
Friday 30 June 2017

What happened at Evergreen College?

What happened at Evergreen College? This video tries to explain and is worth watching.

At too many colleges in the US and the UK you either confirm to the leftist orthodoxy or you have no voice.

If you wonder what the West's future looks like, it looks like those screaming protesters. Unless they are shown the error of their ways they'll just continue with their hatred and abuse of the power of the mob.

Dennis Miller's wife compares London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, to the Mayor of Amity, the town in Jaws

Dennis Miller's wife compares London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, to the Mayor of Amity, the town in Jaws. That's a great spot...

"Presidential Voter Fraud Panel Starts, 1692"

Bill Still updates us on US voter fraud, don't expect any coverage on the President Donald Trump hating BBC.

Immigration's effects on housing in the UK

If you listen to the BBC and its fellow travellers on the left of British politics then every immigrant to the UK brings increased prosperity and no negative impacts at all.

Oddly the facts are at variance with this:

'Nearly half a million immigrants have been given taxpayer-funded homes over the past decade. The revelation comes as the number of families on the waiting list for social housing hits a record 1.8million.

Of the four million migrants who arrived between 2001 and 2011, 469,843 were allocated council or housing association properties.
New figures reveal 469,843 of the 4million migrants who arrived in the UK between 2001 and 2011 were given council homes.

Around 1.2million foreigners now live in social housing – one in eight of the total. In London the figure is thought to be as high as one in five. '

Read more: at The Mail , definitely not on the pro-immigration BBC.

The Universal Hot/Crazy Matrix

The Universal Hot/Crazy Matrix - not politically correct, but very funny...

Where is the Mayor? Assembly puts Sadiq on notice

'This Assembly notes that both Ken Livingstone and Boris Johnson attended every single Transport Plenary to which they were invited during their respective Mayoralties.

This Assembly therefore notes with dismay the current Mayor Sadiq Khan's absence from today's Plenary meeting and puts on record its strong desire that this is the last time he misses a London Assembly meeting to which he is invited.'

More here but don't expect any reporting of this unanimous decision. The BBC is institutionally pro the Labour Party and of course Muslim Labour politicians however dubious their background.

Paris mosque: Man held after 'trying to ram crowd with vehicle' per BBC News

'A man has been arrested in Paris after trying to drive his vehicle into a crowd outside a mosque, police say.


The suspect's motives remain unclear but Le Parisien newspaper reported that he was of Armenian origin and had said he wanted to avenge Islamist-linked attacks in Paris.'

Europe's civil war moves on?

More here at the BBC for whom this attack is headline news despite the report admitting that 'no-one was hurt.'

And why was no-one hurt? 'The man was apparently thwarted by barriers put up to protect the mosque.'

So is Europe's future barriers in front of every building, or just mosques?

"Paul Weston: Civil War in Europe: Which Side Are You on?"

Is Paul Weston correct?

Has the European Civil War started?

Do we have to choose sides now?

Scary video but was he right in 2007 and is he right now? I hope not, but fear that he might be.

"CNN's very bad week vindicates Trump"

News from America that you won't find reported on the institutionally anti President Donald Trump BBC.

The BBC post this news but can't quite bring themselves to drw the obvious conclusion

The BBC report that:
'The UK's departure from the EU will leave a budget shortfall of at least €10bn (£8.8bn; $11.4bn), the budget commissioner has warned.

Günther Oettinger said the bloc must either spend less or find new money to fill the gap, equivalent to an estimated 16% of the entire budget.'
So doesn't that mean that the British were contributing far more to the EU than they were receiving from the EU?

£8.8 billion a year equates to around £169 million a week, that does seem like a lot of money. That figure is an 'at least' figure, I wonder what the actual figure is. Somehow I don't expect that the BBC will be pushing that aspect of the story.

Migrant crisis: Italy threatens to shut ports per BBC News - terminology

This BBC report has an interestingly worded note at the end.

'A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.'

That's interesting, maybe the BBC could split figures in future reports so that we know what proportion of migrants are 'fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria' as opposed to those 'seeking jobs and better lives'. Maybe not...

Migrant crisis: Italy threatens to shut ports per BBC News

One sentence in this BBC report gives you an idea of the scale of the recent migration into Europe.

'Italy has seen more than 500,000 migrants arrive by boat since 2014.'

Those migrants would amount to the sixth largest city in Italy.

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Derry teen cried out for mum as dissident gang attacked him with iron bars per

News from Northern Ireland that the pro Republican side BBC won't report.

'A vulnerable 15-year-old boy cried out for his mother as he was savagely beaten with iron bars by a gang of hooded assailants.

The victim sustained a number of broken bones in the paramilitary-style attack, which took place in the Gartan Square area of the Bogside in Londonderry at the weekend.

Last night, police released an image of the boy lying in a hospital bed, his two legs heavily bandaged, as they made a fresh appeal for information.

Officers also published a chilling photograph of the weapons used to batter the teenager last Saturday.

Chief Inspector Ivor Morton said: "The attack, carried out by a number of masked assailants armed with iron bars, was a terrifying ordeal for the vulnerable 15-year-old boy who was heard to have cried out for his mammy whilst the attack was taking place."The young victim sustained a number of broken bones as a result of the assault."He is now recovering from his physical injuries, and I hope that he will also recover from the psychological impact of this incident."


Dissident republican paramilitaries are understood to be behind Saturday's attack on the boy, who is among the youngest victims of such a beating in recent times.

More here but not on the BBC.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Heard on a BBC phone-in today

I was flicking through the radio this morning and heard this:

"What's refreshing about Jeremy Corbyn is that he doesn't change his mind, he's held the same views for 30 years"

Same views for 30 years on the EU?

I clicked along the dial.

Chicago's Dyke March Targets LGBTQ Jews With Old Fashioned Anti-Semitism per Tablet Magazine

'It was only a matter of time before they came for the Jews.

Last weekend, organizers of Chicago's Dyke March asked three participants carrying Jewish LGBT pride flags—a Star of David embossed over the traditional rainbow—to leave. "It was a flag from my congregation which celebrates my queer, Jewish identity," Laurel Grauer told the Windy City Times. According to the paper, Grauer "lost count of the number of people who harassed her" at the festival. The only other individuals to be treated in such fashion were a contingent of Christian anti-gay activists, whom marchers surrounded with "sheets of tarpaulin, trans pride flags and bed linen" so that their hateful signs could not be seen.

Asked to explain why they would kick Jews out of their event, Dyke March organizers were unapologetic and unambiguous. The flags, they explained, "made people feel unsafe" and the march was "anti-Zionist." Forget equating a piece of cloth with an act of physical intimidation, an illustration of the hysterical progressive rhetoric that likens speech to "violence." There was nothing "Zionist" about the allegedly threatening flag (other than its containing the Star of David, which also appears on the Israeli flag). What made these people "feel unsafe" was the presence of Jews. Censoring this Jewish symbol, meanwhile, organizers were perfectly content to let participants wave the flag of Palestine, a political entity where LGBT people are routinely harassed and murdered.


Last weekend's outrage in Chicago is but the latest example of Jews being written out of progressive movements. Whether Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party or Linda Sarsour's #Resistance, Jews are not only being made to feel unwelcome in left-leaning spaces, but anti-Semitism—masked as anti-Zionism—is becoming a marker of virtue. These episodes of ostracism are almost always undertaken to appease Muslims, which makes no sense under any circumstances, least of all for the LGBT community, which is welcomed and celebrated in the world's only Jewish country and subject to state-sponsored harassment, imprisonment, and murder in nearly every Muslim-majority one.'

More here at The Tablet

No coverage on the institutionally anti Israel BBC.

More anti Semitism masquerading as anti Zionism all over the world.

Monday 26 June 2017

What happened to the USS Fitzgerald?

What happened to the USS Fitzgerald? This video puts forward some theories, I don't necessarily agree with them but there's something very odd about the incident involving the USS Fitzgerald.

Newspaper headlines: Jeremy Corbyn says he will be 'PM in six months' per BBC News

The BBC's newspaper headlines review joyously reports that:

'Glastonbury founder Michael Eavis says Jeremy Corbyn told him he will be prime minister "in six months", according to the Metro.

The Labour leader also reportedly said he would scrap the Trident nuclear weapons system.'

The BBC will do their best to help this to happen.

John McDonnell: Grenfell victims 'murdered by political decisions' per BBC News

John McDonnell politicises the deaths of people in the Grenfell Tower and the BBC are there to cheerlead.

'Labour's John McDonnell has claimed victims of the Grenfell Tower fire were "murdered" by "political decisions".

The shadow chancellor made the claims at a Glastonbury Festival event on Sunday - a day after Jeremy Corbyn addressed thousands of people there.

Mr McDonnell claimed the decision to "view housing as only for financial speculation" meant the Grenfell Tower victims were "murdered".

He also said closing fire stations "contributed" to the deaths.'

More here

Sunday 25 June 2017

Guido Fawkes reports Jeremy Corbyn's remarks on Trident

Guido Fawkes reports:

'Glastonbury founder Michael Eavis has said Jeremy Corbyn told him he will get rid of Trident "as soon as I can".

Quotes via Somerset Live:When asked about the Labour leader's appearance, Michael Eavis said: "Wasn't he fantastic?"

"I said to when are you going to be prime minister? He said: 'In six months'."

Eavis said he asked Corbyn: "When are you going to get rid of Trident?""He said: 'as soon as I can'."

Any coverage on the BBC yet?

Saturday 24 June 2017

The ongoing drama of Palestinian Lies per Israel News Online

'US envoys Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner, who met this week in Jerusalem and Ramallah with Israeli and Palestinian Authority (PA) officials to discuss reviving the peace process, have discovered what previous US Middle East envoys learned in the past two decades — that the PA has not, cannot, and will not change.

During their meeting in Ramallah with PA President Mahmoud Abbas, the two US emissaries were told that the Palestinians will not accept anything less than an independent state along on the pre-1967 lines with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Abbas also made it clear that he has no intention to make concessions on the "right of return" for Palestinian "refugees." This means he wants a Palestinian state next to Israel while flooding Israel with millions of Palestinian "refugees" and turning it, too, into another Palestinian state.

At the meeting, Abbas also reiterated his demand that Israel release all Palestinian prisoners, including convicted murderers with Jewish blood on their hands, as part of any peace agreement. The release of terrorists in the past has only resulted in increased terrorism against Israel.

According to Abbas's spokesperson, Nabil Abu Rudaineh, the PA president told Kushner and Greenblatt that a "just and comprehensive peace should be based on all United Nations resolutions (pertaining to the Israeli-Arab conflict) and the (2002) Arab Peace Initiative." Translation: Israel must withdraw to the indefensible pre-1967 lines and allow armed Palestinian factions to sit on the hilltops overlooking Ben Gurion Airport and Tel Aviv.

Abbas's position reflects accurately the policy of the PA leadership over the past two decades — a policy that has been regularly relayed to all previous US administrations, successive Israeli governments and the international community.

To his credit, Abbas has been nothing short of consistent. He has never, ever, displayed a willingness to offer any concessions to Israel. He misses no opportunity to reaffirm his demands to all world leaders and government officials, with whom he meets on a regular basis.'

More here

Total support from the institutionally anti Israel BBC all over their propaganda organisation.

Friday 23 June 2017


If this video from HA Goodman is accurate then this should be headline news.

Hillary Clinton supplies fissile materials to the Russians and the mainstream media yawn, but Donald Trump spoke to the Russians is worthy of headlines?

Sweden: 150,000 women undergo FGM, authorities admit large areas under Islamic rule per Jihad Watch

This Jihad Watch report on Muslim areas in Sweden is well worth a read.

This passage is of great interest:

'In many areas, self-appointed sharia police threaten and harass women to follow Islamic law, Sharia. Threats and harassment can be the consequence if you are not married, if your legs are not covered or if you drink a glass of alcohol on your balcony. Neighbors, strangers, even children and adolescents, threaten women to follow Sharia. If the women do not comply, the sharia police increase their intimidation. A woman tells how a group of men climbed into her apartment by using the drainage pipe and confronted her in her own home because she refused to comply to their demands.'

I wonder if there are any areas of the UK that operate similarly.

Book and documentary to launch on Labour's 'Whitewashed' Chakrabarti inquiry into antisemitism per The Jewish Chronicle

'Almost a year to the day after the publication of Baroness Chakrabarti's inquiry into "antisemitism and other forms of racism" in the Labour Party, a book and documentary on the report and its failings are due to be released.

They reveal that individuals who submitted evidence to the investigation claim they were ignored by the peer, leaving them feeling "foolish" and "abandoned".

Whitewashed will be screened on Monday, with the book launch taking place at the same time. The book documents 17 submissions on antisemitism, mostly from Labour members, to Baroness Chakrabarti's probe.

Following the publication of her findings on June 30 last year, it emerged that Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, had nominated Ms Chakrabarti, the former director of Liberty, for elevation to the House of Lords.

The Board of Deputies subsequently described her report and its aftermath as "a whitewash-for-peerages scandal".'

You can find out more here but obviously not on the institutionally anti Israel and pro Labour Party BBC.

"London Mayor Sadiq Khan Side Steps Question About Hezbollah Flag At Al Quds March"

Sadiq Khan showing his true colours there. He's a nasty piece of work, almost at Ken Livingstone levels.

Old ways of schmoozing the enemy are no longer enough per Alex Brummer in The Times of Israel

This article is well worth a read.

This excerpt will give you a flavour and make you wonder how bad the election result will be next time:

'... One of my sons works as a video/film editor for a well-known media group. In the run-up to the election, he soon discovered that most of his colleagues had become ardent Corbyn supporters. They had been convinced by a 'false news' social media posting that the Tory manifesto was committed to privatisation of the NHS. Totally untrue in that the manifesto actually promised a spending increase in real terms for the NHS. No one among his colleagues, most of whom are under 35, seemed the least bit interested in Corbyn's warped views on the Middle East and anti-Semitism.'

Thursday 22 June 2017

Police launch Al Quds Day rally probe per The Jewish Chronicle

'Claims made by an organiser of the anti-Israel Al Quds Day rally that Zionists were to blame for the Grenfell fire tragedy are now being investigated as a possible hate crime.

Officers from the Metropolitan Police have confirmed that they will review comments made by Nazim Ali – director of the self-styled "advocacy group" the  Islamic Human Rights Commission which organised the annual march  - during the two-hours he led supporters along the capital's streets.

The Met also confirmed that they are conducting a second probe into whether an open display of flags of the banned terror group Hezbollah at Sunday's march contravened UK terror laws.'

More here in the JC but likely not on the institutionally anti Israel BBC.

UK population rise of 538,000 is biggest for 70 years per BBC News

Hidden away in this BBC report on the latest population figures is this telling passage:

'The population of the UK has increased by just over five million in 11 years - previously it took 35 years, from 1970 to 2005, to make the same leap.'

Think of that when lefty scum including the BBC complain about shortages of housing and school places, longer waiting lists for hospital and doctors appointments and so on.

38 Jews and 300,000 Muslims

Elder of Ziyon has a fascinating report on people visiting The Temple Mount in Jerusalem,

'In the past 24 hours, according to Arab media, 38 Jews visited the Temple Mount.

This is, of course, terrible. How can Jews peacefully visit their holiest site? Clearly it is a violation of Muslim rights.

Also in the past 24 hours, according to the same Islamic Waqf that zealously counts every Jew, some 300,000 Muslims visited the same site.
Yet the Muslims complain about restrictions to their freedom of religion.'
  Fascinating and the sort of imbalance in figures that the BBC should be interested in.

The elderly voters deserted the Conservatives at the general election

Mike Smithson at Political Betting has a great article that includes the above chart.

'There’s one group of voters that traditionally the Tories have been able to regard as bankers – the oldies, those in the growing 65+ age segment.

 My analysis of that, reflected in the chart above, finds that the PM is struggling to hold onto to the oldies. The chart numbers are based on subtracting those who have an unfavourable view of TMay from those who have a favourable one.

As is shown she had been doing extremely well with the 65+ group with huge favourability margins.

In the latest polling she’s still in positive territory but only just by just 4 points. It used to be 55%

This doesn’t bode well for the blue team if there is a new general election which the party’s precarious parliamentary position might well lead to.

She used to be an electoral asset. Now it is looking like she is an electoral liability.'

Why did Theresa May attack the elderly in her Conservative Party manifesto? Stupidity or deliberate, I can think of no other reasons.

"Flint Mi. Airport Attack Treated As Terrorism - Attacker Yelled Allahu Akbar"

Well ain't that a surprise?

Cutting at the victims neck, now why would a Muslim do that? Is 8:12 part of the answer?

"The history of the racist Democrat party in under 12 minutes by Bill Whittle"

I did some fact checking on this video and the 94% tax rate was actually a marginal rate on income over $200,000 but it's still ridiculously high.

Has Sadiq Khan thought this through?

LBC report that
'Sadiq Khan Backs Amnesty On Grenfell Tower Illegal Immigrants

The Mayor of London has called on the government to ensure any illegal immigrants who lived in Grenfell Tower to be protected.'
'Sadiq Khan has told LBC that he is backing a complete amnesty. He said: "No action must be taken against anybody in Grenfell Tower who comes forward.

"There may be some people who are sub-letting, breaching their tenancy agreement.

"There may be people who have got friends and family visiting, who they are worried about if they report them because they haven't got immigration status.

"All of those people should feel confident that if they come forward and speak to the authorities, that no action will be taken."'
Leaving aside the questionable sense in giving people an amnesty on immigration matters because they were illegally occupying a building that burnt down, is this not an invitation for other illegal immigrants to claim that they were living in Grenfell Tower at the time of the fire and so should get citizenship and a new flat?

Well it's only money after all...

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Joseph and the amazing disappearing Israel reference

It's always Israel, why?

'The Wellington City Council has apologised to Sir Tim Rice after the word "Israel" vanished from song sheets featuring the renowned lyricist's work.

The printed lyrics – with a modified version of Close Every Door from Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber's Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat – were prepared for this year's annual Wellington children's festival, Artsplash.

In song sheets distributed to Wellington schools taking part in Artsplash, the phrase "Children of Israel" was changed to "Children of Kindness".'

More here

It's always Israel, I wonder why?

Police taser man outside Regents Park Mosque, he was waving a shoe horn

'Police Tasered a man waving a shoe horn outside a London mosque today amid heightened tensions after the Finsbury Park terror attack'

More here

Do I dare look at how the BBC are covering this story?

Is John McDonnell a Marxist?

"I'll be honest with you, I'm a Marxist"

So should we believe the John McDonnell who's on television watching his words as he tries to get non Marxists to vote Labour, or the John McDonnell who doesn't have to watch his words when speaking with those of a like mind?

Couldn't Andrew Marr have played this video to John McDonnell when McDonnell claimed that he wasn't a Marxist?

Physically attacked at SOAS after anti-Israel event with Roger Waters per Richard Millett's Blog

Richard Millett is someone that I have admired the courage of ever since I became acquainted with his work. So I was sad to read this piece today.

'It's with great sadness I have to write this piece. Having attended hundreds of anti-Israel events throughout London and beyond for 10 years I have never been hit. I have been threatened repeatedly but never thought someone would follow through. Last night that changed at SOAS, where I'm also an alumnus.'

I can't say that I'm surprised that Richard Millett was hit by an anti Israel individual, most of that type that I have encountered have not been adverse to at least threatening violence against supporters of Israel.

Suspected suicide bomber shot at Brussels railway station per BBC News


Read on and there's the unsurprising fact that:' "Then he cried 'Allahu Akbar' and he blew up a wheeled suitcase," he told AFP news agency.'

Report here

Islamist terrorism all over the world.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Does the revolution start tomorrow?

Craig at has a good piece today that includes this section:

'First, I want to commend this article by Melanie Phillips in The Times (£). Never mind terrorism or Brexit for a minute. Melanie has articulated a very urgent threat to the social cohesion that the State is so cack-handedly trying to maintain.

"Class warriors are cynically fanning the flames. Left-wing agitators are planning a "day of rage" tomorrow in protest at the government's austerity policies, which they say caused the tragedy. The protest is being led by the Movement for Justice By Any Means Necessary, whose Facebook page declares: "We must escalate our actions to take down this rotten government, which has lost all authority to govern."

(I read this when it appeared in the Spectator a few days ago.)

"What's happening is an attempt to stir insurrection on the streets against the democratically elected Westminster government. Labour's shadow chancellor John McDonnell has called for a million people to take to the streets on Saturday to force Theresa May from power. 

At a Liverpool conference on March 10, 2012, McDonnell said there were three ways to change society. The first was through the ballot box; the second via industrial action. "The third is basically insurrection, but we now call it direct action . . . we have an elected dictatorship, so I think we have a democratic right to use whatever means to bring this government down. The real fight now is in our communities, it's on the picket lines, it's in the streets."'

John McDonnell has called for insurrection, isn't that a criminal offence? Shouldn't it be? Will anyone at the BBC raise that question or are the lefty idiots there hoping that it will really kick off this time?

It's going to be very hot tomorrow - I predict a riot, or more.

I'll be avoiding central London for a start, but all town centres look pretty dodgy too. The BBC and the Marxists at the head of the British Labour Party are playing a very dangerous game, scarily it's a game that they might win.

Theresa May talks with DUP crumble as party feels ‘taken for granted’ - could she really screw this up as well?

Could Theresa May screw this up as well?

Do Theresa May and the DUP really want to risk the hell of a Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and Dianne Abbott led Labour minority government?

Larry Elder challenges Dave Rubins on Systemic Racism

Larry Elder challenges Dave Rubins on Systemic Racism, I think it's clear who has the facts on his side.

Europe’s Elites Seem Determined to Commit Suicide by ‘Diversity’

'Europe's Elites Seem Determined to Commit Suicide by 'Diversity'

Politicians say with fury that their migration policies 'must' work. What if they don't?

By Douglas Murray'

A sobering analysis, no doubt.

Read it here

Corbyn Praised at London Hezbollah Rally per Guido Fawkes

By their 'friends' you shall know them...

'The annual Al Quds day rally took place in central London yesterday afternoon. The Khomeinist march – in support of the destruction of the State of Israel – openly supports Hezbollah, whose military wing is a proscribed organisation in the UK. Jeremy Corbyn was photographed in front of a Hezbollah flag when he spoke at the march in 2012. This year he sensibly chose not to attend…

As the march snaked to the US Embassy in Grovsenor Square, anti-Israel chants rang out under dozens of yellow AK-47 emblazoned Hezbollah flags.

Addressing the rally, Mick Napier from the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign accused "Zionists" of trying to depose Corbyn:

"This is a dramatic moment… Jeremy Corbyn has stood by the Palestinian people for 30 years, the Zionists hate him, they tried to get him prevented from becoming leader, they're trying to get him removed."

Meanwhile a speaker from Stop the War suggested Labour Friends of Israel are also trying to undermine Jez.

"Zionists" were blamed for the Grenfell tower fire by a speaker at the rally, underlining the level of blatant lunacy displayed at the event. This is a terror-linked rally that lavished praise on Jeremy Corbyn and which he formerly backed…

Thanks to Guido Fawkes for the reporting. Don't expect to learn the truth about such matters from the institutionally anti Israel and pro Labour Party BBC.

Monday 19 June 2017

Champs-Élysées: Car 'deliberately hits' police van in Paris per BBC News

What interesting choice of words that is, a 'car deliberately hits' according to the BBC headline. Read the BBC report and we learn that:

'A car deliberately hit a police van before bursting into flames on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées in central Paris, police officials say.

The driver died in the incident. Police found a Kalashnikov rifle, handguns and gas bottles in the car.'

Surely the car didn't deliberately do anything, the driver of that car however...
Another terrorist attack? The recent escalating in the frequency and the deadliness of these attacks is not coincidence. War has been declared whether we in the West can accept that or not.

Labour Brexit Chaos: Starmer Backs Staying in Customs Union per Guido Fawkes

Guido Fawkes reports

'Last week Corbyn and McDonnell said Labour policy was to leave the single market. Today on Marr their Shadow Brexit Secretary Sir Keir Starmer suggested Britain should stay inside in some way. Corbyn and McDonnell have backed leaving the customs union. Today Starmer said Britain should stay in. Is Labour's Brexit spokesman freelancing? Labour have been in complete chaos on Brexit all week.'

Not surprisingly the BBC are not reporting on this policy chaos. After all the BBC's role is to get a Labour government elected and anything that might stop that happening is to be avoided. Imagine that a top Conservative politician said something that was at odds with government policy, the BBC would be headlining this and screeching about Conservative splits.

Once you realise that the BBC is institutionally pro EU and pro the Labour Party their coverage of British politics makes much more sense.

Democrats Warn Trump Congress Will 'Begin Impeachment Proceedings' If He Fires Mueller, Rosenstein

One part of this Breitbart report caught my eye:

'"All Americans, regardless of party, agree on the fundamental principle that no one is above the law," Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) told MSNBC Friday. "And if President Trump were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein, and then [get] special counsel Mueller fired, I believe Congress would begin impeachment proceedings."'

Presumably he means that 'All Americans, regardless of party, agree on the fundamental principle that no one is above the law, apart from Hillary Clinton'

The reactions allowed to people following an Islamist terrorist attack as opposed to in the aftermath of a tower block fire

Manchester Islamist terrorist attack - "March Against Hate" is an overreaction, a sign of racism, Islamophobia, backlash etc.

London Tower Block fire - "Day of Rage" is praiseworthy, understandable and the proper response

I smell double standards and bullshit

Saturday 17 June 2017

Israeli policewoman stabbed to death in Jerusalem per BBC News

This rather blind report by the institutionally anti Israel BBC misses much information. It does manage to inform that Israel had lifted travel restrictions on the Palestinians because it was Ramadan. It doesn't inform, for balance, that when Jerusalem was partly occupied by Jordan between 1948 & 1967, Jews weren't allowed anywhere near the site of the Temples. Nor that even now under Israeli control, Muslims keep Jews off of the holiest site in Judaism less the site be despoiled by the presence of praying Jews.

Also missing from the report is the Palestinian response to the attacks.

The Islamic State used its Amaq news agency to claim that "soldiers of the caliphate" attacked a "gathering of Jews."

Islamic Palestinian factions praised the combined attack, with an Islamic Jihad spokesman Dahoud Shihab saying in a statement released immediately after the terrorist event that "The martyr's blood that was spilled at the gates of the al-Aqsa Mosque is a clear message that the intifada continues and that the Palestinian people will not give up. " 

Shihab praised "the pure martyrs who were killed while fasting," and noted that the attack in Jerusalem "is proof that Jerusalem is the land of the jihad. Praise be to the pure martyrs who rose up to defend the purity and sanctity of the blessed land while screaming in the faces of all those who seek normalization."

Hamas also praised the attack in Jerusalem. Hazem Qassem, one of Hamas' spokesmen, said in a special statement that the attack was additional proof "that our Palestinian nation continues its revolution against the criminal occupation and that the intifada will continue until we achieve full freedom."According to him, the death of the three terrorists "is proof that the occupation is the true face of terror, terror against which the Palestinian nation is exercising its right to defend itself and its holy places."

The Abou Ali Mustafa Brigades, the military arm of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, also praised the attack and called the carnage "a natural response to the crimes of the continuing occupation against our people.""The act sends a clear message to the leaders of the occupation that the opposition and the intifada continue and are revitalized and we haven't been broken despite all the steps and tools of criminal oppression," the statement added.  The terrorist organization called for the Palestinian people "to continue the heroic attacks that spill the blood of the occupation and to continue supporting the resistance."Israeli "occupation" refers to Israel's presence in the West Bank, home to historic Jewish communities like Hebron and Beit El, as well as Israel's control over eastern Jerusalem, which contains the Temple Mount and Western

Meanwhile those alleged moderates of Fatah, led by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, slammed what it called "the killing of three young Palestinians by the forces of the Israel occupation in East Jerusalem.

"Fatah was referring to the three terrorists who were eliminated in the middle of carrying out their murderous assault against Israelis.The statement, published by the movement in the official WAFA Palestinian news agency, added that the deaths of the three attackers represents "the continuation of Israeli policies of escalation and is proof that the Israeli occupation government is continuing its  policies.

Thanks to Breitbart for much of the above.

"The Progression of Extremism"

Lauren Southern nails our future, and it isn't pretty.

The future of the Western World looks bleak thanks to the emergence of a movement of leftist intolerance and violence. This movement has been encouraged by the leftist media who can't win elections at the ballot box. 

On July 1st I suggest that if you're in the UK, stay at home as I fear a riot.

USS Fitzgerald crash per BBC News - one odd element

This BBC report into the USS Fitzgerald crash has an odd element:

'Marine traffic records suggest the ACX Crystal made a sudden U-turn roughly 25 minutes before the collision with the USS Fitzgerald. It is not clear why it changed course.'

Anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?

Friday 16 June 2017

The BBC’s entrenched bias against Israel, when did it start?

This Is the BBC biased piece is a must read if, like me, you realise that the BBC is institutionally anti Israel. The article looks at when this anti Israel bias began, do read it all but here are two examples that pre-date my experience of this anti Israel sentiment.

'But it was the BBC's Keith Kyle (1925-2007) who, thumbing his nose at the terms of his employer's Charter, provided CAABU with its biggest boost from that quarter.  Kyle seems to have been the first BBC broadcaster to flout the neutrality incumbent upon the BBC when, during the tension leading up to the Six Day War, he declared that

"fundamentally in this dispute the Arabs are completely in the right.  There can be no question about this at all." 

These words were also printed in the 1 June 1967 issue of The Listener, a BBC publication.


One of the worst examples of Kyle's pro-Arab stance concerned the bungled hijacking attempt (with innocent casualties) by PFLP terrorists of an El Al aircraft at Zurich Airport in February 1969.  He had learned of the plan from Arab contacts in Damascus, but had not disclosed the information

"to avoid Israeli retaliation against it".  

In a subsequent attempt to prevent him visiting Israel there were threats of him being prosecuted as "an accessory before the fact" if he set foot there"

Keith Kyle then, Jeremy Bowen now - the BBC hasn't really changed.

Michael Portillo talks sense to Liz Kendall

"Your party has been taken over by a very dangerous hard left. People who have sympathised with terror over the years and these people are no wishing a hairsbreadth of taking power in this country,"

More here

Man held by police outside Parliament per BBC News

Interesting how this BBC report on the man arrested outside Parliament is very keen to say that terrorism has not been suggested as a motive.

Also note the picture that the BBC choose of the arrested individual shows him from behind and not in close up. There are better photos available, Guido Fawkes has a clear front on photo on his site. Ask yourself why the BBC might choose not to use that photo.

BBC bias whether by commission or omission is still bias.

Thursday 15 June 2017

The Left’s Jewish Problem: Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Anti‑Semitism per Nick Cohen's review of a new book on the matter in The Guardian

The Labour Party has a real problem with antisemitism, of that there's little doubt.

Do read Nick Cohen in The Guardian, here's an extract:

'... Labour has had to suspend 18 members, including one MP and a former mayor of London, because of their allegedly racist displays. Everywhere, "Zionist" and "Zio" are used to define Jews, and non-Jews who question left orthodoxy, as "the other": barely human monsters, who must be cast from the bounds of leftish society. The leader of the Labour party has defended supporters of every variety of ancient prejudice: the Palestinian activist who revived the medieval libel that Jews used the blood of Christian children to make bread; the Anglican vicar who promoted the views of modern neo-Nazis that the Jewish conspiracy was now so malign and supernaturally powerful it was responsible for 9/11.

After reviving old prejudices, Labour members adopt new ones just for fun. Jews were the chief financiers of the slave trade, they say as they repeat a fantasy promoted by the US race-huckster Louis Farrakhan. Jews collaborated with Hitler, they continue as they repeat the fantasies of 20th-century Marxist‑Leninists.

To get a bearing, imagine that Theresa May and leading members of the cabinet had endorsed the supporters and ideology of the Ku Klux Klan or Britain First, and then rewarded the chairwoman of a supposedly independent inquiry into rightwing racism with a peerage.'

More here

More antisemitism and equivocation about antisemitism in the Labour Party and its propaganda arm the BBC.

Sweden: Migrant Cries 'Racism' When Woman in Hijab Asked to Show Train Ticket; Attacks Passengers with Knife

This Breitbart report raises many questions.

Here's the start of the report:

'An Iraqi man travelling from Stockholm to Hallsberg by train launched a brutal attack on passengers after a Muslim woman was asked to show her ticket, accusing them all of racism.

Karim Alaa Hussain, 25, became infuriated when the unnamed woman, who was wearing a veil, was asked to show her rail ticket by a female conductor.

The Muslim woman complained she had already been asked to show her ticket once before, although eyewitnesses say the conductor was "polite and correct".

Hussain took a different view, according to a report by Fria Tider, corroborated by court documents seen by Breitbart

Hussain sprang to his feet and demanded to know why the conductor had asked to see the woman's ticket, refusing to accept her explanation that she was "only doing her job" and he became "extremely intimidating".

Other passengers intervened to try and calm him down, but this only increased his anger. He accused them of racism, threatening one of the men in particular and striking him in the face.

Alarmed, Hussain's victim wrestled him to the floor – but the Iraqi managed to break free and produced a long kitchen knife, stabbing the man four times in the side and back and inflicting critical internal wounds.'

Where did he produce the long kitchen knife from? Why was he carrying such a weapon? Do many Arabs living in Europe also carry such weapons? If so, will our governments do anything to try to stop this and protect their citizens?

Congressional Shooter Has History of Violence, Supporting Liberal Causes which is probably why the BBC have lost interest in reporting on this story

The news about the Congressional Shooter keeps pouring in:

'James T. Hodgkinson, the Illinois man identified as the would-be killer who wounded several at a practice session of the Congressional Republican baseball team, had a history of violence, supporting progressive causes, and voting for Democrats at least as far back as the year 2002.

According to the Belleville News-Democrat, a paper from the St. Louis area community in which Hodgkinson lived, the shooter has been identified with particularly progressive and liberal causes. He even worked as a volunteer on the presidential campaign of self-professed socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. The suspect's Twitter feed is also filled with tweets on liberal politics.The paper reported that Hodgkinson belonged to a Facebook group called "Terminate the Republican Party."The shooter's Facebook page was alsolinked to a long list of far left-wing groups and pages, including, "Expose Republican Fraud," "Liberal Democratic Socialist Party," "Boycott The Republican Party," "I Hate Donald Trump," "Healthcare & Education Berners United to Resist Trump," among others.'

More here at Breitbart but not on the BBC where many they share some, or many, of his views and where lefty shoots Republican is not something to raise ire against.

Venezuela's child hunger crisis grows -per BBC News

The BBC report:

'Despite being an oil-rich country, Venezuela is facing record levels of child malnutrition as it experiences severe shortages of food and an inflation rate of over 700%.

The Venezuelan Health Ministry says child mortality has also jumped 30% in the last year. The BBC's Vladimir Hernandez met some of the families struggling to cope.'

Any mention of why Venezuela is in such economic trouble? Any linking of their economic problems to the sort of Marxist economics that Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell believe in?

This is the BBC so somehow I doubt it.

You can see for yourself here

Wednesday 14 June 2017

MOD confirms casualties in Castlemartin base tank incident per BBC News

'More than one person has been injured in an incident involving a tank at a military training base in Pembrokeshire.

The Welsh Ambulance Service and Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service are in attendance at the Castlemartin firing range.

A Ministry of Defence (MOD) spokeswoman said it was "aware of an incident".She added: "This is still being investigated and therefore it would be inappropriate to comment further."'

More here

Meanwhile, maybe sadly, my suspicions have been aroused.

Steve Scalise: Republican House whip shot and wounded per BBC News who have the detail to put it in perspective

This BBC report gives us some background on Steve Scalise, he's a Republican and therefore spot number three:

' Who is Steve Scalise?

House Majority Whip, the number three Republican in Congress, responsible for vote gathering

Elected to Congress is 2008 having previously served in the Louisiana state legislature

He apologised for speaking to a white supremacist group during a campaign event in 2002

Former leader of the conservative Republican Study Group, which clashed frequently with former Speaker of the House John Boehner

He married his wife Jennifer in 2005 and has two young children. They live in Jefferson, Louisiana'

If he had been a Democrat politician who had spoken to a BLM meeting before a riot the BBC would have kept quiet, out of respect. However republicans are always fair game and if a right of centre politician can be linked to racism maybe they all can be.  The BBC never stop pushing their agenda.

Protesting Labour MPs Ignored Gordon and Ed's DUP Dealings per Guido Fawkes

Guido Fawkes further exposes hypocrisy in the Labour Party over their manufactured outrage about the Conservative pact with the DUP.

'Labour MPs held up "Drop the DUP Deal"posters outside parliament yesterday, protesting their stance on gay rights. Did they protest when Gordon Brown tried to do a dealwith the DUP in 2010, or Ed Miliband in 2015. '

Labour hypocrisy, colour me shocked.

That the BBC have nothing to say about this manufactured outrage is equally not surprising, the BBC being little better than the propaganda arm of the Labour Party.

Tuesday 13 June 2017

"James Comey Has A Long History Of Questionable Obstruction Cases"

'There are many other examplesof Comey's poor judgment when it comes to obstruction of justice cases. But the idea that Comey should be trusted to lay out an impartial case for obstruction is going to be hard to swallow.'

Quite a strong and fascinating piece here

Nothing like it will be on the BBC ever.

UN agency slams Hamas after discovering tunnel under two Gaza schools per Haaretz

'UN Agency Slams Hamas After Discovering Tunnel Under Two Gaza Schools

UNRWA condemns the existence of the tunnel and pledges to seal it; Israeli general: It's Hamas that's destroying Gaza'

More here  but obviously not on the institutionally anti Israel BBC.

Netherlands: State TV edits Theresa May’s London speech to remove references to Islam

Last week I reported that the BBC had cut an interview with a witness, expunging any reference to the perpetrators shouting about Allah.

Today I read that:
'The first priority after every jihad terror attack: make sure that no one has any negative thoughts about Islam.

It's incredible that even the dhimmi appeaser May's supine speech was too much for the taxpayer-funded Dutch media.

"NOS edits the video of Theresa May to cut out 'extremist Islam,' translated from " NOS geeft toe in de video van Theresa May 'extremistische islam' eruit geknipt te hebben," by Lars Benthin, De Dagelijkse Standaard, June 6, 2017:'

More here but not on the BBC.

In the UK a Gays Against Sharia march is branded 'Islamophobic', and will be picketed by LGBT activists

Breitbart has the details

Meanwhile what connects the following countries?

'The ten countries in which homosexuality is punishable by death are Afghanistan, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. In some cases, the laws apply only in regions of the country under Sharia law or are only applicable to Muslims.'

Monday 12 June 2017

TV film on migrant Muslims’ hate of Europe’s Jews axed per The Times & The Sunday Times

'European broadcasters have been accused of censorship after refusing to air a documentary highlighting anti-semitism in Muslim migrant communities.

The film, Chosen and Excluded — The Hate for Jews in Europe, depicts the plight of Jewish people suffering violence at the hands of their Muslim neighbours in cities such as Paris.

The Franco-German broadcaster Arte and WDR, a German public broadcaster, shelved the film, saying it had failed to offer a "multi-perspective" approach and lacked reporting from European countries.

This was in defiance of experts who had been commissioned to evaluate the film and who praised it, calling for its release.'

More here but obviously not on the pro Islam BBC.

Europe is not a safe place for Jews to live any more. We should be planning our departure to places that understand the threat of Islamism: maybe the USA, possibly Israel, maybe even India.

"Jeremy Corbyn is a danger to this nation. At MI6, which I once led, he wouldn't clear the security vetting"

These comments by the former Head of MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove, were not reported by the institutionally pro Labour Party BBC.

'... Britain goes to the polls. And frankly, I'm shocked that no one has stood up and said, unambiguously, how profoundly dangerous it would be for the nation if Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime Minister. So let me be clear, the leader of the Labour Party is an old-fashioned international socialist who has forged links with those quite ready to use terror when they haven't got their way: the IRA, Hizbollah, Hamas. As a result he is completely unfit to govern and Britain would be less safe with him in No 10. 

I can give an indication of just how serious this is: if Jeremy Corbyn was applying to join any of this country's security services – MI5, GCHQ or the service I used to run, MI6 – he would not be cleared to do so. He would be rejected by the vetting process. Far from being able to get into MI5, in the past MI5 would actively have investigated him....'

More here but not on the BBC where getting a Labour government is more important than reporting facts, opinions that they dislike, or indeed the safety of the United Kingdom.

The BBC is an enemy of the United Kingdom, it must be dismantled. Personally I'd charge various heads of the BBC and many of its journalists with treason.

Why did the BBC refuse to tell the truth about Corbyn?

This Daily Mail article asks a fair question: Why did the BBC refuse to tell the truth about Corbyn?

You should read the whole piece, here's an extract:

'Let me put my complaint another way. How many of the nearly 13 million people who voted Labour are aware that Jeremy Corbyn has a track record as an associate of Middle Eastern terrorists and IRA killers?'

The problem is that the IRA is not a current problem and for anyone under the age of 40 I question if the IRA is anything other than a name from history. The BBC's uncritical support for the Northern Ireland peace process and vilification of the Unionist cause whilst supporting the ideals, if not openly the methods, of the Republicans in Northern Ireland has set the tone for the young and old uninformed of this country.

Likewise the BBC's institutionally anti Israel bias, allied with the anti Israel sentiment in most UK universities, means that Jeremy Corbyn's calling Hamas and Hezbollah his friends is, to the young, understandable and in accordance with the zeitgeist.

This country is lost: the BBC, the educational system, the agreed narrative is at odds with reality and the interests of the West. It is time to get out of the UK, if they want to destroy it then why should I stay to fight them.

The Conservative Party allying with the DUP in order to form a government is apparently controversial as the DUP are, according to the BBC, 'socially conservative'.

According to the Labour Party and their propaganda arm, the BBC, the DUP are socially conservative and so the Conservative party shouldn't be allying with them in order to form a government.
Oddly the Labour Party had no such worries in 2010 when post the general election Gordon Brown was trying to keep his great clunking fist on the levers of power.

'Newly released emails to Hillary Clinton when she was US secretary of state show the Labour Party tried to win support from the Democratic Unionists.

In a previously confidential briefing paper, US officials said then Labour leader Gordon Brown "is doing whatever he can to hold on to power".

They said Northern Ireland secretary Shaun Woodward was involved in attempts to build support for Labour following the election.

The email read: "Shaun, for his part, is working on an economic package for Northern Ireland to win support from the DUP and other parties for Labour – a package to be proposed in the Queen's Speech."'

This is from a September 2015 article in the Irish News

The Labour Party and the BBC are hypocrites of the highest order. That the Labour Party changes its position depending on what suits it is politics. That the BBC runs cover for them and amplifies their position is bias, pure and simple. The BBC is not unbiased, it must go.

The rank hypocrisy of the Labour Party and the BBC

The Labour Party and its fellow travellers at the BBC are up in arms about the DUP keeping them out of power. The line that they have chosen is that the DUP are socially conservative, which in their eyes is simply unacceptable.

Of course the Labour Party see nothing wrong in allying themselves with another socially conservative group. But then Islam is beyond criticism for the Marxists who now run the Labour Party.

Sunday 11 June 2017

The BBC's Mishal here accuses Boris Johnson of being keen to discuss Jeremy Corbyn's positions - BBC Radio 4 Today, 6 June

The BBC's Mishal here accuses Boris Johnson of being keen to discuss Jeremy Corbyn's positions. Oddly the BBC 'journalist' seems terribly keen for Boris Johnson not to be given the airtime so to do.

The BBC's pro Labour Party bias is clear and evident across so much of their output. The BBC dominates the British news reporting landscape to such an extent that it has to be scrupulously unbiased. Unfortunately it's not and for that it must be shut down.

Easyjet plane diverted after 'suspicious conversation' per BBC News

'A plane flying from Slovenia to the UK made an unplanned landing after the pilot was alerted to a "suspicious conversation" with "terrorist content".

Three men were arrested after the Easyjet flight from Ljubljana to Stansted, in Essex, had been diverted to Germany's Cologne-Bonn airport on Saturday afternoon.

All 151 passengers were evacuated and flights were suspended for three hours.

A backpack belonging to the men was blown up by police.'

So who were these 'men'?

What were they saying that was deemed so serious?

Have they been arrested and charged?

Is this another way to cause chaos for airlines?

Are our politicians going to keep claiming that we won't change our way of life because of Islamist terrorists?

More here but none of the questions that I've asked.

Saturday 10 June 2017

The Labour Party manifesto was 'a huge brib' - No Shit Sherlock

The Labour Party manifesto was 'a huge brib' - No Shit Sherlock - and it almost worked

"BBC Censors "Allah" From Interview About Muslim Attack"

Can the BBC stoop any lower in their efforts to protect followes of Islam from criticism? Of course they can and indeed will.

Election results 2017: Who are the Democratic Unionist Party? Per BBC News

I didn't think that the BBC would miss the opportunity to cast aspersions on the DUP and I wasn't disappointed. This BBC report accuses them of being anti homosexuals, anti abortion and of having links to paramilitary groups.

Oddly the BBC are not at all interested in reporting the links past and present between senior Labour Party figures and terrorists of both the IRA and the Islamist persuasion.

Likewise being not 100% in favour of homosexuals puts the DUP beyond the pale but Islamists wanting to throw homosexuals off of buildings is just a cultural difference.

The BBC regularly disgust me but rarely surprise me.

London attack: Men 'planned to use 7.5 tonne lorry' per BBC News

This BBC report currently includes the line:

'Inside, they found a copy of the Koran opened at a page describing martyrdom.'

But of course the attacks are nothing to do with Islam.

Friday 9 June 2017

Saudi football chiefs apologise over London attack tribute per BBC News - or Our Saudi friends

'Saudi football chiefs have apologised after their national team elected not to take part in a minute's silence for victims of the London Bridge attack.

Australian players linked arms as a sign of respect before Thursday's World Cup qualifying match at Adelaide Oval.

Saudi players took up field positions and some continued to stretch.

Football officials said they had been told in advance that the "tradition was not in keeping with Saudi culture".

An Australian MP called it "disgraceful".

Football's world body Fifa says the Saudi team will not face sanctions. It said it had reviewed what had happened and judged that there were "no grounds to take disciplinary action".

Eight people were killed and 48 injured on Saturday when three men drove into pedestrians on London Bridge, before abandoning the vehicle and stabbing people in the surrounding area.'

More here

More evidence of the Saudi support for the Islamification of the world pretty much everywhere.

Woman outside Borehamwood polling station filmed chanting “Vote Labour, let’s get the Jews out” at voters per Campaign Against Antisemitism

'A woman outside a Borehamwood polling station has been filmed chanting: "Vote Labour, let's get the Jews out" as voters simply walk past her. The video has not been released publicly.'

Is anti-Semitism an acceptable prejudice amongst many Labour Party voters?

More here but obviously not on the BBC.

Thank heavens they will not form the next UK government.

DUP and Sinn Féin celebrate election gains leaving the way open for a Conservative and DUP coalition government

Yesterday I posited a result which meant that Sinn Féin MPs would take their seats in order to give their old allies Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell power.

In fact the result gives another Northern Irish political party a major chance of power. A party from the Unionist rather than the Nationalist tradition.

The DUP won 10 seats and those added to the 318 of the Conservative and Unionist Party would mean a small majority for any such coalition.

Can a deal be done? If the alternative is a Labour / SNP / Lib Dem / Green / Sinn Féin government then a deal bloody well has to be done. Surely the DUP would see that.

Labour and their propaganda arm, the BBC, will scream that they won and should be given a chance to form a government but in reality Theresa May has the first chance to form a government and it should be easier to form a coalition of two parties than one of at least five.

Suddenly Arlene Foster will be the name on everyone's lips.

Thursday 8 June 2017

Election day musings

Conservative voters don't be complacent about the most recent opinion polls, get out there and vote Conservative.

I have the terrible feeling that the opinion pollsters have been under polling the under 25s who don't normally vote but who will vote for a Jeremy Corbyn led Labour Party this time.

The Labour vote could be being underestimated by as much as 10%. That Conservative Party 7% lead might be illusory. I fear that in this election the 'shy Tory' vote might be heavily outnumbered by the under-polled Labour youth vote.

This could be exacerbated by Remainer Conservative voters not wanting to give Theresa May a large Brexit majority. These people should realise that Jeremy Corbyn and his team of misfits are more of a threat to the UK than Brexit.

So hold your nose if you have to, but the only alternative is Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister.

Do you really want to wake up to a 'friend' of Hamas and Hezbollah in Number 10?  Hamas, Hezbollah, the IRA,  just what attracts Jeremy Corbyn to them?

Do you really want to wake up to a Marxist Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer? Do you want the UK to be another Venezuela?

Do you really want to wake up to someone as unpleasant and incompetent as Dianne Abbott as Home Secretary?

However bad a Prime Minister Theresa May is, she's not Jeremy Corbyn. Vote Conservative...

Terror Suspect Targets Stamford Hill Neighborhood in London per Jewish Press

'Late last month terror suspect Aweys Faqey, 37, was arrested at Stansted Airport on suspicion of discussing plans to obtain automatic weapons for the purpose of killing Jews in Stamford Hill. The Somalia-born suspect is married with a wife and five children in the Netherlands, and a second wife and child in Kenya. But he's been living in Tottenham since 2013.

Online chat logs of a conversation between him and Abdirahman Hassan, a Kenyan man awaiting trial for terrorist offenses in a separate terrorism case, were read out in court, with one message allegedly saying: "It could have been better if AK47, M16 and BKM can be found. They could have been taken to Stamford Hill and people leave from the game. On Saturday a lot of Jews gather over there. It is an area of the UK where they are a majority, it's full of people."

Faqey, who was arrested as he was trying to board a flight for Istanbul allegedly carrying four mobile phones, $700 and 400 euros in cash, was charged by British police with preparing acts of terrorism.

He appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court earlier this month and is scheduled to appear at the Old Baily again on June 9.'

More here

As you won't find reported on the BBC, whose main interest seems to be minimising criticism of Islam, and if a few Jews die then so what.

Is there any Labour Party leader the BBC wouldn't back?

Steven Glover in The Mail thinks not. Does anyone seriously disagree?

Thanks to Craig at for the spot.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Who shuld I vote for in tomorrow's general election?

Can you completely trust Theresa May?
Of course not.

Will she see Brexit thorough?
Maybe, maybe not.

Will she take the tough decisions re the Islamist terrorism threat?
Not on the evidence of the past but maybe she's finally seen sense?

Will she bring prosperity for all?
Don't be daft.

But the alternatives are so bad that you should just hold your nose and vote Conservative.

So how about voting Labour?
Are you insane? 
A party lead by someone who supported the aims of the IRA, consorted with the IRA, calls Hamas and Hezbollah his friends and voted against taking action to prevent ISIS Fighters from returning to the UK. A man who would rather support Iran than Israel. A man whose politics are stuck in the 1970s.

A party whose Shadow Chancellor is a Marxist and whose previous views on the IRA make Jeremy Corbyn look like Ian Paisley. 

A party whose shadow Home Secretary has some rather odd views about Chairman Mao, racism and no apparent mastery of her own brief. 

A vote for Labour is a vote for economic chaos, giving succour to Islamist terrorists and hastening the end of the United Kingdom as a sovereign entity.

So should I vote Lib Dem, after all I really didn't want Brexit to happen. 
Voting Lib Dem instead of Conservative might let Labour into power, do you really want to hand power to Marxists, terrorist sympathisers and the incompetent?
So hold your nose and vote Conservative.

Should I vote UKIP?
UKIP are the only party that would see Brexit through, if that's important to you, but they can't form a government and a vote for UKIP might lead to a Labour government, so hold your nose and vote Conservative.

Should I vote SNP, I do live in Scotland?
Vote Conservative just to wipe the smug smiles off the faces of Sturgeon and Salmond.

Should I vote Green?
No, don't be silly.

So in summary on June 8th hold your nose and vote Conservative. They're the best of a very poor set of choices.

Nursery worker stabbed in Wanstead by three women per Ilford Recorder

Is this report accurate? Are we so deadened to this sort of attack that the BBC won't bother reporting it?

'A nursery worker was stabbed by three women on a busy high street this morning.

Karrien Stevens, who runs Little Diamonds nursery in Hermon Hill, confirmed that one of her staff was slashed by three women while on her way to work from Wanstead High Street.

While the woman waited at the junction with Hermon Hill at 9.30am, she was attacked from behind by the trio, according to Ms Stevens.

Ms Stevens said the victim told her the assailants then shouted: "Allah, Allah."'

Is this for real?

Might Sinn Fein take their seats so as to support their old comrade Jeremy Corbyn?

The standard wording of general election forecasts is that the figure for MPs required to form a majority government 'exclude Sinn Fein MPs, who do not take their seats'. 

However, if Jeremy Corbyn is a few seats short of a coalition majority then might Sinn Fein take their seats in order to support their old comrade, and if so what would the quid pro quo be?

General election: Leaders tour country in final appeal for votes per BBC News

So say the BBC

But the big news is that it seems this afternoon that you can't watch a YouTube video without a vote Labour advert appearing. How much have they paid for this wall to wall advertising? Some of it pushes tactical voting but has very little idea of geographical locations...

Who should I vote for tomorrow in the general election?

Can you completely trust Theresa May?
Of course not.

Will she see Brexit thorough?
Maybe, maybe not.

Will she take the tough decisions re the Islamist terrorism threat?
Not on the evidence of the past but maybe she's finally seen sense?

Will she bring prosperity for all?
Don't be daft.

But the alternatives are so bad that you should just hold your nose and vote Conservative.

So how about voting Labour?
Are you insane? 
A party lead by someone who supported the aims of the IRA, consorted with the IRA, calls Hamas and Hezbollah his friends and voted against taking action to prevent ISIS Fighters from returning to the UK. A man who would rather support Iran than Israel. A man whose politics are stuck in the 1970s.

A party whose Shadow Chancellor is a Marxist and whose previous views on the IRA make Jeremy Corbyn look like Ian Paisley. 

A party whose shadow Home Secretary has some rather odd views about Chairman Mao, racism and no apparent mastery of her own brief. 

A vote for Labour is a vote for economic chaos, giving succour to Islamist terrorists and hastening the end of the United Kingdom as a sovereign entity.

So should I vote Lib Dem, after all I really didn't want Brexit to happen. 
Voting Lib Dem instead of Conservative might let Labour into power, do you really want to hand power to Marxists, terrorist sympathisers and the incompetent?
So hold your nose and vote Conservative.

Should I vote UKIP?
UKIP are the only party that would see Brexit through, if that's important to you, but they can't form a government and a vote for UKIP might lead to a Labour government, so hold your nose and vote Conservative.

Should I vote SNP, I do live in Scotland?
Vote Conservative just to wipe the smug smiles off the faces of Sturgeon and Salmond.

Should I vote Green?
No, don't be silly.

So in summary on June 8th hold your nose and vote Conservative. They're the best of a very poor set of choices.

"Faith Goldy: How the EU Made Greece a Muslim Ghetto"

An aspect of the recent Muslim immigration into Europe that I've not heard much about before watching this video.

"Jeremy Corbyn: You don't defeat terrorism by ripping up human rights - BBC News"

Remind me who, in May 2014, voted against banning those Britons fighting with ISIS from returning to the UK? Oh yes, Jeremy Corbyn but I'm not surprised that the institutionally pro Labour Party BBC wouldn't mention that.

Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister would be a total disaster for the country. Time to leave?

Lord Sugar launches blistering attack on Sadiq Khan for single-handedly ruining Labour per The Independent

'Labour now welcomes anti-Semites and terrorist sympathisers to its ranks, the TV star warned."I would say Khan has single-handedly wrecked the Labour Party, and now he's turning his finely honed judgment on the great city of London," the peer wrote in The Sunday Times.

"Khan ran Ed Miliband's leadership campaign. He was in the room when Miliband turned on people like me, attacking the country's largest employers as 'predators', as well as Corbyn who famously called Britain's businesses the real enemy.

"Khan was one of the most senior Labour politicians to nominate Corbyn for leader. Without Khan's endorsement, Corbyn would never have made it onto the ballot.

"Under Corbyn, the lunatics have truly taken over the asylum. His ambition is to drag Britain back to the 1970s - union blackmail and three-day weeks, when our best and brightest were leaving the country in droves. Militants, Trots, anti-Semites and terrorist sympathisers all seem to have been welcomed into Labour with open arms," the peer said.

Lord Sugar said Mr Khan will not be independent of the Labour leader, as he accused Mr Corbyn of being on friendly terms with terror groups like Hamas.'

That was from The Independent just before the London Mayoral election. Lord Sugar getting it very right indeed about Labour now welcoming anti-Semites and terrorist sympathisers to its ranks, indeed to the upper echelons of the party.

One comment on the piece caught my eye and backs up Lord Sugar's comments, albeit accidentally:

He would wouldn't he.

Despicable, obnoxious zionist. Dedicated to the serfdom of the working man.'

Anti-Zionism being the slightly more polite version of Anti-Semitism.

The original Independent article is here

Anger over 'Star of David' symbol on Labour poster per The Jewish Chronicle

This Jewish Chronicle article  reports that:

'A giant left-wing political banner in one of Britain's biggest cities has been condemned as antisemitic for portraying Theresa May wearing Star of David earrings.

The banner, which was hung at the Bearpit roundabout in Bristol, depicted Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May facing each other, with positive slogans endorsing Jeremy Corbyn and negative statements about Theresa May's policies.

As well as the earrings, the word "Balfour" was also written on the poster next to Theresa May. This November will mark the centenary of the signing of the Balfour Declaration, which called for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people", as well as saying that "nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country".'

People seem puzzled the other week when it was reported that Jews were deserting the Labour Party, I believe that the figure quoted was just 13% of British Jews would vote Labour. The Labour Party, consciously or otherwise, have made the decision that there's more Muslim votes than Jewish votes and that they side with Muslims over more elements of foreign policy anyway.

Anti Semitic sentiment long just below the surface on the left of British politics has been given a degree of legitimisation and that genie will not now be able to be returned to its bottle.

If the worst happens and a Jeremy Corbyn lead Labour Party becomes the head of a UK government then I strongly recommend that all British Jews leave the UK before it is too late.

Jezza's Jihadi Comrades Go Mainstream per Guido Fawkes

Guido Fawkes is pleased that The Sun and The Mail have picked up on his story about Jeremy Corbyn appearing at a rally alongside some vile, banned Islamists.

'After Guido revealed Corbyn's appearance at a rally alongside the banned jihadist group Al-Muhajiroun, the newspapers at last give him the scrutiny he deserves. You're either in front of Guido…'

The trouble is that the BBC control the news agenda in this country and there's not a word about this story on their outlets.

The BBC's careful choice of what's news is bias as bad as choosing how to report a story. The BBC's news reporting is slanted to further a narrative and to try and ensure that their favoured candidates win elections.

If Theresa May does actually win this general election then she must take action to control the BBC. It should be an unbiased news reporting organisation not the media arm of the British Labour Party, the American Democrats, the Palestinians and sundry other causes.

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Is the BBC biased?: Understanding Islam

This is a must read article at

It quotes Yigdal Carmon, here's an extract:

'The jihadis who perpetrate these horrific crimes are neither losers, nor nihilists, nor worshipers of death, nor sick cowards. On the contrary, the overwhelming majority of them are devout and fanatic believers. They are idealists who sacrifice their lives for the sake of a utopian future: a world ruled by their faith. The attacks they commit are extreme acts of piety. They seek to emulate the dedication of the early believers in order to revive the glory and grandeur of the past. In fact, as part of their training, many suicide bombers adopt a pious lifestyle: they immerse themselves in prayer, help the needy in their society, pay all their debts,[1] and become moral and religious role models for others'

Don't expect the BBC or any UK politician to dare to repeat such thoughts.

Diane Abbott did she lie about ill-health

Read this email exchange at Guido Fawkes and ask yourself what Diane Abbott is saying. Did she lie to the BBC? Do the BBC care? If this was the a Conservative senior politician, this would be a scandalous headline on the BBC but as it's a senior Labour politician there will be no word of criticism.

The BBC, as ever, is operating as the media wing of the Labour Party rather than as an independent media organisation. The bias disgusts me.

"Body language expert reveals what Labour MP Diane Abbott was REALLY hiding on Sky News"

I don't think you need to be a body language expert to read Diane Abbott's body language in that interview...

Had she read the report? All of it? Doubtful.

Had she read the executive summary? Possibly.

Could she remember it? Obviously not.

Is she on top of her brief? Seriously?

Paris's Notre-Dame cathedral is the latest setting for an Islamist terrorist attack

'Police have shot a man who attacked an officer with a hammer outside the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris.

The man shouted "This is for Syria" during the attack, officials say.


Tourists fled for cover as the attack unfolded. Hundreds of people were at the cathedral at the time.

France is in a state of emergency since attacks by jihadists in Paris killed 130 people in 2015.

French Interior Minister Gérard Collomb said that the assailant on Tuesday afternoon had carried the identity card of an Algerian student.'

More here

What are we going to actually do about the growing menace of Islamist terrorism in Europe? Based on previous experience of European leaders, absolutely nothing.

What should we do?

Ian Collins's: This Is What Politicians Should Say About Terror Attacks

LBC's Ian Collins says what no mainstream politician or BBC presenter will ever say.

Corbyn Addressed Hundreds of Al-Muhajiroun Members per Guido Fawkes

Guido Fawkes reports

'Jeremy Corbyn addressed a rally including hundreds of members of the banned extremist group Al-Muhajiroun, Guido can reveal.

In May 2002 Corbyn gave a speech at a highly controversial anti-Israel demo at Trafalgar Square, attended by former terrorists and supporters of Hezbollah. A contemporaneous report by the communist Weekly Worker newspaper says up to 300 members of Al-Muhajiroun were present. The newspaper reported that some were dressed as mock suicide bombers and others chanted"gas, gas Tel Aviv". '

If this is true then it should be electoral dynamite but that's just why the BBC won't report the story, ensuring that the Labour Party do as well as possible is their top priority. Also I wonder how many people at the institutionally anti Israel BBC would agree with the sentiment "gas, gas, Tel Aviv".

Anti-Semite and a Muslim Brotherhood supporter behind new UK mosque

'Plans for a new mosque in Britain have been overseen by a cleric reported to be a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and a Kuwaiti official who claims Jews orchestrated the September 11 attacks, the Telegraph can disclose.

Khalid Al-Mathkour, chairman of Kuwait's sharia council, and Essam Al-Fulaij, a Kuwaiti government figure who has repeatedly issued anti-Semitic diatribes, are listed as trustees of a UK-registered charity building a mosque in Sheffield. They have helped channel almost £500,000 into the project from Kuwait.

Another £400,000 has been donated to the charity, the Emaan Trust, by a Qatari organisation.

The Emaan Trust, of which Dr Al-Mathkour is honorary chairman, has already set up an evening school for children in the city and says the new place of worship will "promote and teach Islamic morals and values to new Muslim generations."'

More here at The Telegraph but obviously not on the pro Islam BBC.