
Thursday 31 August 2017

Are The Deep State Hiding Hillary Clinton Emails From The Public?

What are the Deep State hiding? Jason Chaffetz wants to find out and HA Goodman will continue to bang that gong.

Sebastian Gorka: former Donald Trump adviser on Charlottesville and Krishnan Guru-Murphy's wet dreams

Sebastian Gorka: former Donald Trump adviser on Charlottesville and Krishnan Guru-Murphy's wet dreams. Lovely... The words of Sebastian Gorka not KGM's wet dreams.

Marvel star slates 'racist' Hollywood over name change per BBC News

What's interesting about this BBC report is that whilst Chloe Bennet's claim is quoted extensively, there's not a word to the contrary from a Holywood representative. I suppose that at the BBC any claim of racism is automatically believed and spread.

'Chloe Bennet, who stars in TV series Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, has said she had to change her name from Chloe Wang in order to make it in Hollywood.'

Wednesday 30 August 2017

"FBI Stonewalls Release of Clinton Emails"

What are the FBI hiding? What would those Hillary Clinton Emails reveal?

NHS 'leaking millions' in PFI contracts per BBC News

The BBC manage to report the NHS PFI issues without mentioning Gordon Brown or the Labour Party. Anyone would think that the BBC was little more than the propaganda arm of the Labour Party.

Sunday 27 August 2017

Birling Gap beach evacuated after suspected chemical leak per BBC News

The BBC are reporting

'Emergency services have evacuated a beach in Sussex after a suspected chemical leak.

People on the beach at Birling Gap reported painful, stinging eyes and breathing difficulties after a "mist" appeared.

Sussex Police said there was an "unknown haze coming in from the sea" affecting the East Sussex coastline.'

Chemical leak or chemical attack? What do you think?

Jewish businesswoman leaving UK over Labour anti-Semitism as not reported by the BBC

'A Jewish businesswoman whose father was Lord Mayor of Birmingham is leaving Britain, blaming anti-Semitism in politics and the failure of the authorities to enforce the law.

Mandy Blumenthal, 52, pointed the finger at Jeremy Corbyn for 'giving oxygen' to Jew haters by failing to punish racist outbursts from his supporters. '

More here but obviously not on the BBC.

The new Europe? Italy: Polish Man Beaten Unconscious and Wife Gang Raped on Rimini Beach, African Migrants Suspected

Breitbart reports

'A young couple from Poland were subjected to a "brutal and beastly attack" by four men suspected to be African migrants on a beach in Rimini, Italy.

The 26-year-olds were taking an evening stroll on their last night in the popular tourist spot when they were set upon by four men, Wiadomości reports.

The young man was beaten unconscious by the gang, who then subjected his partner to multiple rapes in front of him. Both were also robbed.'

Isn't diversity marvelous?

You'll look in vain for this story to be reported on the institutionally pro unlimited immigration BBC. For the politically correct scum at the BBC, the British public must be protected from the sort of news that might open their eyes to the sad realities of opening the floodgates to mass immigration.

Days After Turku Killings, Finns Admit They Have Lost Track of 5,300 Asylum Seekers - Breitbart

Two interesting aspects to the killing in Turku, Finland.

If you wondered why the BBC coverage of this attack was so muted, it's because it was by a Muslim asylum seeker, now that's really inconvenient to the BBC pro immigration narrative.

Also ISIS warned/boasted that they would use the wave of illegal immigration from mainly Muslim countries to hide their terrorist fighters within. What notice did Western governments take? It appears very little as this from Breitbart reveals:

'Finnish Interior Minister Paula Risikko confessed that around 5,300 migrants claiming asylum in the country have "disappeared" in the middle of their application process since 2015, the Helsinki Times reports.

Ms. Risikko said she thought at least half of the migrants had either returned home or moved on to other European countries within the EU's borderless Schengen Area — described as "effectively an international passport-free zone for terrorists" by former Interpol chief Robert Noble — but it is not clear how she established this.'

More here at Breitbart but not on the BBC.

The same must be true all across the EU and beyond as illegal immigrants bring more than a few terrorists into the heart of Europe.

Scarily it seems that too many of our political masters don't care if large numbers of their citizens die, for we are expendable and those deaths are but a small price to pay for increasing diversity and for the levelling down of the too rich Western civilisation.

'Jihad Has No Borders' - Islamic State Asks Spanish-Speaking Fans to Kill at Home

This isn't about Iraq, Afghanistan or Israel, this is about conquest or re conquest.

'Islamic State terrorists released a video this week celebrating the van attack in Barcelona, Spain, and threatening to conquer all of "al-Andalus," the Arabic name for what Islamic State terrorists see as Muslim Spain.

The video features two Spanish speakers, one masked and one unmasked. Fox News identifies the former as "Abu Salman Al Andalus." The latter identifies himself as Abu Lais Al Qurdubi or Abu Lais "of Córdoba," a Spaniard whom authorities believe moved to Syria to join the Islamic State with his family.

"If you can't make the hijra [journey] to the Islamic State, carry out jihad where you are; jihad doesn't have borders," he says in the video.

"Make jihad where you are and Allah will be pleased with you," al Qurdubi continues. "Don't forget the Muslim blood spilled during the Inquisition. … Al-Andalus will return to what it once was: the land of the caliphate."

The masked man, also speaking in Spanish, lauds the "brothers in Barcelona" – the terrorists responsible for the deaths of 15 and injury for over 100 people in the city – and warns the "infidels": "Our war against you will continue until the end of the world"'

More here at Breitbart but obviously not on the BBC.

Buckingham Palace suspect was brandishing 4ft sword, police say per the no choice left BBC News

The BBC kept to the knife narrative whilst other news outlets were reporting it was a sword. However the facts are unavoidable even for the BBC who now report:

'A man arrested outside Buckingham Palace on Friday night was brandishing a 4ft sword as he repeatedly shouted "Allahu Akbar", police say.'

Poor BBC, that must hurt to report the truth about what seems to be another attempted Islamist terrorist attack on London.

More from the here

Saturday 26 August 2017

Illegal Immigrant Avoided Deportation Six Times Before Murdering Care Worker per Breitbart

I dare you to read this article from Breitbart and not get angry with the British authorities

'An Egyptian who posed as a Syrian asylum seeker and arrived in Britain in the back of a lorry was found to have avoided deportation six times before murdering a "kind and peace-loving" care worker.

Hani Khalaf, 22, was sentenced at The Old Bailey to at least 26 years' imprisonment for kicking, punching, and stamping to death 62-year-old Jairo Medina before stealing the dead man's wallet and mobile phone, reports The Times.

The court heard that Khalaf lived on the streets and had been bailed for shoplifting hours before the fatal attack on the carer at London's Hyde Park.

The Egyptian national had arrived in Kent in the back of a lorry in August 2014.

Judge Wendy Joseph, QC, said: "It is clear that Hani Khalaf, having absconded, came to the attention of authorities on at least six occasions.

"On each, he was re-bailed because they could not make arrangements for securing his deportation in a reasonable amount of time."'

Bloody marvellous...

More here

Friday 25 August 2017

Police injured outside Buckingham Palace per BBC News

The BBC are in full hope against hope  mode over the knife attacker outside Buckingham Palace:

'The police said it was too early to know whether it was terror related.'

Indeed it is but the BBC are praying that it isn't attempted Islamic terrorism.

More BBC 'reporting' here

‘Allahu Akbar!’ Brussels Machete Man Shot After Attacking Soldiers per Breitbart

As not reported by the BBC...

'Early reports indicate that the attacker — who is thought to be alive but in critical condition — was a 30-year-old Somalian who shouted "Allahu Akbar" as he launched his attack. One of his victims has been left with a head injury.'

More here  but not on the protect the religion of peace at all costs BBC.

Brussels attack: Man shot after stabbing troops per BBC News

BBC / Belgian police dhimiitude in one sentence:

'The Brussels prosecutor's office said the attacker was "not known for terrorist activities".'


BBC crap here

The BBC is a vile disgrace

'The BBC is a vile disgrace. One white paedophile gets more coverage than all the muslim rapists combined... '

Per Grant on August 25, 2017 at 7:08 posted to

It is true that the amount of coverage given by the BBC to this rape case is incredible and the comparison with the minimisation of the coverage of Muslim rape gangs is stark. It is hard to conclude other than the BBC trying to show that white men rape too and so Muslim rape gangs aren't important.

Grant's comment was originally posted here

First tanker crosses northern sea route without ice breaker per BBC News

This BBC report is designed to lead the casual reader to assume no ice breaker is required because there's no ice, due to global warming. The BBC even state:

'Rising Arctic temperatures are boosting commercial shipping across this route.'

However read down the article and you learn that

'The Christophe de Margerie is the world's first and, at present, only ice-breaking LNG carrier.

The ship, which features a lightweight steel reinforced hull, is the largest commercial ship to receive Arc7 certification, which means it is capable of travelling through ice up to 2.1m thick.

On this trip it was able to keep up an average speed of 14 knots despite sailing through ice that was over one-metre-thick in places.'

So the reason that this ship didn't need an ice breaker to lead it through the ice is because it is itself an ice breaker.

More BBC misleading here

Thursday 24 August 2017

The religion of peace?

Without any noticeable irony the BBC report with video that:'A military parade is held in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, before the annual Hajj pilgrimage.'

Yes because nothing says religion of peace quite like a military parade.

"Chilling similarities between USS John S. McCain and USS Fitzgerald crashes"

There certainly are chilling similarities between USS John S. McCain and USS Fitzgerald crashes. Both events seem highly suspicious to me.

Anna Raccoon R.I.P.

'Susanne Nundy sadly passed on the 18th August 2017.

Best known as Anna Raccoon, she was a staunch defender of liberty, freedom and most of all, the truth.

As a tribute to her and her work, a project is currently underway to attempt to restore as much of the original Anna Raccoon website as is possible.

Unfortunately the original database which contained everything was deleted and we are attempting to restore files from Anna's own computer (kindly donated by her husband Mr.G who supports this project), from Dr.Mark Smith of Edinburgh University and from other internet sources.

This is a time consuming process so please bear with us.'
From Anna Raccoon whose writing will be sorely missed.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Palestinians to Jared Kushner: In 45 Days, We Blow Up Your Peace Process per Breitbart

Breitbart reports that 'The Palestinian Authority reportedly plans to give White House envoy Jared Kushner an ultimatum when he visits Ramallah on Thursday: deliver Israeli concessions in 45 days, or we blow up the peace process and go to the UN.'

I suppose blowing up the peace process makes a change from blowing up pizza parlours and buses.

Dutch gig cancelled over terror tip-off

Here we almost go again.

Fascinating that it's a Muslim Mayor and an American group with the word Allah in their name in this story.

'A rock concert in the Dutch city of Rotterdam has been cancelled and a van containing gas canisters found nearby after a tip-off from Spanish police, the city's mayor says.

The driver of the Spain-registered van was detained by police, Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb told journalists.

The Maassilo venue said a gig by US band Allah-Las had been cancelled in connection with a terror threat.'

More here

Who's going to replace Andrew Neil to present the BBC's Sunday Politics?

So who's going to replace Andrew Neil to present the BBC's Sunday Politics?

Will it be a) someone with family links to the Conservative party or b) someone with family links to the Labour party?

You really need to ask?

'The BBC has announced its Scotland editor Sarah Smith will be replacing Andrew Neil as presenter of the Sunday Politics. Fun fact: Sarah is the daughter of former Labour leader John Smith.'

Taken from Guido Fawkes here but presumably not to be mentioned by the Labour Party's propaganda arm - the BBC.

The secret Democratic playbook revealed

This video is well worth a watch. Just don't expect any coverage of the Democrats playbook any time soon.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Moroccan who admitted killing two in Finland knife attack was refused asylum

Reuters are reporting:

'A teenage Moroccan asylum seeker who admitted on Tuesday that he had killed two women and injured eight other people in a knife attack in the Finnish town of Turku had had his application for asylum rejected before the attack, authorities said.'

More here but obviously not on the BBC.

Monday 21 August 2017

"Are clueless celebs embarrassed by their praise for Venezuela’s brutal socialist regime?"

"Are clueless celebs embarrassed by their praise for Venezuela's brutal socialist regime?"  I think that the answer is no!

US Navy ship and oil tanker collide off Singapore per BBC News

The BBC report that:

'Ten sailors are missing and five have been injured after a US destroyer and an oil tanker collided off the coast of Singapore, the US Navy says.

The guided missile destroyer USS John S McCain was sailing east of Singapore and preparing to stop in the port when the collision with the Liberian-flagged vessel occurred.'

This is the second 'collision' between a US Navy vessel and a commercial ship in recent months. The last 'collision' seemed suspicious to me, a second raised my suspicions still further. Something feels wrong about these 'collisions', what is really happening?

Sunday 20 August 2017

More British Jews considering move abroad as anti-Semitism fears grow

'Almost one in three British Jews has considered moving abroad in the past two years, a survey has found.

One in six British Jews (17%) reported feeling unwelcome in Britain and over a third (37%) said they had felt the need to conceal their Judaism in public.

The findings come from a large-scale study by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism which surveyed nearly 4,000 members of the community during 2016 and 2017.

They found that 31% of British Jews had considered moving abroad, a rise from 28% during their last survey two years ago.

Some 65% of respondents said they believed the Government was not doing enough to protect them, and over four-fifths feel the Labour party is too tolerant of anti-Semitism.'

More here but not on the BBC whose institutional anti Israel narrative has done more than most to increase anti Semitism in the UK and whose support for the Labour Party despite its increasingly anti Semitic elements has had the same effect.

Saturday 19 August 2017

Have the BBC reported this re Moussa Oukabir?

The Times today shows a social media post by Moussa Oukabir from two years ago saying:

"Kill the infidels I just let Muslims follow the religion"

Have the BBC reported this? Why do I doubt it?

Friday 18 August 2017

Here we go again? Finland this time?

'Police in Finland say they have shot a man who reportedly stabbed several people in the south-western city of Turku.

The man has been taken into custody after being shot in the leg, police say.

The incident reportedly took place in the Puutori-Market Square area. One image showed a body lying on the ground. The body had been covered.

People have been warned to stay away from the city centre.

Finnish broadcaster YLE said at least two other people had been injured in the incident.

Other reports spoke of five or six victims.

But there has been no official confirmation of casualties.

A tweet from South-West Finland police at 16:40 local time (13:40 GMT) read: "Several people stabbed in central Turku. People are requested to avoid the city centre."'
That's from the BBC, is it a case of here we go again? The BBC desperately hope not.

Acknowledging attacks on Israel, albeit only in passing

Acknowledging attacks on Israel, albeit only in passing, the BBC manage to mention that these attacks using vehicles started in Israel:

'Frank Gardner, BBC security correspondentThe practice of using a large vehicle as a weapon to attack pedestrians is not new. Palestinian militants have used it against Israelis, al-Qaeda encouraged its followers to do it seven years ago in its online magazine.'
But then the BBC list just the attacks in Europe:

'Europe's deadly vehicle attacks

  • Paris, 9 August 2017: A man rammed a BMW into a group of soldiers, injuring six
  • London, 19 June 2017: A man was killed in a van attack on Muslims outside a mosque in Finsbury Park
  • London, 3 June 2017: Eight people died when three jihadists drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge and then stabbed passers-by
  • Stockholm, Sweden, 7 April 2017: Uzbek Rakhmat Akilov killed five people when he drove a lorry through a shopping area
  • London, 22 March 2017: Four people died when a car rammed into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, and the driver then stabbed to death a policeman
  • Berlin, Germany, 19 December 2016: Tunisian Anis Amri ploughed a truck into a Christmas market at Breitscheidplatz, killing 12 people
  • Nice, France, 14 July 2016: Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel drove a truck into crowds on the Promenade des Anglais, killing 86 people on Bastille Day
  • France, December 2014: A van was driven into a Christmas market in Nantes and a car rammed pedestrians in Dijon, leaving more than 20 wounded'
Except they miss from that he list the murder of Lee Rigby in May 2013 which started with a car ramming and finished with a murderous stabbing.

They also miss the following attacks in Israel:

2008 Jerusalem vehicular attack, Israel (ramming people)
2008 Jerusalem bulldozer attack, Israel (ramming people)
2011 Tel Aviv nightclub attack, Israel (ramming and stabbing)
2014 Jerusalem tractor attack, Israel (ramming people and bus)
October 2014 Jerusalem vehicular attack, Israel (ramming people)
November 2014 Jerusalem vehicular attack, Israel (ramming and hitting with a metal crowbar)
2014 Alon Shvut stabbing attack, West Bank (failed ramming and stabbing)
2017 Jerusalem truck attack, Israel (ramming people)

Why do you think the BBC deliberately omit the attack on Lee Rigby and the many attacks in Israel? Narrative?

Something you won't hear on the BBC

Maajid Nawaz on LBC expressing views on Muslim grooming gangs that means he won't ever get a job with the BBC.

'During this powerful take, Maajid Nawaz points out the uncomfortable truth about grooming gangs in the UK that others have been too afraid to discuss.

The LBC presenter was giving his epic reaction to the conviction of 17 men and one woman for abusing girls in Newcastle and Gateshead.

The 18-strong gang prosecuted were from the Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian and Turkish communities and mainly British-born.

This wasn’t the first incident in the UK - since 2011 groups of men have been convicted for organised sex grooming cases in 16 towns and cities.

And, in all but two of those cases, most were Muslim men of south Asian origin.

“They were men like me from my community,” Maajid said during his scathing take.

“And in all but three the victims were white teenage girls. That is the truth, and what I’m saying is so uncomfortable that we’ve been ignoring it for years.

“As a result of ignoring it this problem has been growing and growing to a point where it now has led to racial tensions.”

He continued: “We haven’t been speaking about it, what did you expect?

“The alternative to speaking about problems is violence, the alternative to addressing things with facts and truth is post-truth and alternative facts.”

Maajid finished: “What’s more important? Protecting these young girls, children, from being plied with drugs and raped.

“That’s what is more important.”'
 Not the BBC approved line at all.

Trey Gowdy and Hillary Clinton

I know this is an old video but it's one that bears repeat viewing as an antidote to the lies of the mainstream media about this affair.

Barcelona attack: BBC News are pretty shameless

This BBC report on the latest Islamist terrorist attack on innocent European civilians contains a fascinating section where the BBC first quote London Mayor Sadiq Khan:

'Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London which has seen two similar vehicle attacks in recent months, tweeted his thoughts were "with the victims of this barbaric terrorist attack in the great city of Barcelona".

"London stands with Barcelona against the evil of terrorism," he added.'

I note that Sadiq Khan doesn't mention ISIS or Islam. Presumably the same BBC that has been vilifying President Donald Trump, post Charlottesville, for not denouncing all Nazis will be treating Sadiq Khan similarly now.

The BBC report then quotes two British people who were witnesses to the attack:

'Rizza Javier, from Essex, was eating with her husband at a nearby restaurant in Barcelona.

"We suddenly heard and saw people screaming, crying and running in the street, some came inside the restaurant so I grabbed my son to the upper floor of restaurant."

A bus stopped right in front and a couple who came out of the bus saw the van, they told us there was a van who rammed into people in the street," she said.

The family were forced to stay locked in the restaurant for two hours, she said.

"We were all scared because the van was near the restaurant and we were told the terrorist was on foot."

Aamer Anwar, a lawyer and rector at the University of Glasgow, was walking in Las Ramblas when he heard screaming.

He said a shopkeeper told him five or six people were badly injured and described the scene as "chaos"

He said the police "seemed to be looking for someone. They were going very carefully, very cautiously, stall to stall."'

So of all the British tourists who might have been on Las Ramblas the BBC find and quote Rizza Javier and Aamer Anwar, narrative what narrative?

Thursday 17 August 2017

Barcelona attack: What we know so far per BBC News

If you rely on the BBC for your news then you're not being well informed. This BBC report as at 20:57 described as telling us what we know so far, doesn't tell us the name of the suspect who is named elsewhere. Nor does it mention that as at  15:30 PM EST: The Islamic State has taken responsibility for the Barcelona attack, speaking through its Amaq news agency.

The BBC's desperation to keep the British public from knowing that this was another Islamist terrorist attack is palpable.

Barcelona: Van rams crowds in Ramblas tourist area per BBC News

This BBC report on the Barcelona incident starts thus:

'A van has ploughed into crowds in Barcelona's famous Las Ramblas tourist area.

People were killed and injured as the vehicle sped along the pedestrianised area, sending many fleeing for cover in shops and cafes.

Witnesses said the van had deliberately targeted people before coming to a stop.'

Bizarre, did witnesses really say that the van deliberately targeted people? A van is an inanimate object, the driver of the van targeted people. Why do the BBC persist in pushing this ridiculous narrative?

Barcelona: Van hits crowds in Ramblas tourist area per BBC News

'A van has ploughed into crowds in Barcelona's Ramblas tourist area.Spanish police say several people have been injured in a "massive crash", while emergency services are urging people to stay away from the area around Plaça Catalunya.

Reports from the scene say people are taking cover in nearby shops and cafes.

Reuters news agency reports that emergency services have requested the closure of local metro and train stations.

Marc Esparcia, a 20-year-old student who lives in Barcelona, told the BBC: "There was a loud noise and everybody ran for cover. There were a lot people, lots of families [at the site], this is one of the most visited sites in Barcelona.'

More here You can almost hear the BBC praying that's it's not another Islamist attack.

Why won't President Donald Trump Disavow Racists?

Oh you mean he did disavow racists over and over again. Maybe the question should be - why won't the media report that President Donald Trump has been disavowing racists for at least 17 years?

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Whitewashed: Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party

A must read book but unlikely to be reviewed by the BBC whose incessant anti Israel propaganda has done more to increase anti Semitism in the UK than almost anything else and whose support for the Labour Party is unyielding.

'Whitewashed focuses on events in Britain, but it throws a spotlight on left wing antisemitism everywhere. It compellingly shows how left wing hostility to Israel has an ongoing and painful impact on Jews in the Diaspora.

In spring 2016 the British Labour Party decided it had a problem with antisemitism so its leader Jeremy Corbyn asked Shami Chakrabarti to lead an inquiry. Since Corbyn became Labour leader, left wing antisemitism has crawled out of its usual hiding places; in many cases people seem unable to understand the harm they are causing.

Made public here are some powerful witness statements written by individuals to the Shami Chakrabarti Inquiry into antisemitism and other forms of racism. Our witnesses do not see evidence that their submissions were heeded. Not one of them is acknowledged by name at the end of the report. The inquiry was published June 30, 2016 and concluded that there was no evidence of systemic antisemitism in the Labour Party. In July 2016 Chakrabarti accepted a peerage from Jeremy Corbyn and now sits in the House of Lords as Baroness Chakrabarti.

The Labour Party has always been the traditional home for Jewish voters. The Jewish Chronicle reported, May 2016, in the aftermath of the Inquiry's findings, that this support had collapsed to just 8.5 percent. The same survey showed that almost 87 per cent of British Jews felt that 'there is antisemitism among Labour's members and elected representatives'.

Also in the book:
Mark Gardner's eye witness account of the dramatic events at the launch;
Howard Jacobson's damning analysis of the inquiry;
Part of the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee, Antisemitism in the UK, October 2016 which calls the Chakrabarti Report 'ultimately compromised';
An extract from Paul Johnson's 'A History of the Jews' explaining the roots of left wing antisemitism and its links with Israel.

The outstanding contributions range from grass roots activists to professors, both Jewish and not Jewish.

The book is part of The Whitewashed Project,, where you can buy the paperback of Whitewashed. Through this website you can link to the explosive documentary film, Whitewashed, in which David Hirsh, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of London, interviews witnesses featured in the project and which gives more background. The film is produced by Judith Ornstein and made by J-TV. It can be also be viewed on
Baroness Ruth Deech calls the project 'ground-breaking'. '

Russia Trump collusion?

Bill Still has a Tucker Carlson interview for you. Odd how nothing similar ever appears on the anti President Donald Trump BBC.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

"Trump Disavows Racists Over and Over Again - For Years..."

The accepted media narrative is that President Donald Trump is a racist, happy to have the support of the KKK and similar. The truth is at variance with the narrative but don't expect the BBC to stop pushing their narrative.

How Obama Handled Racial Nationalist Attack per The Daily Caller

'In July of 2016, an avowed black nationalist murdered five police officers during a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Dallas, Texas. The act of violence was well-planned and was motivated entirely by the hate-filled ideology of the shooter, Micah Xavier Johnson.

With several officers dead by the hand of a committed black nationalist, one might think the Obama administration may have considered the assassinations domestic terror and launched an investigation into groups associated with this ideology.

Not at all.Barack Obama condemned the shootings, but he did not call out or even allude to Johnson's hateful views. He did, however, blame "powerful weapons" for the violence.

In her statement on the shooting, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch exploited the tragedy to push for gun control and praise the cause of Black Lives Matter. No mention of Johnson's ideology or "hate" in was made in her statement, but she did manage to directly name multiple cases of police-involved shootings — all after cops were the ones murdered.'

More about this media double standard here at The Daily Caller

More media double standards all over the BBC and most of the mainstream media.

Monday 14 August 2017

"World Cup pay gap: Here's why it's justified" The Factual Feminist

The Factual Feminist is cool and factual which is why her arguments will be ignored by the likes of the BBC.

Home - BBC News - "it's an act of terror"

As soon as I read that BBC headline I knew that the linked article couldn't be about any recent Islamist terror attacks around the world. I was, of course, correct:

''It's an act of terror, it's a hate crime'

A friend of Heather Heyer who was killed in the Charlottesville car attack has spoken to the BBC.'

Saturday 12 August 2017

Men's 4x100m relay at World Championships - BBC misinformation

A fantastic run, I was shouting for the Great Britain and Northern Ireland team from the first change onwards.

However, the BBC keep telling us that the British squad have just run the 3rd fastest 4x100m time ever. This is not true, here are all the faster times

I make that 13 faster times. There are multiple Jamaican and US squads and one Jamaican/Antiguan squad representing Racers Track Club.

Please BBC get it right.

Friday 11 August 2017

Asian grooming gangs are Muslim says Trevor Phillips - No Shit Sherlock

'Britain's former race tsar Trevor Phillips today called for the authorities to admit that most men in sex grooming gangs are Muslim.

He launched an angry attack on the refusal of the establishment - including the BBC - to properly describe the men behind the sickening crimes.

The former chairman of the equality and human rights commission said our elites have replaced their old fear of being labelled racist with a new bogey - the 'charge of Islamophobia'.

He said the UK must urgently wake up and admit the true nature of the grooming gangs to prevent other, vulnerable girls being targeted.'

More stating the obvious here but not on the protect Islam at all costs BBC.

Left-Wing Magazine The Nation Report Puts 'Russian Hack' DNC Narrative in Freefall per Breitbart

'A bombshell report published Wednesday by avowedly liberal news magazine The Nation may have put the last nail in the coffin of the "Russian hack" narrative that has dominated the mainstream media's coverage for the last year.

Author Patrick Lawrence assembles the findings of months of investigation by forensic computer experts and former NSA officials to conclude, quite categorically, what Breitbart News and other independent media outlets have suggested for nearly a year: there was no hack of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) by the Russian government or anyone else last summer. An internal leaker is a much more likely source of the confidential internal DNC emails that upended the presidential campaign season when they became public last June.'

This whole story is fascinating and you should read the whole piece at Breitbart  Just don't expect to read anything about this on the institutionally anti President Donald Trump BBC where support for the Russian hacker story is all but unquestioning.

Thursday 10 August 2017

The third most holy site in Islam?

'Using the mosque as a weapons depot isn't a violation of the sanctity of the mosque. Searching for those weapons - is.'

You can read all about this at Elder of Ziyon but obviously not on the institutionally anti-Israel BBC.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

The BBC hit new lows in this report on events in Paris

Not only does this BBC report start with the, usual for the BBC, phrased line:
'A car has struck a group of soldiers in Paris, injuring six, two seriously, police say.' 

Those cars can be so dangerous, best ban them. But further down the report is this sub-header:
Car 'lay in wait'
And then the follow-up lines:
'He said a vehicle had been waiting in the road for the soldiers to emerge as they came on duty.

"It was a BMW which accelerated very quickly the moment they came out."'
Do the BBC do this deliberately? What do they hope to gain by obfuscating what happened?

Obviously we don't know what happened in this incident. But I know what the BBC are hoping wasn't the cause.

Chronology of U.S.-North Korean Nuclear and Missile Diplomacy per Arms Control Association

Amid all the talk of the situation regarding North Korea and nuclear weapons there's very little interest in how we got here. The BBC are trying to use this crisis to show that their current hate figure, President Donald Trump, is to blame. However a perusal of this chronology chronic shows that weaknesses shown by previous US presidents, mostly by Bill Clinton (partly assisted by former President Jimmy Carter) lead us to this position.

However blaming Democrats isn't an option for the BBC so don't expect that sort of analysis.

As an aside, I confidently predict that just as Bill Clinton's policies led to North Korea developing nuclear weapons and threatening the USA, Barack Hussein Obama's policies will lead to Iran being in a similar position within another decade. The left never learn that appeasement and weakness in the face of vile regimes leads not to peace in our time but to bigger problems only shortly into the future.

Meanwhile the BBC cheerlead for US Democrat presidents whatever they do, thus hiding the truth from their public.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

"Dr Roy Spencer - 97% Concensus is Bogus"

The sort of information that the warmists at the BBC will never report.

Is the EPA IUsing Bad Data?

A fascinating claim in the Daily Caller that certainly won't be reported by the BBC.

'One of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) longest and most successful air pollution standards is based on a taxpayer-funded study plagued by "data fabrication and falsification," according to a veteran toxicologist.

Toxicologist Albert Donnay says he's found evidence a 1989 study commissioned by EPA on the health effects of carbon monoxide, which, if true, could call into question 25 years of regulations and billions of dollars on catalytic converters for automobiles.

"They claimed to find an effect when there wasn't one," Donnay told The Daily Caller News Foundation. "They even fabricated the methods they used to get their results."

"They were spinning this to give EPA what they wanted and commissioned," Donnay said. "They reported results that could not have come from human beings."'

Very very interesting but obviously not to the green agenda propaganda organisation that is the BBC.

Monday 7 August 2017

Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman Shultz and so forth

I don't know how much of this story is true, but ask yourself how much coverage CNN and the BBC would accord it if it related to a senior Republican Party figure.

Sunday 6 August 2017

Trump Immigration Crackdown Leads to Higher Construction Wages, so won't be reported by the BBC

Trump Immigration Crackdown Leads to Higher Construction Wages,  so won't be reported by the BBC

Full report here  no reporting on the anti President Donald Trump BBC.

Powerful words from Judge Jeanine

Powerful words from Judge Jeanine, I wonder how many of the people and events she talks about would make any sense to people who rely upon the BBC for their news. The BBC having decided that Hillary Clinton is above criticism.

Saturday 5 August 2017

USA women's team suffer 5-2 loss to FC Dallas' U-15 boys as won't be reported by the BBC

'The USA women's football team were convincingly beaten by a team of adolescents in a embarrassing defeat for the world champions.

They were roundly outplayed, losing 5-2 against FC Dallas Under-15s academy side who took full advantage of their big day. 

The players did not appear to allow the display to subdue their spirits and posed with the opposition for photos after the game. 

Jillian Ellis' team were preparing for an international friendly but the humbling by a group of youngsters did not seem to affect their performance on a bigger stage. The USA ran out 4-0 victors against Russia... '

In other words a womens international football team can be beaten by an under-15 boys team. It's actually happened before, when the Australian women's team also lost to an under 15 boys team.

The BBC have decided that for reasons of equality women's football should be portrayed as equivalent to the men's game. It's not, the best women's team on their best day might compete with an English division 2 team, maybe.

Similar is true of cricket where the women's team are portrayed as wonderful cricketers who could compere the men. In reality the top women fast bowlers manage to reach 70mph delivery speed. That's the speed of a international men's fast bowler's surprise slow delivery. A good men's fast bowler will be in the mid to high 80s. Which means that those wonderful women batters might look less wonderful when facing real pace.

I can think of very few sports where women can compete with men on an even basis. Three day eventing is one.

The last time I posted an article similar to this, albeit about athletics, I was called a serial, because apparently stating facts is sexist.

The Mail's report is here  but you won't find a BBC report anywhere.

"CLINTON EMAIL BREAKING NEWS: Loretta Lynch Uses Alias In Emails On Bill Clinton Meeting"

If this is true then it is dynamite but don't expect any coverage by the pro Hillary Clinton at all costs BBC.

Did James Comey Commit Perjury in Tarmacgate?

It's a fair question but not one that the mainstream media will ever ask, especially the anti President Donald Trump obsessives at the BBC.

"Seymour Hersh CONFIRMS Seth Rich Wikileaks Contact!"

If you rely on the BBC for your news then the name of Seth Rich probably means absolutely nothing. If you are in that position then you need to be a little more expansive in your news gathering.

What the mainstream media is hiding from you this week.

What the mainstream media, including the BBC, are hiding from you this week. Liz Wheeler performing a useful function there.

Israelis are "human garbage"

This sort of speech is not unusual from many Muslims in the Middle East and beyond, not that you'd know if you relied upon the instititionally anti-Israel BBC for your news.

'Ahmad Daqamseh, a Jordanian soldier who murdered seven Israeli schoolgirls and wounded six others in the infamous March 13, 1997 "Island of Peace massacre," was released from a Jordanian prison after serving 20 years. Upon his release, Daqamseh made a short statement to the Al-Jazeera network, in which he referred to Israelis as "human garbage vomited into our midst by the world's nations." He added that this "human garbage" must be removed, "whether by burning or by burying." The Al-Jazeera network aired the comments on March 12.

Ahmad Dagamseh: "The [Israelis] constitute human garbage, vomited into our midst by the world's nations. Unfortunately they have come to the purest land after Mecca and Medina. This garbage must be removed, whether by burning or by burying. The day will come, Allah willing. If it is not done by our generation, Allah willing, the generations to come will burn this human garbage."'

Thanks to MEMRI for the spot and translation.

Friday 4 August 2017

Not answering the question 18 times. Imagine if it was President Donald Trump who had done this rather than Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Imagine that President Donald Trump or Prime Minister Theresa May failed to answer a simple question 18 times. The BBC would be headlining this news, playing excerpts from the video over and over again. However as it was the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, not a word on the BBC, because Justin Trudeau is a BBC favourite, along with Hillary Clinton and any Labour politician that they think might win an election for the UK Labour Party.

I see sheer arrogance in the way that Prime Minister Trudeau doesn't answer the question, avoiding doing so 18 times. Will anyone actually hold him to account with not cooperating with the Canadian House of Commons. It certainly won't be the BBC.

Do these Huma Abedin emails mean that Hillary Clinton lied? If do, will anything happen?

Do these Huma Abedin emails mean that Hillary Clinton lied? If do, will anything happen? The answer is of course, no. Likewise don't expect any BBC coverage.

Jeremy Corbyn isn't real

Jeremy Corbyn isn't real... if only!

News you won't find on the BBC

'A Hamas money laundering ring that funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars from officials in Gaza to Hebron via Turkey has been exposed, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) cleared for publication on Thursday.

The complex money-laundering enterprise, which began operating last year, was uncovered in a joint operation by the Shin Bet, IDF and Israel Police, which arrested five Hamas members in the West Bank and identified another operative in Turkey and another in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip.

The scheme was run by senior Hamas activist Muhammad Mahed Bader from Hebron who was arrested in June. Bader, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, recruited two other Hamas activists from Hebron, Mus'ab al-Haslom and Taha Othman, who were sent to Turkey to act as couriers under the guise of business trips.'

More here at JPost but not on the institutionally anti Israel BBC.

To BBC News are Jews not an 'ethnic minority'

This BBC report states:

'Two thirds of the stars were male, with the highest paid names including Chris Evans, Gary Lineker, Jeremy Vine and Graham Norton. Claudia Winkleman was the highest paid female star.

The highest-paid stars from an ethnic minority background were George Alagiah, Jason Mohammed and Trevor Nelson - with Mishal Husain the top-earning female.'

Are Jews not from an ethnic minority background? Or does one have to be of a darker skin hue in order to qualify for ethnic minority status? What about Jews of an Iraqi or North African background? Are the BBC guilty of racism here? Or is it that for the BBC Jews are part of oppressive establishment?

Labour selects Councillor Luke Cresswell, who tweeted “Moses must be proud” of supposed genocide, to run in by-election per Campaign Against Antisemitism

'Labour Councillor Luke Cresswell has been selected as the Labour candidate in the Sudbury South by-election. In the past, we have highlighted Councillor Creswell's disturbing tweets, but rather than being disciplined by the Labour Party, it appears that Councillor Cresswell enjoys the Party's continuing support.

In one, he tweeted a blood-drenched Israeli flag accusing Israel of genocide, captioned "Moses must be proud of you". In another tweet, he uses a cartoon to portray Israelis as the new Nazis.

Under the International Definition of Antisemitism, "using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g. claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterise Israel or Israelis" is antisemitic, as it "drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis".'

More here but obviously not on the BBC where protecting the Labour Party from criticism is more important than fighting antisemitism.

Thursday 3 August 2017

A1 road per Wikipedia

This Wikipedia article on the A1 includes this fact that I was not aware of:

'Between the M25 (near London) and the A696 (near Newcastle upon Tyne) the road has been designated as part of the unsigned Euroroute E15 from Inverness to Algeciras.'

The power grabbing EU?

Scientists know about climate change

As I sit in London watching the rain fall as it has for most of July, indeed as it did for much of many recent summers, I remember the certainty with which The Guardian reported in 2006 as fact that:
"Scientists know a lot about how events will unfold...which means that whatever we do, our climate destiny is fixed for the next few decades... Rainfall will decline in the summer and the increased deluges in winter will struggle to replenish thirsty reservoirs because much of the water will run off the baked ground."
Scientists know... climate destiny is fixed... Rainfall will decline in the summer..." It's all rubbish folks; most of these scientists are not predicting based on science, they are designing science to fit the desired predictions.

What about the second part of what "scientists know"? "Rainfall will decline in the summer and the increased deluges in winter will because much of the water will run off the baked ground."
Shall we take a look at reservoir levels in the baked South of England, the area with the biggest potential water problem as demand increases year after year as a result, largely, of population growth? South East Water report the levels at their two largest reservoirs: Arlington Reservoir was 82.9% full on 31 July  (the last day they report levels), Ardingly Reservoir was 85.6%% full on the same date.

What about the South West maybe they are faring worse? Well South West Water are not as up to date as South East Water and they report data up until the week ending 23 July. They report percentage data for their five reservoirs: Roadford, Colliford, Wimbleball, Stithians and Burrator. The figures show that the average storage levels across these five reservoirs was 73.26%. As a comparison it was around 65% in 1995; water shortage getting worse? Does it look as though there are problems replenishing thirsty reservoirs because of the declining rainfall that scientists know about?

How about Severn Trent? They report that for at 31 July storage levels of 71.9%.

I could go on and on but I think that the pattern will be similar across most of the UK regions.

So how about The Environment Agency the body that is so certain about Climate Change that they confidently state on their web site:
"It's an inescapable fact: our planet is warming up. Records show that temperatures around the world have risen steadily since 1900...

Climate change is the biggest environmental challenge facing the world today. We know the Earth's climate does change naturally over a long timescale, but the overwhelming majority of the scientific community now accepts that human activities are causing significant, rapid changes to our climate.

Over the past century, global temperatures have risen - the 10 warmest years on record have all been since 1990. The contribution to global warming from human activity is linked to increases in the amounts of heat-trapping "greenhouse gases" in the atmosphere. As the concentrations of greenhouse gases increase, less heat can escape from the atmosphere, making the Earth warmer. The main greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide, which is released by burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas.


What will happen if we do nothing?

The latest data tells us that some climate change is already inevitable, so we will need to adapt to its impacts. We must plan for more extreme weather conditions: wetter winters with an increased risk of floods, and hotter, drier summers that put pressure on water resources. Sea levels will also rise, increasing the risk of flooding around our coastline."
Maybe these are some of the scientists who know what's going to happen to the climate in the UK. After all they also seem to know that we are going to experience "wetter winters with an increased risk of floods, and hotter, drier summers that put pressure on water resources". Let's look at the Environment Agency's own figures...

The Environment Agency publish their Water Situation for England and Wales figures on a monthly basis but the latest that I can find is for June 2017 not July 2017:

'Rainfall totals for  June were above the long term average (LTA) for the month in most parts of the country and particularly high in parts of northern England. For England as a whole, the June rainfall total was 140% of the 1961-90 LTA.


Reservoir  stocks  decreased  at  the  majority  of reported  reservoirs  or  reservoir  groups.  Overall  reservoir  storage  for  England  is  83%  of  total  capacity,  a  small decrease compared to May.'

So after years of knowing that reservoirs would not be replenished by winter rains we have a situation, as the rain pours off my roof, overall reservoir storage at the end of June is at 83% of total capacity.

Scientists know? I think not.

Palestinians can never be held to account

The Palestinian Authority’s Ambassador to the UN, Riyad Mansour, refusing to condemn the brutal jihadi slaughter of three Israelis during their Shabbat dinner. Instead, he preferred to justify the murders, answering a reporter's question by saying that you shouldn't “expect all Palestinians to be angels” and adding “If people think that the Palestinian people are going to live in that situation without any form of resistance to it, that is not realistic and that is not fair.”

I wonder if the institutionally anti-Israel BBC would agree with those sentiments. They certainly didn't report his comments.

'We've Got To Lie' – BBC Dr. Who Producer Wants To Insert Black People At Points In History

This is from last year but does sum up the BBC's preference for political correctness over the truth.
'It's hugely important, and it's not good when we fail on that. We must do better," he said.
"We've kind of got to tell a lie. We'll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn't have been, and we won't dwell on  "We'll say, 'To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'."'
More here at Breitbart

More BBC brainwashing all over the BBC.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign rejects in-depth report forensically detailing antisemitism within their movement as a “smear” per Campaign Against Antisemitism

'... At every event checked, on every high street, at every demonstration, those pushing hard-core antisemitic ideology were at the very front of SPSC activity. Two separate case studies suggested that between 40% and 50% of SPSC front line activists (at a minimum) engage in sharing Jew-hating material."

In one case study, the investigation uncovered that of the sixty-one activists listed as present at the "No to Brand Israel at Edinburgh Festival" protest organised outside the Shalom Festival by the SPSC, thirty-one of them posted antisemitic content on social media. This included antisemitic images, promoting the conspiracy theory about global Jewish domination and Holocaust denial. This breaches the International Definition of Antisemitism adopted by the British Government.

The report found numerous activists sharing everything from far-left claims that ISIS is an oil-stealing apparatus of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, through to claims about the Holocaust which the uninitiated would consider to be the preserve of the far-right.

The report found: "The inevitable conclusion is that antisemitic tendency is a primary driver of anti-Israel activism…There is a strong probability that those who are introduced to anti-Israel material by SPSC activists on the streets are being influenced by people who adhere to an antisemitic mindset…Much of this activity seeks to spread antisemitic thought."'

More here but obviously not on the BBC.

Holocaust history: My aunt had a dinner party, and then she took her guests to kill 180 Jews per Haaretz

'European baron and tycoon Heinrich Thyssen, and her friends drank and danced the night away.

At the height of the evening, just for fun, 12 of the guests boarded trucks or walked to a nearby field, where 180 Jewish slave laborers who had been building fortifications were assembled.

They had already been forced to dig a large pit, strip, and get down on their knees. The guests took turns shooting them to death before returning to the party.'

Sad, so sad... More here

Speed hump cuts 'daft', safety groups say per BBC News

The BBC report on safety groups opposition to removing speed humps. Apparently:

'Ripping up speed humps to combat air pollution is "daft and irresponsible", road safety campaigners have said.

They are writing to ministers to warn that removing speed bumps will actually increase danger to children.

The government said it would fund councils in England to tear out humps because they elevated pollution as drivers surged between them.

Campaigners say the risk of accidents from speeding drivers almost certainly outweighs the long-term pollution risk.'

Two thoughts on this:
First, have accident rates increased in the London Borough of Barnet since the Conservative Council removed all speed humps across the borough some years ago? Might some facts be useful in this debate or would the campaigners prefer feelings to facts?
Second, I thought that the lefty narrative was that global warming / climate change was the biggest threat to humanity. Was that just not true?

Tuesday 1 August 2017

JK Rowling apologises over Trump disabled boy tweets per BBC News neither of whom seem to have the gift of sight or any class

The BBC report JK Rowling's mealy mouthed apology for her recent factually incorrect tweets about President Donald Trump:

'"Multiple sources have informed me that that was not a full or accurate representation of their interaction.

"I very clearly projected my own sensitivities around the issue of disabled people being overlooked or ignored onto the images I saw and if that caused any distress to that boy or his family, I apologise unreservedly."

Rowling didn't apologise to Mr Trump himself.


Mr Trump is said to have shaken the boy's hand as the president entered the room.'

Some points:
First, why didn't JK Rowling apologise to President Donald Trump? He was the person whose actions she misrepresented. It was his actions that she decried. Yet it's the child and his family that get the apology. Can't JK Rowling being herself to apologise to the injured party? 

Second, the BBC inform the public that 'Mr Trump is said to have shaken the boy's hand as the president entered the room.' I've seen the video showing just that, it's very easy to find on the Internet.
Have the BBC really not seen the video or are they happy to cast doubt on the actions of President Donald Trump and so support their fellow lefty JK Rowling?

BBC bias as usual? 

Here's the video that proves JK Rowling incorrect

How can the BBC continue to simply state that 'Mr Trump is said to have shaken the boy's hand as the president entered the room.' 

'Mr Trump is said to have...' It's there on video, surely the wording must be changed to 'Mr Trump did shake the boy's hand as the president entered the room.'