
Sunday 14 November 2010

The future?

Devils Knife (formerly Devils Kitchen)
'finds himself unable to comment on anything at present.

I simply don't have the will or inclination to write, or even care, about politics at the moment. And even if I did express myself in terms which would lead to some catharsis, I would probably find myself in court.'
He and Al-Jahom  admit to feeling despair and asking "What's the point".

And I thought it was just me that felt like this!  Actually I knew it wasn't; I too thought that getting the evil of Blair, Brown, Mandelson etc. out of power would be 'a good thing' and indeed it was. The trouble is the country has been so screwed by the last Labour government that no incoming Conservative government could really have achieved that much even if they really wanted to. Labour almost managed to build a large enough client state that they could keep their horrible, hateful hands on power. As it was the Conservatives couldn't quite climb the electoral mountain created by Labour and so find themselves governing in a Con/LibDem coalition. For liberal Tories like David Cameron this is no great issue but for those who want to see real change in this country it is a massive problem.

On matters pertaining to the EU, economic & social reform, immigration, 'climate change', countering radical Islam etc. there will be no major change and there desperately needs to be.

I started talking to friends and family about the need to leave this country around ten years ago, the writing was on the wall then. However I am partly a coward and partly a patriot so I stayed to fight for what is right. What was right then was getting rid of the evil Labour government, what is right now... I am not so sure.

I have never blogged harder than I have over the last year but I too am not sure if I have the enthusiasm any more. Mine was never a 'Conservative' blog, it was more an anti-Labour and associated evils blog. Maybe it is easier to rail against things than to create a better world but then maybe it is too late to create utopia, or at least something noticeably better than what we have.

Either way, in recent months I have found my enthusiasm for blogging diminishing and the types of blog posts has changed. There is much much more about Israel and Islam and much less about UK politics. I have started posting many more lighter posts of interest just because I need to feel enthused about something. I have prepared quite a few lighter posts for the coming weeks and I will post more thoughtful pieces as well but I am not sure for how much longer; what's the point?

I wrote the above this morning but then at 11:00 I sat in silence and remembered the fallen and how they fought for what was right against what was wrong. I thought of the bravery that that must have taken and I wondered where they found the courage. Then I realised that just giving up blogging was the cowards way out, so I will blog on and even when I think 'what's the point' I will remember that others fought and died so I could have that choice. If my blog enthuses just one person to stand up and fight against the tide of evil and apathy then it was worth my while.


  1. Pleased to hear you've had a rethink. As you say many are disappointed or just confused with what's happening in the UK at present.

    I too thought to stop a few weeks ago but was persuaded to continue but I've at least halved the time I spend writing, which has resulted in 2 posts a day. Fortunately I have a very loyal readership and they continue to support me - although not necessarily agree with me.

    Do keep blogging though, regardless of the number of posts you write.

  2. Great piece. Don't give up, the battle has only just started. ;)

  3. NaS, bloggers like you are our lifeblood. Without you, we would have to depend on the "news" we are drip-fed by the Establishment, BBC etc. We need to know that there are other people out there that think like we do, otherwise we'd go crazy. Your blog is fabulous, I check in every day. I sincerely thank you for the time and effort you selflessly put in, making my day a little brighter...

  4. I'm really glad you have decided to keep blogging, speaking for my daughters and myself, we have been inspired and educated by you recent posts regarding Israel and Islam.


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