can, will RiverSong be re-appearing in this series? If so it is too soon, should be kept in the backpocket for 5 years or so...

"I'm definitely a madman with a box"

Please stop showing us clips of what is to come, I want surprises...


ArtCo said...

Socialist pish!

Craig said...

It's always a mad dash with me at the end to get to my remote control in time to click the OFF switch before they start showing what's coming up. I wasn't in charge of the remote this week so got an eyeful of dozens of spoiled surprises for the whole series.

I can't see why they do it. I love surprises, kids love surprises. Who exactly wants to know the surprises in advance?

Very enjoyable though, especially the legs.

Jon Lishman said...

Rofl. Brilliant (as always) NaS.

Clumsy said...

Well - the DT era is well and truly over. I think Matt Smith and Karen Gillan were both great. It certainly bodes well for the rest of the series.

You could definitely tell that this is no longer RTD's show and Steve Moffat is taking the show in the right direction.

Can they please get rid of Strictly and show Doctor Who the whole year round?

Anonymous said...

Matt smith as the Dr. was brilliant. The way he took on the role and made it his own was great. Totally different from David and how he played out the Dr. which was in a darker more vivid way. This time we see the Dr. in a fun attitude with a very strange craziness thrown in. I think the show took a great positive turn am just hoping there will be more surprises than what the spoilers showed.

check out my Dr.Who post and let me know what you think. Thanks