
Wednesday 31 May 2017

France: 'Absolute Silence' Surrounding Elderly Jewish Woman's Murder by Islamist Migrant 'Intolerable'

The BBC I don't believe have reported this murder either, but then reporting the death of a Jew at the hands of an Islamist is tricky for the BBC.

At least Breitbart have reported this story.

'"A 65-yr old Jewish lady MD, during her sleep, is attacked and atrociously tortured for more than one hour," begins the letter, addressed to interior minister Gerard Collomb.

"She lives in a modest apartment in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, rue Vaucouleurs. The murderer, who reached her apartment through the balcony, attacks with incredible violence, resulting in about twenty fractures all over her face and body.

"He then throws her, dying, out of the window, from the 3rd floor. During all this time, the police (3 men with weapons, present in the building just outside the apartment door) do nothing. The neighbours (several dozen) can hear the victim's yells: they do nothing either. The French media are alerted. They make no queries and do not report the murder.

"The letter claims that, when "a silent march" was organised for the Sunday following the murder, "Youngsters from the nearby quarters countered it with yells of 'Mort aux Juifs' ['Death to Jews'] or 'We own Kalashnikovs'."

"Mr. Minister, you have just taken your position in a country where it is once again possible to murder Jews without eliciting much concern from our fellow Frenchmen and women [and] the men who have been in charge before you, both on the Left and the Right, preferred not to look any further than the end of the broom with which they swept the problem under the carpet.

"The letter concludes by asking: "What do you plan to do, Mr. Minister, about this indifference? To shake us out of this terrifying apathy? It won't suffice, this time, to break the fire alarms … Or, maybe, you would prefer to be wrong with jihadists rather than right with realists?"'

Europe is seriously screwed.

CNN 'Evaluating' Kathy Griffin's Role in Annual New Year's Eve Coverage after Trump 'Beheading' Photo

Imagine that a 'right-wing' US figure had posed with what looked like the bloodied decapitated head of President Barack Hussein Obama, what degree of coverage would the BBC have afforded this shocking story? How much airtime would have been given to this story?

However as this is a story about a CNN guest figure posing for a photo shoot with the bloodied, decapitated head resembling that of President Donald Trump, I predict zero BBC coverage.

Breitbart has the appalling story

'CNN is evaluating Kathy Griffin's role in its annual New Year's Eve coverage after the comedian posed for a photo shoot holding a decapitated, bloody head resembling that of President Donald Trump.'

Jezza's Spectacular Ethnic Minority Gaffe per Guido Fawkes

"only Labour can be trusted to unlock the talent of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people"

A bold claim by Jeremy Corbyn and one that isn't going down to well.

Guido Fawkes has the details

The BBC will not be reporting this gaffe as it might reduce the Labour Party vote.

Sterling dips after poll suggests hung parliament per BBC News

Once again the BBC report that Sterling has fallen because of the chances of there not being a Conservative majority government after next week's general election.

'The value of the pound dropped after a projection suggested the Conservatives could fail to win an outright majority in the election on 8 June.

Previous opinion polls suggested Prime Minister Theresa May's party would increase its majority, which is currently 17 seats.

But the projection, published in the Times and based on YouGov research, suggests a possible hung parliament.'

Oddly whilst the BBC pushed the narrative that Brexit caused the value of Sterling to fall, and that was bad for the UK, when a fall is due to fear of a Labour government or a hung parliament the blame is not so clearly apportioned.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Jeremy Corbyn struggles over cost of childcare policy per BBC News

When even the BBC have little choice but to point out that Jeremy Corbyn's performance on Woman's Hour was woeful then you must see how bad it was:

Analysis, by BBC assistant political editor Norman Smith

This was on a par, or possibly even worse, than Diane Abbott getting into a pickle on the cost of Labour's policing pledges.That's not just because Jeremy Corbyn is the party leader, but also because childcare is an absolutely key pledge, he's campaigning on it today - and he was clearly struggling badly for the numbers.When you get the leader struggling to say how much a core Labour policy is going to cost it sparks questions about how clear, how thorough, how credible its spending plans are.'

More here but the institutionally pro Labour Party BBC will be itching to embarrass Theresa May as badly.

Jeremy Corbyn inspiring confidence as always

Jeremy Corbyn seems to have a lot more in common with Dianne Abbott than I thought, an inability to remember pertinent figures on the day of a policy launch. Emma Barnett on the BBC's Woman's Hour shows that he just didn't know the costs of the Labour Party's new Childcare programme on the morning of its launch.

Guido Fawkes has the audio, here's an extract:
'Corbyn could not say how much his free childcare pledge would cost and had to log onto his iPad in a desperate, vain attempt to find the figure. The silences were the killer… Corbyn was also comically unsure as to whether he is still the vice-president of the CND, wavered on Brexit and refused to say three times if he would resign when he loses the election.'
Jeremy Corbyn really doesn't like being pushed for an answer does he? There's a real irritation and annoyance in his voice that really offers an insite into his psyche, I wonder how one could get Jeremy Corbyn really angry?
What's concerning is that it is not impossible that Jeremy Corbyn could be the UK's next Prime Minister unless the Conservative Party win a majority at the upcoming general election.

Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and Dianne Abbott leading a UK government, what a deeply depressing prospect. The country would be broke and broken before the time of the next general election. 

I am no fan of Theresa May and the Conservative Party she leads but faced with the alternative of a Jeremy Corbyn lead Labour government, I will reluctantly have to vote Conservative on Thursday week.

Corbyn Repeatedly Shared Platforms With Plane Hijacker per Guido Fawkes

Guido Fawkes has another report on Jeremy Corbyn's links to terrorists. Do read the whole report because you will not see this reported by the institutionally pro Labour Party BBC.

Here's an extract:

'In July 2011 both Corbyn and Khaled were keynote speakers at a pro-Palestine conference organised by George Galloway in Lebanon. On 18 May 2002, Corbyn and Khaled spoke on the same stage at a pro-Palestine protest in London. At the event Corbyn called for a full trade boycott of Israel, insisting there should be"no trade" with the country at all. On the same stage where Corbyn spoke, Khaled is quoted calling for "victory" over Israel and claimingZionism had "exceeded Nazism". "

Searching for peace" again, were you Jezza? '

Monday 29 May 2017

Jeremy Corbyn refuses to condemn the IRA

Interesting that Jeremy Corbyn is happy to specifically condemn the British Army during this interview, but not the IRA. I think it fair to use that fact to draw your own conclusions.

Major powers to ban jihadis from returning to UK used once per Daily Mail Online

The Daily Mail report that

'Major powers to ban British jihadists from returning to the country after fighting with Islamic State have been used for first time.'

But only once. Too little and far too late.

"Corbyn's History With The IRA Is Important... And It's Wrong: James O'Brien"

I don't believe that I've found common ground with James O'Brien before but in this instance I have.

"if you invite former IRA terrorists to the House Of Commons, you're a 'wrong un'"

Kent Police refuses to deploy officers to help young Jewish family under attack by teenagers hurling stones per Campaign Against Antisemitism

'A Jewish family enjoying the seaside in Kent was allegedly attacked earlier today by a gang of youths shouting "Jews" and hurling stones. The family called the police, but were told that officers would not be attending.

The family of two parents and their five children aged 8 to 15, were playing on the beach when two boys and three girls aged 16 to 18 allegedly ran towards them, hurling stones. As the attack continued and the parents tried to shelter their children, the family called Kent Police, but the emergency operator advised them that no officers would be dispatched, despite the assailants remaining at the scene. Instead, they were told that an officer would contact them the following week to "investigate".'

More here

Imagine the police reaction if it had been a Muslim family attacked.

If this had been a Muslim family attacked then the BBC would be all over this story. But as it's Jews, there will be no coverage.

Corbyn Allegedly Attended Terror Conference After Honouring Munich Killer per Guido Fawkes

Guido Fawkes reports on the causes and people that Jeremy Corbyn chooses to associate with. Do read the whole piece because the BBC will definitely not be reporting this.

Here's an extract:
'He attended a wreath-laying of a man who massacred innocent athletes, shared a platform with two terror groups and praised a genocide denier. 

Was Corbyn really "searching for peace"?'

Saturday 27 May 2017

Iain Dale quizzing Diane Abbott

From around 8 minutes in you can hear Dianne Abbott try to answer why Jeremy Corbyn lied about not having met with the IRA. Are you convinced?

Jeremy Corbyn lies "I never met the IRA"  at around 1:00

As Guido Fawkes reminds us:
Tonight Jeremy Corbyn told Andrew Neil: "I never met the IRA". 


In 1984, two weeks after the Brighton bombing, Corbyn invited two members of the Provisional IRA, Linda Quigley and Gerard McLoughlin, to parliament. MacLochlainn was a close friend of Corbyn. In 1981 he served two and a half years in jail for conspiracy to cause explosions.

According to a report in the Sinn Fein/IRA newspaper An Phoblacht, in 2000 Corbyn shared a platform with Brendan McKenna at an event commemorating Bloody Sunday. McKenna was jailed for his role in bombing the British Legion hall in Portadown. 

In 2005 Corbyn shared a platform with Raymond McCartney at a meeting about Bloody Sunday.  McCartney was a member of the Provisional IRA.

In 2007 Corbyn spoke alongside Martina Anderson at an event organised by his CLP. Anderson was jailed for plotting a series of terror attacks in London and twelve English seaside towns. 

In 2009, an An Phoblacht report places Corbyn at a Sinn Fein dinner with Diane Abbott and Ken Livingstone. The event was hosted by Gerry Adams and IRA member Gerry Kelly. Kelly was jailed for his part in the Old Bailey bombing which killed one and injured 200.

In July 2011, Jeremy Corbyn chaired a Sinn Fein event commemorating the Hunger Strikes. An Phoblacht says Corbyn shared a platform there with the IRA member Brendan 'Bik' McFarlane, who was a part of an IRA gang which killed four Protestant civilians and a UVF member in a pub bombing. Also present was Jennifer McCann, who was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for the murder of a RUC constable. '

Jeremy Corbyn says that He never met the IRA", is that a sustainable position to hold?

General election 2017: Corbyn quizzed on Trident and IRA per BBC News

The BBC report that Jeremy Corbyn said that whilst he met with Sinn Fein members, he never met with IRA members. This is a blatant lie but the BBC won't point that out as their top priority is to get a Labour government elected not report the truth.

Thankfully Guido Fawkes has the facts:

'Tonight Jeremy Corbyn told Andrew Neil: "I never met the IRA". 


In 1984, two weeks after the Brighton bombing, Corbyn invited two members of the Provisional IRA, Linda Quigley and Gerard McLoughlin, to parliament. MacLochlainn was a close friend of Corbyn. In 1981 he served two and a half years in jail for conspiracy to cause explosions.

According to a report in the Sinn Fein/IRA newspaper An Phoblacht, in 2000 Corbyn shared a platform with Brendan McKenna at an event commemorating Bloody Sunday.

McKenna was jailed for his role in bombing the British Legion hall in Portadown. 

In 2005 Corbyn shared a platform with Raymond McCartney at a meeting about Bloody Sunday.

McCartney was a member of the Provisional IRA.

In 2007 Corbyn spoke alongside Martina Anderson at an event organised by his CLP. Anderson was jailed for plotting a series of terror attacks in London and twelve English seaside towns. 

In 2009, an An Phoblacht report places Corbyn at a Sinn Fein dinner with Diane Abbott and Ken Livingstone. The event was hosted by Gerry Adams and IRA member Gerry Kelly. Kelly was jailed for his part in the Old Bailey bombing which killed one and injured 200.

In July 2011, Jeremy Corbyn chaired a Sinn Fein event commemorating the Hunger Strikes. An Phoblacht says Corbyn shared a platform there with the IRA member Brendan 'Bik' McFarlane, who was a part of an IRA gang which killed four Protestant civilians and a UVF member in a pub bombing. Also present was Jennifer McCann, who was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for the murder of a RUC constable. '

The BBC's support for a united Ireland was clear and the first thing that pointed me towards them not being the independent news reporting organisation that they claimed to be.

That the BBC is prepared to conive with Jeremy Corbyn in pushing a lie is disgusting but not surprising.

Damon Smith jailed for planting failed Tube bomb per BBC News

It's only at the end of this BBC report that we find out the why:

'Smith grew up in Devon and only moved to London to attend university three months before leaving his homemade bomb on the Tube.

An only child who lived with his mother from a young age, he has a form of autism that impairs social communications but not his intelligence.

An able student, Smith also displayed a persistent fascination with Islamic terrorism and mass murders.

Friends were shown violent propaganda by so-called Islamic State and Smith created YouTube videos of himself using computer games to re-enact infamous real-life mass killings.

In a shopping list of the components for his bomb, he had written: "And keep this a secret between me and Allah #InspireTheBelievers."'

Yes, it's Islam again.

Friday 26 May 2017

Will Self and Matthew Parris on Jeremy Corbyn and Labour over a year ago

Over a year ago both Will Self and Matthew Parris predicted Corbyn's leadership wouldn't last, now we could be less than a fortnight from Prime Minister Jeremy Corbyn!

How many?

@DannyShawBBC Tweeted thusly:
'Security Minister Ben Wallace tells BBC the pool of 'former subjects of interest' is between 12,000-18,000. Abedi was in that pool.   12:13 PM - 26 May 2017'

12,000 to 18,000 potential Islamist terrorists in the UK? That seems rather worrying to me but I'm sure that the BBC will point out that the real fear is an Islamophobic backlash.

Pound Down as Corbyn Gets Closer per Guido Fawkes

The BBC were desperately keen to associate Brexit with the pound falling. Oddly they are less keen to note that the prospect of a Labour government is pushing Sterling lower.

'This morning's YouGov/Times poll (Con 43% vs Lab 38%) has knocked the pound, which fell against all of its 16 major peers this morning. Sterling has touched $1.2858 today, a two week low. 

Neil Jones, head of hedge-fund sales at Mizuho Bank told Bloomberg:

"Sterling correlates well with anything that shows a Tory majority and vice versa, so if you've got this situation where the majority closes right down, it may come to a critical level where it may not have a sufficient number of seats in the house. The market doesn't like that."'

Thanks to Guido Fawkes...

Egypt Coptic Christians killed in bus attack per BBC News

This BBC report on the latest massacre of Coptic Christians in Egypt contains this thought:

'The early Church suffered persecution under the Roman Empire, and there were intermittent persecutions after Egypt became a Muslim country. Many believe that continues to this day.'

Many believe? Who seriously doesn't believe that?

Another summer, another surge in migration figures, writes Leo McKinstry

I think it fair to say that Leo McKinstry is not a fan of mass immigration. Read this in The Express

'We are lectured about the dangers of intolerance, yet what could be more intolerant than the barbaric, misogynist, primitive Islamist culture that has been imported into our lands? We are told to "carry on as normal", even while the authorities allow at least 3,000 known jihadists, such as the Manchester killer Salman Abedi, to live in our neighbourhoods. Yet the politicians refuse to recognise that the Europe they have built is one where extremism deepens and integration is giving way to segregation.

The politicians tell us that the terrorism will not "change our way of life". But governments across Europe are deliberately transforming the very fabric of our civilisation through their dogma about open borders. Due to the colossal influxes of foreigners, we are living through by far the biggest social revolution in Europe's history. '

Thursday 25 May 2017

Rufus Hound Posts May Conspiracy Theory per Guido Fawkes

Guido Fawkes has posted a typically nasty remark made by the 'comedian' Rufus Hound.

In case you weren't aware, Rufus Hound has previous. He once Tweeted that 'David and Jeremy want your kids to die (unless you're rich)'. David and Jeremy being the then Prime Minister, David Cameron and the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt. Of course no action was taken against Rufus Hound because he's one of the BBC's 'comedians' who have licence to offend.

Douglas Murray and a gentleman from Quillian discuss the implications of the Manchester Bombing

Douglas Murray and a gentleman from Quillian discuss the implications of the Manchester Bombing. Intelligent and thought provoking, but also bloody scary.

Manchester attack: May to tackle Trump over 'evidence' leaks per BBC News

The BBC headline above seems designed to associate the word leak with President Donald Trump. It's only on reading the article itself that one reads:

'BBC security correspondent Gordon Corera says UK officials believe that US law enforcement rather than the White House is the likely culprit for the leaks.'

However for the large number of people who only read the headline, job done BBC.

Wednesday 24 May 2017

C4 survey and documentary reveals What British Muslims Really Think - A fascinating figure

There's a very interesting statistic hiding in the Channel 4 report that I have quoted from previously today:

'British Muslims are more likely than the rest of the population to feel that they can influence decisions affecting Britain (33% vs 21%)'

Of course British Muslims feel that, they've got the power of the BBC to aid them in this, and the vast majority of British politicians too.

C4 survey and documentary reveals What British Muslims Really Think - part 2

My last post made me recall some more stats from that Channel 4 programme about what British Muslims believe:

'52% do not believe that homosexuality should be legal in Britain

Q: To what extent you agree or disagree with each one: homosexuality should be legal in Britain?

Net agree 18% (strongly agree 8%, tend to agree 10%)

Net disagree: 52% (strongly disagree: 38%, tend to disagree: 14%)'

Something for the Queers For Islam supporters to think about? Something for the pro homosexuality rights BBC. Not that facts concern them.

47% do not believe that it is acceptable for a school teacher to be homosexual

Q: To what extent do you agree or disagree that it is acceptable for a homosexual person to be a teacher in a school?

Net disagree: 47% (strongly disagree: 35%, tend to disagree: 12%)'

Something that the BBC won't report, preferring to concentrate on perceived homophobia amongst Christians.

'23% support the introduction of Sharia Law.Q: To what extent, if at all, would you support or oppose there being areas of Britain in which Sharia law is introduced instead of British law?

Net support: 23% (strongly support: 7%, tend to support: 17%)'

I've something to post about this statistic later.

'32% refuse to condemn those who take part in violence against those who mock the Prophet

Q: Please tell me whether you sympathise or condemn people who take part in violence against those who mock the Prophet

Net sympathise: 18% (completely sympathise: 9%, sympathise to some extent: 9%, neither symathise or condemn: 14%)'

Small minority?

'39% agree that "wives should always obey their husbands".

Q: To what extent you agree or disagree that wives should always obey their husbands?

Net agree: 39% (strongly agree: 15%, tend to agree: 24%)'

Oddly the pro feminism BBC don't seem at all interested in that inconvenient fact.

'66% completely condemn those people who take part in stoning those who commit adultery.

Q: Please tell me whether you sympathise or condemn people who take part in stoning those who commit adultery.

Net condemn: 79%. (completely condemn: 66%, condemn to some extent: 13%)

Net sympathise: 5% (completely sympathise: 2%, tend to sympathise: 3%)'

7% of British Muslims sympathise with people stoning people for adultery. That's around 175,000 British Muslims.

Figures you won't hear mentioned on the BBC where the fear of promoting Islamophobia is seemingly as important as preventing the killing by Islamist terrorists of British children.

"Nigel Farage: "What is our government actually gonna do?"

Nigel Farage: "What is our government actually gonna do?"

I'll answer that Mr Farage - sod all, apart from arresting anyone who they see as spreading Islamophobia. We're too far down the rabbit hole for any action to work, the UK is doomed.

C4 survey and documentary reveals What British Muslims Really Think

It's only a small minority of Muslims... That will be the line about Islamists that the lefty types and apologists for Islamist terrorism will be spouting soon.

So let's look at what Channel 4, hardly an Islamophobic news organisation, reported not too long ago

'34% would inform the police if they thought somebody they knew was getting involved with people who support terrorism in Syria

Q: If you thought that someone who is close to you was getting involved with people who support terrorism in Syria, would you report it to the police?'

So 66% of British Muslims wouldn't inform the police if they thought someone that they knew was getting involved with people who support terrorism in Syria. Isn't that incredibly scary? That's a majority of British Muslims.

'4% sympathise with people who take part in suicide bombings

Q: Please tell me tell me whether you sympathise or condemn people who take part in suicide bombing to fight injustice'

Only 4%, but what's the British Muslim population, around 3.5 million? 4% is around 150,000 people. How do these people define 'injustice'?

Those figures are bloody scary, and put the lie to the tiny minority line that you will hear pushed in the coming days. But don't expect anyone to be allowed to quote those figures on the BBC.

The BBC complaints process

I rarely post items sent to me from third parties but this detailing of  a complaint to the BBC piqued my interest.

It seems that a reader of this blog saw my post about Hugh Sykes from 10 February and decided to make a complaint to the BBC.

'Complaint Summary: Factually inaccurate comment/quotation

Full Complaint: In feedback from around 6:30 to 6:38 Hugh Sykes said that he's heard many Muslim leaders say that these (terrorists) aren't true Muslims. Hugh Sykes then said: 'If you kill an innocent person it's like killing the whole of humanity, which is roughly speaking a quote from the Koran.' The problem is that the full quotation is somewhat longer than Hugh Sykes makes out, and in full means something somewhat different. The quotation is from Sura 5:32 which in full says: 'On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.' Clearly 5:32 is a commandment to the Children of Israel, the Jews, not Muslims. However even if you ignore the first part of the Sura that specifically refers to the Jews, the commandment goes on "unless it be for murder or spreading mischief in the land." If someone is "spreading mischief", he can still be killed. Islamist terrorists believe that Americans, British, French etc. are spreading mischief in Palestine and around the world, so even if this verse were to apply to non Jews, they would still be justified in slaughtering those "spreading mischief". Since Hugh Sykes's quotation completely misrepresents what the Koran says in this regard, I think that a correction should be broadcast.'

Ignoring the automated reply, the first substantive reply from the BBC came on 22 February:
'Dear Mr ...

Reference .....

Many thanks for getting in touch about BBC Radio Four’s 'Feedback# broadcast 10 February.

I understand you feel a quotation from the Koran made by Hugh Sykes was inaccurate and misrepresented the full passage.

Speaking about a report conducted for the PM programme discussing Donald Trump's proposed travel ban and Islamic extremism, Hugh Sykes states that: "I've heard lots of Muslim leaders saying that these people are not true Muslims because if you kill innocent people it's like killing the whole of humanity, which is roughly speaking a quote from the Koran".

As Hugh notes in qualifying his quotation, it is not intended to be an exact quotation of the text in the Koran, but instead a paraphrased reflection of statements and sentiments Hugh has heard expressed by Muslim leaders in opposition to violence.

It is never our intention to misrepresent or mislead, however I hope this helps to clarify the context behind Hugh’s paraphrasing of the Koran.

I do appreciate that you may continue to disagree, however, and you can rest assured that your feedback has been forwarded to the relevant production teams on our overnight report. This report is also seen by senior management and helps to shape current and future broadcasting decisions.

Thank you once again for taking the time to get in touch.

Kind regards
Hugh Dignan
BBC Complaints Team

NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.'

My correspondent followed up on 1 April (not sure why the long delay) to the BBC Trust:

'I am writing to you because my complaint (CAS-....) via the standard BBC complaints procedure was answered with a typical BBC brush-off. The only step left to me is to take this to the BBC Trust.

My complaint, in short, is that the BBC's Hugh Sykes incorrectly quoted the Koran and by so doing changed the meaning of a Koranic verse, thus misleading the listening public.

In more detail: In BBC Radio Four’s 'Feedback' broadcast on 10 February.from around 6:30 to 6:38 Hugh Sykes said that he's heard many Muslim leaders say that these (terrorists) aren't true Muslims.

Hugh Sykes then said: 'If you kill an innocent person it's like killing the whole of humanity, which is roughly speaking a quote from the Koran.'

The trouble problem is that the full quotation is somewhat longer than Hugh Sykes makes out, and in full means something somewhat different.

The quotation is from Sura 5:32 which in full says: 'On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.'

Clearly 5:32 is a commandment to the Children of Israel, the Jews, not Muslims.

However even if you ignore the first part of the Sura that specifically refers to the Jews, the commandment goes on "unless it be for murder or spreading mischief in the land." If someone is "spreading mischief", he can still be killed. Islamist terrorists believe that Americans, British, French etc. are spreading mischief in Palestine and around the world, so even if this verse were to apply to non Jews, they would still be justified in slaughtering those "spreading mischief".

Since Hugh Sykes's quotation completely misrepresents what the Koran says in this regard, I think that a correction should be broadcast.

Please do actually address this matter rather than give me another BBC brush-off.


Two days later the BBC Trust responded:
'I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your appeal to the BBC Trust.

You may be aware that under the arrangements of the BBC’s new Charter, which commenced on 1 January 2017, a new system of governance and regulation for the BBC has taken effect. As of 2 April 2017, the BBC Trust ceased to exist and a new BBC Board is now responsible for the proper, effective and independent exercise of all the functions of the BBC and regulatory powers have been transferred to Ofcom.

Please contact the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit (ECU) at or Editorial Complaints Unit, Broadcast Centre, BC2 B4, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TP to progress your complaint.

Yours sincerely

My correspondent did as requested and complained to the EBU and this was the reply:
'Thank you for your email of 27 April to the Executive Complaints Unit. I’m sorry you’ve had to come to us by such a circuitous route, and that you were referred to the BBC Trust at a point where it was hardly likely to be able to reach a conclusion on the matter. In any event, it now falls to us to consider whether the decision of the BBC Complaints Team that your complaint didn’t justify further investigation, put to you in their response of 28 April, was correct.

I can see why you regard Sura 5:2, taken as a whole, as bearing a sense very different from “if you kill innocent people it’s like killing the whole of humanity”. However, I think the essential point made in Hugh Dignan’s response of 22 February is that this wasn’t a case of Hugh Sykes quoting from the Koran (however roughly), but of him reporting what he had “heard lots of Muslim leaders saying” and the basis on which they had been saying it.
Whether Sura 5:2 provides a sound basis for the view he reported is another matter, but Muslim scholars certainly have the hermeneutic resources to construe it in that sense if so minded (an example can be seen at

I therefore agree with the Complaints Team that your complaint didn’t raise an issue which would have justified more investigation. There’s is no provision for further appeal against this decision within the BBC.
However, it’s open to you to approach Ofcom if you believe your complaint has identified a breach of the Ofcom Code (which can be seen at, though of course it would be for Ofcom itself to decide whether to consider your complaint. '

So it would seem that the new EBU cares as much about complaints about the BBC as the BBC Trust ever did. Why am I not surprised?

Better luck next time Mr Correspondent, and thanks for trying.

Tuesday 23 May 2017

22 Dead, 50+ injured, ISIS claim responsibility but it's nothing to do with Islam

Breitbart, amongst others, report that ISIS have claimed responsibility for the bomb attack on the Manchester Arena.

"With Allah's grace and support, a soldier of the Khilafah managed to place explosive devices in the midst of the gatherings of the Crusaders in the British city of Manchester, in revenge for Allah's religion, in an endeavour to terrorise the mushrikin, and in response to their transgressions against the lands of the Muslims. The explosive devices were detonated in the shameless concert arena, resulting in 30 Crusaders being killed and 70 others being wounded. And what comes next will be more severe on the worshippers of the Cross and their allies, by Allah's permission. And all praise is due to Allah, Lord of the creation."

I wonder if, when the BBC get around to reporting that ISIS have claimed responsibility, the BBC will quote their statement in full. Somehow I think not, as to do so would be to admit that the religion of Islam does have an impact on the beliefs and actions of the followers of ISIS.

Leader's statements on the Manchester bombing

Can you spot the difference between Theresa May's statement and Jeremy Corbyn's?

Theresa May statement:

"We are working to establish the full details of what is being treated by the police as an appalling terrorist attack.

All our thoughts are with the victims and the families of those who have been affected."

Jeremy Corbyn statement:

"I am horrified by the horrendous events in Manchester last night. My thoughts are with families and friends of those who have died and  been injured. Today the whole country will grieve for the people who have lost their lives.  I have spoken with Andy Burnham, the mayor of Manchester, who has fully briefed me on the operational response in the city.

I would like to pay tribute to the emergency services for their bravery and professionalism in dealing with last night's appalling events.

I have spoken with the Prime Minister and we have agreed that that all national campaigning in the general election will be suspended until further notice."

Jeremy Corbyn just can't bring himself to use the word terrorist in connection with this attack.

Jeremy Corbyn supported the aims of the IRA in the 1970s and 1988s whilst they bombed and shot innocent British civilians. Likewise in the 21st century he supports at least some of the aims of terrorist organisations that bomb and kill Israeli civilians, organisations (such as Hamas and Hezbollah) that are more closely linked to Isis than the likes of the BBC would ever admit. Islamist terrorists want kufr dead, as many as possible. Can you imagine Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister?

'Treating this as a terrorist incident' - No Shit Sherlock

Apparently -

'Ian Hopkins from the Greater Manchester Police told reporters "We are treating this as a terrorist incident".'

No Shit Sherlock.

'Judaism's holiest prayer site.'

The BBC have found a form of words they can use to describe the importance to Judaism of the Western Wall that they hope will stop them receiving complaints about misleading people and more importantly prevent them having to acknowledge that there's a mosque built on top of Judaism's holiest site.

This BBC report is the first that I have noticed using the wording 'Judaism's holiest prayer site' to describe the Western (or Wailing) Wall.
The Western Wall is indeed the holiest site that Jews can pray at but that's because there's a mosque built on top of Judaism's holiest site. That site being out of bounds for Jews to pray at. A restriction that is enforced by the Jewish State of Israel, in contrast with the way that Jordan banned Jews from even the Western Wall when they were in occupation of Jerusalem between 1948 and 1967.

Monday 22 May 2017

So, just what did Trump's note in the Western Wall say? Per BBC News

This BBC article pokes fun at President Donald Trump but it also tangentially has a laugh at the expense of the holiest site remaining available for Jews. The holiest site is actually buried underneath a mosque and courtyard just beyond the Western Wall but don't expect the BBC to explain how that could be the case.

Sunday 21 May 2017

'Penises Cause Climate Change'; Progressives Fooled by Peer-Reviewed Hoax Study per Breitbart

'Destructive, unsustainable hegemonically male approaches to pressing environmental policy and action are the predictable results of a raping of nature by a male-dominated mindset. This mindset is best captured by recognizing the role of [sic] the conceptual penis holds over masculine psychology. When it is applied to our natural environment, especially virgin environments that can be cheaply despoiled for their material resources and left dilapidated and diminished when our patriarchal approaches to economic gain have stolen their inherent worth, the extrapolation of the rape culture inherent in the conceptual penis becomes clear.'

Is that clear?

The explanation is at Breitbart and in many university social sciences departments.

Friday 19 May 2017

Cojones personified

I wish that I could stay that calm under that much pressure.

Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell - "slippery characters"

Whilst I don't agree with all of the characterisation of Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell in this video, there is much that is true and rather damning. The refusal of Jeremy Corbyn to condemn the IRA from 4:30 and John McDonnell's best of our movement remarks near the end of the video should be enough to chill the hearts of any democrats.

Video extracts that the institutionally pro Labour Party BBC will do their best not to show in the run-up to the general election.

KASSAM: Brexit Voters Cannot Afford to Give Theresa May a Massive Majority as She Plans Compromise on Free Movement

Raymond Kassam at Breitbart has a worrying article that is in accordance with some of my thoughts on the matter. Here's an extract:

'I don't know how much this will mean to you, but I know enough people close to Prime Minister May and her team. The consensus, they tell me, is clear: she intends to cave on free movement of people after the General Election, offering a "soft" Brexit, safe in the knowledge there's nothing the public or Parliament can do, especially if she had a massive mandate.'

Seems more than just plausible to me.

Is Theresa May trying to not win the election with a large majority?

Theresa May's tactics during this general election seem odd. Alienating pensioners seems to be an especially odd tactic as they are more likely to vote than other age groups, and more likely to vote Conservative.

So the various policies in the Conservative Party manifesto that are detrimental to many seems odd. Unless that is if Theresa May really is a Remainer and wants to be re-elected Prime Minister with a reduced majority or even at the head of a weak coalition government. That way Brexit could be derailed.

It's not beyond the realms of possibility and might also explain her bullish comments on Brexit. Is she trying to push Remoaners away from voting for the Conservative party?

Thursday 18 May 2017

Nick Clegg on having to accept the EU Referendum result

That's Nick Clegg on Brexiteers having to accept the EU Referendum result, from before the Referendum when he assumed a Remain victory. And now? Who's like those Japanese soldiers fighting the last war?

This is rather similar to the BBC's attitude. Barely a day passes without the BBC having Nick Clegg or some other Remoaner on to whine about Brexit. Imagine if the Remoaners had won the Referendum, do you seriously believe that the BBC would give Brexiteers the airtime they are giving Remoaners now. Of course not, any Brexiteer would be told that the people had decided and that was that. This would be the case were the result 52:48 in favour of Remain or just a victory by one vote.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

That nice straightforward Jeremy Corbyn in action

Jeremy Corbyn was asked seven times whether he would reject a bad Brexit deal, he couldn't give a straight answer.

"The Impeachment of Donald Trump"

A good watch. Is it time to sell dollars ahead of the summer USA riots?

Tuesday 16 May 2017

1 in 5 Child Deaths In London Borough Caused by Parents Being 'Close Relatives'

This Breitbart report contains some truths that are too inconvenient for the BBC to report.

'The council's report found between 2008 and 2016, 19 per cent of child deaths in the borough were caused by infants being born to "consanguineous relationships" — marriage or otherwise sexual relations between couples who are first cousins or closer.'

That's in Redbridge, but I presume similar problems will be occurring in other areas with large populations of Pakistani heritage.

Maybe someone, obviously not the BBC  could also investigate the incident rate of birth abnormalities and genetic diseases amongst the same population.

I wonder if that cost is ever factored into the cost of immigration from the Muslim part of the Indian subcontinent.

Labour manifesto: Corbyn to unveil 'programme of hope' per BBC News

The BBC's careful choice of headline quotes strikes again this morning.

This report on Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party manifesto has the headline 'Labour manifesto: Corbyn to unveil 'programme of hope'' and 'Labour manifesto 'radical and responsible'.

Both of these phrases are from the Labour Party but if the casual visitor to the BBC news pages think it's an independent analysis then that will suit the news organisation that too often behaves as if it's the propaganda arm of the Labour Party.

Trump 'shared classified information with Russia' per BBC News

The BBC are reporting under the headline of 'Trump 'shared classified information with Russia''

That's one side of the story and not really all of it. But why would you expect unbiased reporting from the anti President Donald Trump BBC?

Monday 15 May 2017

Inside Hillary Clinton's Hotel Room on Election Night 2016

Oddly I listened to that penultimate anecdote without feeling any sympathy at all for Hillary Clinton.

Corbyn: Retire Before 68

'Jeremy Corbyn has hinted that Labour's revised manifesto will include a commitment to reducing the retirement age – Jez says 68 is "too late" to retire. He is 68 next week…'

From Guido Fawkes

Beyond parody...

I wondered how Have I Got News for You would cover the Diane Abbott faux pas on police numbers

I wondered how Have I Got News for You would cover the Diane Abbott faux pas on police numbers. The answer, by shifting the laugh on to the pro Brexit campaign. Because on the BBC it's important to make fun of the right people, pun intended.

Peter Hitchens on the lack of BBC impartiality

A rather good set of points including one about Andrew Marr's journalistic past that I have not heard expressed so clearly before and one about the BBC's part in getting David Cameron elected as Conservative party leader that I have suggested as fact previously.

As for the argument of the last speaker, I won't dignify them with a response.

Laptop ban on flights: What about the parents? Per BBC News - In other words "will nobody think of the children"

This breeder centric BBC report really does take the piss and includes anti President Donald Trump sentiments front and centre:

'When the laptop ban on some flights to the US and UK was announced, there was an audible groan from business people across the world who use those precious hours to keep on top of work.

But there was another group who took an even deeper intake of breath: parents.

"@realDonaldTrump this is absurd," wrote one panicked Twitter user. "My toddlers can't go 2 miles w/o an ipad."

"Making kids sit through a 14 hour flight with no screens to distract is a form of terrorism," another dryly noted.'

Dryly? That's one word for it.

Oddly whilst President Donald Trump gets blame heaped upon him, there's none for the Islamist terrorists who've created the situation.

Friday 12 May 2017

Do you think that the media's favourite comedians are just trying to be funny?

Watch the old interview with Chevy Chase from 3:50 for the least surprising revelation ever...

How many of the BBC's favourite comedians are playing the same game?

A laptop ban on flights from Europe possible 'within two weeks'

If you turn Europe into Eurabia then this sort of thing will be a consequence...

The EU has demanded urgent talks with the US over a possible extension of its ban on laptops in cabin bags to flights from some European airports.

Major US airlines met with US Homeland Security officials yesterday to discuss the impact of extending the ban, which has applied since March to flights from 10 airports - mainly in the Middle East and north Africa - to flights from Europe.

"We'll likely expand the restrictions," said a Department of Homeland Security spokesman David Lapan, but the department has given no indication of when this will happen. A US official said it could begin within two weeks while a source in Europe said it may even be implemented as early as this week.

The UK has introduced a similar electronics ban in cabin bags on flights from Turkey and selected countries in north Africa and the Middle East.

"We have not made any decisions on expanding the electronics ban; however, we are continuously assessing security directives based on intelligence and will make changes when necessary to keep travelers safe," the Transportation Security Administration said in a statement.

Apparently the US fears passengers could circumvent the current ban by travelling from the Middle East to Europe and then taking a connecting flight to the US. The current UK electronics ban does not include flights from Dubai and certain other countries on the US banned list. So the UK could extend their ban to Dubai and the others or they could just accept that we're now part of Eurabia and will be treated as such by the non Islamised world.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Hamas assures critics Israel's destruction still its goal

You may have read recently that Hamas no longer wished to destroy Israel but now wanted to live in peace within the 1967 borders, borders that never existed but let's leave that aside.

Not surprisingly this is fake news.

The Times of Israel has some interesting facts...

'Hamas co-founder Mahmoud al-Zahar clarified Wednesday that his terror group's new political program, which some interpreted as accepting the idea of a Palestinian state on the 1967 lines, would not preclude Hamas from seeking to liberate all of historic Palestine, including Israel.

"If we liberate Palestine though the resistance until the 1967 borders, we will go directly to liberate the rest of Palestine and the territories of 1948, and there will be no negotiations," Zahar said at a conference in Gaza addressing international reactions to the new policy document, according to the Hamas-linked al-Resalah news site.


On Wednesday Zahar stressed that Hamas was not walking back its original principals, asserting, "If Hamas liberated 99.9% of the land of Palestine, it will not give up on the rest."

He added: "We cannot religiously, morally or nationally give up on one inch of the land of Palestine.

"Hamas, which is recognized as a terrorist organization by Israel, the US and the EU,adopted the new document on May 1 in an attempt to improve its standing in the international community.

The document, however, contains glaring contradictions.It accepts the idea of a Palestinian state in territories captured by Israel in the Six Day War of 1967 but simultaneously reiterates the imperative to destroy Israel. It also dismisses the establishment of the State of Israel as "illegal," asserting a Palestinian claim to the entire Land of Israel, and a so-called right of return for all descendants of refugees. It also reserves the right to wage "resistance and jihad for the liberation of Palestine."

Israel has dismissed the new document as an attempt to "fool the world.'

There are plenty of people in the world who are eager to be fooled in such a way. The sort of people that hate Israel. The sort of people that work at the BBC?

Corbyn's Car Runs Over BBC Cameraman

Imagine that the car conveying a senior Conservative politician ran a BBC cameraman over. Can you see the BBC outrage, the jokey insinuations as to revenge etc.?

However as it's a car carrying Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party leader, there will be no BBC coverage.

Article here at Guido Fawkes

BBC fails to report knifeman’s threat to kill Jews in north London per Christians United for Israel

Reading this report reminded me of this scary news and that the BBC hadn't reported the news.

If someone had threatened Muslims then the BBC would have headlined the news. However as it was an attack on Jews, the BBC are not at all interested.

Triple talaq: India top court reviews Islamic instant divorce per BBC News

The BBC manage to report this issue by simultaneously seeing this action as anti Muslim whilst also reporting that:

'Even though it has been practised for decades, the unilateral instant "triple talaq" divorce finds no mention in Sharia or the Koran.

Islamic scholars say the Koran clearly spells out how to issue a divorce - it has to be spread over three months which allows a couple time for reflection and reconciliation.'

The real reason for the article is to criticise India, something that is very common at the BBC.

'Activists say most Islamic countries, including Pakistan and Bangladesh, have banned triple talaq, but it thrives in India.'

The BBC's pro Islam agenda means that not only do they support the Palestinian cause over the rights of Israel but also that they vilify India as much as possible.

A Trump supporter comes to understand why leftists shout slogans over and over again

A Trump supporter comes to understand why leftists shout slogans over and over again. Quite amusing...

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Labour pledges in 'manifesto leak' per BBC News

The BBC report

'Labour's draft general election manifesto has reportedly been leaked, including plans to nationalise the energy industry and abolish tuition fees.'

The BBC will be in ecstasy but how would a Labour government pay for these programmes? Perhaps Diane Abbott will explain the detailed financial planning. Perhaps not!

Manchester Corbynista Resigns After Saying 'Hitler Was Jewish'

Guido Fawkes reports on the latest Labour Party anti Semitic incident.

Days since last anti-Semitic Labour incident: zero…

Good luck with finding any reporting of this news on the BBC.

Jeremy Corbyn is number One

Unfortunately for the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn is the number one reason why former Labour voters won't vote Labour in the upcoming general election.

Angela Rayner Does a Diane Abbott and Can't Remember Class Size Numbers

Yet another Labour Shadow Minister with no facts to backup her plans.

Guido Fawkes has the video from Nick Ferrari's LBC programme.

The lack of figures annoys me but so does Angela Rayner saying "Give it me" rather than "Give it to me". I'd say that I'd expect better from the Labour Shadow Education Secretary were it not for the fact that I really don't.

Full equality for women? Well maybe not always.

I think is an example of having your cake, eating it but not paying for it.

But they do have lots of oil and money

'In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive their own cars; they are not allowed to wear clothing that emphasises their beauty; they cannot interact freely with men; they cannot go for a swim unaccompanied; they cannot compete freely in sport; and they must obtain the permission of a male guardian before they can travel outside the country, work or marry.'

More here

Monday 8 May 2017

Macron Younger Than His Average Voter As Youth Flocked to Le Pen

Breitbart report something that the BBC will not mention.

'Whilst 39-year-old Emmanuel Macron is the youngest president in French history, he is also younger than his average voter as an increasing number of young people voted for his anti-mass migration rival Marine Le Pen.

Macron is the only leader in the Western world – and in the history of the fifth French republic – to be younger than his average constituent, whose average age is 41, French broadcaster BMW TV reports.'

"Google Redefines “Fascism”

George Orwell's 1984  was a warning not an instruction manual...

Nigel Farage says it like it is

Nigel Farage says it like it is, to the displeasure of some.

The language used pertaining to hacks

If a piece of hacking, or similar, has a detrimental effect on a right of centre politician or a cause that is antithetical to the left, then words with a positive or adding legitimacy spin, such as leak will be used to describe the method used.

If a piece of hacking, or similar, has a detrimental effect on a left of centre politician or a cause that is dear to the left, then words with a negative or denying legitimacy spin, such as theft, steal, hack, illegal will be used to describe the method used.

That's the penalty we pay for having a media that is predominantly left of centre and tied to the forces of globalism, free movement and the promotion of the interests of countries such as Saudi Arabia.

Saturday 6 May 2017

Paul Mason on racist Tories

Watch that video and remember that Paul Mason was until recently Channel 4 News' Economics editor and that prior to that he fulfilled a similar role for the BBC Newsnight programme.

How could someone with such a clear  political standpoint be given such critical roles at supposedly impartial news organisations? I suppose that the key word in that question is supposedly.

Giving appropriate airtime to Jeremy Corbyn

Craig at the excellent has a nice piece

It's based upon a comment by the FT's Sebastian Payne.

He's quite correct of course. Labour say that the more the British public see of Jeremy Corbyn, the more they like him and his policies. However that's just not true; the more the British public see of Jeremy Corbyn, the more they realise how unsuited to high office he is. Jeremy Corbyn is not the honest, nice man that the Labour Party and their media arm, the BBC, portray. He's a rather nasty, vindictive, left wing idealog.
The Conservative Party should have as their next Party Political video of Jeremy Corbyn in that whiny voice and some of Diane Abbott showing her mastery of her brief.

Friday 5 May 2017

Another numbers gaffe from Incompetent Diane Abbott

50, 100... What difference does it make?

Diane Abbott the gift that keeps on giving.

Is it feasible that Diane Abbott is actually a Conservative Party plant, she certainly is destroying the Labour Party's credibility as if she was.

Teachers and Lecturers ‘Failing to Report Radicalised Students’ to Anti-Terror Programme per Breitbart

Nobody should really be surprised by this Breitbart report please read it all.

One sentence caught my eye though:

'Academics at some universities see it as an outrage to academic freedom to report students, some of them sophisticated postgraduate students, who display in their written work ideation towards so-called Islamic State terrorism.'

I wonder how many of these academics support the intellectual boycotting of Israel via the BDS movement.

Report: Obama Sought NSA Intel on 'Thousands of Americans', Including Trump Campaign During 2016 Election per Breitbart

'The Obama Administration sought unredacted intel on thousands of Americans during the 2016 election, including those in President Trump's campaign and transition team, according to a new report.

"During his final year in office, President Obama's team significantly expanded efforts to search National Security Agency intercepts for information about Americans, distributing thousands of intelligence reports across government with the unredacted names of U.S. residents during the midst of a divisive 2016 presidential election," reported Circaon Thursday. "The data, made available this week by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, provides the clearest evidence to date of how information accidentally collected by the NSA overseas about Americans was subsequently searched and disseminated after President Obama loosened privacy protections to make such sharing easier in 2011 in the name of national security. A court affirmed his order."'

More here at Breitbart but obviously not on the Obama worshipping BBC.

Labour's Daft Advertising Whinge per Guido Fawkes

Guido Fawkes reports on some typical Labour hypocrisy:

'Labour are accusing the Tories of trying to "buy this election" by paying for front page adverts in local newspapers today. Ben Bradshaw iscrying that "the Tories are spending thousands of pounds all over the country in newspaper advertisements to buy this election because they don't have the foot soldiers on the ground". Eh? Just a few weeks ago during the Copeland by-election Labour paid for front page local newspaper adverts accusing the Tories of killing babies:'

Watch out for Labour spokespersons trying to push this line today and for compliant BBC journalists not challenging them on it.

Thursday 4 May 2017

Modern attitudes to gender (part 2) - College Kids Say the Darndest Things: On Identity

I despair of the future of the west. Particularly based upon the answers of the woman in the black puffa-jacket, "I feel that's not my place... to say someone is wrong".

"If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything."

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Emily Thornberry says that Jeremy Corbyn is a 'good and decent man'

Emily Thornberry says that Jeremy Corbyn is a 'good and decent man'. I wonder how she would reconcile that with his calling Hamas and Hezbollah 'friends', or his previous position on the IRA, or his attendance at sex segregated Muslim meetings. Good and decent?

All the Conservative Party need to do from now on in the general election campaign is play this video over and over again

Diane Abbott, the gift that keeps on giving.

Friday's BBC Radio 4 News Quiz would in a fair world ridicule Diane Abbott as much as they ridiculed John Redwood for not knowing what the words of the Welsh national anthem were. Somehow I doubt that they will.

Diane Abbott making her position on the use of nuclear weapons absolutely crystal clear

Diane Abbott making her position on the use of nuclear weapons absolutely crystal clear. Or not...

Tuesday 2 May 2017

"Diane Abbott Listens to 'Car Crash' LBC Interview"

This video quite warms the cockles of my heart -

Diane Abbott squirming in embarrassment, wonderful.

Well done to the BBC for following that line of questioning. However even the BBC, which usually acts as though it's the media arm of the Labour Party, could see quite how embarrassing Diane Abbott's interview was.

In the Daily Politics interview Diane Abbott said, at least twice, that she got the figures correct in the other six interviews she did on the same morning. I presume that the Labour Party will happily provide the names of the organisations that she gave those interviews to, so that Diane Abbott's claim can be verified. Over to you Labour Party...

Monday 1 May 2017

Tim Farron says 'I'm a bit of a Eurosceptic' per BBC News

Only a Lib Dem and the institutionally pro EU BBC could report that Tim Farron says that he is "a bit of a Eurosceptic"  This line shows that claim to be bunkum:

"I am somebody who believes Britain is better off in the European Union."

It's quite hard to believe that the UK is better off in the EU and call yourself a Eurosceptic. Maybe not for a Lib Dem who has recently had to recant his views on homosexuality.