
Friday 29 May 2015

Professional football sickened by FIFA’s culture of greed

'THE world of professional football has expressed its outrage at the 'sickening' greed of FIFA officials.

Players and managers said football was about perfecting a beautiful game and to pursue money so crudely was extremely distasteful.

Wayne Rooney, who is paid £50 per match plus his bus fare at Manchester United, said: "I train every day and then go home to my little terraced house, meanwhile while these FIFA guys are buying huge mansions.

"They're driving around in Bentleys while me and my wife Coleen look through the Littlewoods catalogue at all the things we would like to buy one day. Sometimes life is a struggle, but overall we're very happy."'

More quality satire here at The Daily Mash.

Breaking News!! BDS Defeat at Washington Supreme Court, May 28, 2015

'Breaking News!! BDS Defeat at Washington Supreme Court, May 28, 2015
May 28, 2015, StandWithUs is thrilled to share the news that, in a major setback to the anti-Israel boycott, divestment, sanctions (BDS) campaign, this morning the Washington State Supreme Court held, by a vote of 9-0 that a lawsuit can proceed against Olympia Food Co-op board members, challenging their 2011 decision to boycott Israeli products.'

Once again the BBC's dhimmi attitude in action

This BBC article leaves me in no doubt where the BBC stand on the matter in question: against Pamela Geller. But it's this paragraph that annoys me for the usual reason.
'Transport officials in Washington DC have blocked plans by an American free speech pressure group to have a controversial cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad displayed on the subway.'
It's the use of the phrase 'the Prophet Muhammad'. He's the Islamic Prophet not anybody else's. The BBC don't describe Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, why the difference?

Thursday 28 May 2015

Mystery solved: Don’t blame the Americans! The real origin of the word ‘soccer’

It seems that we should stop deriding the Americans for calling 'football'  'soccer'...
'The word "soccer" is actually British. It derives from the game's proper name, association football, with the "soc" bit taken from the word "association" .

The reason it came into popular usage was simple: in the 19th century, football and rugby were both commonly known as football, the former dubbed "association football" and the latter "rugby football". But both phrases are a bit of a mouthful, however, so they were popularly shortened to "soccer" and "rugger" to keep things simple.'

Saudi Arabian Cleric justifies paedophilia

'"Scholars have agreed that it was permissible for fathers to marry off their young daughters, even if they are in the cradle," Sheik Fawzan wrote in his fatwa. "But it isn't permissible for their husbands to have sex with them unless they are capable of being placed beneath and bearing the weight of the men."

He cited the example of the prophet's wife Aisha, who he said was wed at the age of six, but didn't have sex until she was nine.'
I'll repeat part of that again: ' "...  it isn't permissible for their husbands to have sex with them unless they are capable of being placed beneath and bearing the weight of the men."'
How delightful a thought that is... 

More here but not on the BBC where reporting this sort of Islamic fatwa is just not done.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Some truly dreadful information has reached me about Israel

I have learned that a new law is about to be implemented in Israel, so here's the scoop before the BBC report it:

'The new law, according to Article 4.5 of the Citizenship Act of Israel, will hold:
that he [a potential citizen] be an original Jew by birth, or that he has converted to Judaism according to the prescribed rules and procedures and that a period of at least 5 years has passed since he embraced Judaism before the grant of naturalization. 
Nationality thus acquired is ipso facto lost and the Decree of naturalization rendered void ab initio if the naturalized person expressly renounces Judaism or if he behaves in such a manner as clearly indicates his intention to abandon Judaism. In any such case, the nationality of any dependant of the apostate who had acquired it upon the naturalization of the apostate is also rendered void.'
The BBC will no doubt be up in arms about this and rightly so... this is quite disgusting religious discrimination.


My apologies it seems that I have misreported the above - it's not a new law to be implemented in Israel, it's a paraphrase of an existing Kuwaiti law. Here's the correct version:

'The current law, according to Article 4.5 of the Citizenship Act of Kuwait, holds
that he [a potential citizen] be an original Muslim by birth, or that he has converted to Islam according to the prescribed rules and procedures and that a period of at least 5 years has passed since he embraced Islam before the grant of naturalization. 
Nationality thus acquired is ipso facto lost and the Decree of naturalization rendered void ab initio if the naturalized person expressly renounces Islam or if he behaves in such a manner as clearly indicates his intention to abandon Islam. In any such case, the nationality of any dependant of the apostate who had acquired it upon the naturalization of the apostate is also rendered void.'
This being the case, you can be 100% certain that the BBC will pay it no attention at all.  

FIFA news

Six FIFA executives have been arrested this morning in Switzerland. The FBI seem to be involved.

For updates you should listen to Colin Murray's TalkSport show - he has been very strong on FIFA for quite some time now, he's not going to let this drop.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans…

A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans. Not really knowing what an Obama fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raised their hands except for Little Johnny.

The teacher asked Little Johnny why he has decided to be different… again. Little Johnny said,

"Because I'm not an Obama fan." The teacher asked, "Why aren't you a fan of Obama?" Johnny said,
"Because I'm a Republican."

The teacher asked him why he's a Republican. Little Johnny answered, "Well, my Mom's a Republican and my Dad's a Republican, so I'm a Republican."

Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked, "If your mom were a moron and your dad were an idiot, what would that make you?"

With a big smile, Little Johnny replied, "That would make me an Obama fan."

Thursday 21 May 2015

Luis Figo knows when an election isn't fair

Luis Figo has pulled out of the FIFA Presidential election. He's not happy, here's an extract:
'... this electoral process is anything but an election.This (election) process is a plebiscite for the delivery of absolute power to one man - something I refuse to go along with.'
More here

All the European Football Associations and any others that believe in democracy should leave FIFA and start their own association.

About that Hamas tunnel work accident...

News that you won't find reported on the institutionally anti Israel BBC.
'The military wing of Hamas, al-Qassam Brigades, said Monday evening that a fighter affiliated to the group had been killed in a tunnel collapse in Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip.

Al-Qassam Brigades identified the fighter as 25-year-old Mahmoud Adel Ghaban from Beit Lahiya.
A number of fighters in Gaza have been killed by accidents during military training exercises in recent years, and the tunnel networks, which are largely used for smuggling in the coastal enclave's south and military purposes in the north, are notoriously dangerous.

A tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip? Where would such a tunnel be going to?'

More here

Israel Shelling Hits Palestinian Aid Office, Kills 5 Refugees, Injures 10

If the news story was that Israeli Shelling Hits Palestinian Aid Office, Kills 5 Refugees, Injures 10, then the institutionally anti Israel BBC would be headlining the story, the anti Israel United Nations would be proposing resolutions and the human rights groups would be screaming their disapproval and marching on Israeli embassies. 

However the story is actually that:
'Shelling from Saudi Arabia-led coalition forces hit an international humanitarian aid office in Yemen on Thursday, killing five Ethiopian refugees and wounding 10, a local official said. The news comes amid growing concern about the Saudi-led military offensive's impact on Yemen's civilians and infrastructure.'
So the BBC will mention this story very sotto voce, the United Nations will ignore and the human rights organisations will wait until Israel does anything that isn't 100% in accord with their world view.
More here.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

The Guardian's Ian Martin displaying the sort of lefty bile that so excites the like minded but turns off normal people

'Meanwhile members of Her Majesty's government reassemble. Slithering back into their familiar Commons benchmarks. Purring like hotel minibars. Here's a "soft question" for Labour to ponder. How did we fail to dislodge this sadistic bunch of bumbling incumbents? The talking haemorrhoid. The mafia dentist. The Devouring Moon. Spidergran. The shimmering fatberg. The little angry Lego man. Chalkie the Presbyterian ghost. "Bugsy Malign". The puckered gland. That one who looks like a giggling spring onion. The whole bastard Bash Street gang of them.'

The 'oh come off it' story of the month

CBC report that:
'Quebec girl told to stop reading book by school bus driver
Sarah Auger, 8, enjoyed reading to and from school, until the bus driver said it was dangerous
Kate McKenna, CBC News 
An eight-year-old girl in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que. was told she's no longer allowed to read books on the school bus because it poses a risk to the safety of other students.
Sarah Auger loves reading and used to enjoy using her 20-minute ride to and from school to read for pleasure.

But recently, her bus driver told her she had to stop.

She says she was told reading posed a risk to other students on the bus.

He suggested they might stand up to see what she was reading, or she might poke herself in the eye with the corners of the book. '
Seriously? Oh come off it.

Don't just say it once, say it twice

The Telegraph is no longer the newspaper it was. I've stopped buying it, preferring The Times.
This sort of sloppy journalism may help to explain why.  This article begins thus:
'As official figures show that more EU migrants last year found work in the UK than Britons, the Bank of England suggests that foreign workers are keeping down wages because people are able to find employment online before arriving

Foreign workers are keeping down wages because people are able to find jobs online before arriving in the UK, the Bank of England has suggested, as official figures showed that more EU migrants last year found work in the UK than Britons.'
Sub editor?

The two hundred and third weekly "No Shit, Sherlock" award - Foreigners applying for jobs online keeping UK wages down

'Foreign workers are keeping down wages because people are able to find jobs online before arriving in the UK, the Bank of England has suggested, as official figures showed that more EU migrants last year found work in the UK than Britons.'
No Shit Sherlock- why do you think big business like unfettered immigration.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

The most heartbreaking story that I have heard for a long time

A Wisconsin woman says she tried to call her husband moments before he apparently killed himself, but wasn't allowed to by a flight crew, reports television station WTMJ.

Karen Momsen-Evers was in New Orleans aboard a Southwest Airlines flight back home to Germantown, Wisconsin when she received a disturbing text from her husband, asking for forgiveness for what he was about to do.

"I started shaking the minute I got the text and I was panicked," she said. "I didn't know what to do."

Karen says she knew he was serious because he'd been under a lot of stress. She tried to quickly call him, but says a flight attendant wouldn't let her.

"The steward slapped the phone down and said, 'You need to go on airplane mode now,'" said Karen.

Karen was in tears as the plane took off, and as the flight reached cruising altitude, she says she tried again to have a flight attendant make an emergency call.

"I just wanted somebody to go and try to save him, and nobody helped," she said.

Karen sat in her seat for the rest of the flight crying and staring at the text her husband had sent. When the flight landed in Milwaukee, she called police, but it was too late. Her husband was dead.

Southwest Airlines offered a statement, saying their "hearts go out to the Evers family during this difficult time." They went on to say that flight attendants are trained to notify the captain if there's an emergency that poses a hazard to the plane or passengers on board.

In this case, they say the captain wasn't notified.

Karen says the outcome could have been changed.

"The pain of knowing that something could have been done," said Karen. "It breaks my heart."

Southwest Airlines offered Karen a full refund on the flight. 

Story from ABC 7 News

Yes, a refund would suffice...

Galloway blocks Obama

' "A mighty lion may get a retweet from Rula Lenska and does not that prove him more righteous than a jackal joking with Bill Clinton?"'
Daily Mash gets George Galloway to a 'T'.

The two hundred and second weekly "No Shit Sherlock" award

This week's winner is the Head of NATO.

'The head of Nato warned yesterday that Islamic militants could be hiding among the flood of migrants coming from Africa to Europe in boats.

Jens Stoltenberg said: 'There might be terrorists trying to blend in.'''

No Shit Sherlock 

More here.

Monday 18 May 2015

Farooq Murad of the Muslim Council of Britain twists and wriggles in his interview with Andrew Neil but I think his true views are clear

Another good interview by Andrew Neil who really does try to pin the Muslim Council of Britai's Farooq Murad down. Farooq Murad is good at evading answering straight questions quite well but not well enough.

£3 and you can vote for the next Labour leader...

Sky News (@SkyNews) tweeted at 10:09 AM on Mon, May 18, 2015:
Harriet Harman says "anyone" can vote for the new Labour leader (so long as they pay £3)

Fun times ahead.

Ian Curtis - 'dance dance dance to the radio'

Joy Division - Transmission 

If you want to understand Ian Curtis and Joy Division then watch the film Closer. Not the crap relationships film starring Jude Law, the one about Ian Curtis directed by Anton Corbijn.

Ian Curtis died 35 years ago today

Joy Division - Atmosphere 

Ian Curtis had a voice that I can hear so easily in my head. Some of Joy Division's music was challenging, some melodic, but all is worth a listen.

Sunday 17 May 2015

The Specials and a duetting female singer - The good and the not so good

The good, with Amy Winehouse from 2009

The not so good with Lily Allen at Glastonbury in 2007 - I am quite a fan of Lily Allen but she manages to ruin Gangsters for me here

Saturday 16 May 2015

Go on, Enjoy Yourself

The Specials live in 1980

Louis Prima and Keely Smith much longer ago

I was a huge Specials and indeed Two Tone fan back in the late 1970s and early 1980s, but then I was a huge music fan then.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Yoko Ono: “I Had an Affair with Hillary Clinton in the ’70s” per World News Daily Report

More news that won't make the BBC...
'Yoko Ono shocked reporters yesterday when she responded to a question concerning the presidential run of Hillary Clinton and the possibility that she could become the first woman President of the United States in American history.

The artist and widow of John Lennon, who is in Los Angeles to present a collection of cups and saucers she is exhibiting at the Museum of Modern Art, totally took reporters by surprise by admitting she had not only met the former First Lady at various times during a series of protests against the Vietnam War in New York in the 1970s but also knew her "intimately".

The celebrity admitted laughingly to having "a fling" with her at the time... '

If there was even a rumour of a lesbian fling in the past of a Republican candidate or leading figure then the BBC would be all over this story, however as this is Hillary Clinton, the BBC will ignore it.

Pub landlord did not act alone against Farage. He got a little help from BBC friends

' The BBC commissioned a programme that centred on what was projected as a 'real' political campaign.  Except that it was not. It was arguably instead a publicity stunt dreamed up by Avalon.  And a main purpose was to undermine and heap odium on the Farage campaign in a highly-contested and deadly serious political process.

In the event, Murray attracted only 300 votes, far less than Farage's margin of defeat. But there's no way of telling how much damage this jolly jape inflicted on the real political process that was going on in Thanet and had central importance  in the General Election.

There is abundant evidence that Avalon worked flat out to court as much publicity as they could for their campaign wheeze in both the traditional and social network media.  Murray had enough clout (as the Avalon programme shows) to draw the full political press pack down to Thanet for at least two major photo-calls.  And company 'reporters' interviewed real people about their voting intentions. The point is that it was not clearly a spoof.

In reality, it blurred the lines of choice in a crucial election seat. And funding was from the bloated coffers of one of the country's most successful independent production companies who, in turn, were financed by BBC cash.  This gave the campaign Murray considerable fire power beyond what normal candidates can afford. Some would argue this is precisely what electoral law is there to prevent.

It defies belief that any part of the the BBC (even if it was indirectly)  commissioned such a programme. Effectively, they gave Murray a PR platform to ridicule the Farage campaign.'

Well colour me surprised...

The BBC actively opposing UKIP...

More here

When usage of a derogatory term is relevant to the BBC and when it is not

When usage of a derogatory term is relevant to the BBC and when it is not is interesting and gives us further insight into the BBC's political bias.

When the Conservative minister Andrew Mitchell was accused of using the word 'plebs' the BBC went into one of its sanctimonious, affronted fervours. The story was headline news for weeks, if not months. Andrw Mitchell was condemned for elitism and rudeness.

However when there is evidence that a candidate for the Labour leadership, Chuka Umunna, used the word 'trash' to describe most of the denizens of West End night clubs there was no criticism on the BBC and there's certainly been no mention of it in any of the recent glowing pen portraits of the 'British Obama'.

The BBC's political bias here, a in many other instances, is clear and obvious, hopefully John Whittingdale will actually take some action against the BBC for their blatant political bias.
If you want to read more about this 'trash' comment, then The Telegraph has the details.

The sort of Labour lawyer politician that revolts me - I give you the slippery Emily Thornberry

Labour lawyers and human rights...

This is the Labour MP for Islington South and Finsbury who had to resign her shadow cabinet post after tweeting less than complimentary remarks about a working class person flying the flag of St George in Rochester.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Chuka Umunna man of the people asked how to avoid mixing with 'trash' on an elite social network

'Chuka Umunna, tipped as a potential future leader, has admitted his is a member of ASmallWorld, which is known as MySpace for Millionaires".

In public, the MP for Streatham has been keen to stress his humble background growing up in south London.

But in private, Mr Umunna is a member of the exclusive online networking club for the global jet-setting elite.

According to The Daily Mail, the MP registered under his middle name, Harrison. In comments on the site from 2006, he said: "Is it just me or is there a serious lack of cool places to go in central London at the weekends.

"Most of the West End haunts seem to be full of trash and C-list wannabes, while other places that should know better opt for the cheesy vibe."

The millionaire former lawyer then called for recommendations for "a trash-free, decent night".'

More here at The Telegraph but not on the BBC who have long salivated at the prospect of the British Obama. 

Of course the BBC will support and propagandise on behalf of whoever is elected Labour leader but they'll be happier with either a black or female Labour leader - Dianne Abbott your party needs you?

Tuesday 12 May 2015

David Starkey vs. Laurie Penny

Very interesting and revealing indeed. Like many on the left of politics, Laurie Penny doesn't seem to like a taste of her own medicine.

Monday 11 May 2015

George Galloway to challenge Bradford West election result per BBC News

The BBC report that Graceless George Galloway is challenging the Bradford West election result.
'Former MP George Galloway has announced he has started legal proceedings to challenge his general election defeat.

Mr Galloway, leader of the Respect Party, lost his Bradford West seat to Labour's Naz Shah, who he has alleged made "false statements" during the campaign to affect the result.

He also claimed "widespread malpractice" involving postal voting meant the result must be "set aside".A Labour spokesman said the action was "pathetic and without any foundation".'

George Galloway losing his seat was one of my personal highlights of election night, but if he is the means by which electoral fraud, especially around postal voting is finally recognised and tackled then so be it.

One step that David Cameron's new government could take to safeguard democracy in the UK would be to reduce the use of postal votes back to where it was prior to the last Labour government's meddling. Postal votes should be only for people too sick to make it to the polling station or those out of the country on that date. Everybody else should vote in person.

Sunday 10 May 2015

The Hot Chocolate Band - Give Peace A Chance

Hot Chocolate's first single on the Apple label, a cover of John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band's Give Peace A Chance.I do like the "nice, nice"

UKIP’s future: Ridding Britain of Labour per The Commentator

'As Douglas Carswell noted on Sunday: "I think there's a tremendous future for UKIP in displacing the Labour party with a kind of radical popular capitalism."'

Saturday 9 May 2015

A problem with first past the post elections

DUP: 184,260 votes = 8 Seats = 23,033 votes per seat
SNP: 1,454436 votes = 56 Seats = 25,972 votes per seat
SD&LP 99,809 votes = 3 Seats = 33,270 votes per seat
Con: 11,116255 votes = 325 Seats = 34,204 votes per seat
Lab: 9,236,878 votes = 230 Seats = 40,160 votes per seat
SF: 176,232 votes = 4 Seats = 44,058 votes per seat
UUP: 114,935 votes = 2 Seats = 57,468 votes per seat
PC: 181,694 votes = 3 Seats = 60,565 votes per seat
LD: 2,359,368 votes = 8 Seats = 294,921 votes per seat
UKIP: 3,830,029 votes = 1 Seat = 3,830,029 votes per seat
Of course the various types of proportional representation have their own issues.

"Lefties: Your boys took one hell of a beating!"

Thanks to Guido Fawkes for the spot in The Sun.

Video features Steve Coogan, Jon Snow, John Cleese, Tom Watson, Alastair Campbell, Owen Jones, Polly Toynbee, Nick Davies, John Prescott, David Schneider, Caitlin Moran, Delia Smith, Eddie Izzard and Armando Ianucci.

Friday 8 May 2015

Conservative priorities

With a Conservative majority, however small, Cameron should within the first year:

  • change the constituency boundaries to make them fairer; something that was part of coalition agreement but the LibDems reneged on
  • take on the BBC, they will oppose the Conservatives come what may, so just take them on, their anti-Conservative bias is not a secret
  • give the UK a proper EU in-out referendum as promised
  • either let Scotland go or allow them more independence but a) less representation in House of Commons, they are over-represented at present, b) no Scottish MP voting on England or England & Wales only legislation

Come on David Cameron, act like a real Conservative.

During the last Parliament you said that you were held back by being in coalition, you're not any more, so will you be true to your word or will you find another excuse?

It's all in the tone

Just listen to Peter Allen on BBC 5Live, his tone says it all. With Labour figures it's all we are joined in sorrow, with LibDems there's a tone of sympathy, with Conservatives it's much less friendly.

By the way, what was the voice from the studio during Nigel Farage's resignation speech, sounded like a snort of disbelief. Did anyone record it? More BBC anti-UKIP bias? Who was the snort actually from?

George Galloway blames 'racists and Zionists' for defeat to Naz Shah in Bradford West - keeping it classy as ever

'"...  But there will be others who are already celebrating: the venal, the vile, the racists and the Zionists will all be celebrating. The hyena can bounce on the lion's grave but it can never be a lion and in any case, I'm not in my grave. As a matter of fact I'm going off now to plan the next campaign."'
George Galloway keeping it classy as ever. 

Quick question, are Israelis allowed to visit Bradford now?

Ed Balls and George Galloway lose their seats

The House of Commons will be a far more pleasant place now without these two nasty pieces of work.

Interesting news from Haaretz

'George Galloway, the U.K Respect Party leader known for his vehemently anti-Israel views, lost his constituency in Bradford West to Labour, and has also been reported to police for allegedly violating election laws, the BBC reported.

Galloway has been accused of retweeting Respect's own exit poll before poll closed. Under section 66 of britain's Representation of the People's Act, it is illegal to discuss voting while polls are still open. A Galloway spokesperson denied the accusation, telling the BBC that the report is a "storm in a thimble."'

Galloway loses his seat and is reported to the police, a good morning for common sense. is not available is not available tonight, I wonder why! 

Yes I should be in bed asleep but I had a peek at the exit polls... Shy Conservatives again? False dawn? I'll find out at 6:30, slightly more cheerful than I was earlier this evening. I wonder how angry they are at the BBC? Champagne on ice and unopened?

My election prediction

The result of this election may not be clear immediately but the final outcome I fear will be a Labour / SNP government whether as a formal coalition or a less formal Pact. Either way this will be the most left wing government the UK has ever had and the result for this country will be dire.
I've got work in the morning, an early start, so good night and good luck to us all - we're going to need it!

UK Election Special

Through a tear in the space time continuum I have been sent tonight's Election Night Special

Probably more sensible than the real thing...

Thanks to Monty Python

Darlington Borough Council - Statement from Darlington Borough Council regarding missing name from ballot paper

'A spokesperson for Darlington Borough Council said that voting in the general and local elections was continuing as normal in Darlington but that the name of one candidate, David Hodgson (UKIP)  had been missed off  ballot papers issued to one polling station in the borough. 
Approximately  89 ballot papers (0.1% of the total number of ballot papers printed)  had been issued, but as  soon as the issue was identified, corrected ballot papers were issued to the polling station concerned.'
More here
Questions that come to mind:
What happens to the votes of the 89 voters who were given the incorrect ballot paper?

Should they be asked to vote against?

What if they might have voted UKIP had there been a UKIP candidate on the ballot paper?

How were two different types of ballot papers printed: one with UKIP and one without?

The BBC - no opportunity missed to push the Vote Labour message

The BBC have a handy Election 2015: How To Vote page, very public spirited of them? Not so much, see how they illustrate how to mark the ballot paper...

Note the pencil poised over the Labour candidate's box.




On election day of all days, when the media are meant to be scrupulously unbiased, the BBC put that online. They know they are more powerful than any politician, they control the political agenda more than any other media company or politician.

The BBC's pro Labour bias has been disgusting for years and nobody dares take them on. Well nobody to date, because surely someone on the right of British politics has the balls to do so.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Errol Brown R.I.P.

Errol Brown, the lead singer of Hot Chocolate, has died. Another part of my youth goes with him.

Errol Brown died at the age of only 71, another victim of the evil that is cancer. He died at his home in the Bahamas.

You Sexy Thing - 1976 (live version)

Everyone's A Winner - 1978
Come on - "Never could believe the things you do to me..."

So You Win Again - 1977

Not the greatest or funkiest band but I remember them and Errol Brown especially fondly.

General Election 2015 - "How should I vote"

It's almost time to vote in the UK General Election so I'm going to advise you as to how you should vote.

I am not a member of any political party and have voted for more than one political party over the last 30+ years that I have been on the electoral roll.

I am, I suppose, a natural Conservative but unfortunately the Conservative party under David Cameron seems to have stopped being naturally Conservative itself. So maybe UKIP? The trouble is that in many seats a vote for UKIP is a wasted vote.

I certainly want to maximise the number of right of centre MPs and minimise the number of left of centre ones, as I don't want a return to the failed policies that so damaged this country 1974-1979 and 1997-2010. If you agree with me, then how you should vote depends upon the type of seat that you are voting in. You'll need to do a little research to see what type of constituency you are in, this Wikipedia article should be of assistance.

My rule is:

If you are in a seat where the Conservatives have a realistic chance of winning it, whether in a two way or three way fight, then vote Conservative.

If you are in a seat where the Conservatives have no realistic chance of wining but UKIP do, then vote UKIP.

If you are in a seat where the fight is between Labour and the Lib Dems, then vote Lib Dem - unless their candidate is one of the Lib Dems whose views put them beyond the pale. A right of centre government supported by the LibDems is better for the Country than a Labour or even worse Labour/SNP government. Yes I'd rather there was no need for Lib Dems in government but sometimes you just have to accept second best rather than what would be even worse.

If you are in a seat where the choice is between Labour and the SNP, move address.

If you want more detailed advice, then this Mail article explains how you can vote tactically to keep out Labour. It sets out the 50 key seats where tactical voting by the right should help keep Labour out of government.

Most of the key seats listed are situated in the north of England and the Midlands and include:
29 seats where Tories have an improved chance of winning if Ukip sympathisers vote Conservative
12 seats where Tories should vote Lib Dem to keep Labour out
3 seats where Lib Dems should vote Conservatives to keep Labour out
4 seats where UKIP & LibDems together should vote Conservative to keep Labour out
2 seats where Conservatives should vote UKIP to stop a Labour MP being elected - That's Dudley North and Heywood & Middleton

Yes a real Conservative leader would have managed some sort of voting pact to keep the Conservative and UKIP votes from being wasted but David Cameron is not that leader.

David Cameron is however better than Ed Miliband. So go on, hold your nose if need be, vote to keep Labour out - Your Country Needs You

Least self aware tweet of the day - Alastair Campbell

The least self aware tweet of the day comes from Al 'dodgy dossier' Campbell

I suppose that you have to admire his chutzpah if nothing else.

Fortunately the replies to his tweet are pretty scathing, take a look here.

Labour telling Orthodox Jews I’m gay, claims Tory candidate Mike Freer per The Jewish Chronicle

This claim of dirty tricks from the Labour Party in London...
'A Conservative election candidate has claimed Labour campaigners attempted to discourage Orthodox Jews from voting for him by telling them he is gay.
Mike Freer is standing for re-election in Finchley and Golders Green – the constituency with the highest number of Jewish voters in Britain.
He has suggested that supporters of Labour candidate Sarah Sackman's campaign attempted to damage his chances by revealing his homosexuality to religious Jews in the belief that it would stop them voting for the Tory politician.'
More here

Asians bullied into postal vote fraud per The Times

The Times (£) reports the unsurprising news that:
'Asian voters are being intimidated into handing over their postal votes on a scale larger than the few arrests so far suggest, a former prosecutor has warned.
Nazir Afzal said that a form of feudal blackmail had been imported from south Asia with families facing retribution unless they voted for bullying candidates. Women and girls were being disenfranchised as households were being persuaded to hand over their ballot forms.'
What's most surprising about this news is that anyone is at all surprised. Still as this will benefit the Labour Party don't expect any BBC news coverage of this story.
One of the big news stories of this election will be the amount of vote rigging, a lot (but not all) via postal ballots. Don't expect any BBC outrage though.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

The BBC and Lucy Powell call that a denial?

Further to my report of this morning...

The BBC now report that 'Lucy Powell denies doubts over Miliband pledges'. Of course this being the pro Labour BBC they report the denial rather more prominently than they did the original comment.

The vice-chair of Labour's general election campaign, Lucy Powell, has denied suggesting Ed Miliband could break his election pledges.
At the weekend, the Labour leader unveiled a stone tablet with the party's key pledges chiselled into it.
Asked on BBC 5 live if carving them in stone made them more believable, Ms Powell said: "I don't think anyone is suggesting that the fact that he's carved them into stone means that he is absolutely not going to break them or anything like that."
She went on to say Mr Miliband "stands by his promises". Adding: "It was just another way of highlighting that, which is that he's a guy of principle, of decency, a guy who is tough and he is going to deliver on his promises he set out, unlike some of this opponents."
Is that a plausible denial? The BBC would say yes, but then they are hoping for a Labour election victory.

Watch and listen for yourself...

 So what do you think?


Labour's Simon Danczuk obviously has a different definition of diverse to me. In that photo I see one white man, Simon Danczuk, and over 20 men of apparent Pakistani or Bangladeshi heritage, no women at all. Not that diverse in my humble opinion.

"Our pledges are carved in stone" says Ed Miliband - but are they?

Ed Miliband's risible pledge stone was defended by him as exemplifying that: 
"Our pledges are carved in stone"

The trouble is how can we believe Ed Miliband's promise when on BBC 5Live this morning the Labour Party's vice-chair of the 2015 General Election campaign Lucy Powell let slip the truth.

When asked whether having to carve their pledges into stone was a sign the public didn’t trust them, she replied:
“I don’t think anyone is suggesting that the fact that he’s carved them into stone means, you know, means that he will absolutely, you know, not going to break them or anything like that.”
Listen here at Guido Fawkes

So who's lying to us: Labour leader Ed Miliband or Labour General Election vice-chair Lucy Powell?

One thing's for sure the BBC won't be asking the question? They prefer to campaign for a Labour Party victory.

The two hundred and first weekly "No shit, Sherlock" award - Survey shows European Muslims are much more antisemitic than non-Muslims

'Survey shows European Muslims are much more antisemitic than non-Muslims'
Lots of statistics at Elder of Ziyon and the linked article.
Remember, many Muslims don't hate Jews because of Israel, they hate Israel because of Jews - "No shit, Sherlock".

Sunday 3 May 2015

Will Ed Miliband have changed his mind by Friday morning?

On election night in 2010, one Ed Miliband said that the “constitutional position is clear” and “very simple”: in the event of a hung parliament “the Prime Minister gets to have the first crack”.

Fast forward five years and that means the now Labour leader has conceded that David Cameron gets the first go at forming a majority.

More at Guido Fawkes

Friday 1 May 2015

Halle Berry's breasts prove a distraction to Jay Leno - A Rule 5 post

Halle Berry still has it, lots of it...

"Your problem is you can't sit down, mine is I can't stand up".

BBC protecting the Labour Party from bad publicity as ever. Ex- Falkirk MP Eric Joyce guilty of assaulting two teenagers per BBC News

This BBC article seems to omit the name of the political party that Eric Joyce was previously the MP for.
'Ex- Falkirk MP Eric Joyce guilty of assaulting two teenagers
Former Falkirk MP Eric Joyce has been found guilty of assaulting two teenage boys in an "unjustified and unprovoked" attack in a shop.
The 54-year-old assaulted the boys, aged 14 and 15, in a food store in north London, in October 2014.
One boy had been trying to pass Joyce in a narrow aisle and was knocked to the floor.
Joyce had denied two counts of common assault but has been found guilty by Westminster magistrates.'
Let there be no doubt that if he had been a former Conservative MP then the word Conservative would be in the headline and the first sentence.
The BBC's political bias disgusts me.

The BBC finally cover the Margaret Hodge story, sympathetically of course

On Wednesday I predicted how the BBC would report the Margaret Hodge story when they could no longer ignore it. Well the BBC have finally deigned to cover the Margaret Hodge story with a sympathetic interview on 5Live.  

'Speaking to Peter Allen on Radio 5 Live, Margaret Hodge has defended her own tax affairs after accusations that she has benefited from shares which were held in the tax haven of Liechtenstein, although she has been a vehement critic of tax avoidance and evasion.

Ms Hodge said that she never controlled the trust which held the shares and paid tax once the shares came onshore. She insisted she had not benefited during the time the shares were offshore.
She said "I have always paid tax to the full."

Her family came from Germany and Austria and after World War II, her family was dispersed across Europe.

The trust was set up by an aunt in France and an uncle in America. She said her relatives shouldn't have set up the scheme but repeated she never benefited when the shares were offshore.

Asked if she felt she could serve again as chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, Ms Hodge said she was hoping Labour will win the election so "it won't be up for grabs because it will be held by a member of the Opposition".

"But I don't believe that I have acted in any way inappropriately," she said.'

 So let's look at my predictions:

The Times has several pieces that are of special interest, first:
'... just under 96,000 Stemcor shares handed to Ms Hodge in 2011 came from [Liechtenstein], which is renowned for low tax rates. Three quarters of the shares in the family’s Liechtenstein trust had previously been held in Panama, which Ms Hodge described last month as “one of the most secretive jurisdictions” with “the least protection anywhere in the world against money laundering”. The veteran Labour MP was accused of sheer hypocrisy. She has repeatedly attacked big businesses and bankers who used offshore arrangements, but has not declared that she benefited from an offshore trust.'
But the extract that may be of most relevance is this:
'Ms Hodge's Stemcor shares were transferred onshore using the Liechtenstein Declaration Facility LDF)... The LDF was established in 2009 to encourage people with undeclared income or unpaid taxes to repatriate their assets from Liechtenstein by offering favourable terms. Tax liabilities under the scheme need be declared back to 1999, rather than the standard 20-year period. Users must pay the back taxes due, plus interest for the period, but the penalty is set at 10 percent of the sum owed, rather than 100 percent, and there is no threat of criminal prosecution.'
When the BBC deign to cover this story, they will be probably be quoting Margaret Hodge or one of her BBC supporters, stating that all taxes due were in fact paid. I doubt that someone will raise the question of the LDF's 1999 limit and ask how much tax might have been due if the more usual 20-year period had been applied. Likewise how much penalty was saved by being applied at 10% rather than the normal 100%.

So indeed the BBC did report:
'She said "I have always paid tax to the full."'
I'll not hold my breath waiting for any BBC 'journalist' to ask any of the more penetrating questions that I laid out on Wednesday and repeat above.

Ed Balls under Jeremy Paxman's interrogation

Ed Balls under Jeremy Paxman's interrogation in January 2014, just not answering questions and generally coming over so badly. Maybe the Conservative election strategy should be just to play Ed Balls interviews...

Remember that for 13 years of the last Labour government the top tax rate was 40%, it was raised about to 50% about 10 weeks before the 2010 election.

Here's Ed Balls being interviewed by Andrew Neil from February 2013

Just as slippery then...

And more recently from February of this year with Andrew Marr

Answer the f***ing question Balls.

Did Labour over-spend? - BBC News

Robert Preston sort of has to admit it...
'But Labour wasn't just asleep at the wheel when it came to City regulation. Arguably it was drunk at the wheel - in that it loved the City boom, for generating huge tax revenues that it then lavished on public services.
So the failure to keep the City properly in check was in a sense wilful and therefore doubly wrong
And there's another thing. Even best-in-class regulation of the City can't protect any economy from periodic shocks.
Which is why there is something to be said for George Osborne's favourite cliche, that it is sensible to mend the roof when the sun is shining.
Or to put it another way, when the economy is growing strongly, as it did through most of Labour's years in office, it probably does no harm to finance growth in public services largely through the proceeds of growth, rather than through borrowing.
Why? Well, the lower the national debt at the time recession bites, the more scope there is to borrow to protect public services and increase benefits, to shield people from the pain of recession.'

But you didn't answer the question Ed Miliband

Once again Ed Miliband shows why you can't trust Ed Miliband and Ed Balls with the UK economy.

Too right Ed Balls should have been sacked and never let near a position of economic responsibility ever again.

Gerald Ford or Ed Miliband, or Neil Kinnock

The left ridiculed Gerald Ford as a man who couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time. Last night we discovered that Ed Miliband can't even walk straight when not chewing gum...

Actually that reminds me more of Neil Kinnock...

The Party Leaders 'get it on'... Scary and yet compelling

Thanks to Sky News...

David Cameron's lascivious 'love'  at 0:33 is my favourite moment, well that and Cameron and Clegg nodding at each other just before the end of the video.