
Friday 30 December 2016

"Islamic State General Flees to Europe with 400 Soldiers Disguised as Refugees"

Breitbart reports that:

'According to an Italian intelligence report quoted by the UK Daily Mail, former NATO soldier-turned Islamic State (ISIS) commander Lavdrim Muhaxheri has fled the Syrian battlefield and returned to Europe with up to 400 of his savage troops in tow, posing as refugees.

Muhaxheri, aka Abu Abdullah al Kosova, is of Kosovo Albanian extraction. His NATO training reportedly included a stint at the U.S. Army's largest base in the Balkans. He has been designated a global terror threat by the U.S. State Department, and was regarded as a serious threat to Kosovo and Albania after joining ISIS.

Muhaxheri is an energetic recruiter for the Islamic State and one of its most public figures, popping up in a number of propaganda videos, including one where he kills a helpless captive with a rocket.

He is believed to be the mastermind behind a thwarted plot to attack the Israeli national soccer team, Serbian Orthodox churches, and other targets in a string of synchronized terror attacks across the Balkans in November. '

I doubt that the pro unfettered Muslim immigration BBC will report that piece of news.

18 revelations from Wikileaks' hacked Clinton emails per BBC News

This BBC report on the Wikileaks leaked Clinton emails is fascinating. It is a pretty fair summation of the content of those emails and is apparently dated October 2016. It now appears on the BBC news home page under the latest USA versus Russia news. Strangely I don't recall seeing it linked from the front page before the US Presidential Election, do you?

Bacon on mosque offender dies in prison per BBC News


'A man who placed bacon on the doors of a Bristol mosque has died in prison while serving a 12-month sentence.


The prison service has declined to give any further details of the circumstances of his death.'

More here

I wonder what caused his death.

Thursday 29 December 2016

"Is Europe Doomed?"

I'm afraid that I agree, I believe that Europe is doomed.

Is the NHS going to break in 2017? Per BBC News

Can you guess what factor gets no mention in this BBC report on the problems facing the NHS?

Yes, immigration is apparently not a factor that should be acknowledged.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Is the word 'outburst' an example of the BBC's unbiased reporting?

The BBC don't even care about appearing unbaised now.

This BBC report starts thus:

'US President-elect Donald Trump has urged Israel to "stay strong" until he assumes office next month.

In comments referring to last week's UN Security Council vote which criticised Israeli settlement building on occupied land, he complained Israel had been treated with "disdain and disrespect".

The comments came in his latest outburst on Twitter.'
Do the BBC ever describe Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or any of their other favourites as having 'outbursts' or is just one of the 'deplorables'.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

The BBC happy to broadcast vile insults about Donald Trump?

Watch The Real Marigold On Tour and hear what Miriam Margoyles says about Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler. Your thoughts?

Changing the subject Miriam Margoyles says something along the lines of people think she's ugly but she knows she's beautiful on the inside. I have no feelings about her physical appearance but she seems truly vile on the inside.

Electoral fraud: Voters will have to show ID in pilot scheme per BBC News

This BBC report on the pilot scheme to require voters to prove their identity before voting is an opportunity for the BBC to quote Labour Party allegations.

'Labour's shadow minister for voter engagement and youth affairs, Cat Smith MP, said the party supported the plan.

However, she said more needed to be done to ensure eligible voters were registered after a change to the rules by the Conservatives in February meant people had to register as individuals, rather than as a household - a move that saw thousands of people drop off the register.'

Is it not possible that some people previously on the electoral roll should not have been? Or is that sort of claim 'racist'?

Monday 26 December 2016

Mohammed Shami, India cricketer, defends wife against Twitter trolls per BBC News who have to twist this into an Indian issue not a Muslim one

This BBC report on Mohammed Shami's wife's troubles follows the BBC's usual anti India and pro Islam narrative.

'Indian cricketer Mohammed Shami has criticised social media users who have been trolling his wife because of her choice of clothes.

The pacer posted a picture of his wife on Facebook and Twitter on Sunday, with the words "beautiful moments".

But some users told him to "follow Islam" and "ensure that she wears the hijab and modest clothes".


Some people commented that the cricketer should be "shameful" for "allowing his wife to wear revealing clothes"."Shame on you. As a Muslim, keep your wife in purdah


Meanwhile, the story has renewed discussions about women's right in India. BBC Hindi's Iqbal Ahmed has spoken to some women in Delhi to hear their views.'

So is the problem an Indian one? Or is it yet another manifestation of the intolerance of many adherents of the religion of Islam?

The BBC seem to hate India almost as much as they hate Israel.

Sunday 25 December 2016

MSNBC it wasn't 'fake news' that lost Hillary Clinton the US Presidential Election

And note that revelation near the end. The USA really dodged a bullet not having Hillary 'control freak' Clinton as President.

Donald Trump vows to shut controversial Trump Foundation per BBC News

It's all about the narrative for the BBC.

This report is entitled:

'Donald Trump vows to shut controversial Trump Foundation'

Oddly I can't remember the BBC ever describing the Clinton Foundation as controversial. But then the BBC supported Hillary Clinton and oppose Donald Trump, which is an odd fact about a supposedly impartial news reporting organisation.

New 'Ring of Steel' planned for London Square Mile per BBC News

This BBC report that the City of London is going to have to beef up its security includes this sentence:

'The advice comes in the wake of the Berlin Christmas market terror attack on Monday in which Tunisian Anis Amri, drove a lorry at shoppers, killing 12 and injuring 49 people.'

So is the threat from Tunisians? I thought it was from Muslim terrorists in general.

Merry Christmas from the religion of peace?

Saturday 24 December 2016

Israel settlements: Netanyahu orders UN ties review per BBC News

The BBC report on Barack Hussein Obama's final fuck you to the world's only majority Jewish state.

Unfortunately for the institutionally anti Israel BBC they have to end their joyous report with this:

'... Mr Trump, who will be inaugurated on 20 January, tweeted after the vote: "As to the UN, things will be different after Jan. 20th."

On Thursday, Mr Trump had urged the council to reject the motion.'

January 20th cannot come soon enough for sanity to return to the world.

Arctic heatwave could break records per BBC News

The BBC joyously propagandise that the Arctic is experiencing a heatwave. This helps them push the lie of man made climate change. They find no space to report that it has snowed in the Sahara desert.

Fairy ‘just delighted’ about tree up fanny

Spare a thought this Christmas for the fairy on top of your Christmas tree.
'A CHRISTMAS tree fairy would rather not have a needle-covered branch right up her skirt, it has emerged.

Fairy Eleanor Shaw, who has spent the last 12 months in an attic, just hopes that the Norway spruce branch in her most delicate parts is increasing the gaiety of Yuletide.

She continued: "Does nobody else find the 'tree up fairy fanny' thing a bit weird? It's like some disturbing Japanese comic.

"I could just be tied to the tree with a bit of string around my waist. That would work perfectly well and nobody would need to get chafed.
Shaw added: "It truly is the most wonderful time of the year."'

Amnesty International Attacks Democracies, Forgives Islamist Tyrannies

'In 2005, Irene Khan, then secretary general of Amnesty, described the American detention center in Guantanamo Bay as "the Gulag of our time." She compared the Soviet forced-labor camps, where three million people died of hunger, cold and executions, to a US military base where no prisoner has died, and which has prevented countless innocent civilians from being blown up.

It seems that Amnesty International abandoned the battle of human rights in favor of a grotesque anti-Western bias. This shift is why the British weekly, The Economist, accused Amnesty International of "reserving more pages to human rights abuses in Britain and the United States than in Belarus and Saudi Arabia." This is the same muddled moral equivalence that probably led Amnesty International to use the same languagefor Italian "hotspots" as for the Saydnaya prison in Syria, run by the regime of Bashar al Assad.'

More on the ideological bias of Amnesty International here but obviously not on the anti West BBC.

Comparing BBC reporting on human shields in Gaza and Iraq - BBC Watch

This BBC Watch report should be a must read for anyone who doubts that the BBC is institutionally anti Israel. Do read it all but here's the conclusion:

'So as we see, within less than a month since the launch of the military operation against ISIS in the Mosul region, BBC audiences were alerted to the terror group's use of civilians as human shields on at least four occasions. The majority of those reports were based on information provided by outside sources and – in contrast to the 2014 reports from the Gaza Strip, where the corporation did have journalists on the ground in the relevant areas – the BBC apparently did not find it necessary in this case to find "evidence" of its own before reporting on the use of human shields by ISIS. '

The BBC is institutionally anti Israel as the Balen Report presumably showed which is why I assume the BBC have fought so hard to keep that report secret.

How many British Muslims are being taught to hate Jews?

'Kasim Hafeez, who was raised as a devout Muslim – not in Syria or Iran, but in England – explains why he was taught to hate Jews and why that anti-Semitism seemed justified and even righteous.'

Watch the video here but not on YouTube who seem not to want the truth to be told.

Egypt delays UN resolution on Israel as Trump raises concerns and BBC News hate Donald Trump even more now

Donald Trump isn't President of the United States yet but the BBC are learning that he's not going to fall into the politically correct ways of 'thinking' that they'd like:

'Egypt has suddenly delayed a vote on its UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank as Donald Trump made his opposition clear.A

US official told the BBC that it had been considering an abstention, which would have allowed the motion to pass.Israel then contacted Donald Trump's transition team to intervene, an Israeli official told Reuters.'

You can read more about this here as you enjoy the BBC's pain at the next US President having a backbone and a knowledge of the realities of Middle East politics. The institutionally anti Israel BBC are really not happy, which is marvelous to behold.

Melbourne Christmas Day 'terror attack' foiled, say Australia police per BBC News

Go on, guess what sort of people the suspects are.

Even the BBC have to admit that:

'Four of the suspects were Australian-born men in their 20s of a Lebanese background, while the fifth was an Australian of Egyptian origin, Mr Ashton said.

He claimed they were "self-radicalised" but inspired by propaganda of the so-called Islamic State.'

Might that make them all Muslims?

More desperate obfuscation here

Thursday 22 December 2016

1400 yrs of Islam history in a few Brigitte Gabriel

Some video that Prince Charles, the majority of EU and US politicians should watch and learn from. I'd suggest that the BBC's journalists might also learn from watching this video but I fear that they are beyond learning the truth.

Prince Charles warns against religious persecution per BBC News

The BBC report on Prince Charles's thoughts on religious persecution.

One part struck me:

'He asked listeners to remember that the Prophet Mohammed migrated from Mecca to Medina because he was "seeking the freedom for himself and his followers to worship".'

Oddly Prince Charles didn't continue to inform listeners of how many people were killed by or under the instructions of the Islamic prophet after he reached Medina. Maybe Prince Charles doesn't know, maybe he just doesn't want to know, maybe he thinks it best that the British public don't know. If you want to know then this resource t/wiki/List_of_Killings_Ordered_or_Supported_by_Muhammad might be of use.

The BBC and the British establishment are very happy to spread misinformation, so long as their interests are protected.

Obama bans oil drilling 'permanently' in millions of acres of ocean -per BBC News

This BBC report exults in the banning of future oil drilling in the arctic.

'Outgoing US President Barack Obama has permanently banned offshore oil and gas drilling in the "vast majority" of US-owned northern waters.

Mr Obama designated areas in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans as "indefinitely off limits" to future leasing.'

I do wonder whether the real reason for this decision is environmental or ideological, or maybe even to protect the Saudi Arabian oil industry income, inshallah...

Tuesday 20 December 2016

With Trump Presidency Looming, Iranian Officials Vow to Accelerate Nuclear Propulsion, Ballistic Missile Programs per

'Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced on Monday that he had fulfilled his pledge to replace the country's centrifuges with the most advanced and modern ones – and that the plan to make a nuclear propulsion system operative is underway, the regime-aligned news agency Tasnimreported.

Rouhani's declaration – made during a ceremony in Tehran to unveil Iran's Charter on Citizens' Rights — came a day after the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force boasted to a gathering of academics about the quality and quantity of Iran's ballistic missile capabilities, according to the semi-official state news agency Fars.

"We will not stop enhancement of our capability, knowledge and production in defense fields, specially the missile industry," Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh reportedly told the audience in Tehran on Sunday.'

More here but not on the institutionally anti Israel BBC.

Hillary Clinton even loses more votes in the Electoral College

You'd need a heart of stone not to laugh at the news that Hillary Clinton ended up losing more electoral votes in the Electoral College voting than did Donald Trump.

Five Hillary Clinton electors defected, three voting for ex-Secretary of State Colin Powell, one for a Native-American tribal leader and another for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Only two Republican Electors deserted Donald Trump.

Bloody hysterical!

Prostate cancer laser treatment 'truly transformative' per BBC News

This cancer treatment story on the BBC has a fact hidden right at the end of piece.

'The technology was developed at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel alongside Steba Biotech.'

How inconvenient for the institutionally anti Israel BBC, another life saving invention coming out of the world's only majority Jewish state - Israel. What a contrast to the murders by Islamists of people in Berlin and Turkey yesterday.

Change is coming but is it going to be too late?

Re the Berlin terror attack, Donald Trump has blamed "Islamist terrorists" for the "slaughter" of Christians in the German capital.

"Today there were terror attacks in Turkey, Switzerland and Germany - and it is only getting worse. The civilized world must change thinking!"

Indeed it must change its thinking but the BBC and the establishment will fight any concrete policies as hard as they can. For them political correctness and Islamophilia are more important than the lives of innocent kuffar.

Berlin attack: Police say lorry crash 'probably terror attack' per BBC News

The BBC report possibly the least surprising news about the Berlin Christmas market murderous attack:

'German police are investigating a "probable terrorist attack" after a man ploughed a lorry into a Christmas market in the heart of Berlin, killing 12 people and injuring 48.

The driver is an Afghan or Pakistani asylum seeker, according to security sources cited by DPA news agency.

He reportedly arrived in Germany in February as a refugee.'

A Muslim 'refugee', not from Syria but from Pakistan or Afghanistan, commits mass murder in the capital of Germany. Who saw that coming? Well lots of people;  but not the BBC, Angela Merkel or the others who's adherence to the ideology of political correctness blinds them to reality.

Monday 19 December 2016

Berlin Breitscheidplatz: Lorry kills nine at Christmas market per BBC News

According to the BBC report on the Berlin attack:

'"We are investigating whether it was a terror attack but do not yet know what was behind it," a police spokesman told AFP news agency.'

I think we all know, don't we...

More migrants returning to cleared Calais 'Jungle' camp per BBC News

The BBC report that:

'An increasing number of migrants are returning to Calais, two months after the "Jungle" camp was cleared by French authorities, aid workers have told the BBC.

Gavin Lee spoke to the charity Care for Calais, which says several hundred migrants are still hiding out in the region, with the aim of stowing away illegally to the UK.'

It's odd that these 'migrants' won't settle for France where they are now or any more of the previous safe countries that they've crossed since entering Europe. Why do they so want to get to the UK? A UK that the BBC keep telling us is racist, anti migrant and economically doomed since Brexit? Maybe it's the benefits... Maybe the BBC are liars...

Friday 16 December 2016

Hacking: Truth or treason? Per BBC News

This BBC report by Ian Katz purports to examine whether reporting the hacking of information is about revealing the truth or not.

Of course being from a BBC journalist the answer depends upon what has been hacked. If it's information about sportsmen and drugs then that's fine but if it's about one of the BBC's chosen politicians being at best careless about the storage of information, or worse revealing corruption then that might be treason.

'How should we handle troves of confidential data effectively handed to us by foreign states? Do we risk becoming "useful idiots" when we run precisely the stories that a hostile government wants us to?'

How about revealing the truth about a politician who wants to be the most powerful elected politician in the free world?

'It's a question we wrestled with on Newsnight when we ran a series of stories about Bradley Wiggins, based on the medical records of athletes - material widely believed to have been hacked by the Russians in revenge for the banning of hundreds of Russian athletes from the Rio Olympics.

It felt uncomfortable, but the public interest in establishing whether a major sporting figure had broken the spirit of the rules - if not the letter - seemed clear cut.'

Public interest established...

'When it comes to tampering with elections the stakes are rather higher. One prominent victim of another state-sponsored hack told me he thought journalists who feasted on material served up by the Russians with the aim of influencing a US election were committing "something verging on treason".

Dean Baquet, the executive editor of the New York Times, which has run a string of stories based on the hacking of both Podesta's mail and, before that, material from Democratic National Committee figures, told me the thought that he might be doing Vladimir Putin's bidding sometimes kept him up at night.'

Isn't the story that Hillary Clinton kept security sensitive information on an unsecured server, that the media cooperated with the US Democrats over many matters and worse. Oddly Ian Katz manages not to mention the more serious of the allegations revealed by the 'hack'. It is almost as though the truth matters less to Ian Katz and the BBC than casting aspersions on Donald Trump's election victory. Can that really be the case?

Trump chooses pro-settlement hardliner as Israel envoy per BBC News

This BBC report uses the word hardliner to describe someone who supports the right of Israel to exist in secure defensible borders.

Has the BBC ever described as a hardliner someone who wants to shrink Israel's borders so it cannot easily defend itself?

Has the BBC ever described people who want Israel eliminated as the world's only Jewish majority state as hardliners.
The answers to those two questions reveals why I and so many other people believe that the BBC is institutionally anti Israel. I wonder what conclusion the Balen Report came to on this matter?

Thursday 15 December 2016

Top Arab Journalist: Iran, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood Angered by Trump's Election

This Breitbart article is fascinating. Here's an extract:

'"We understand that Hillary Clinton's defeat in the elections angered the Muslim Brotherhood. What fueled the latter's anger was how Trump received Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in New York earlier this year," Rashed said in reference to Trump's September meeting with the Egyptian leader, which prompted the latter to declare he had "no doubt" the president-elect would make a strong leader.

"It's on this basis that they try to picture Trump's administration as racist and as an enemy of Islam and Muslims," he continued "Iran, Al-Qaeda, and Islamic groups like the Muslim Brotherhood" are the chief objectors to Trump's choice of appointments, Rashed writes.'

Now why would Iran, Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood object to Trump and by logical extension prefer Barack Hussein Obama or Hillary 'Saudi contributions' Clinton as US President? It's a total mystery isn't it...

Chinese activist Zheng Churan: 'Hey Trump, feminists are watching you" per BBC News

This nasty little BBC report is just another excuse for the BBC to stir up anti Trump sentiment. It begins thus:

'One of China's most prominent women's rights activists has written a letter warning US President-elect Donald Trump against "sexist behaviour".

Zheng Churan says "feminists around the world are watching" Mr Trump for signs of "straight man cancer".'

What the definition of straight man cancer is we are not informed. To my mind it's rather a sexist notion, that straight men are sick and need curing, although such cures probably won't work.

Of course to the BBC this is manna from heaven as it helps their incessant anti straight white man narrative.

There is another angle to this report that I will try to write a post on later this week.

IS militants 'hiding in plain sight', defence chief warns per BBC News

This BBC report does actually manage to mention, albeit as opinion not fact, that ISIS terrorists are masquerading as migrants in order to get into the UK.

'Islamic State militants are "moving in migrant flows, hiding in plain sight", the UK's defence staff chief has said.

Sir Stuart Peach said he was "worried" about the global reach of IS militants who destroy their identity documents to travel illegally into other countries.'

The BBC don't find the space to reveal to the British public that ISIS have stated that this is their objective and tactic. ISIS are open about this but the BBC have to protect the concept of refugees having to be welcomed into this country come what may.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Theresa May, friend of Israel but not of the BBC

"………….the fact that we have, in Israel, a thriving democracy, a beacon of tolerance, an engine of enterprise and an example to the rest of the world for overcoming adversity and defying disadvantages. 

As most of us here know – and as I realised during my visit in 2014 – seeing is believing.For it is only when you walk through Jerusalem or Tel Aviv that you see a country where people of all religions and sexualities are free and equal in the eyes of the law.

It is only when you travel across the country that you realise it is only the size of Wales – and appreciate even more the impact it has on the world…………." 

More here at

Views like those will not go down well at the institutionally anti Israel BBC. #BalenReport

Because the lives of British people are less important than the rights of one jihadi

This report in The Mail is worth reading in full to understand the priorities of the British government. Here's a pretty long extract.

'An asylum seeker described as the 'very model of a modern Al Qaeda terrorist' has been allowed to stay in Britain despite being jailed for plotting attacks in this country.

The 'sleeper agent' jihadi – who The Mail on Sunday is banned from identifying – was about to be deported back to his native Jordan after his release from prison.

But Home Secretary Amber Rudd changed her mind after the man's lawyers argued that he would be tortured. 

The man was convicted of amassing terrorist materials, including bomb-making manuals, on his computer. A jury heard that he created a list of targets such as nightclubs and airports, and was described by the trial judge as an 'Al Qaeda sleeper agent' waiting to launch an atrocity in the UK.

He was jailed for nine years at Manchester Crown Court but was released after only five years.

The Home Office then ordered that the terrorist be deported to Jordan. Earlier this year he appealed against his deportation at the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC), a secret court that only hears cases involving foreign terrorists and others who pose a threat to national security.

But as the married father began his appeal, Mrs Rudd wrote to his lawyers, revealing she will no longer deport him.

Daniel Furner, a lawyer at Birnberg Peirce, who was acting for the man, told The Mail on Sunday: 'The Home Secretary decided not to deport him to Jordan in July this year because she accepted he would face a serious risk of torture.'The man has now been given 'restricted leave to remain', which means he has to apply every six months to have his stay renewed.

However, SIAC ruled he cannot have refugee status – which would allow him to stay in Britain for life – on the grounds that he is a convicted terrorist..

The SIAC judgment, made public last week, said the man had used so many aliases that his real identify was still uncertain.... The judgment said the man entered Britain in 2002 from Rotterdam, where he was sharing a flat with four other jihadis.After he entered Britain with his wife in 2002, he gave immigration officials a false name and said he was from Iraq, producing a forged Iraqi birth certificate. He and his wife were allowed to stay in the UK and were placed in accommodation in the North of England.He claimed up to £100,000 in benefits using his genuine passport, which he kept hidden from immigration officials. He also opened several bank accounts under different names and worked in higher education.

... in 2006, anti-terrorist police raided two properties that he and his family lived in, seizing two computers belonging to him that contained a vast library of terrorist material, including manuals to make car bombs. He had also been in contact with an Al Qaeda cell in Britain linked to Dhiren Barot, who was convicted of plotting to detonate a 'dirty' bomb – containing radioactive material – on the London Underground in 2007.

At the trial of the anonymous terrorist, the judge said: 'Doubts remain as to who you really are and where you really come from. The only reasonable conclusion to be drawn… is that you were a sleeper for some sort of terrorist organisation.'

Do you feel safe now this man's human rights have been protected and he's allowed to stay in this country?

How stupid or uncaring are our Home Office that they can make such a decision?

Do the Home Office care so little for the British public that they'll put the human rights of a terrorist above those of the British public? I ask purely rhetorically of course...

Even when the threat to the British people is so real, the human rights of the jihadi is more important, why?

Tuesday 13 December 2016


' A few words you will hear ad nauseum, especially from the BBC, the "media" party of the Neo Liberal suck ups Appeaser May, Pickles and co, the Red Tories etc.West Bank: This territory was for millennia called Judea and Samaria. After the 1948 War of Independence, Transjordan annexed it, renamed it the "West Bank," and occupied it for nearly two decades. In the Six Day War, after Jordan attacked Israel, Israel entered the territory and administered it until the Oslo Accords era, when Israel turned over much of the area to the Palestinian Authority.Occupation: When it comes to Israel, the UN is obsessed with the word "occupation." A recent Wall Street Journal article documents 530 General Assembly references to Israel as an "occupying power" versus zero for Indonesia (East Timor), Turkey (Cyprus), Russia (Georgia, Crimea), Morocco (Western Sahara), Vietnam (Cambodia), Armenia (Azerbaijan), Pakistan (Kashmir), or China (Tibet). Saying that Jews are "occupying" Judea is as nonsensical as saying Arabs are "occupying" Arabia or Gauls are "occupying" France.Settlement: The UN uses the term to insinuate Israeli theft of "Palestine." The Obama administration eagerly embraced this terminology. If there is an occupying force in Gaza, it is Hamas. The West Bank is "disputed territories" to anyone claiming a modicum of neutrality. As Elliot Abrams put it, "the term 'settlement' loses meaning when applied to Jews building homes in their nation's capital city.""You can't colonize Palestine because you can't colonize colonizers. The Muslim population in Israel is a foreign colonist population. The indigenous Jewish population can resettle its own country, but it can't colonize it.Muslims invaded, conquered and settled Israel. They forced their language and laws on the population. That's the definition of colonialism. You can't colonize and then complain that you're being colonized when the natives take back the power that you stole from them.There are Muslims in Israel for the same reason that there are Muslims in India. They are the remnants of a muslim colonial regime that displaced and oppressed the indigenous non-Muslim population.All these Muslim conquests and invasions are well-documented. The Muslim settlements fit every historical template of colonialism complete with importing a foreign population and social system that was imposed on the native population". Until they began losing wars to the indigenous Jewish population, the Muslim settlers were not ashamed of their colonial past, they gloried in it. Their historical legacy was based on seizing indigenous sites, appropriating them and renaming them after the new conquerors.The only reason there's a debate about the Temple Mount is because Caliph Omar conquered Jerusalem and ordered a mosque built on a holy Jewish site. The only reason there's a debate about East Jerusalem is because invading Muslim armies seized half the city in 1948, bombed synagogues and ethnically cleansed the Jewish population to achieve an artificial Muslim settler majority.The only Muslim claim to Jerusalem or to any other part of Israel is based purely on the enterprise of colonial violence. There is no Muslim claim to Israel based on anything other than colonialism, invasion and settlement.Israel is littered with Omar mosques, including one built in the courtyard of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, because Islam is a colonial entity whose mosques testify to their invasive origins by celebrating colonialism as their true religion. The faith of Islam is the sworn religion of the sword.Islam is a religion of colonialism that spread through invasion, settlement and conquest"D Greenfield'

Thanks nogginator at
I couldn't have put it better myself.

The Reality…Breaking the silence per Biased BBC (part 2)

Here's a second quotation from this article

'My father was indoctrinated with this ideology in the early 1980s…Dad would say 'you kids don't know nothing – Islam will take over, there will be mosques everywhere, you must think of your after-life – not this life. Kaffirs will burn in the fire of hell.'

His words would frighten me, and I had no reason to doubt his words of wisdom as he was reading the Quran and attending mosques where pious religious mullahs gave sermons about the Quran. He was becoming anti-Jewish, even though he had never met a Jewish person in his whole life. He was becoming anti-west although he never actually went back to live and retire in Pakistan until mum died.

Now in hindsight I realise he was brainwashed into an ideology – by the same mosques and mullahs in Birmingham that preach tenets of Jihadism. Pensioners as well as the young get indoctrinated. Dad had become colder and more disconnected the more religious he became.

In 1996 I remember seeing flyers and posters advocating meetings for Muslims to talk about Jihad – a call for the 'umma' and anti-west propaganda…in a chip shop in Ward End run by mullahs. I remember thinking: why haven't the police arrested these guys?

When the horrendous events of 9/11 happened , I remember thinking 'oh my God, they have started to attack the West'. I was gripped in fear…and I understood who the enemy was. I was shocked when I realised that Western governments didn't know who the enemy was.

I remained silent for most of my life but I was seething with anger at Islamists…how did this goverment not sense what was coming, while many at the grassroots level could sense it ?'

This passage angers me, I knew about jihad and the increasing Wahhabi domination and indoctrination of British and European Muslims, if I knew then why didn't the UK government and intelligence services? More worrying, what if they did know but didn't care?

The Reality…Breaking the silence per Biased BBC (part 1)

This article both saddens and angers me. Here's the first quote for you to mull over:

'I left because there was no way I was going to raise my children as a lone mother in a community where the Imams or mosques did nothing to serve the community or teach a plural Islam. Even the schools were allowing little primary school girls to wear headscarves, and that has nothing to do with religion. The extremists have had over twenty five uncontested years to mobilise the minds of British Muslims and their backwardness now dominates some areas.

Multicultural polices are not working…'

Qatar abolishes controversial 'kafala' labour system per BBC News

Reading this short BBC report on the system of kafala in Qatar I was struck by the lack of anger in it, the lack of moralising about the evils of slavery. After all the USA is still demonised by parts of the BBC as having operated a system of slavery.

Then I wondered how different the BBC would be if it was Israel that operated a system of slavery now.

Then I realised that when you're an organisation that is institutionally anti Israel and pro Islam why would anyone expect you to be unbiased in your reporting.

... terrorists are pretending to be refugees per Daily Mail Online - No Shit Sherlock

'Germany has admitted Schengen zone nations must bring back border checks amid fears terrorists pretending to berefugees are moving freely across the continent.'

Terrorists pretending to be refugees in order to move freely across Europe, No Shit Sherlock. They've told us that this is what they will do, why are we surprised that they are doing it?

Daily Mail article here

The BBC report on this, is nowhere.

Monday 12 December 2016

Anti-Semitism: Official definition 'will fight hatred' per BBC News

The BBC's report of Teresa May's plans to fight antisemitism in the UK gets a grudging welcome from the BBC in an article that ends thus:

'Labour, which has faced accusations that it has failed to tackle anti-Semitism in its own membership, welcomed the move.

A spokesman for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said hatred towards Jews was "as repugnant and unacceptable as any other form of racism".

Earlier this year Baroness Chakrabarti, the former director of civil liberties group Liberty, chaired an inquiry into anti-Semitism in the party.It found the party was not overrun by anti-Semitism or other forms of racism, but there was an "occasionally toxic atmosphere".'

This is the same Labour Party that is lead by someone who only last week shared a platform with at least one person who's exposed antisemitic views, lead by someone who called the anti Semitic and murderous scum of Hamas and Hezbollah 'friends'.

Only today Guido Fawkes has exposed yet another Labour Party member espousing apparently anti Semitic sentiments, read more about that here but not on the institutionally pro Labour and anti Semitism minimising BBC.

It's also interesting that that BBC article doesn't once mention Islam as one of the two main causes of the rise in anti Semitism in the UK. Mind you as the other is the BBC's endless stoking of hatred for the world's only majority Jewish state that may not be too surprising.

Terror arrests: Five men and one woman arrested in police raids per BBC News


'Six people have been arrested on suspicion of offences under the Terrorism Act.

Four men from Derby, a man from Burton upon Trent and a woman from London have all been arrested on suspicion of engaging in the preparation of an act of terrorism.'

Will anyone give me odds as to the backgrounds of these five 'men' and one 'woman'?

More here

Sunday 11 December 2016

Cairo bombing: Cairo Coptic Christian complex hit per BBC News

One part of this BBC report hit me:

'"I found bodies, many of them women, lying on the pews. It was a horrible scene," said cathedral worker Attiya Mahrous.

"There were children. What have they done to deserve this? I wish I had died with them instead of seeing these scenes,'' another witness told the Associated Press news agency.'

"What have they done to deserve this?"
In the eyes of the Islamists  they are deserving of death because they are infidels/kufr. But you won't learn that from the BBC.

A question that the BBC won't ever ask?

'If Naz Shah and Jeremy Corbyn continually claim that they are not antisemitic, what is their explanation for hanging out with and obviously enjoying the company of those that are?

You'd think it might occur to someone at the BBC to at least ask the question. After all the BBC spends so much air time speculating on the motives and misdemeanours of other politicians, it seems odd of the BBC not to at least seek Laura Kuenssberg's opinion on the matter.'

More including the most recent examples of who Jeremy Corbyn and Naz Shah choose to appear alongside here in an article by Sue.

Some other related questions for the BBC:
Why do so many on the left ally themselves with hard line Islamists?
What connects socialism with Islamists?
Is antisemitism excused by the behaviour of Israel?
If it is then is Islamophobia excused by the behaviour of ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Al Shabab, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc etc etc?

Is the BBC biased?: "Previous winners include..."

Craig at has yet another example of the pernicious and incessant bias that the BBC thrusts down the British public's collective throats day after day after weary day.

'Whenever I go to the dentist I always ending up sitting in the waiting room hearing Steve Wright in the Afternoon. (Do all dentists go with Radio 2?) This Wednesday's edition, broadcast during my latest visit (which was an absolute delight), featured the following item in its 3 o'clock news bulletin, which I'll transcribe in its entirety: 

'Time' magazine has named the US president-elect as its Person of the Year. Mr Trump said it was a great honour. Previous winners include Ayatollah Khomeini, Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler.

Other winners - unmentioned by Radio 2 here - include Winston Churchill, Gandhi, the Queen and Ronald Reagan. '

The BBC's bias is clear and obvious, it's also dangerous. For all those reasons it should be stopped, why don't the government, a supposedly Conservative one, do something about this biased organisation? Are they frit?

The original article is here

Is the BBC biased? CIW NEWS launches the world’s first daily media bias index

Is the BBC biased? CIW NEWS have launched the world's first daily media bias index, here

This should be interesting, up until now and myself have posted plenty of examples of the bias shown by the BBC. Meanwhile Craig formerly of beebbiascraig and now the main force (sorry Sue) behind has posted similarly, alongside some very detailed analysis of the BBC's bias. That analysis is what proves the BBC's bias but it's hard to measure. Now CIW are going to attempt to measure this bias via an index comparing the number of times the BBC use the term far right versus the number of times it uses the term far left. It's an interesting idea, here's CIW's take on this:

'What is the idea behind the index?

The index records how the BBC describes the world in a way that places it on an ideological spectrum ranging from far-left to far-right. As an organisation that historically emphasized that "impartiality and objectivity were the essence of professionalism in broadcasting", it is reasonable to expect the BBC's output does not privilege one part of the ideological spectrum over another i.e. that its output is balanced. On any particular day, it is reasonable to expect that there may be more new BBC content referring to the "far-left" than the "far-right", or vice versa. If the BBC is balanced, it is also reasonable to expect its output does not contain markedly more references to one compared to the other when a longer period is considered, say weeks or months.However, if the BBC has a left-liberal bias as its critics claim, its output would contain markedly more references over time to "far-right" than "far-left". This is for two reasons. One, the further left the BBC is on the ideological spectrum, the less there is to its left for it to see as left-wing, and the more there is to its right for it to see as right-wing and "far-right". Two, the further left it is, the more likely it is to use the pejorative "far-right" for right-wing ideas and people it dislikes, and the less likely it is to use the pejorative "far-left" for objectively "far-left" ideas and people for which it has an ideological affinity.Recent examples of the BBC using "far-right" as a pejorative include its documentary describing North Korea's Communist regime in that way, its Chinese language content Angry White People: Coming face-to-face with the British far right, and its broadcast using the term for Nigel Farrage (for which one of its presenters was forced to apologize).'

I will monitor the CIW index from now on.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Report buried Trump-related ‘hate crimes’ against white kids per New York Post

This is how the left keep their chosen narrative front and centre whilst pushing inconvenient truths to the side.

'At least 2,000 educators around the country reported racist slurs and other derogatory language leveled against white students in the first days after Donald Trump was elected president. But the group that surveyed the teachers didn't publish the results in its report on Trump-related "hate crimes.

"The Southern Poverty Law Center partnered with the American Federation of Teachers, which formally endorsed Hillary Clinton, to circulate the questionnaire among its 1.6 million mostly Democratic members. The survey was sent out to K-12 teachers and administrators who subscribe to its "Teaching Tolerance" newsletter.'

There's a lot more here but obviously not on the BBC.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

'Deeply worrying' waits for hospital beds per BBC News

A BBC report on bed shortages in the NHS and not a word about why demand might be increasing for NHS beds. Of course any mention of immigration in anything other than a totally positive light is verboten at the BBC.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

The EU aren't scared of laying out what they believe, it's the institutionally pro EU BBC that deliberately doesn't report the truth

Jean-Claude Juncker is the poster boy for EU arrogance and authoritarianism:

On Greece's economic meltdown in 2011
"When it becomes serious, you have to lie."

On EU monetary policy
"I'm ready to be insulted as being insufficiently democratic, but I want to be serious … I am for secret, dark debates"

On British calls for a referendum over the Lisbon Treaty
"Of course there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?,"

On the French referendum over the EU constitution
"If it's a Yes, we will say 'on we go', and if it's a No we will say 'we continue',"

On the introduction of the euro
"We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don't understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back."


"There can be no democratic choice against the European treaties"

Thanks to the contributor at

Monday 5 December 2016

Friday 2 December 2016

Electoral fraud?

This BBC report on the recounts in the US Presidential Election includes this line:

'One of the state's 72 counties had already completed the process by Friday - Mrs Clinton gained a single vote over Mr Trump.'

One vote at a time the Democrats will do their best to wrest this election victory away from Donald Trump.

"MILO Confronts Commies At WVU"

Milo Yiannopoulos is becoming quite a hero of mine. The way he stands up to the SJW nasties is rather impressive.

Thursday 1 December 2016

"MSNBC Realizes They Are Biased And Wrong On Trump"

Watch from 1:01 for the sort of mea culpa that the BBC have been unable to make.

"ALERT: Electors Plot to Sabotage Trump"

Did you really think that we'd be allowed to have Donald Trump as US President or to leave the EU? The political elite know what's best for us and the mainstream media will assist in any way they can.

Majority of Germans Are Dissatisfied with the EU not that the BBC will report this

'Euroscepticism is growing in Germany with two-thirds of Germans feeling dissatisfied with the state of the European Union (EU) and nearly half wanting a vote on membership of the supranational bloc.'

More here at Breitbart but not on the institutionally pro EU BBC.