
Saturday 31 August 2013

David Lloyd tells a tale

David Lloyd aka Bumble tells the tale of being hit in the gentleman's area by a ball from Jeff Thompson. I think he's practised the telling of this story quite a bit.

As an aside, here's Bumble distracted by a sausage...

And here's David Lloyd telling a great Geoffrey Boycott story

Friday 30 August 2013

Blurred Lines - an interesting cover version

Duke cover Robin Thicke ft. Pharrel & T.I - Blurred Lines with just 3 Mics, 1 Guitar and a human beatbox. Rather good I think.

Here's the original uncensored verion

Cliff Morgan R.I.P.

I never saw Cliff Morgan play rugby, a little before my time, but I remember his voice as being one of the great commentator voices. Here he is describing the 'gretaest try ever scored' - It's 1973 and the Barbarians are playing the great All Blacks...

The difference between Iraq and Syria

In the case of Iraq, we invaded and found no stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, although chemical weapons had been used previously by the Saddam Hussein regime.

In the case of Syria we didn't invade despite us knowing that they do have stockpiles of chemical weapons and that they probably used them.

Odd old world.

Thursday 29 August 2013

Who has been using chemical weapons in Syria

The use of chemical weapons in Syria is being pinned on the Assad regime, I'm not sure why as the BBC themselves aired this interview with Carla Del Ponte in May.

A leading United Nations investigator says she is 'stupefied' by the testimony from victims of the Syrian conflict that rebels have used nerve agent sarin.

Carla Del Ponte told Swiss TV there were "strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof".

She said her panel had not yet seen evidence of government forces using chemical weapons.
So why were Barack Obama and other Western 'leaders' not interested in the accusations of rebel use of chemical weapons in May but are very excited by the rumoured use by the Assad regime? Is it possible that Barack Hussein Obama and his dhimmi friends want to protect Al Quaeda from harm?

“[The Jews] must be butchered” says Palestinian “peace partner” | Trending Central

'The Jews are the Jews, whether Labor or Likud, the Jews are the Jews. They do not have any moderates or any advocates of peace. They are all liars… They must be butchered and they must be killed, as Allah said [in the Quran]: 'Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands. He will humiliate them, and grant you victory over them.'
Note he says Jews not Zionists or Israelis. The Palestinian hatred for Israel is a result of their following Islamist teaching.

More here

If an Israeli rabbi said that all Muslims should be killed then it would be headline news on the BBC but as it's a leading Palestinian religious leader, the BBC's coverage will be nonexistent.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

The Islamic Republic (of Iran) is a successful example of political Islam... Hezbollah is an expression of political Islam and a very good and successful one

'The Islamic Republic (of Iran) is a successful example of political Islam... Hezbollah is an expression of political Islam and a very good and successful one.'
So says George Galloway...

Well if you think that hanging homosexuals 'is a successful example of political Islam' then I suppose Iran is a success but what does that say about you?

If you think that bombing the US Embassy in Beirut killing 63, bombing Beirut barracks killing over 300, bombing Israeli connected entities in Argentina killing over a hundred, high jacking planes, firing rockets at Israel, planning to blow up Israeli tourists on Cyprus, etc. etc. etc.  'is an expression of political Islam and a very good and successful one' then words fail me...

George Galloway - just when you think he can't stoop any lower, he manages to surprise you.

Million migrants who don't even have a British passport could decide next election | UK | News | Daily Express

Labour's plan clear yet?

'Commonwealth migrants from 54 states including Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan and Nigeria can join the electoral roll on arrival in the UK as long as they have an address here.'
More here

Labour weren't stupid when they allowed massive immigration into the UK, they were calculating.

Sad that an Israeli designer felt the need to create a 'bomb-proof' backpack for kids

'With the start of the new school year, and amid the backdrop of increasing security tensions in the region, an Israeli designer has created a backpack that can also function as a protective vest against explosions.'
More here

The BBC and troublesome foreign laws

The BBC report that:

'British holidaymakers have faced fines or worse for feeding pigeons, playing bingo or eating while sitting on a monument, the Foreign Office has said.

It warned that Britons booking foreign holidays without researching their destination risk being caught out by unfamiliar laws.'
The list of countries and odd laws that the BBC/Foreign Office use to illustrate this report is odd:

  • In the Italian city of Venice it is against the law to feed pigeons, while in Florence it is an offence to eat or drink in the immediate vicinity of churches and public buildings
  • In Barbados it is an offence for anyone, including children, to wear camouflage clothing
  • Fiji prohibits topless sunbathing
  • It is illegal to take mineral water into Nigeria
  • Chewing gum is prohibited on Singapore's Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system
  • Taking more than 200 cigarettes into Thailand is illegal
  • In Japan it is illegal to use some nasal sprays which are commonly available elsewhere
So we have Italy twice, Barbados, Fiji, Singapore, Thailand, Japan and Nigeria. No mention of countries such as Saudi Arabia where carrying a bible can land you in prison. No mention of Saud Arabia which operates a system of aparthid such that non-Muslims are not allowed on certain roads or in certain cities.

No mention also of numerous Muslim countries where a public display of affection such as a kiss or taking a drink of alcohol could lead to imprisonment and/or a public flogging.

Odd how the BBC/Foreign Office don't seem to want to mention the problems Britons have in thosecountries that operate some degree of sharia law.

Miley Cyrus twerking becomes an internet sensation/meme

Miley Cyrus twerking thusly has become an internet sensation, even I covered it earlier today

But then I found Miley Cyrus twerks on famous paintings at Buzz Feed . There are some truly brilliant pieces there, go take a look, but here's my favourite three:
 A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte with apologies to Georges Seurat

 The Persistence of Memory with apologies to Salvador Dali (actually he'd probably have approved)

 The son of man with apologies to RenĂ© Magritte

I do love a good Internet meme.

Huge demand for Baby-free Zones on Planes

YouGov report that:
'Four in ten (79%) British adults, including a majority of those with young kids, think it would be a 'good idea' for airlines to reserve areas for passengers aged 12 and up. Only 13% think the move would be a bad idea.'
More here

Of course it's a popular idea, flying is bad enough without having a screaming baby assaulting your eardrums. Flying is uncomfortable enough without having a five year old kicking the back of your seat for 4 hours. Flying is nasty enough without having the baby in the row behind you throw up over his parents and you. Flying is nauseating enough without you having to witness someone changing their baby's nappy on the other side of the aisle.

All of the above examples have happened to me over the last few years...

What I don't understand is why airlines that operate multiple cabins on long haul flights don't designate one cabin in each class as child free. I'd pay a 10% surcharge to be sure of a relatively peaceful flight.

What was Miley Cyrus thinking?

I'd initially missed the fuss over Miley Cyrus's 'performance' with Robin Thicke at the MTV Awards. 'Twerking' was the phrase I've seen mentioned the most, I'd stick with embarrassing. Watching the first part of the video I was wondering what Miley Cyrus was wearing under her bear themed romper suit, she seems a little young to suffer from incontinence after all. The strip at 3:03 explained that. The 'twerking' at 3:53 raises other question, but more importantly what is up with Miley Cyrus's tongue, can't she keep it in her mouth?

Here's some stills...

Miley Cyrus in her odd bear themed romper suit

Miley Cyrus showing off her tongue and butt

 Miley Cyrus reversing into Robin Thicke

Miley Cyrus twerking in close-up

Ed Milliband = Neil Kinnock

Apparently the Conservatives are to launch a campaign comparing the current Labour leader Ed 'in the unions pocket' Miliband with Neil 'snout firmly and deeply in the trough' Kinnock.

Ed Balls - economic genius?

Only a few months ago, Ed Balls was attacking the Conservative lead Coalition government's economic record.
'Your experiment with austerity economics has failed on living standards, jobs and growth and on deficit reduction too – and the British people are paying the price for this failure.'
Today I note that that left wing economic commentator Paul Mason in The Guardian writes:
'The argument that fiscal austerity would lead to deep recession or permanent stagnation has proved false. In part, this is because the austerity is back-loaded, with the heaviest cuts starting now. But the economy has also refused to behave as the doomiest predicted. People have clung to jobs, even at the cost of tolerating zero-hours contracts, wage cuts, pension raids and unpaid overtime.

It is true that GDP per head is stagnating. It is also true that if you measure GDP against the retail price index, instead of the government-preferred CPI, it is flat. It's also true that growth is patchy regionally – not just between regions but even within small towns, as Rochdale shows. However, the headline GDP figure is important. If, in the next few quarters, its growth is sustained, the narrative of the government's critics on the left will have to change.

But sustaining the recovery is where the second political problem begins. Our last mini-recovery was choked off by inflation: real spending power shrank and growth went into reverse. This time there is more government money flowing through the credit system, through Help To Buy, and the funding for lending scheme – where the government underwrites bank lending risks. So this time the recovery may be able survive renewed inflation.'
 Maybe the headline is the best summary:
The economic recovery may be patchy, but the left is wrong to ignore it
It's not the same across the country, but there are signs of growth. The challenge for Labour is how to make the most of the new reality
Ed Balls and reality, now those are strange bedfellows.

Are England cricketers taking the piss?

First Monty Panesar was fined by police last week for urinating on club bouncers after he was thrown out of a nightclub. Now I hear that rumours abound that some England players urinated on the pitch at the Oval after sealing their Ashes win on Sunday.

Are England cricketers taking the piss?

Monday 26 August 2013

MELANIE PHILLIPS: An unholy war in the Girl Guides and why we must ALL fight secular bigots

Melanie Phillips right on the money.
'... Indeed, this is why 'political correctness' is not remotely liberal at all, but viciously oppressive. It is simply a mechanism for re-ordering the world according to a particular dogma — and thus inescapably stifles all dissent.

Innately hostile to traditional morality, it paves the way for a secular Inquisition in which today's Torquemadas are the ideologues of such group rights — and it is Christians and other religious believers who are the heretics to be silenced by force.'

Read more

Saudi Arabia sentences widow, 75, to 40 lashes after she allows two men into her home to bring her bread via Mail Online

Saudi Arabia's sharia law reveals itself again.
' A Saudi Arabian widow aged 75 has been sentenced to 40 lashes and four months in prison for mingling with two young men who were reportedly bringing her bread.

Khamisa Sawadi, a Syrian who was married to a Saudi, breached rules barring women from meeting with male non-relatives, a court ruled.

The two men, including Sawadi's late husband's nephew Fahd al-Anzi, were also found guilty and sentenced to prison terms and lashes.'
Read more here but not on the Islamist supporting BBC.

The most prolific goal scorers in the Premiership

This is a list of the most prolific goal scorers in the Premiership (as of this morning). This season Frank Lampard should overtake Thierry Henry, Wayne Rooney hould overtake Robbie Fowler, Frank Lampard and thus Thierry Henry. Robin Van Persie should easily get into the top 10 by overtaking Robbie Keane and Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink and probably Teddy Sheringham, Les Ferdinand and Michael Owen. Jermain Defore might also get into the top 10 if he's given a run of games, as might Nicolas Anelka should he do likewise. Stephen Gerrard and Dimitar Berbatov will also make progress this season.

1 Alan Shearer 260
2 Andrew Cole 189
3 Thierry Henry 176
4 Frank Lampard 166
5 Robbie Fowler 163
6 Wayne Rooney 156
7 Michael Owen 150
8 Les Ferdinand 149
9 Teddy Sheringham 147
10 Jimmy F Hasselbaink 128
11 Robbie Keane 126
12 Robin Van Persie 124
13 Jermain Defoe 123
14 Nicolas Anelka 123
15 Dwight Yorke 123
16 Ian Wright 113
17 Emile Heskey 111
18 Dion Dublin 111
19 Ryan Giggs 109
20 Paul Scholes 107
21 Darren Bent 104
22 Matthew Le Tissier 101
23 Didier Drogba 100
24 Steven Gerrard 99
25 Yakubu 95
26 Ruud van Nistelrooy 95
27 Kevin Phillips 92
28 Mark Viduka 92
29 Ole Gunnar Solskjaer 91
30 Dimitar Berbatov 90

I'll keep an eye on this during the season and keep you updated!

Sunday 25 August 2013

Mercedes “advert” shows car hitting young Hitler | Trending Central

OK, it's not a Mercedes Benz advert but one from a film student. Clever though...

Thanks to Trending Central for the spot.

Who are the Muslim Brotherhood and what do they want?

Three minutes that should be compulsory viewing for all western politicians. The trouble is some wouldn't believe it and some know already and some like Barack Obama actually seem to support the Muslim Brotherhood.

Wise words re the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt and Barack Obama

Colonel Ralph Peters gives his analysis of the situation in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood and Barack Obama's administration's failure of foreign policy.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Vital migrant I.D checks scrapped: Stowaways no longer fingerprinted at Calais | Mail Online

'"It seems odd that ordinary travellers are subject to 100 per cent checks when those travelling illegally are not subject to this regime. People attempting to enter the UK concealed in freight vehicles, who are discovered by Border Force, are no longer fingerprinted at Calais."'
Read more here

Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. Sometimes I think this country deserves all it gets, pathetic.

Friday 23 August 2013

Nazis and Communists an alliance of the like-minded

Lest we forget, today is the 74th anniversary of the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact between the Russian communist state and the German Nazi state. There are some who claim that this was just a non-aggression pact, it was much more than that. The treaty also included a protocol that divided the various territories of Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland into Nazi and Soviet "spheres of influence", anticipating the potential "territorial and political rearrangements" of these countries.

The Russian Communists were happy to have a pact with Nazi Germany, to deal with that anti-Semitic, evil state. Russia only turned on the Nazi regime after the Hitler's Nazi Germany invaded Russia in June 1941.

Let nobody convince you that Russia stood up to the evils of Nazism. Russia's Communist leaders were happy to be in a pact with Nazi Germany right up until Nazi Germany reneged on the deal.

That's it George, Israel is always to blame

Thanks to Guido Fawkes I learn that George Galloway has been blaming Israel again

At least George Galloway is consistent in his hatred of Israel and adoration of Arab tyrants.

Tony Curtis with a lovely Marilyn Monroe anecdote

Tony Curtis reminiscing about the making of Some Like It Hot.

Thursday 22 August 2013

The Muslim Brotherhood’s War on Coptic Christians - The Daily Beast

'USA Today reports that "forty churches have been looted and torched, while 23 others have been attacked and heavily damaged" in one week. According to the Coptic Orthodox and Catholic churches in Egypt, 160 Christian-owned buildings  have also been attacked.'
More here but not on the pro Muslim Brotherhood BBC.

The funniest end to a film ever?

I'm sure I've posted the end of Billy Wilder's incomparable Some Like It Hot before but here it is in all of its magnificence. Jack Lemmon and Joe E. Brown achieve comic perfection whilst Tiny Curtis and Marilyn Monroe make-out in the seats behind them.

In fact I have posted this scene before, take a look here for several more magic scenes.

Darren Lehmann what a delightful chap

I heard the Darren Lehmann Australian radio interview yesterday but didn't have tome to blog it. He made some rather off colour remarks about Stuart Broad including this:
“From my point of view I just hope the Australian public give it to him right from the word go for the whole summer and I hope he cries and he goes home.

DJ “The first day at the Gabba is Free Tomato Day, they’re giving tomatoes out outside the ground, so just let him know that would you, Boof?”
DL “Perfect, we’ll get the whole lot for him. I just hope everyone gets stuck into him because the way he’s carried on and the way he’s commented in public about it,"
What a delightful chap Darren Lehmann is.

Actually he has form because back in  2003 he was banned for five one-day games for a “racially motivated obscenity” after he had been run out by Sri Lanka, “Black c----” was the epithet Lehmann was punished for barking out.What a charmer...

Miliband touching cloth - says Daily Mash

'FALLING unemployment and signs of economic recovery have left Ed Miliband dangerously close to self-befoulment.

Experts said the faint signals of optimism could destroy the Labour leader's strategy of hoping you are still poor and frightened come May 2015.

Julian Cook, professor of political underwear at Roehampton University, said: "If you look closely at Miliband you'll see that his smile is wonderfully desperate and that his eyeballs are sweating.'

More and the worrying image here

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Lady Gaga garners applause for being nearly naked

That's Lady Gaga's video for her new single 'Applause'. It's the usual Madonnaesque video with no more than average singing but am I alone in thinking her voice at the beginning is reminiscent of Hazel O'Connor's 'Eigth Day' from the film Breaking Glass?

PA tactics for 'peace talks' revealed

PA Official Abbas Zaki, again, this time expressing the view that if the Jews leave Jerusalem as well Judea and Samaria...then Israel will collapse.

Once again have you seen this reported on the BBC or other anti-Israel media? Of course not, they are too busy blaming Israel for stalling the peace talks by building 'settlements'.

Oops, a Fatah official tells the truth about it's aim of destroying Israel

Fatah leader Abbas Zaki speaks on Palestinian Authority television about "the great goal," referring to the goal of destroying Israel. He explains that it is impossible to achieve the "goal in one stroke," but that it would be "great" if Israel were "remove[d] from existence." He goes on to explain that this is not "a [stated] policy" and "you can't say it to the world."

This is a clear of example of the duplicity of PA leaders, who adhere to one position when speaking to foreign audiences, claiming to be seeking peace, but uphold a different position when speaking in Arabic, denying Israel's right to exist and educating the Palestinian people for continued conflict.

This video also indicates that Fatah is likely not to seriously work towards peace.

"The agreement is based on the borders of June 4. While the agreement is on the borders of June 4, the President [Mahmoud Abbas] understands, we understand, and everyone knows that it is impossible to realize the inspiring idea, or the great goal in one stroke. If Israel withdraws from Jerusalem, if Israel uproots the settlements, 650,000 settlers, if Israel removes the (security) fence - what will be with Israel? Israel will come to an end. If I say that I want to remove it from existence, this will be great, great, [but] it is hard. This is not a [stated] policy. You can't say it to the world. You can say it to yourself." [Al-Jazeera, Sept. 23, 2011]

This is the sort of statement that responsible, unbiased news agnencies would report. Which is why the BBC and others have not and will not report the actual views of the Palestinian leadership, preferring to blame any delays in the peace process on Israeli setlements.

The United Nations is biased against Israel - This time it is official

In a quite amazing turn of events, Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, admitted to a group of Israeli students that there is indeed an “unfortunate” bias against Israel in the UN:
Responding to a student who said Israelis felt their country was discriminated against in the international organization, Ban confirmed that there was a biased attitude towards the Israeli people and Israeli government, stressing that it was “an unfortunate situation.”
Ban met with the students as part of the UN Model international academic convention initiated by students at the College of Management.
Addressing the attitude towards Israel, Ban said that the Jewish state was a UN member and should therefore be treated equally like all other 192 member states. Unfortunately, he added, Israel has been criticized and sometimes discriminated against because of the Mideast conflict.
Despite these stirring words however, Ban Ki-Moon hasn’t done anything to ease the built-in bias against Israel.
If you want to learn more, read This article at Anne's opinions, if not then carry on getting your news from the likes of the anti-Israel BBC.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

The top 10 jokes from the 2013 Edinburgh Fringe

  1. Rob Auton - "I heard a rumour that Cadbury is bringing out an oriental chocolate bar. Could be a Chinese Wispa."
  2. Alex Horne - "I used to work in a shoe-recycling shop. It was sole-destroying."
  3. Alfie Moore - "I'm in a same-sex marriage... the sex is always the same."
  4. Tim Vine - "My friend told me he was going to a fancy dress party as an Italian island. I said to him 'Don't be Sicily'."
  5. Gary Delaney - "I can give you the cause of anaphylactic shock in a nutshell."
  6. Phil Wang - "The Pope is a lot like Doctor Who. He never dies, just keeps being replaced by white men."
  7. Marcus Brigstocke - "You know you are fat when you hug a child and it gets lost."
  8. Liam Williams - "The universe implodes. No matter."
  9. Bobby Mair - "I was adopted at birth and have never met my mum. That makes it very difficult to enjoy any lapdance."
  10. Chris Coltrane - "The good thing about lending someone your time machine is that you basically get it back immediately."

My favourite would be number 8, but then I am somewhat of a geek.

Marcus Brigstocke's joke is very poor.

Another example of the compassionate nature of Islam as Saudi Court Condemns Editor to 600 Lashes But With Breaks

'He'll probably survive the whipping only because it comes in four sessions with planned hospitalizations in between. '
The whipping is 600 lashes to be administered 150 in each of four sessions with a hospital visit after each session. How compassionate...

More here, if you've the stomach for it

Don't expect much coverage on the BBC as there's no evil Israel angle to exploit.

Major Nidal Hasan's murderous jihadi attack or workplace incident at Fort Hood

I've written about this case before and have noticed that the BBC are incredibly uninterested in reporting the ongoing case. Thanks to Jihad Watch I have an update:
'I received this email today from Neal M. Sher, attorney for the victims of Nidal Hasan's murderous jihad attack at Fort Hood on November 5, 2009.
As the attorney for the victims of the Ft. Hood massacre, and their families, I can say unequivocally that at every turn the Administration and the Army have twisted rules, regulation and common sense into pretzels to avoid acknowledging what Hasan himself has admitted prior to the attack and now in court: that he is a committed and devout jihadist who is fighting for an enemy.
The question which needs an answer: in light of his admission why has he not been tried for treason, as was Bradley Manning? While his crimes are most serious, he's not a mass murderer.'
So why is Barack Hussein Obama so keen to 'avoid acknowledging what Hasan himself has admitted prior to the attack and now in court: that he is a committed and devout jihadist who is fighting for an enemy'? It's a mystery.

The BBC covering up for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt - as usual

The BBC have a page of news stories about the ongoing crisis in Egypt. The link to that page from the BBC news home page says 'Coverage in full'. Hmmmm.

Where is the coverage of the 58 Christian churches, schools, institutions, homes and shops looted and torched, where is the coverage of the news of nuns being paraded through Egyptian streets as 'prisoners of war'?

Why are the BBC censoring the news coming out of Egypt in order to protect the Muslim Brotherhood?

Why do the BBC love the Muslim Brotherhood so much?

Could the Muslim Brotherhood's Sheikh Qaradawi's comments in 2009 be the explanation?
"Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the Jews people who would punish them for their corruption...The last punishment was carried out by [Adolf] Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them – even though they exaggerated this issue – he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them...Allah Willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers. "

Is this the same factor that explains the BBC's love for Hamas? Hamas whose Charter expresses this truth:
“[W]e believe that the battle between us and the Jews is coming … Such a battle is not driven by nationalistic causes or patriotic belonging; it is rather driven by religious incentives. This battle is not going to happen between Arabs and Zionists, or between Jews and Palestinians, or between Jews or anybody else. It is between Muslims and Jews as is clearly stated in the hadith. This battle will occur between the collective body of Muslims and the collective body of Jews i.e. all Muslims and all Jews. (p. 77)”

It's also odd that the BBC, who are so quick to identify real or imaginary restrictions on the rights of women in the west, never reported that when the Muslim Brotherhood came to power in Egypt they rejected a draft UN declaration calling for an end to "all forms of violence against women". The Brotherhood said it "contradict(s) established principles of Islam" and "undermines Islamic ethics". It does so by "granting equal rights to adulterous wives", "full rights to file legal complaints against husbands", "allowing Muslim women to marry non-Muslims" and "cancelling the need for a husband's consent in matters like travel, work or use of contraceptives".

The BBC's inability to criticise Islamofascists worries me hugely, this added to their massive control of the UK's news media is actually dangerous.

Oh dear, how sad, never mind

Sky News report

'A Saudi prince has warned that his oil-reliant nation is under threat because of fracking technology being developed elsewhere around the world.

Billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal said the Gulf Arab kingdom needed to reduce its reliance on crude oil and diversify its revenues.

 His warning comes as rising shale energy supplies in the United States cut global demand for Saudi oil.'
I'm trying not to weep for the Saudis, truly I am!

Maybe with less reliance on oil from nasty Islamofascist states like Saudi Arabia, the rest of the world will stop following such states' views on Israel.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Latest comment on BBC Sport's World Athletics 2013 coverage today - Mixed fortunes for GB relay teams

' 203. Farmer Joe
Maybe next time make the BBC team stay at home in the UK, and commentate on the television pictures viewers are watching. (Like the marathons, where commentary could have come from Salford rather than elsewhere in Moscow).
If the 'usual suspect' castlist of former competitors want to attend the championships, they can buy their own tickets, rather than leaving the licence-payers to foot the bill.'
Farmer Joe, I hear you!
More here

BBC News - Iran's Hassan Rouhani pledges 'slogan-free diplomacy'

According to the BBC here
' Iran's new President Hassan Rouhani has pledged to move away from sloganeering in foreign diplomacy.

During the inauguration of his new foreign minister, he said one of the reasons he was elected was to change his country's foreign policy.

But he said this did not mean Iran abandoning its principles.'

So no more sloganeering but aiming to destroy Israel is still the aim. Good to know how Iranian moderates think.

The one hundred and sixtieth weekly No shit Sherlock award

The BBC news website headline at the moment is this:
'Labour has "massively failed" to get its case across to the public this summer, the party's former deputy leader Lord Prescott says.'
No shit Sherlock

Actually it would be fair to say that 'massively failed' would be a pretty good summary of the last Labour government, one in which John Prescott was one of the largest (pun intended) failures.

Saturday 17 August 2013

The one hundred and fifty ninth weekly No shit Sherlock award

'BBC motoring show Top Gear is embroiled in controversy over faked scenes after it emerged that actors had been hired to appear in a segment where a home-made hovercraft soaks diners at a riverside restaurant.'
Top Gear fake scenes? No shit Sherlock

Story here

Friday 16 August 2013

Back in the USSR brought to life...

'Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out
They leave the West behind'

Thursday 15 August 2013

Policeman charged with leaking plans to arrest Anjem Choudary to his wife who worked for George Galloway | Mail Online

Just an average story from joyfully multicultural post Blair Britain.
'A Met Police officer leaked details of plans to arrest hate preacher Anjem Choudary to his wife while she was working for MP George Galloway, a court heard today.

Detective Inspector Mohammed Afiz Khan, 46, from Yorkshire, is accused of passing confidential information to his wife Aisha Ali-Khan while he was at the helm of the Muslim Contact Unit - part of the force's Counter Terrorism Command.

Ali-Khan, 33, who worked as the Bradford West MP's parliamentary secretary, is said to have asked her husband to use his position to investigate the source of a string of e-mails and obtain personal details.

In addition to the alleged leak concerning the radical Islamist cleric, Khan is also accused of obtaining CCTV footage from South Yorkshire Police without a valid reason.'

More here, if you've the stomach for it,

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Why I detest the BBC’s Middle East news team, as Knell reports on prisoner release without mentioning their crimes

The BBC's pro Islamist terrorist coverage continues.
' Significantly, at no point during her shallow reporting of the "parties" and "big family reunions" does Knell bother to make clear to her audiences the significance of the fact that these events celebrating the release of murderers are organised by the same (foreign aid  funded) Palestinian Authority which is supposed to be a 'partner for peace'. At no point does she raise the question of how such official public displays of the glorification of terror and violent crime against foreign tourists, Israelis and Palestinians might be perceived as one of the "core issues" central to the peace process and may in fact be reasonably described as one of what the BBC likes to term "obstacles to peace".'
More here re the latest biased, anti Israel coverage from the anti Israel BBC

British Cabinet Member “lied” over UN Palestinian death figures

Trending Central report:
Senior Minister of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Baroness Sayeeda Warsi stands accused of misleading the House of Lords and the public following the incorrect citation of the number of Palestinians killed by Israelis since January 2012.
The question, posited by the contentious former Liberal Democrat Baroness Jenny Tonge, asks, “what assessment [the government] have made of the number of non-violent protestors killed and injured by (1) live fire, (2) rubber bullets, and (3) other weapons, in Palestine since 2002.” The answer, given by Baroness Warsi via written question, states:
“We have made no assessment of the number of non-violent protestors killed or injured in the Occupied Palestinian Territories since 2002. According to the website of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 3,643 Palestinian civilians have been killed by Israelis since 1 January 2012 in incidents directly related to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in the West Bank and Gaza strip.”
But the figures are astronomically incorrect, as the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) states clearly in its report from June 2013, that the actual figure of Palestinians killed by Israelis in 2012 was just 262. 13 have been killed so far in 2013. B’Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories states that 518 Palestinians were killed between January 2009 and June 2013, again dwarfed by the figure cited by Baroness Warsi.

Baroness Warsi is now being called upon to apologise to the House of Lords, and to the wider public, over the gross exaggeration of figures which distort the truth and will, some say, lead to the miseducation and misrepresentation about the situation in the Middle East.

The figure of 3,643 appears to come from an anti-Israel site called “” which does not give any working citations or calculations for the figure. The site also seems to have not been updated since 2009, further confusing the facts.

Conservative Member of Parliament Bob Blackman MP told, “It is totally unacceptable that incorrect figures are announced without clarity on the source or basis behind which they have been obtained.”

“I will be seeking urgent clarification from Lady Warsi on the true position so that no attempt is made to mislead the public in the United Kingdom at a critical time when peace talks have resumed.”

Conservative sources that do not wish to be named have told that they expect a “full apology” from Baroness Warsi, and that they consider “lying to the House” to be a “serious and dreadful breach of her responsibilities”.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office are looking into the matter.

The UN’s OCHA report (July 2013) lists the figures as follows:
Screen Shot 2013-08-13 at 13.05.05 

Baroness Warsi was not available for comment.

Hmm, this story should be headline news on the BBC but they are so anto Israel that they'd prefer the incorrect figures to stand.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

How Much Can CNN Get Wrong About F1 Engines, Physics In One Article?

'While a standard engine is powered by a belt connected to the crankshaft, a turbo engine runs on its own exhaust steam, making it more energy efficient.'

More here in case you can't see why that sentence is gibberish

If CNN are that wrong about F1 engines, how wrong are they about other matters?

EU, knowing it is wrong, still refuses to correct "1967 borders" terminology

' Truth be damned! We all decided that they were borders, so they will continue to be called borders!
The EU is literally changing history in order to strengthen its political position, rather than changing its position to adhere to those pesky little things called facts. Their pathetic defense is that they all agreed to lie, therefore the lie is now the truth.' 

Truth and the EU are not often happy bedfellows.

More here

BBC News - British Library's wi-fi service blocks 'violent' Hamlet

Internet content filters are generally either over protective like the British Library one or far too lax. In fact, often they are both...

More here

More news from 'the apartheid state of Israel'

'Shlayan went on to add, "Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and the only one that protects Christians and holy places."
The Arab uprisings have led to an increase in the persecution of Christians in the region and Shlayan believes that a "change in culture" is needed.

He says that he has received messages from Egyptian Christian Copts that they would like to seek refuge in Israel.'

The apartheid state of Israel that is in fact the only truly multi racial, multicultural state in the Middle East

Much more here

Monday 12 August 2013

Media silence as Hamas cracks down on opposition | Trending Central

Hamas have arrested and may have tortured opposition politicians in Gaza not that you'd know if you rely on the BBC for your Middle East news. As usual the BBC are doing their best to protect Hamas from any negative news coverage.

' When some buildings are built, the BBC is there, high-definition cameras at the ready, to capture what it frames as great injustices.

But when terrorists are holding an entire body of people hostage, imprisoning and executing opposition activists, the organisation falls silent.

In two, three, five years, or a decade, when the Palestinians in Gaza finally attempt to or succeed in overthrowing their oppressive rulers, the questions will be asked, like the questions are now of Mohammed Morsi, "Why did this happen? Why didn't we see it coming? Who knew?"

But the answer is that many of us did know. We just don't work at the BBC.'

More here

BBC News - Labour amends foreign workers speech

'"But when agencies bring such a large number of workers of a specific nationality at a time when there are one million young unemployed in Britain, it is right to ask why that is happening."'
So speaks Labour immigration spokesman Chris Bryant. Doesn't he know that increased immigration was the last Labour government's policy, designed as Andrew Nether told us to 'rub the right's noses in diversity' and as I believe to increase the Labour vote. For Chris Bryant to make such a speech now reeks of the sort of vile hypocrisy that Tony Blair was such an exponent of.

More from the BBC who swallow Bryant's self serving crap at face value here

London in 1926

London in 1927 from Tim Sparke on Vimeo.

Incredible colour footage of 1920s London shot by an early British pioneer of film named Claude Friese-Greene, who made a series of travelogues using the colour process his father William - a noted cinematographer - was experimenting with. It's like a beautifully dusty old postcard you'd find in a junk store, but moving.

Music by Jonquil and Yann Tiersen.

The lovely people at the BFI have got in touch and it turns out the film was made in 1926. They have lots of other footage from his film, The Open Road on their YouTube channel up here More background on this here

Burkas and Bikinis

'The fact of the matter is that only in Israel do both the girl in the bikini AND the woman in the Burka not fear any repercussions for being seen next to each other.

The fact of the matter is that the woman in the Burka feels safer in Tel Aviv than she would in her own village/town. She knows that she can walk unhindered down a beach, smell the sea air, enjoy the sound of the crashing waves – and other cliches – without anyone posing any moral authority over her.

The fact of the matter is the woman in the bikini also feels safe to walk down the beach unmolested by men that think that dressing in such a way provokes rape.

The fact of the matter is that anyone who really knows and understands, anyone who is completely honest with himself/herself KNOWS that this could ONLY be in Israel.'

More here and here.

Hatred is terribly important to a certain kind of Leftie – Telegraph Blogs

Daniel Hannan is right on the money...
'Look at how many people happily declare 'hates Tories', 'hates capitalism' and the like. Sure, you can find one or two 'hates socialism', but it's much, much rarer. '
Read it all here

Church of England 'hijacked' for pro-EU cathedral service featuring prayers for Britain to stay in Europe | Mail Online

'Prayers for Britain to stay in the EU forming part of a Brussels-backed event to mark the 40th anniversary of the UK joining the Common Market are to be said in a service at Salisbury Cathedral.

The event next month is being held in Salisbury because it was the home of the late Sir Edward Heath, the Prime Minister who took the UK into what is now the EU in 1973. Leading pro-Europeans will attend.'

More here

The 'apartheid state of Israel'

See how the Jews live separately from Muslims. See the Jews only beach...

See why calling Israel 'an apartheid state' is lying.

Egyptian Jihadists brag that they were targeting Jews

'The statement said, "We mourn... the Mujahideen in the name of Allah, the martyrdom of a group of the finest fighters in the Sinai, four of the best of the group Ansar Jerusalem...whilecarrying out their jihad duty against the Jews, the process of firing rockets at Jewish settlements near the borders of the occupied territories."

The spokesman added, "What triggers grief in our hearts is the emergence of cooperation andcomplicity of the Egyptian army with the Jews in their crime... Is there any betrayal of the public larger than that? The Egyptian army allowing Zionist drone aircraft to breach the Egyptian border again and again, ...and cooperation and coordination with the Jews for the bombing and killing of the mujahideen?"

He continued that "[It is one thing to have] treason in the Egyptian army and employment ofJewish Americansin exchange for protecting the country's borders and fighting enemies, but now it became an army mission to protect the borders of the Jews and the achievement of U.S. interests and Zionism in this country, even if that means killing people by themselves or in cooperation andcoordination with the Jews, for they are death."'

More here

Yet still the western apologists for these Islamic terrorists will claim it's not about Jews, it's about Zionists. Crap, these terrorists don't pretend that it's other than a jihad against Jews.

Did 6 million Jews really die in the Holocaust or was it actually more? Exposing a hidden Shoah, one mass grave at a time | The Times of Israel

'Yahad-In Unum's research so far indicates that 1 million Jews "from Poland to Ossetia" were shot dead and laid in mass graves, many of whom were unaccounted for in previous Holocaust research.
"A whole part of the genocide has not been declared," Desbois told The Times of Israel. "The challenge is to collect the maximum amount of evidence about the killing of the Jews in these countries and find out about the mass graves. Tomorrow the witnesses will disappear and the deniers will overreact, saying that the Jews falsified the story."'
More here

A fascinating and distressing story. Not one that the Holocaust deniers will accept of course.

Saturday 10 August 2013

'The worst batman ever'?

A little old and it wasn't 'the franchise killer' but it was seriously dire.

Hamas 'to publicly execute two men in Gaza'

When even Harriet Sherwood of The Guardian manages to report Hamas's inhumanity but the BBC doesn't then the full extent of the BBC's anti Israel bias is clear.
Harriet Sherwood reports that:

'Hamas plans to publicly execute two prisoners in Gaza next week as a "lesson" to others, according to Amnesty International, which has described the move as "deeply disturbing".

The human rights organisation said a 23-year-old man had been sentenced to death for "collaboration with an enemy entity". He told his lawyer he had been beaten during interrogation, Amnesty reported.
The second man, 27, confessed to the rape and murder of a six-year-old boy in 2000. He was sentenced to death despite being a minor at the time. Amnesty said he was "apparently tortured to 'confess'" to the crime.
... Amnesty said, adding: "Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees in the custody of Hamas security agencies are widespread and systematic."

Philip Luther, the organisation's Middle East and north Africa director, called on Hamas to immediately halt imminent executions and commute all death sentences.

"This and other recent announcements by the Hamas authorities that they will carry out further executions are deeply disturbing," he said.

"The death penalty is cruel and inhuman and there is no evidence that it deters crime more effectively than other punishments. Public executions are degrading and compound the cruelty of the death penalty."

Hamas has carried out at least 16 executions since April 2010, according to Amnesty. Six suspected collaborators were shot dead in the street by masked gunmen shortly before the end of the war in Gaza last November.' 

More here

But not on the 'Hamas can do no wrong, Israel can do no right' BBC.

Friday 9 August 2013

Isn't that Frasier's radio booth? A funny and rather intriguing epsiode of Gary Unmarried staring Brooke D'Orsay

Brooke D'Orsay who I'd only previously seen in Big Bang Theory when she played Penny's friend Christy who uses sex to ingratiate herself with Howard, leading to the great line on discovering that Howard is Jewish - "My first Jew"

So is that the radio booth from Frasier? Sure looks like it.

Thursday 8 August 2013

Out: What about your gaffes? In: What gaffes? Bush flashback exposes Obama’s MSM lapdogs | Twitchy

The difference between a media opposed to George W Bush and one so on love with Barack Hussein Obama that they just can't bring themselves to criticise him.

The media pilloried George W Bush for his 'mission accomplished' comments but have given Barack Hussein Obama a free ride over his equally, or worse, remarks that the USA 'have al Qaeda on the run'. The bias and double standards are tangible.

More here

BBC News - UK birth rate highest since 1972, says ONS

The BBC report on Labour's most lasting legacy, a massively increasing population, especially in London and its environs. Mostly due to immigration.

Labour's plan to import a new community of Labour voters whilst also rubbing the right's noses in diversity has worked, it's just a shame that as a result civil strife and maybe even open warfare on the streets of Britain looks like being our future.

More BBC crap here

What the Palestinian Authority means by a two-state solution

'The impression that Israel is occupying "Palestinian" lands is incorrect. A Palestinian country did not exist in these lands, prior to its coming under Israel's control. As a result of the 1967 Six Day War, Israel did capture Jerusalem, Samaria and Judea – not from Palestine, but rather, from Jordan. It is true that the PLO was established in Jerusalem in 1964, some three years before Israel's defensive acquisition of these lands in 1967. Obviously, the agenda of the PLO was not to free lands from Israel which it did not even possess. Its mission then, as now, is to replace Israel on all of its land from the river to the sea. This is not a deeply concealed secret. It is taught in PLO and UNRWA schools and is proudly presented on maps and official emblems of the PLO and its branches.  

The mission of the PLO is and always has been denial of the right of the Jewish people to their own county in their historical homeland. PLO spokespeople and negotiators are always very clear not to utter the words "Israel" and "Jewish State" together as one identity because they refuse to accept that it has any valid claim whatsoever. If you pay attention to the PLO narrative, you will notice that the Two State concept includes a Palestinian state with no Jews, alongside a binational state for all of its residents, regardless of their nationality. The Jewish state does not exist in the PLO concept.'

More here

Now have the viciously anti Israel BBC ever reported this?

Listen to what Palestinian leaders say

Michal Zach (@MichalZach1) tweeted at 7:45 AM on Thu, Aug 08, 2013:
For all those diehard #PALLYWOOD believers. Please believe them... When they speak in Arabic,  not English doubletalk

It's important that the facts of what Palestinian leaders say is reported. Just don't expect the rabidly anti Israel BBC to report such words.

Palestine: History of a Name | Simcha Jacobovici | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel

A history lesson for those idiots whose knowledge of the history of the Middle East comes from a hatred of Jews rather than facts.
'In Jesus' day, his country was called Judea, and the overall designation for the land was "Israel" – as it is today. You can argue about politics, but let's not change history to suit our views.'
More here

Letters: Profile of an immigration campaign creating a climate of fear

I see the 'usual suspects' are upset that illegal immigrants might actually be deported.

More idiocy here

It's a letter to the Guardian from the sort of people I wouldn't choose to break bread with.

Another example of Israeli apartheid as a Muslim IDF Soldier Keeps Watch Over Gaza Border

'Watch our exclusive interview with Staff Sergeant Ahmed Inaim, a Bedouin soldier who guards Israel’s Gaza border. Staff Sgt. Inaim’s brother, who also served as an IDF soldier, was killed in combat several years ago. In 2006, Hamas terrorists injured another one of his brothers when they attacked Israel and kidnapped Gilad Shalit.'

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Al Qaeda Flag Flies High Above Christian Churches :: Gatestone Institute

'This anti-Christian fury has taken on genocidal proportions. "Allah willing, the day is coming when no Copt will ever again tread the ground of Egypt -- and no churches. We will no longer allow churches to exist."'
More here
But nothing on the pro Islamist BBC.

Zimbabwe's "Blacks-Only" Stock Exchange Takes 'Financial Innovation' And Racism To New Highs | Zero Hedge

'...following dictator Robert Mugabe's "reelection" has announced plans toopen a new and "racially exclusive" stock exchange, allowing blacks alone to trade. And not trade justanything, but shares of recently nationalized foreign companies, most of which are South African-owned miners. Or rather were, because following the most recent nationalization round, Zimbabwe would take a 51% stake in all major foreign-owned companies valued at over $7 billion. No compensation will be paid.'
Fascinating article here

The question that anti-Israel activists find very hard to answer

When I am engaged in Twitter debate with a 'pro-Palestinian' who in reality is anti-Israel and maybe anti-Semitic as well, I have found that they will not/cannot answer the following question (this is not Twitter, so I have extended the question beyond 140 characters for ease of reading and to make it rather easier to read).

You say that Israel should return to its pre 1967 'borders'. If the Muslim countries that attacked Israel in 1948, 1967 & 1973 had succeeded in vastly reducing the size of Israel and had only been stopped from completely destroying it by America, would you be calling for Israel to be increased in size back to its 1948 size?

Oddly I have never received even one answer to this question, I wonder why?

The Arabic textbooks which show children how to chop off hands and feet under Sharia law

A totally unsurprising article that tells me that Saudi schools teach what's in the Koran.
' Barbaric textbooks handed out in Saudi Arabian schools teach children how to cut off a thief's hands and feet under Sharia law, it has emerged.

The shocking books, paid for and printed by the Saudi government, also tell teenagers that Jews need to be exterminated and homosexuals should be 'put to death'.

In one, for ninth-graders, students are taught the annihilation of the Jewish people is imperative.

One text reads in part: 'The hour (of judgment) will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them. There is a Jew behind me come and kill him.'

Readers of this blog will recognise that last quotation.

Read the whole article, but don't expect any criticism of Islam from the dhimmified left.
The article ends with this:
' The Saudi Embassy in Washington D.C. was approached for comment, but there was no immediate response.'

What could they say. They are teaching their religion, from their religious books.

More here

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Peter Capaldi will be the 12th Doctor - sweary version - NSFW (language)

Peter Capaldi will become the twelfth Doctor, earlier I asked what sort of Doctor Who he will he be.

I see that someone thinks he might be very very sweary...

Hmm, the first post watershed Doctor Who!

Thanks to Guido Fawkes for the spot.

Peter Capaldi will be the 12th Doctor

Peter Capaldi will be the 12th Doctor but what sort of a Doctor will he be?


Slightly camp...

Maybe a combination of the three.

My biggest shock when the announcement was made was that I am older than Peter Capaldi, I don't think I look it. I am however much younger than Doctor Who himself.

The one hundred and fifty eight weekly "No shit Sherlock" award

More days of Test cricket have been completely washed out at Old Trafford than any other Test venue - 13 in 28 Tests. The other contenders for the crown: Sydney (11 days in 54 Tests), Melbourne (four days in 54 Tests), Lord's (five days in 35 Tests) and The Oval (four days in 35).

It rains in Manchester, No Shit Sherlock.

Anti-Semitic Tweets

Whilst the BBC luxuriate in reporting anti-women tweeting, and would reach orgasm over Islamophobic tweeting, I am sure they will completely ignore antisemitic tweeting.
Here's some examples, shocking to all except racists, antisemites and the BBC?

Sunday 4 August 2013

Because girls can be geeks too

"Nothing to Prove" - Geek Girls & The Doubleclicks

It's catchy and quite poignant, why do so many people assume girls can't be real geeks?

Saturday 3 August 2013

"Be quiet then while I speak"

The ever delightful Sion Simon

Thanks to Guido Fawkes for reminding me quite how vile Sion Simon is.

Global warming? New satellite dataset finds global temperatures decreased from 1982-2006 | Climate Depot

'A new peer-reviewed paper published in Energy & Environment analyzes 24 years of data from the European Meteosat weather satellite and finds global temperatures decreased over the period 1982-2006. According to the authors,

"Our observations point to a decrease in planetary temperature over almost the entire hemisphere, most likely due to an increase of cloudiness." '

More here

Friday 2 August 2013

Who's next?

1. William Hartnell (1963-1966)
2. Patrick Troughton (1966-1969)
3. Jon Pertwee (1970-1974)
4. Tom Baker (1974-1981)
5. Peter Davison - pictured (1982-1984)
6. Colin Baker (1984-1986)
7. Sylvester McCoy (1987-1996)
8. Paul McGann (1996)
9. Christopher Eccleston (2005)
10. David Tennant (2005-2010)
11. Matt Smith (2010 - 2013)
12. Who?

Apparently we will find out on Sunday evening in a BBC entertainment program rather than in an episode of Doctor Who, hmmm.

Matt Smith has been my favourite of the three new series' Doctors. In fact he's up there with Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker as the best ever.

The silent killing of Christians

'"Few people realize that we are today living through the largest persecution of Christians in history,"

Bruce Thornton, research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution, wrote on the institute's Web site. "Estimates of the numbers of Christians under assault range from 100 [million] to 200 million. According to one estimate, a Christian is martyred every five minutes."

It's odd that prominent Christians like President Barack Obama and Pope Francis have been utterly silent about this humanitarian tragedy.

As Kirsten Powers wrote recently in USA Today, German Chancellor Angela Merkel asserted late last year that "Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world," while former French President Nicholas Sarkozy warned in a 2011 speech that "Christians face a particularly wicked program of cleansing in the Middle East, religious cleansing."'

It seems that Muslims actually ethnically cleansing Christians is not newsworthy but Muslim false claims of Jews persecuting Palestinians is.

More here

The one hundred and fifty seventh weekly 'No shit, Sherlock' award

I seem to have missed a few weeks of awards, for which I apologise!

This one is a doozy though.

The BBC report that 'Zimbabwe's presidential election was a "huge farce", PM Morgan Tsvangirai has said, alleging vote-rigging by rival President Robert Mugabe's camp.'

Vote-rigging by Robert Mugabe's Zanu PF thugocracy? 'No shit, Sherlock'

Thursday 1 August 2013

'Evil bankers' unless they're a Labour supporting banker

Imagine the furore is David Cameron had made a banker a peer in the recent list of appointments. The Labour party and their propaganda arm, the BBC would be screaming about the Tory party being in the pay of bankers and the city fatcats who caused the economic crash. Now have you noticed any such complaining about the peerage given by the Labour party to Sir Charles Allen? The BBC's report on the peerages manages this:
'Doreen Lawrence, the mother of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence, leads five Labour nominations for peerages, which also include businessmen Sir William Haughey and Sir Charles Allen.'
A businessman? Somehow I think if he had been a Conservative appointee the BBC would have been mentioning that he is a senior adviser to Goldman Sachs Private Equity.

'London Taliban' is targeting women and gays in bid to impose sharia law per Daily Mail

'Women who do not wear headscarves are being threatened with violence and even death by Islamic extremists intent on imposing sharia law on parts of Britain, it was claimed today.

Other targets of the 'Talibanesque thugs', being investigated by police in the Tower Hamlets area of London, include homosexuals.

Stickers have been plastered on public walls stating: 'Gay free zone. Verily Allah is severe in punishment'.'
More here