
Tuesday 31 October 2017

New York attack: Eight killed by man driving truck per BBC News

The BBC report on the New York truck attack includes this line:

'The driver emerged holding what appeared to be two handguns and made a statement "consistent with a terror attack" before being shot in the abdomen by a police officer stationed near the scene, he added.'

'a statement "consistent with a terror attack"' - now what might that statement have been? What odds will you give me on the statement being "Allahu Akbar"? Obviously if it was that then the BBC will do their very best to minimise reporting of that information for as long as possible.

Fatah condemns Israel for destroying terror tunnels per Israel National News

Those evil bloody Israelis...

'The Fatah movement, headed by Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas, on Monday issued a statement condemning what it called "the Israeli crime directed against our people in Gaza, which resulted in the deaths of eight civilians and the wounding of 14 others."

The statement was referring to the IDF destroying terror tunnels leading from Gaza into Israel, during which terrorists were killed, including a senior member of the Islamic Jihad'

More here

Emily Thornberry: UK should mark Balfour by recognizing Palestinian state

'In an interview published Monday with the Middle East Eye news site, Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry said the UK should not celebrate the declaration, which pledged Britain's support for a Jewish national home, as there is not yet a Palestinian state.'

The Shadow Foreign Secretary clearly isn't aware of the country of Jordan, which is slightly concerning. Unless she is aware but doesn't care about historical facts, which wouldn't be that surprising either.

More here

Monday 30 October 2017

Record surge in atmospheric CO2 seen in 2016 per BBC News

This BBC report includes this thought:

'"The 3ppm CO2 growth rate in 2015 and 2016 is extreme - double the growth rate in the 1990-2000 decade," Prof Euan Nisbet from Royal Holloway University of London told BBC News.'

It doesn't include any explanation as to why if CO2 and global warming are so intrinsically linked then why has this massive increase in CO2 not been accompanied by a huge increase in global temperatures.

The agenda here is not about reducing global warming but redistribution of wealth from the West to the developing and undevelopable world.

James Corry jailed over IRA bombing of German Army base per BBC News

The BBC report that:

'A man from Northern Ireland has been convicted of attempted murder more than 20 years after a Provisional IRA attack on a British Army base in Germany.'

Has anyone asked Jeremy Corbyn for his comments on the conviction?

Trump rages on Twitter at Clinton and Russia inquiry 'witch hunt' per BBC News

This BBC headline report contains some interesting words:

'Republican lawmakers have said that a uranium deal with a Russian company in 2010, when Mrs Clinton was secretary of state, was sealed in exchange for donations to her husband's charity.'

Is it just Republican lawmakers who make this claim? Do they and others not also bring in to the claims the payment of $500,000, twice his normal fee, to Bill Clinton? Why do the BBC ignore that?

Sunday 29 October 2017

Jeremy Corbyn sparks furious backlash after he suggests Northern Ireland's future could be decided by the Republic

'JEREMY CORBYN was branded a "lunatic" today after he appeared to suggest that the Republic of Ireland could take over Northern Ireland.

The Labour leader said that "the people of Ireland must decide" whether or not Northern Ireland breaks away from the UK.'

Why would anyone be surprised that Jeremy Corbyn would want that? His support for Republicanism in Northern Ireland, and at least sympathy for the IRA is well known. If by their friends you know someone then we know just what sort of person Jeremy Corbyn is.

More here but obviously not in the institutionally pro Labour Party and pro Irish republicanism BBC.

Heathrow probe after 'security files found on USB stick'

'Heathrow Airport says it has launched an internal investigation after a USB stick containing security information was reportedly found on the street.

The Sunday Mirror reported that the USB stick had 76 folders with maps, videos and documents, including details of measures used to protect the Queen.'

Security my arse!

More here

More terrorism all over the UK.

Friday 27 October 2017

The BBC and immigration

Craig at has a great spot about how the BBC try to minimise criticism of immigration.

The BBC as usual disgust me.

Thursday 26 October 2017

Bias: 1,000 Minutes for Trump/Russia 'Collusion' vs. 20 Seconds for Hillary/Russia Scandal

'... from April 2015 through last night, the Clinton/Uranium/Russia story has been granted only 3 minutes, 21 seconds of evening news coverage — less than one-half of one percent of the coverage doled out just this year to the conspiracy theories surrounding Trump and Russia.'

More here

More pushing the Trump Russia narrative whist ignoring the Clinton Russia story all over the mainstream media including the BBC.

Mark Steyn and Tucker Carlson on the Russian links to US political parties

Mark Steyn and Tucker Carlson on the Russian links to US political parties. The sort of talk that you won't hear on the VOTE HILLARY CLINTON BBC

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Clinton team and Democrats 'bankrolled' Trump dirty dossier per BBC News who try to spin this story

Bless the biased BBC for trying to protect their Democratic Party allies with this line:

'The DNC said its new leadership had nothing to do with creation of the dossier.'

So that's OK then?

Judo federation demands end to Arab discrimination against Israel

'The International Judo Federation is demanding that at the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam, "all delegations, including the Israeli delegation, shall be treated absolutely equally in all aspects, without any exception."

The International Judo Federation (IJF) sent a letter to the United Arab Emirates Judo Federation demanding that "all delegations, including the Israeli delegation, shall be treated absolutely equally in all aspects, without any exception."

The Federation's intervention came following a request by the World Jewish Congress (WJC) to intervene on behalf of the Israeli judo team competing in the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam this week.

Abu Dhabi is barring Israel's judo team from donning national symbols and playing the Jewish state's national anthem during a major tournament in the country.

Additionally, the 12 Israeli athletes participating in the Abu Dhabi Judo Grand Slam tournament from October 26-28 cannot include the letters "ISR" to identify their nationality on their uniforms.'

More here but not on the BBC.

The BBC likes to portray itself as deeply anti discrimination but there's one discrimination that the institutionally anti Israel BBC will allow and that's discrimination against Israelis. So don't expect to read about this news on the BBC website, do expect to read about any criticism of Israel though.

The BBC make me sick but also very angry, their incessant anti Israel reporting has been responsible for increasing anti semitism in Britain, that allied with the huge increase in the Muslim population of Britain.

The current Labour Party leadership has a problem with Israel because of their identification with revolutionary socialist movements and an anti American/imperialism obsession. Those and the decision that pandering to the anti Jewish sentiments so prevalent in the Muslim community means more votes.

The BBC and the Labour Party will destroy this country if we don't stand up to them.

Stone-throwers shatter window of synagogue in Sweden as won't be reported by the BBC

'Unidentified perpetrators hurled stones and shattered the window of a synagogue in Malmo, a city in southern Sweden.

The incident occurred earlier this month but was only first reported in the Swedish media Tuesday after police arrived at the building a day earlier because of a separate incident, which turned out to be a false alarm, the Aftonbladet daily reported.

Fredrik Sieradzki, a spokesman for the local Jewish community, told the TT news agency that the earlier incident happened on October 7 and that it is not yet clear whether it was a hate crime targeting the congregation. There are no suspects.'

More here but obviously not on the BBC for whom acknowledgement of the following facts would go completely against the fake narrative that they are trying to push.

'Dozens of anti-Semitic incidents are recorded annually in Malmo, a city where first- and second- generation immigrants from the Middle East make up one-third of a population of roughly 300,000. Several hundred Jews live there.'

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Julia Hartley Brewer vs Alastair Campbell Over Brexit

She calls him a liar, he keeps saying "people like you". Who's in the right, you decide.

Israeli judo team not allowed to fly to Turkey - no interest from the discrimination in sport obsessed BBC

'The Israeli judo team, which was supposed to fly to the United Arab Emirates via Istanbul for the Grand Slam event, was stranded at Ben Gurion Airport after Turkish Airlines refused to allow them on its plane, Channel 1 reported.

The 12 Israeli jukokas were supposed to receive their visas to the United Arab Emirates in Istanbul and arrive for the competition tonight (Monday). The team will now have to travel to Amman to receive the visas instead.

Moshe Ponte, the president of the Israel Judo Association, said: "We will not give, even if we have to reach Abu Dhabi on foot. Now we have to fly to Amman to get visas there instead of flying to Istanbul as we planned. We are looking to change our tickets. We will arrive after 14 hours of waiting in Amman. We may arrive exhausted, but we will not give up."

The Israeli judo team has already experienced discrimination in the competition in Abu Dhabi. The team will not be allowed to compete under the Israeli flag during the event, and will be the only nation prevented from doing so. The team will also not be allowed hear their national anthem, "Hatikvah," should they win.'

If this was athletes from a Muslim majority country having problems getting onto a British or American plane then the BBC would be giving space to the news and voicing their disgust. But as it's Israel the institutionally anti Israel BBC will ignore the news.

I wonder how many journalists at the BBC agree with the discriminatory treatment that is meted out to Israel? Does Jeremy Corbyn agree with it?

More here

Monday 23 October 2017

Hamas Praises Corbyn for Boycotting Balfour Dinner per Guido Fawkes

Guido Fawkes reports

'Terror group Hamas has welcomed Jeremy Corbyn's decision to boycott a dinner commemorating the centenary of the Balfour Declaration. Jez was criticised by the Jewish Leadership Council on Saturday after declining an invitation to a dinner celebrating the British government's support for a Jewish state. A tweet backing Corbyn's decision was then sent from the official Hamas English account.'

Jeremy Corbyn is seemingly in step with a terrorist group, what a shock.

T-Charge: New London traffic charge comes into force - The war on the London motorist steps up

Mayor Sadiq Khan's £10 T-Charge, which mainly applies to diesel and petrol vehicles registered before 2006, has come into force.

It covers the same area as the existing congestion charge zone, bumping up the cost to £21.50 for those affected.

Opponents said the scheme would "disproportionately penalise London's poorest drivers".

London drivers to be milked again but hey that's what we're here for.

Saturday 21 October 2017

Man arrested after knife attack in Munich per BBC News

'German police have arrested a man in Munich after four people were lightly injured by a knife attacker.'

More here


Mugabe named as goodwill ambassador by WHO

The insanity continues...

'A goodwill ambassador may be a largely symbolic role, but the symbolism of giving it to a man whose leadership of Zimbabwe has, critics say, coincided with a collapse of its health service, and major human rights abuses, will be very unpopular.'

The election of tyrants, dictators and generally evil people and countries to positions within the United Nations and similar supranational bodies is disgusting.

Those countries who pay for this insanity should withdraw from these organisations immediately.

Friday 20 October 2017

MP Clive Lewis sorry for 'unacceptable language' after video per BBC News

The BBC finally report on Clive Lewis's shameful remarks but only once they've got Clive Lewis's response.

'A Labour MP has apologised for using "offensive and unacceptable" language at an event last month.' we are told here with the clear subtext that that's the end of the matter, nothing to worry about, let's draw a veil over the matter.

Now imagine that this had been a Conservative MP rather than a Labour MP, would an apology be enough to quell the outrage? I think not, the BBC would scent blood and would go for the Conservative MP's jugular.

Luckily for Clive Lewis, he's a Labour MP, a black Labour MP indeed and thus will be protected by the Labour Party's propaganda arm, the BBC.

It seems that Clive Lewis has form in this area, this from the BBC in April 2015:

'An election candidate has apologised for joking that he "could be caught with my pants down behind a goat with Ed Miliband at the other end".

Labour's Clive Lewis, who is standing in Norwich South, made the comment in an interview with the New Statesman.'

Now it's personal!

When a piece of economic news is worth a place on the BBC's news front page and when it isn't

Last month this BBC piece about a fall in UK retail sales was deemed worthy of a place on the BBC news front page.

Today a piece about UK government borrowing being at its lowest for 10 years is not deemed newsworthy enough for that and so one has to go to the business home page in order to find it.

Bad economic news under a Conservative government = Front page news.
Good economic news under a Conservative government = Not front page news.

It's hard to see why this is the case, other than becasue the BBC is little better than the Labour Party's propaganda arm and is institutionally biased against the Conservative party.

A look at the comments to this piece shows that I am not alone in spotting this discrepancy in coverage:

243. Posted by MineCraft99

on 17 minutes ago
The fact that the BBC deliberately choses to hide this article away from front page or even UK page reaffirms my position that the BBC is biased trash! 

241. Posted by G from Preston

on 28 minutes ago
Comrade Corbyn won't like that!

Which explains why it is buried in 'The Business Section' 

240. Posted by Horsetowater

on 33 minutes ago
We all have to understand that space on the BBC front page is limited and has to make way for far more important journalism like:

“BBC sorry for gay conversion tweet”

“Solange tells “magazine don’t touch my hair””

“Oxbridge even posher than we thought” 

238. Posted by RedyStedy

on 39 minutes ago
BBC, why is this NEWS item tucked away in the business section but a statement (not news worthy) from a fraudulent failed left-wing politician takes pride of place on the news home screen, It that what you call balanced reporting? 

215. Posted by Templar

on 2 hours ago
2. Posted by kevin51 on
4 hours ago
Why isn't this headline news for the bbc.

Mowe to the point I wonder how long it will be before the BBC pull this HYS 

When sexist and abusive language is an issue and when it's not

Imagine that a Conservative MP and possible future Conservative party leader was shown on video to say "Get on your knees bitch". How much outrage from the left-wing commentariat would there be? How much airspace would the BBC give to this outrage? How often would the calls for this Conservative politician to quit be repeated? How many times would the BBC give time to left-wing thinkers to explain how the Conservatives were still the nasty party and irredeemably sexist?

By way of contrast have the BBC even reported that 'a video has emerged of Clive Lewis on stage at a Momentum event telling an audience member "Get on your knees, b*tch".'

More, including the video, at Guido Fawkes but still not a word on the Labour Party's propaganda arm, the BBC.

"FBI found Russian bribery plot in U.S. nuclear industry in 2009!"

The Russians, there was collusion between Trump and the Russians, indict Trump! Based on next to no evidence it would seem, but still the mainstream media push the line.

But when there is evidence of collusion between Hillary Clinton and the Russians, not a word on the mainstream media. Odd that!

Thursday 19 October 2017

The BBC are often guilty of bias by omission

"The omission is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books." – George Orwell

In Australia, faulty BoM temperature sensors contribute to “hottest year ever” per Watts Up With That?

A fascinating article at WUWT do read the whole piece, here's the end of that article:

'While it may be the expectation of the Australian community that temperatures would be measured consistent with some standard, clearly this is not the case. The only real question now, is whether the Bureau is such a big and important Australian institution that, like Harvey Weinstein, it's transgressions are best ignored – at least for the moment, not under the current Minister's watch, what? I had my eyes closed.'

Thanks to Jennifer Marohasy who is a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs and blogs at

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Met Say Charging Shoplifters, Vandals 'Not Practical' as Arrests for 'Offensive' Comments Rise 53 Per Cent

'London's Metropolitan Police Force has said it will give up on investigating many instances of "low-level" crime such as shoplifting and vandalism, saying it is "not practical" to fight them in a time of cutbacks.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Mark Simmons claimed that giving up on investigating many offences was necessary so police constables' efforts could be "focused on serious crime and cases where there is a realistic chance that we will be able to solve it."

The move has raised eyebrows among members of the public, considering recent reports that the Met detained 867 out of the 3,395 people known to have been arrested for "offensive" online comments under the Malicious Communications Act in 2016 — an increase of 53 per cent for the force area since 2014.'

More here

More bizarre police priorities all over the UK.

Is the BBC biased?: Norman Smith, sadly

The always excellent has a great spot relating to another impeccably unbiased BBC 'journalist', thus time the BBC's assistant political editor Norman Smith. has the transcript of Norman Smith 'letting slip a word he ought not to have let slip'.

It's odd how whenever a BBC 'journalist' lets slip a word or phrase that indicates bias, it's always bias in one direction. Most odd, but rest assured that the BBC is completely unbiased.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

London's New Mega Mosque - one rule for Jews, another for Muslims

'A new Shia Muslim mega mosque and Islamic center – measuring over 3,500 square meters and with room for 3,000 people -- has opened in Golders Green, one of only two largely Jewish areas in London. The Shia Muslim religious center, Hussainiyat Al-Rasool Al-Adham, owns the mosque.

... After the BBC left the building in 2005, a Jewish group wanted to convert the building into a place of worship but was rejected, because the planning applications stipulated that the building should be used for entertainment.

In March 2007, it was purchased by an evangelical Christian center. After the church center closed, the Hussainiyat Al-Rasool Al-Adham center acquired it.

Because the building is a so-called grade II building, special permission is needed to change the purpose of the building. The Hussainiyat Al-Rasool Al-Adham has applied to the local city council for permission to use the building as a 'place of worship'. The application is still pending-- and worship there is therefore, strictly speaking, illegal -- but the mosque is operating nevertheless. It apparently officially opened on September 8, and has been in frequent use since, as is evident from the many photos shared on the Hussainiyat Al-Rasool Al-Adham Facebook page.'

More here but obviously not on the institutionally pro Islam BBC.

An Islamic centre and Mosque right in the heart of one of the three Jewish areas of London, what could possibly go wrong?

How to Stop Brexit

'Extricating Britain from Europe will be the greatest challenge this country has faced since the Second World War – or its greatest crisis.

But in Nick Clegg's view there is nothing remotely inevitable about Brexit – except that it will be deeply damaging if it happens. But can we stop it? How can it be done? Haven't the people spoken?

Nick Clegg argues that our democratic mandate is not trounced by the referendum. We are free to reconsider. Calmly and rationally, he will explain precisely how this historic mistake can be reversed – and what you can do to make sure that it is.'

All the above in conversation with the BBC's Emily Maitlis. I wonder if she'd also be willing to host a how to keep Brexit on track conversation with Nigel Farage?

More here

More pro Remain propaganda all over the BBC.

Boundary changes: Latest plans for Commons seats published per BBC News

It's fascinating how the BBC manage to report on the proposed Parliamentary seat boundary changes without mentoring that the current constituency boundaries give an unfair advantage to the Labour Party of around 30 seats.

I suppose that an organisation that too often acts as the propaganda arm of the Labour Party wouldn't mention such inconvenient facts.

Sunday 15 October 2017

Austria holds watershed election marked by migrant crisis per BBC News

This BBC report includes this caption description and opening to the article:

'Sebastian Kurz has taken the conservatives further to the right

Austrians are voting in a general election in which the frontrunner, conservative People's Party (ÖVP) leader Sebastian Kurz, is just 31.'

Remind me have the BBC ever described Jeremy Corbyn as having 'taken the Labour Party further to the left'. I think not and I think we all know why. For the BBC the right is bad and the left is good. The BBC is not an independent unbiased news reporting organisation, too often it acts instead as the propaganda arm of the Labour Party.

Saturday 14 October 2017

"FBI Finds Tarmac Meeting Docs..."

But not a word on the pro Hillary Clinton mainstream media.

Maajid Nawaz and the 'what about the Jews' callers

I've just listened to the last twenty minutes or so of Maajid Nawaz's LBC  programme this afternoon. Quite revealing the calls from Muslims whose reaction to the banning of sex segregation in schools was "what about the Jews".

I'd say I was shocked but I've heard this sort of talk before. When Islam is criticised then some Muslims have an automatic "what about the Jews" reaction. The hatred that some Muslims have for Jews is visceral and obsessive.

"How many times Muslims invaded Europe vs. Europeans invaded Muslim countries?"

Is history repeating itself?

I've posted the full version of this video before but this information is worth repeating.

Penguins die in 'catastrophic' Antarctic breeding season per BBC News

The BBC report that 'Penguins die in 'catastrophic' Antarctic breeding season'

Global warming? Not cold enough? Not enough ice?

'All but two Adelie penguin chicks have starved to death in their east Antarctic colony, in a breeding season described as "catastrophic" by experts.'

Global warming? Not cold enough? Not enough ice?

'It was caused by unusually high amounts of ice late in the season, meaning adults had to travel further for food.'

Too much ice! How inconvenient for the BBC climate change brainwashing.

Thursday 12 October 2017

74% Say No Deal is Better Than A Bad Deal per Sky and Guido Fawkes

'The vast majority of the public believes "no deal is better than a bad deal" according to this new Sky Data poll. A decisive 74% agreed the country should walk away rather than accept a punishment deal. Just 26% think "any deal is better than no deal"…

The sentiment holds true across the age range. Among 18-34 year-olds support for"no deal is better than a bad deal" is at 75%. Among 35-54 year-olds it is 74% and 76% among those aged 55+. '

You can read more here at Guido Fawkes but obviously not on the BBC where support for the EU and thus vehement opposition to Brexit is de rigeur.

Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah 'reach deal' in Cairo per BBC News

'Egypt and Israel, Hamas' chief adversary, have maintained a blockade around Gaza since 2006. Hamas calls for Israel's destruction and has fought three wars with the Jewish state.

Israel resolutely opposes any involvement by Hamas in the Palestinian Authority. It considers Hamas a terrorist group and has said it will not deal with a Palestinian government that contains Hamas members.

Hamas as a whole, or in some cases its military wing, is designated a terrorist group by Israel, the US, EU, UK and other powers.'

So report the institutionally anti Israel BBC here

Lets unpick that a little.

'Egypt and Israel, Hamas' chief adversary, have maintained a blockade around Gaza since 2006. Hamas calls for Israel's destruction and has fought three wars with the Jewish state.'

It's good that the BBC recognise that Egypt is blockading Gaza, they often try to minimise reporting of that fact.

Do Hamas just call for Israel's destruction or the death of all Jews? I get confused between the statements of Hamas and Hezbollah, maybe their friend Jeremy Corbyn could advise me on this matter.

If Hamas calls for Israel's destruction then how should Israel make peace with Hamas? What would be a fair compromise for Israel to agree to? Maybe the destruction of just half of Israel? Perhaps Jeremy Bowen could consider that matter.

'Israel resolutely opposes any involvement by Hamas in the Palestinian Authority. It considers Hamas a terrorist group and has said it will not deal with a Palestinian government that contains Hamas members.'

Does the BBC consider that Hamas is a terrorist group? Do the BBC agreed with the policies of Hamas?

'Hamas as a whole, or in some cases its military wing, is designated a terrorist group by Israel, the US, EU, UK and other powers.'

Which other powers? Do the BBC disagree with these countries, if so why?

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Hillary Clinton Gets More Support From Harvey Weinstein And Friends per Deadline

'Hillary Clinton Gets More Big Bucks Support From Harvey Weinstein, JLo & Sarah Jessica Parker.

Something in the neighborhood of $1.8 million was raised at Harvey Weinstein's star-packed fundraiser for Hillary Clinton in New York City Monday night, sources tell Deadline.

The event for 50 or so Clinton supporters at Weinstein's Manhattan home drew some major Hollywood names, including Leonardo DiCaprio,Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick, Candice Bergen, Bethenny Frankel and designers Vera Wang and Tory Burch.'

More here but not on the pro Hillary Clinton BBC.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

How can any BBC employee say this with a straight face?

'Crucially, as his email to staff acknowledged, it (the BBC) also has to be impartial. That is an intellectual and moral challenge for all journalists - and also a vital one of course. My sense from speaking to him is that, as he says, you're told when you join the BBC that you have to leave your opinions at the door... '

That's from following the  'read more' link on the page relating to the James Harding leaving the BBC next year story.

More here

Impartial? Seriously? How can any BBC employee say this with a straight face?

This would be funny were it not so unbelievable and demonstrably untrue. Beeb Bias Craig has some great old figures, and is now at doing the same.

The BBC has to be impartial, ha f***ing ha!

BBC head of news James Harding to leave per BBC News

The BBC report that 'James Harding to stand down as director of BBC News at the beginning of 2018'

So who will replace him?

A woman, obviously.
A woman of colour, almost as obviously.
A Labour politician or ex politician, or at least a Labour supporter.

So how about Diane Abbott?

If the BBC ignore the first two criteria above, then how about Alastair Campbell?

Let's be honest, neither of them could push the BBC's news coverage any further to the left. Why pretend to be a source of unbiased news, BBC, just come out as the propaganda arm of the Labour Party that you are.

Jihadi jailed for 10 years for helping 21/7 Tube bombers given top council job after bosses failed to uncover her criminal past - as per The Sun

I hope this isn't really the case but fear that in this political correctness outranks all UK it probably is.

Read the story here but obviously not on the BBC where the safety of the British public is much less important than virtue signalling.

As I believe I have said before, this country is well and truly fucked.

What the BBC chooses to report and what it chooses not to report

'... peaceful demonstration in London yesterday, which had attracted a crowd in the tens of thousands - some have suggested as many as 70,000.

It was an anti-extremism march organised by a group calling itself the Football Lads Alliance. Shamefullly, there has not been a word about the march from the corporation (or indeed from any other part of the mainstream media). In fact, the Football Lads Alliance is not mentioned on the BBC website at all.

Yet the BBC is quite happy to report a protest by 150 people demanding changes to disability benefits and a protest by "hundreds" about the Grenfell Tower fire. '

That's from the Bishop Hill blog

The BBC is not an impartial news reporting organisation, it's a campaigning left wing site. Since that is the case why should one be criminalised if one refuses to pay to receive their their propaganda?

Sunday 8 October 2017

Jeremy Hardy - Nice man or one harbouring murderous thoughts?

'If you just took everyone in the BNP and everyone who votes for them and shot them in the back of the head, there would be a brighter future for us all.'

Jeremy Hardy Speaks to the Nation, BBC Radio 4, 13 September 2004

Saturday 7 October 2017

Michigan State university hysteria

'Officials at Michigan State University investigated and released strongly worded statements earlier this week because a female student claimed to find a noose on the handle of a stairwell door in a residence hall.

Turns out, the alleged "noose" was just a stray shoelace.

The first report of the packaged leather shoelace someone decided was a noose occurred on Wednesday morning, reports the Lansing State Journal.

Police — and, of course, the office of institutional equity — investigated the shoelace after a female student reported it as a noose.

The president of Michigan State University, Lou Anna Simon, rapidly released a statement denouncing nooses and describing the shoelace hanging on a dorm door in Holden Hall as "a racial incident."

"A student reported a noose was hung outside of her room," Simon's statement said. "I want to recognize the courage it took for the student to report this incident."

"This type of behavior is not tolerated on our campus," the taxpayer-funded school president also said. "No Spartan should ever feel targeted based on their race, or other ways in which they identify. A noose is a symbol of intimidation and threat that has a horrendous history in America."

By Wednesday afternoon, campus police managed to locate a shoelace which matched the "noose." The police found it outside the dormitory.'

More here

More hysteria about 'racism' all over university campuses and the mainstream media.

The UK is unique

This comment on really struck a chord:

'Emmanuel Goldstein on October 6, 2017 at 4:10 pm

I looked up on google for the recipients of the eu money as opposed to those like us who pay in.

Poland gets about £15 billion a year.

Good for them.If Poland were to leave the eu does that mean they would receive £50-£100 billion (for future commitments of course) and that the eu would have to pay them maybe £10 billion a year to be able to trade with them.

Sounds ridiculous but it is perfect logic.

If Catalonia leaves Spain do they have to pay Spain tens of billions and then, depending on if they are receivers or payers to the eu, have to settle up with the eu as well.

How much would it cost Scotland to leave the UK if they vote to leave in their next referendum.

After centuries together…how many billions.

Or are we absolutely unique in that we are expected to give tens of billions to leave the eu and billions more to buy stuff from the eu.'

The sort of questions that will never be given space on the BBC where anti Brexit propaganda is spewed incessantly and without any shame. The BBC ceased to be impartial years ago but its support for the EU has lead it from partiality to campaigning and for that reason, amongst others, I detest it.

Corbyn Gave Tour of Parliament to Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theorist per Guido Fawkes

Guido Fawkes has more news of Jeremy Corbyn's links with vile anti Semites here

'Today it emerges Tapash Abu Shaim received a tour of Parliament given by none other than Jeremy Corbyn. Jez tweeted to Shaim to say it was "a pleasure" showing him and other Palestine Solidarity Campaign members around. Shaim and Jez still follow each other on Twitter. Jez is a patron of PSC; sources tell Guido Shaim is a high-ranking member.'

Not a word about this will appear on the institutionally anti Israel BBC. The Labour Party is now lead by people who's anti Israel obsession leads them to consort with the sort of people who hold views that should disgust right-minded people.

Too many people in the Labour Party have decided that as there are many more Muslim voters than Jewish ones in the UK then it makes sense to pander to the anti Semitic elements of that religion.

That that decision dovetails so neatly with the let's obsessive anti Israel ideology is a plus for them and one that links neatly with the BBC who have been spewing anti Israel lies for years.

Trump might 'abandon Iran nuclear deal' per BBC News

Included in this BBC report is this:

'... President Trump said: "The Iranian regime supports terrorism and exports violence and chaos across the Middle East."'

I note that the BBC don't dispute this claim. It would be hard so to do but acknowledging Iran's exporting of Islamic terrorism would be hard for an organisation with the pro Islam mindset of the BBC.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Rotherham Council in line to be social work employer of the year per Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

'Rotherham Council has been shortlisted for the Best Social Work Employer of the Year prize in the acclaimed Social Worker of the Year Awards 2017 as a result of their outstanding work with vulnerable children.'

Not a parody but reality

Words fail me.

Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theorist Ran Stall at Labour Conference per Guido Fawkes

'A Labour member who shared anti-Semitic conspiracy theories blaming Israel for 9/11, ISIS and the Charlie Hebdo attack was allowed to host an exhibition stall inside the party's conference last month, Guido can reveal.

Tapash Abu Shaim was seen manning the Palestine Solidarity Campaign desk inside the conference centre secure zone. Shaim was given a pass despite his social media activities being reported to the party in August and concerns being raised last year over his attendance at Labour conference 2016.

Shaim's promotion of anti-Semitic conspiracies on social media has been well documented. In the wake of the January 2015 Paris terror attack he posted: "US politician Jack Lindblad claims Charlie Hebdo killings were 'by US and Mossad' to keep Israel's Netanyahu in power".

In another post he labelled terror group Daesh "ISIS = International Solidarity for Israeli Sentiment". He shared yet another which read: "confirmed ISIS is a Mossad united state of IsraHELL creation".'

There's more here at Guido Fawkes but obviously not on the institutionally anti Israel BBC who are also the propaganda arm of the Labour Party. There's more Muslim votes than Jewish votes so anti Semitisn has quite a hold amongst the left wing that now control the Labour Party.

You know those signs that forbid smoking whilst using a petrol pump?

You know those signs that forbid smoking whilst using a petrol pump? Surely nobody would be so reckless as to smoke whilst filling up with petrol/diesel/gas?

Apparently not...

I doubt that this individual will do that again!

Egyptian Government Crackdown on Homosexuals Spreads with More Anal Examinations per Breitbart

' "Debauchery" and "inciting debauchery" are the accusations generally directed by officialdom towards Egyptians perceived as gay.

"In a matter of days the Egyptian security forces have rounded up dozens of people and carried out five anal examinations," Najia Bounaim, North Africa campaigns director at Amnesty International, said in a statement on Monday.

These developments signal "a sharp escalation in the authorities' efforts to persecute and intimidate members of the LGBTI community following the rainbow flag incident", said Bounaim.'

More here but obviously not on the BBC or the LGBTQRPSDFGHJKL activist sites where demonising Israel is de rigeur but criticising an Islamic country is verboten.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Sydney and Melbourne could face 50C days 'within decades' per BBC News

The key word in this BBC report being 'could'.

The word 'could' appears many times and that's the key point. Many things 'could' happen, especially if they rely on the same flawed data as other scientific research.

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Bomb found near Paris St Germain football ground per Daily Mail Online

'An Islamist terrorist bomb plot was foiled in Paris on Saturday after an improvised explosive device was found near Paris Saint-Germain football club.

The device, consisting of four gas cylinders covered in petrol, were found in the upmarket 16th arrondissement near the Parc des Princes stadium, just hours before PSG were playing a league game.

Five men have been arrested, including a known Islamist extremist who was meant to be under surveillance.'

More here but not on the BBC where anti President Donald Trump, Theresa May and Boris Johnson propaganda takes precedence.

Lefty hypocrisy?

'I told the hard left that I earned £140K a year. They attacked me as being one of the few.

I told them that I was privately educated. They attacked me as being one of the few.

I told them I spent my childhood in a seven bedroom house.They attacked me as being one of the few.

I told them that my pension pot was worth considerable more than £1M.They attacked me as being one of the few.

I told them that my name was Jeremy Corbyn and the hard left said that they would vote for me.'

Thanks to MarkyMark on October 2, 2017 at 2:52 pmMarcher Lord‏ @MarcherLord1 – Sep 28 on

Britain's second-ever blind judge 'had no idea of the law' per Daily Mail

The Mail reports

'The country's second blind person to reach a judicial post wholly failed 'to meet the standards that are demanded by the office of a judge', according to a panel's ruling. 

The three-strong bench of senior judges ruled 'shambolic' 64-year-old immigrationjudge Amir Ali Majid had 'very little idea of either his own (limited) powers or the content of the law that is in issue'.

Their ruling was the result of appeals relating to 13 cases heard recently by Judge Majid.

Judges from the immigration and asylum chamber's upper tribunal allowed 12 appeals against the judge.'

You'll not find anything about this on the BBC. Presumably because at the BBC they are celebrating the diversity of having a blind Muslim judge, so much better than another stale white male judge. So he got a few decisions wrong (according to presumably white senior judges) that's a very small price to pay for diversity, isn't it?

Sunday 1 October 2017

Five injured in Canada 'terror' incidents per BBC News

Read this BBC report and you'll be shocked to learn:

'Canadian police have confirmed they are investigating possible acts of terrorism after multiple incidents in Edmonton, Alberta, on Saturday night.


Police said an Islamic State (IS) group flag was found in one of the vehicles.'

Marseille: Fatal knife attack at train station per BBC News

The BBC report on yet another knife attack, this time in Marseille. I'm sure that you won't be surprised by the last line of the BBC report...

'Two people have died in a knife attack at Marseille's St Charles train station, according to media reports.


An unnamed official told France's Le Monde newspaper that the assailant had cried "Allahu akbar".'

Quelle surprise...

"Katie Hopkins: Labour - Free stuff for the many, paid for by the responsible few"

I'm not a fan of Katie Hopkins but regarding the Labour Party, the magic money tree and the way the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn excluded Brexit from being debated at the party conference, she's on the money.