
Monday 7 February 2011

Incredible revelations in The Mail but on the BBC... nothing

The Mail is splashing a news story that:
'Scottish Ministers offered to free Lockerbie bomber in secret deal to end 'slop bucket' payments to prisoners'
Read the whole story it's fascinating and at great variance from the assurances given to the British public by various ministers since al-Megrahi was released.

What is even more interesting is that I can find no mention of this story on the BBC news website. Somehow I think that if the BBC caught wind of a news story that would show Conservative ministers had mislead the public the BBC would be covering the story in depth.


Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with the tories but everything to do with not smearing the labour government of the day when Megrahi was released.

The BBC didn't report anything about the wikileaks that exonerated the Scottish Government and uncovered the fact that while the Labour administration in public was dead against the release, behind the scenes they were actively facilitating it by advising the Libyan Gov on compassionate release.

That in turn leads to this counter-strike from Westminster where we have emails between two people who are (and where) not part of the Scottish Government talking about unrelated issues facing the SG.

Obviously the mail would print this (it didn't print anything about the wikileaks) because it a) undermines the SG and b) supports the Labour party's position which has already been roundly debunked but not reported.

Don't know where you are with BBC and MSM bias but it goes against anything not British including Scottish, English, Welsh and NI issues. Anything that undermines further devolution (for all the UK component countries) is actively reported while anything that supports it is ignored.

Its not just about Scottish or Welsh devo, they're doing England a disservice too.



Alex said...

Somebody should bring this to the attention of our friends over the water.

subrosa said...

If there was any truth in this the BBC would be onto it. They support the unionist cause.