
Saturday 30 June 2018

Here's One Unverified File the Feds Won't Leak: About Loretta Lynch per RealClearInvestigations

This is a fascinating report that will of course not be even mentioned by the BBC.

'The FBI had little problem leaking "unverified" dirt from Russian sources on Donald Trump and his campaign aides – and even basing FISA wiretaps on it. But according to the Justice Department's inspector general, the bureau is refusing to allow even members of Congress with top security clearance to see intercepted material alleging political interference by President Obama's attorney general, Loretta Lynch.

That material – which has been outlined in press reports – consists of unverified accounts intercepted from putative Russian sources in which the head of the Democratic National Committee allegedly implicates the Hillary Clinton campaign and Lynch in a secret deal to fix the Clinton email investigation.

"It is remarkable how this Justice Department is protecting the corruption of the Obama Justice Department," said Tom Fitton, president of Washington-based watchdog Judicial Watch, which is suing for the material.

Lynch and Clinton officials as well as the DNC chairman at the time, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, have denied the allegations and characterized them as Russian disinformation.'

That really won't be possible for the BBC to report as it goes quite against the narrative. 

Friday 29 June 2018

"UN expert on violence against women visits only Australia and the Bahamas"

To be fair, the Bahamas are lovely in December. Probably nicer to visit than Saudi Arabia or Iran at any time. 

Angola becomes 'first country to ban Islam' but the spokesman from the Islamic Human Rights Commission in London seemingly doesn't understand hypocrisy

Apparently for Masoud Shajareh Angola's policy is against 'free access to religion' and an example of bigotry. It may well be. But if it is, then will Mr Shajareh also condemn Saudi Arabia's ban on public worship by Christians and other non-Muslims as bigotry? 

Thursday 28 June 2018

Duke visits Jerusalem's sacred sites per the BBC who omit some key facts

This BBC report omits some key information from its report on the Duke of Cambridge's visit to Jerusalem. 

'Also on his itinerary was the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, a site that is sacred to Jews and Muslims.

He then went to the adjacent Western Wall, the holiest site where Jews are permitted to pray.' 

So there's a holier site for Jews but Jews not permitted to pray there, how can this be? Because Israel allows the Muslim authorities to control the holiest site in Judaism, these people ban Jews from praying there, so much for Jews ethically cleansing Jerusalem. Remind me where Jews could worship in the eastern part of Jerusalem whilst that was occupied by Jordan from their invasion in 1948 to its freeing in 1967.

'Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif sits on an elevated plaza, which was the site of both of Judaism's ancient temples, above the Western Wall in Jerusalem.' 

So what happened to these Jewish Temples? How come they no longer exist but instead there's a large mosque there? The BBC don't seem inclined to explain, why? 

'Muslims believe it was the site of the Prophet Muhammad's ascent to heaven in the 7th Century.'

No mention of the flying horse, why? 

'Since arriving on his current leg of the tour, he has met Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and its President Reuven Rivlin, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.'

Remind me what Mahmoud Abbas's doctoral dissertation on: it didn't claim that the Holocaust never took place (though it did quibble with the numbers), or that it wasn't a terrible atrocity. Rather, Abbas argued that the Zionists joined forces with the Nazis to inflict that atrocity on European Jewry. In other words, he cleverly crafted a position that allowed him to acknowledge the Holocaust while still blaming the Jews for it.

As ever with the BBC it's what they don't report that shows their bias as much as what they do report. 

Brexit Britain Wins $35 Billion Contract to Build Aussie Warships per Euro Guido

Guido Fawkes reports thus:

'Just breaking in Australia, possibly the biggest #DespiteBrexit yet: British defence giant BAE Systems has won the tender to design and manage the construction of nine anti-submarine warships. The deal represents the biggest peacetime building programme in Australian naval history and is worth $35 billion, or £20 billion. It is being reported that the clincher was Gavin Williamson's decision to send Royal Navy ships to Australia and the Pacific. '

Oddly I can't see any mention of this on the Renainiac BBC. 

Corbyn’s right of return call ‘doesn’t square’ with support for two-state solution

This report in the Jewish News 

The report begins thus, can you spot the puzzling part? 

'Jewish leaders this week reacted with bewilderment to Jeremy Corbyn call for a Palestinian right of return.

Following a visit to a refugee camp in Jordan, the Labour leader said: "Palestinians obviously have rights… The siege of Gaza must end, the settlement policy must end and the right of return must be a reality."

He later used Twitter to reiterate his call for "a real two state settlement to the Israel-Palestine conflict which ends the occupation and siege of Gaza and makes the Palestinian right of return a reality".

The right of return is the principle that Palestinians are entitled to return to land they and their families lived on before 1948, inside and outside the internationally agreed borders of Israel. It's application would signify the end of Israel as a Jewish state.

Jewish leaders, including the chief executive of the Jewish Leadership Council (JLC), said Corbyn's call for a right of return for Palestinian refugees "doesn't square" with his call for a two-state solution.

JLC chief Simon Johnson noted how Corbyn had visited a camp in Jordan but turned down the chance to go to Israel, saying it was "yet another missed opportunity to broaden his understanding of the complexities of the region".

On Corbyn's comments, Johnson said: "It's the Palestinian narrative he believes in, but it poses the question – when he says he wants a meaningful right of return, how does he square that with his call for two states for two peoples? Does he genuinely believe in two states, because the right of return is inconsistent with that objective.

"Furthermore, what right of return is he calling for? To which borders? The 1948 borders, or the 1967 borders? Commitment to the Palestinian narrative is laudable, but comments like this play into the perception there is no any other side to that narrative. He's the Leader of the Opposition, and needs to realise that wording is very important."'

Why would anyone be bewildered by Jeremy Corbyn's remarks? He may call for a two state solution but his two state solution is two Muslim majority states. 

Jeremy Corbyn's Gaza briefing to Labour MPs accuses IDF of 'war crimes'

This JC report on the other JC's Gaza briefing 

'A briefing document sent by Jeremy Corbyn's office to Labour MPs on Gaza accused the IDF of "war crimes" in the recent border violence, the JC has learned.

Despite evidence that Hamas ordered thousands of Gazans to try and breach the border fences with Israel, often using violent methods, Mr Corbyn's briefing accuses the IDF of "wilful killings" and "war crimes" in the violence that has left scores of Palestinians dead and many more injured in recent weeks.

One Labour MP told the JC they found the document, sent to all Labour MPs ahead of a parliamentary debate, "disgustingly one sided."

Another said: "It could have been written by Jeremy's 'friends' in Hamas."


Assessing the background to the recent protests, the Labour document does not mention any Hamas involvement in the planning of the weekly marches, stating: "Since March 30, a Palestinian movement (called the Great March of Return') has been marching on the border between Israel and Gaza to protest against Israel's illegal blockage of the area and the humanitarian crisis it is helping to fuel."

It adds: "The protests were largely peaceful, although they regularly featured stone-throwing and the rolling of tyres at the border fence."'

Jeremy Corbyn is a clear and present danger to the UK and much of the civilised world, his views on Israel and the Palestinians are beyond reason. 

Wednesday 27 June 2018

"What The Media Really Thinks of You"

This calling of anyone who voted for Donald Trump, a racist will not end well. 

Germany go out of the World Cup at the first stage for the first time since 1938

Germany go out of the World Cup at the first stage for the first time since 1938. 

What does that mean for 2019's prospects? 

Tuesday 26 June 2018

The examples just keep coming... Dutch Newspaper Office Hit By Flaming Truck in 'Deliberate' Attack per Breitbart

This Breitbart report starts scarily enough:

'A van was driven into the offices of a right-wing Dutch newspaper in Amsterdam Tuesday morning, bursting into flames and causing significant damage in what is being called an attack on the news organisation.

The Dutch police said the strike was a "deliberate action" and revealed a manhunt was underway after a suspect managed to escape the scene.


Security footage of the attack released by the newspaper shows the van driving into the glass wall at speed, but only causing limited damage.

The driver of the van then appears to reverse the truck away to make another attempt to ram the building, stalling the vehicle in the process. After his second attempt to ram the vehicle through into the building, the driver disembarks, wearing a heavy hooded coat and carrying a plastic bag. Igniting some form of explosive in the back of the truck, the man then flees on foot. No arrests have been made.

No one was injured but flames reportedly rose to 50 feet high and there is "considerable" damage to the building which houses the country's best selling paper.'

Why would the Netherlands' best selling newspaper be attacked, and by whom? 

'The paper, which has a conservative and populist style, has previously published images of the Islamic prophet Mohammed after the Danish cartoon scandal and received a bomb threat in 2006 after doing so.' 

Ah, now it makes sense. 

Look in vain for coverage of this truck attack and attempted bombing on the BBC, not newsworthy enough? 

At the end of the Breitbart report I found another shocking piece of news that the BBC decided wasn't worthy of reporting:

'Just last week, an Amsterdam building housing two other publications, the Panorama and Nieuwe Revu, was attacked with a rocket launcher. A 41-year-old man was arrested for that attack, in which no one was injured.' 

The BBC disgust me on a daily basis. They have decided that reporting the news is less important than pushing certain narratives and consequently suppressing news that goes against their agreed narratives. 

Palestinian and Syrian Migrants Prosecuted for Sweden Synagogue Firebombing per Breitbart

This from Breitbart shows why I and other Jews are soon to flee Europe.

'Three migrants from Palestine and Syria have been convicted for attempted arson after attacking a synagogue in Sweden, following the announcement the U.S. embassy in Israel would move to Jerusalem.

The attack occurred in the city of Gothenburg in the south of the country last December, with a gang of a dozen masked men throwing firebombs at the building after an anti-Israel demonstration nearby where anti-Semitic chants were heard.

The trio, aged between 19 and 24, were convicted and sentenced in Gothenburg District Court on Monday, with two of the men handed two years in prison and the third and youngest given 15 months behind bars, Aftonbladet reports.

One of the men, a 22-year-old Palestinian, had his asylum application rejected after the attack and will be deported from Sweden after serving his jail time.

The other Palestinian attacker and the Syrian both have Swedish residency permits and are likely to be allowed to stay when they are released.

In a judgement, the court said the attackers had "the clear goal of threatening, harming, and violating members of the synagogue and the Jewish community more generally."'

The fact of the antisemitic attack is shocking enough, look in vain for any reporting of this attack on the BBC who seem to have decided that attacks on European Jews should be treated as no more than an inconvenience when compared with the greater good of unlimited Islamic immigration.

More shocking are the tiny prison sentences handed down to the perpetrators. Two years for throwing firebombs at a synagogue? Somehow I think that an attack on a mosque would be treated more severely.

Jews of Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, France and the UK it's time to leave Europe. 

Migrant Mob Yelling 'Allahu Akbar' Storm Croatian Border

This Breitbart article includes the video of, so far as I can see, solely young men with not a woman or child in sight. Even the BBC would be hard pressed to portray these men as asylum seekers fleeing a war zone, so they'll just ignore the video evidence of the screaming of Allahu Akbar. 

Europe is being invaded by a number of Islamic armies but our leaders connive to keep this secret, why? 

Monday 25 June 2018

Despite the lies of the lefty mainstream media Obama DID "Separate Families at the border"

Not the sort of video that the BBC would ever let the British public see. There's a narrative to push. 

The Left scream if babies of illegal immigrants are separated from their parents, they previously screamed because innocent children were put in prison alongside their parents who were illegal immigrants

The Left scream if babies of illegal immigrants are separated from their parents, they previously screamed because innocent children were put in prison alongside their parents who were illegal immigrants. Of course they do, because what they want is nothing to hinder immigration into the USA. Allow unfettered immigration, then allow illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship, then who will these immigrants vote for? Yes, this is the left's response to Donald Trump winning the Presidential election: do anything that might stop the nightmare of a second President Trump term. 

Ben Shspiro video here

Erdogan tightens grip with Turkey poll win per BBC News

Swings and roundabouts BBC? 

'Mr Erdogan has presided over a strong economy and built up a solid support base by investing in healthcare, education and infrastructure.

But the 64-year-old has also polarised opinion, cracking down on opponents and putting some 160,000 people in jail.' 

Polarised opinions? Jailing 160,000 people? Minor details compared with improving healthcare? Don't forget he's also stood up to Israel and as for his comments on Muslim immigration into the EU, right on BBC message. 

Weapons found at the ‘Muslim Eton’ per The Sunday Times

This report was not picked up by the BBC. Imagine how they'd have headlined the story if it had actually been Eton rather than the 'Muslim Eton'.

'The head of an Islamic boarding school dubbed the "Muslim Eton" has been forced out after bladed weapons, a toy gun and £400,000 were found on the premises.

The Department for Education (DfE) had sought a rare closure order for Darul Uloom school in Chislehurst, southeast London.

However, the school agreed in court last week to remove the head, Mustafa Musa, his son Yusuf, who was in charge of child safeguarding at the school, and the board of trustees instead.

Armed police were called to the school on May 30 after reports of a man brandishing a firearm. They arrested Yusuf Musa and found weapons and cash at his flat in the grounds. Mustafa Musa was arrested for alleged money-laundering.'

Remember the BBC have a narrative to push. 

Sunday 24 June 2018

BBC finds Andrew Marr guilty of breach over claim on Palestinian kids

This Mail report is of interest to me as for once the BBC couldn't circle the wagons to protect one of their own.

'BBC finds Andrew Marr guilty of breach over claim on Palestinian kids

BBC bosses have found Andrew Marr guilty of breaching editorial guidelines with a 'misleading' claim that Israel had killed 'lots of Palestinian kids'.

The Corporation's extraordinary ruling against one of its most senior personalities is almost unprecedented.

It follows a complaint about comments made by the presenter on his flagship Sunday news programme.

During the April 8 edition, Marr concluded a discussion of the Syrian regime's chemical weapons attack on civilians by saying: 'And the Middle East is aflame again.

'I mean there's lots of Palestinian kids being killed further south as well by Israeli forces.' His comments were a reference to clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians in Gaza.

Anti-semitism campaigner Jonathan Sacerdoti complained, writing: 'When talking about a story on the use of chemical weapons in Syria, Andrew Marr for some reason decided to talk about Israel (which was unrelated anyway). He stated there's a lot of Palestinian kids being killed further south by Israeli forces.

'This is completely incorrect and is made up. This was irrelevant to the conversation on Syria… and also actually completely false.'

BBC producers initially tried to defend Marr's comments by pointing to the fact that five 'younger people' had been killed between the beginning of the year and the date of the programme.

They also said several Palestinian children and younger people were killed in the week following the broadcast, but Mr Sacerdoti argued that later events could not be used to justify Mr Marr's comments.

His complaint has been upheld.

Fraser Steel, head of executive complaints at the BBC, wrote to Mr Sacerdoti saying: 'The BBC's guidelines require that output is "well sourced" and "based on sound evidence".

'In the absence of any evidence to support the reference to "lots" of children being killed at the time of transmission, it seems to us to have risked misleading audiences on a material point.

'We therefore propose to uphold this part of your complaint.''

I can see no reporting of the upholding of this complaint on the BBC. But more importantly Andrew Marr should be made to read out that verdict at the beginning and the end of his next BBC show. 

The BBC's anti Israel bias shines through and must be tackled. 

Saturday 23 June 2018

Restaurant Owner Kicks Out Sarah Sanders per The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller reports on the latest incidence of lefty intolerance.

'Sarah Sanders


 Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so'

Sarah Sanders showing considerably more class than the restaurateur. 

Brexit: Marchers demand final Brexit deal vote per BBC News who don't comment on apparent amnesia

'One of the rally organisers, James McGrory from pressure group Open Britain, said there should be "a choice between leaving with the deal that the government negotiates, or staying in the European Union".

"But the most important thing is that this isn't decided just by 650 politicians in Westminster... Brexit is such a big deal [that] it should include all 65 million of us in the country, and that's why people today are marching for a people's vote," he said.'

Has James McGrory forgotten that the UK population had a chance to vote on Brexit, just two years ago, and the Brexit side won that referendum. If the Remain side had won the referendum would Brexiters have been given the chance to call for a second referendum to decide upon the sort of EU membership we wanted? It's strange how referenda across the EU that go the way of the EU are accepted as the final word whereas votes that go against the EU are questionable and the public must be asked again, and again, until they give the correct answer. 

The anti Brexit report is here

Friday 22 June 2018

The Left are becoming scarier by the day

Watch this whole video and take especial note of Peter Fonda's tweets 

If a Conservative, however you define that, said anything half as bad about someone on the left then the mainstream media would be up in arms. However for the left-wing mainstream media anyone on the right of politics is fair game and left-wing figures are beyond criticism. 

The West is heading for bad times, the left are increasingly emboldened to do what they want, and at some point there will be a backlash. 

Venezuelan forces killed hundreds

I see that socialism is working as usual in Venezuela. 

'Venezuelan security forces have carried out hundreds of arbitrary killings under the guise of fighting crime, the UN's human rights body says.

In a report, it cites "shocking" accounts of young men being killed during operations, often in poor districts, over the past three years.

The UN's human rights chief said no-one was being held to account, suggesting the rule of law was "virtually absent".

Venezuela has in the past dismissed human rights allegations as "lies".

The country is going through a protracted political and economic crisis.'

Somehow I doubt that Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell will be criticising the Venezuelan regime. 

Do bear in mind that what is happening in Venezuela today is the UK's future should Corbyn, McDonnell and the rest of that socialist cabal ever get into power. 

The report I quoted from is here at the BBC where there is of course no mention of the Labour Party fans of the Venezuela regime. 

Italy migrant row: Move to seize two Med rescue ships per BBC News who seem to miss a word from one sentence

'Italy's new right-wing government has taken a harder stance on rescue ships bringing large numbers of migrants to Italy, which is often the nearest port for those rescued off coast of Libya.' 

Surely the word 'European' needs inserting between 'nearest' and 'port' or am I just too cynical? 

Actually no, here's a list of the 10 ports in Tunisia that are much nearer to the Libyan coast than is Sicily

This isn't about 'rescuing' migrants off the coast of Libya. It is about NGOs providing a transport system for migrants who've paid people traffickers to put them in the position to be so 'rescued'. 

Watch Democrats change their tune on immigration, why?

I realised that the left's furore over migrant children being separated from their parents was manufactured as they ignored it when it happened when the Obamamessiah was President. But that the fuss was timed to take attention off of the IG Report was something that I should have realised, I feel so foolish! 

Councillor Who said Islamic State Doesn't Exist Given Anti-Terror Role

A few years ago this sort of news would have shocked me but now it's just par for the course. This is along the lines of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Syria being elected to United Nations positions on women etc. 

'Birmingham council has appointed a controversial Muslim Labour member who has previously claimed that Islamic State does not exist and has dismissed Islamist attacks to a committee tasked with protecting children from radicalisation and terrorism.

Safia Akhtar Noor was suspended and then forced to resign as a school governor at Yew Tree Community School in Birmingham after several posts on her Facebook questioned if the terror group was an invention after the Westminster Bridge attack.

On the day of the attack in March last year, she wrote: "Can people stop fighting on Facebook? Sadly people died in Westminster today but people die every day in Syria, Palestine, Africa, Rohingya, Kashmir. Need I carry on?!! Grow up and stop pointing fingers!"

Five days later she claimed in another message: "So someone got stabbed after the attack last week as a result of media and government claiming that SO CALLED ISIS HAD CLAIMED RESPONSIBILITY."

She added: "There is no ISIS and there is no proof."

Despite this, the law student was able to stand as a Labour candidate in May's local elections in the Small Heath ward – which has a majority Muslim population – and won with more than 3,000 votes.

Now, she has been appointed to the Children's Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee of the Labour-controlled council.

The body looks over initiatives to prevent radicalisation and extremism and has given guidance on the Prevent strategy, intended to stop people being drawn into terrorism.'

There's lot more here at Breitbart 

Thursday 21 June 2018

Pound Sterling (GBP) per BBC News

The glass is always at least half empty BBC are still reporting that:

'Investors will be keeping an eye on the pound which has fallen in early trading, down to $1.3140. Yesterday it rallied above $1.32 after Prime Minister Theresa May won a crucial Brexit vote in Parliament.'

This is at the point that Sterling is trading up at $1.3255 but good economic news must be hidden by the BBC as their interests are served by a relentless diet of bad news. 

Careful BBC News you're very close to the truth about the UK

This BBC page gets close to the truth about the UK:

'If you control public communication you can control the way people think and how they behave.'

That's just what the BBC try, and pretty much succeed, to do. 

The original story is about China and what Xi Jinping's government is counting on but the parallels are clear. 

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Watch "Trey Gowdy GRILLS IG Horowitz On FBI Bias 6/19/18 DOJ & FBI Oversight Hearing"

This video should be being reported everywhere but as it is political dynamite about the FBI and the Clinton and Trump investigations, it won't get any attention from the majority of the mainstream media including the Obama worshipping, Clinton adoring and Trump hating BBC. 

Watch from the 8 minute point for the key questions from Trey Gowdy and the answers from Mr Horowitz. Judge for yourself the quality of the answers.

What would it take for the BBC to report such an exchange? 

Syrian man confesses to attacking kippah-wearing Israeli Arab in Berlin as will not be reported by the BBC

'A Syrian man on trial in Berlin for attacking a man wearing a kippah confessed in court to the assault and apologised to the victim.

The alleged assailant, identified as a 19-year-old Syrian Palestinian living in Germany since 2015, turned himself in two days after the April 17 attack. He is being tried as a juvenile.

During the attack, the assailant lashed the man with his belt and repeated the Arabic word for Jew, "Yahudi." The victim, Adam Armouch, an Arab Israeli, filmed the attack on his phone; the video went viral on social media. Armouch was accompanied by a 24-year-old man also wearing a kippah who reported being accosted verbally by three men.


Armoush, 21, who is not Jewish, told the Deutsche Welle news agency that he had grown up in an Arab-Christian family in Haifa, Israel, and said he put on the kippah as an experiment to see "how bad it is to walk Berlin's streets as a Jew today." The attack took place in the trendy Prenzlauer Berg neighbourhood, which is popular among many Israelis living in Berlin.

The attack led thousands of Jews and non-Jews to don kippahs and participate in "Wear a Kippah" rallies in Berlin and other German cities to protest anti-Semitism.'

Well that showed a non-Jew what it's like to walk the streets of Berlin as a Jew. But as it was a Syrian Muslim immigrant to Germany who committed the attack by lashing the man with his belt and repeating the Arabic word for Jew, I don't think that the BBC want to give this news any publicity. 

There's more about this incident, including the original video which I think I posted when it first went viral, here Maybe I should ask the BBC why they aren't reporting this news. But then I know why they aren't reporting this. 

Microsoft staff demand firm ends Border Patrol contract per BBC News

Reporting is all in the choice of language, here's an example from the agenda pushing BBC. This BBC report is headlined 'Microsoft staff demand firm ends Border Patrol contract'. The report does tell us that 'An open letter signed by more than 100 Microsoft employees has called on the tech giant to stop its work with US Border Patrol.'

More than 100 staff, that's impressive. Really? According to Headcount Microsoft the firm had a headcount of 124,293 at the end of the last financial year. More than 100; I'll guess that's not close to 200 or the BBC would say nearly 200 staff. It's probably less than 150 too, else the BBC would say 150 staff, so let's assume 125 staff. 125 staff would be 1 in a thousand of Microsoft staff, not a huge percentage. Oddly in this instance the BBC push the views of the 0.1% and wonders how Microsoft could ignore such a huge proportion. Oddly the BBC are less happy to accept the opinions of the 52% who voted for Brexit. 

Question Time host's memorable moments

The BBC's memorable moments video selection don't include the Harriet Harman controlling hand incident, what a surprise. 

Tuesday 19 June 2018

US quits 'biased' UN human rights council per BBC News

This BBC report really doesn't want to give any succour to President Donald Trump hence the last line of these opening four:

'The US has pulled out of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The body is "hypocritical and self-serving" and "makes a mockery of human rights", said Nikki Haley, the US envoy to the UN.

Ms Haley last year accused the council of "chronic anti-Israel bias" and said the US was reviewing its membership.

Formed in 2006, the council has been criticised for allowing countries with questionable human rights records to be members.'

Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Algeria - how could anyone criticise such countries for their human rights records? Yet for the UNHRC and the institutionally anti Israel BBC it's Israel that's always the villain. 

EU Chief Jean-Claude Juncker Defies Protests to Deliver Heartfelt Defence of Karl Marx

'Delivering an impassioned defence of Karl Marx's legacy, EU boss Jean-Claude Juncker argued the radical should not be judged for the Communist atrocities that took place in his name.

The President of the European Commission defied protests to deliver his speech at an event commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto writer's birth in Trier, west Germany.

Speaking at a church in the city, he said: "Karl Marx was a philosopher, who thought into the future, had creative aspirations, and today he stands for things which is he not responsible for, and which he didn't cause, because many of the things he wrote down were redrafted into the opposite.

He added: "One has to understand Karl Marx from the context of his time and not have prejudices based on the review, these judgements shouldn't exist."

During the event, where he unveiled a statue of Marx donated by China's authoritarian government, Juncker also highlighted goals of furthering EU integration and "social rights" in the bloc as Marx's contribution to the European project.

His speech, which was briefly interrupted by an anti-Communist protest, came in the face of pleas from politicians around the world for him to boycott the event, which critics argued represented a whitewashing of "the most destructive ideology in human history".'

Ladies and gentlemen, our EU master... 

More here but obviously not on the institutionally pro EU and soft on communism BBC. 

Monday 18 June 2018

FACT CHECK: Obama Bribed Iran $400 Million to Release U.S. Prisoners?

This report on Snopes has had me chuckling away today:

'It is true the U.S. agreed to the settlement at the same time it was negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran and for the return of four U.S. citizens who had been detained by Iran. However, the negotiations over these these issues were conducted by completely separate teams in order to avoid any overlap or suggestions of connections between them.


The fact that the money was physically sent to Iran in various currencies  rather than simply transferred by wire may seem odd in the context of the United States' increasingly cashless society, but that was done in order to avoid existing Treasury Department sanctions that banned the use of American currency in transactions with Iran, and international sanctions which at that time kept Iran from accessing the global financial markets (and which were lifted in January 2016).'


Also if the money was paid in cash so as to' avoid existing Treasury Department sanctions', wasn't that illegal? 

'Labour anti-Semitism is putting off students' - No shit, Sherlock

Even this blindingly obvious BBC report for young people that some Jewish students are put off going to some British universities because of the left wing antisemitic attitudes prevailing was too much for the Labour Party.

'We contacted Labour in May when we first started to investigate this to provide someone to interview, but they declined.

They sent us this statement.

"The Labour Party takes all complaints of anti-Semitism extremely seriously, which are fully investigated and appropriate disciplinary action taken in line with our rules and procedures.

"Labour's new General Secretary Jennie Formby has made it her first priority to speed up and strengthen our procedures and to develop a programme of political education to create deeper awareness and understanding about all forms of anti-Semitism."'

When the Labour Party under Corbyn won't even be interviewed by the Labour Party's propaganda arm but have to issue a statement you know that they have a really serious problem with antisemitism in the party. Jeremy Corbyn and his cadre have emboldened the antisemites on the left of the Labour Party and the Corbynites won't do anything concrete to stamp down on the antisemites: they've spent years appearing on platforms with antisemites, reading polemical propaganda and calling Hamas and Hezbollah 'friends'. 

Conservative newcomer Iván Duque wins Colombia's presidential election the BBC News use an odd phrase

This BBC report on the Colombian Presidential Election result contains this oddly worded sentence:

'He also says he will impose tougher punishments on crimes allegedly committed by the rebels during the brutal five-decade conflict with the government.'

On crimes? Surely that should be for crimes. Also surely the punishments won't be for crimes allegedly committed by the rebels but for actual crimes, unless the BBC believe that the rebels are freedom fighters thus with clean hands. 

Woman shouting 'Allahu akbar' stabs two shoppers at French supermarket

First that there's no mention on the BBC, not that that is surprising. 

Second that any report could elide these two lines:

'A woman allegedly shouted 'Allahu akbar' before she stabbed two people with a box cutter in a supermarket in La Seyne-sur-Merm southern France on Sunday


Officials said it was an 'isolated incident' and cited the woman's history of mental illness, but admitted terrorism could not be ruled out.'

No because shouting Allahu akbar is not a link with Islamist terrorism. 

Here's some more from The Mail report:

A woman has allegedly shouted 'Allahu akbar' before stabbing two people with a box cutter in a supermarket in southern France.

The suspect stabbed customers in a checkout line at a supermarket in La Seyne-sur-Mer on Sunday morning, according to local reports.

A man shopping at the E.Leclerc shop was struck in the chest and was hospitalised, and a woman at the market's cash register was also injured, but not as seriously.

Officials said the attacker, who is said to be 24 years old and born in France, has been detained.

A woman allegedly shouted 'Allahu akbar' before she stabbed two people with a box cutter in a supermarket in La Seyne-sur-Merm southern France on Sunday

The suspect was reportedly quickly overpowered by staff members at the supermarket.

Officials said it was an 'isolated incident' and cited the woman's history of mental illness, but admitted terrorism could not be ruled out.'

The Israeli-Palestinian battle over Prince William’s Kotel visit

'Ten days before the first official visit by a British royal to Israel, Ynet learns the Western Wall will be defined as part of the future king's visit to the Palestinian Authority; Kensington Palace delays the release of the last day's itinerary so as not to create a controversy that would mar the visit.'

So it would be controversial for the Western Wall to be described as part of Israel but not to be included in the Palestinian Territories? I sense two things here, first the dead hand of the Arabists at the Foreign Office and second a touch of fear of violent Palestinian protests/attacks. Man up Prince William, one day you should be King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, be a man and do the right thing. 

More here,7340,L-5288226,00.html but obviously not on the institutionally anti Israel BBC. 

MP David Lammy grapples with Sun reporter and storms out of interview and after we dared ask about anti-Semitism row at Labour Live festival

The SUN report 

'MP David Lammy grapples with Sun reporter and storms out of interview and after we dared ask about anti-Semitism row at Labour Live festival

LABOUR'S David Lammy lost his rag today when questioned by The Sun about anti-Semitism in the party.

The campaigning MP grappled with our cameraman before storming off in a huff because he didn't want to talk about anti-Jewish bigots putting off attendees.'

Imagine that a Conservative MP had 'grappled' with a press cameraman, the BBC would be headlining the story. However as this is a BAME Labour MP there will be no mention at all.

Maybe David 'Mastermind' Lammy was out of his intellectual depth being asked a question for which he wasn't prepared.

Driver delivering curry rips Palm Sunday cross from wall at home of Christian mother per London Evening Standard

'Police are investigating after a take-away driver was caught on CCTV  ripping down a cross as he delivered a curry to a churchgoer's home.' 

More here but obviously not on the BBC where Muslims in the UK face terrible travails and do not perpetrate any hate attacks. 

Saturday 16 June 2018

Taxi ploughs into pedestrians in Moscow injuring eight per BBC News

To add some background to this BBC story here's something, the religious breakdown of the population of Kyrgyzstan:

'Islam - 80%
Russian Orthodox Church -17%
other - 3%'

Jordan Peterson Threatens To Sue Feminist Professor Who Called Him An Incel

This is an interesting story about the famed tolerance of the left.

However I'm also intrigued that a Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania professor doesn't appear to be able to differentiate between decent and descent. 

France: Police Foil Islamist Plot to Bomb Swingers' Club

'Counter-terror police in France have foiled two Islamist attacks including one targeting homosexuals and a bomb plot aimed at a club for swingers, local media reports.

In raids conducted in the Seine-et-Marne region east of Paris at the weekend, police discovered "knives, a detonation system and jihadist propaganda" in the possession of two men who were charged on suspicion of planning to carry out an Islamic State-inspired attack.

The individuals, said to be friends in their early 20s who were previously unknown to security services, came to the attention of General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI) intelligence officers a few weeks ago, a source close to the investigation said.'

More here but obviously not on the BBC. 

Friday 15 June 2018

Ricin threat: Cologne police search flats and only some aspects of the story are interesting

This BBC report starts thus:

'German police are searching flats in a Cologne tower block where a Tunisian man is suspected of having kept highly toxic ricin.

The 29-year-old man, named in German media only as Sief Allah H, is being questioned by police.'

The article goes on to query what ricin is and how it's linked to castor oil. What the report doesn't wonder is what possible motive might be behind this storage of ricin. 

POLL: Immigration and Terror Top Issues for EU - so won't be mentioned by the BBC

'Immigration is now seen as the most important issue facing the European Union (EU) by people in every member state apart from seven countries, where the top concern is terrorism, an official survey has found.

The revelation comes from the Euro barometer ( ) a series of public opinion surveys conducted for the European Commission, the bloc's executive branch, and corroborates the results of a YouGov ( )  survey from May.

As recently as 2014, immigration and terror were perceived as less of a concern for the bloc than the economic situation, member states' public finances, and unemployment.

When people were asked this year what "are the two most import issues facing the EU at the moment," 38 percent said immigration was the most important issue in 21 member states.

This is up from 14 in autumn 2017 and included Estonia (62 percent), the Czech Republic (58 percent), and Hungary (56 percent).

Furthermore, immigration was named as the second most important concern in all the remaining member states except for Portugal.'

The news of what real people, not our political and media would be masters, think is not something that the BBC will think appropriate for the British public to know. Better to pretend that multiculturalism and diversity are a great success and that only a few racists and members of the alt right would oppose the new enlightenment. 

More here at Breitbart spread the word because the BBC won't. 

Thursday 14 June 2018

Remember the EU Referendum leaflet?

Remember this? 

'The referendum on Thursday, 23rd June is your chance to decide if we should remain in or leave the European Union.
This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide.'

That was in David Cameron's £9 million entirely unbiased pre-referendum leaflet, could it have been any clearer? 

What is in this that our MPs, members of the House of Lords and media would be overlords do not understand? 

Very clearly Parliament devolved the decision to us, the British people, to instruct them as to what to do. It was to be a straightforward majority vote to decide between in and out.

The vote was out, so what more needs to be done?

Don't expect a reminder of this background to the EU Referendum on the treacherous institutionally pro-EU BBC. 

Brexit: MPs reject bid to stay in EEA amid Labour revolt per BBC News

No mention of Labour Party in the headline, nor the word split. 

'Attempts to keep the UK in the European Economic Area after Brexit have been defeated in the House of Commons despite dozens of Labour MPs defying the leader's instructions on the issue.

MPs voted by 327 to 126 against a House of Lords proposal for a close relationship with the EU like Norway's.

Jeremy Corbyn urged his MPs to abstain but 75 voted for and 15 against, while six quit their frontbench roles.'

That's a split in anyone's language and the BBC would be headlining anything even a quarter as serious if it had been the Conservative Party. However the Labour Party's propaganda arm, the BBC, aren't about to be negative about their beloved Labour Party. 

More BBC bias here

Wednesday 13 June 2018

What is a 'safe port' and what is a 'rescue mission'?

'So the Aquarius will sail the length of the Mediterranean, passing every safe port in Tunisia and Algeria, to bring 600+ illegal migrants picked up from people-smugglers a few miles off the Libyan coast to Europe.

We're still supposed to believe these are "rescue" missions?'

Wise words, not ones you'll ever hear on the pro unlimited immigration from Africa and the Middle East into Europe, BBC. 

Original tweet here

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Sadiq Khan showing signs of John Bercow style arrogance

Watch from 8:30 for some John Bercow arrogance from Sadiq Khan. Maybe it's a tiny man thing.

Monday 11 June 2018

Labour's new legal adviser on antisemitism 'absolutely' shares Corbyn view on Israel

'A senior lawyer appointed by the Labour Party as their new in-house counsel to oversee the disciplinary process on antisemitism cases has said he "absolutely" shares the same views on Israel and Palestine as Jeremy Corbyn.

Gordon Nardell QC's role was confirmed by the party last Friday as part of General Secretary Jennie's Formby's pledge to deal with high-profile outstanding antisemitism cases.

But the JC can reveal that Mr Nardell has a long history of hard left activism as a former member of the Labour Representation Committee, chaired by shadow chancellor John McDonnell.


Mr Nardell was asked by a member of the audience, who said she had only re-joined Labour because of Mr Corbyn's views on foreign policy issues such as Palestine, Syria and opposition to the war in Iraq, if he too supports these views. to which Mr Nardell replied: "Yes absolutely."'

Did you really expect better from the Corbyn lead Labour Party? 

More here at the JC but not on the BBC of course, they are desperate to get the Labour Party antisemitism story off of the news agenda. 

Open antisemitism by one person at the al-Quds demonstration

If that video is legitimate, and I cannot verify it, then it should shock you. I've met that kind of person before so I'm less shocked than disgusted. 

Family in stationary car moped robbery per the BBC

Another day, another armed robbery in London. However this one has a detail about the perpetrators that is not in the usual BBC reports, can you spot it? 

'A family of four were robbed by two masked men on a moped as they sat in a stationary car in Croydon, south London.

One of the suspects threatened the family with a large knife on Keats Way, Coulsdon, at about 17:45 BST on Friday.

Police say the pair made off with a "small quantity of jewellery".

A 30-year-old woman suffered a cut to the hand during the robbery, as one of the suspects attempted to steal her bracelet.

It is believed that the other man also had a knife.

Detectives described the suspects as two white males, aged in their late teens or early 20s.'

'White males'? Race seems to be rarely reported by the BBC if the suspects are not white, I wonder why. 

Sunday 10 June 2018

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange interviewed by John Pilger and reveals so much that the mainstream media will never report

Absolutely shocking interview and one that the mainstream media, especially the BBC, will ensure the general public hear nothing of. 

Ex-Navy sailor Kristian Saucier pardoned by Trump plans to sue Obama

I blogged during the US Presidential Election about the double standards that seemed to apply for rich and powerful Hillary Clinton and the ordinary person in America, I used the treatment that Kristian Saucier received as a glaring example. So I was pleased that President Trump had pardoned Kristian Saucier, I'm even more pleased that Mr Saucier is looking for equal justice now. 

Friday 8 June 2018

As you won't see reported on the institutionally anti Israel BBC

"We will take down the border with Israel and we will tear out their hearts." 
Yahya Sinwar, Hamas leader, May 2018 

That's the sort of factual reporting about the words of the Palestinian leadership that the institutionally anti Israel BBC won't be reporting, don't want to report inconvenient facts that might embarrass the pro Palestinian supporters. 

BBC secretly used private firms to pay top stars millions per The Times

News that you won't see reported on the BBC. 

'The BBC secretly used personal companies to pay dozens of its richest stars £74 million in the past four years despite promising to curb the practice in 2012.

It tried to stop The Times reporting the extent to which it channels earnings through the companies, in a move that experts said could have enabled tax avoidance of up to £20 million.

After ignoring freedom of information requests for four months, the BBC was ordered to respond by the Information Commissioner. The pay arrangements are still in place for two thirds of its highest-paid presenters and actors.'

German-Jewish girl, 14, found raped and murdered

If a Muslim immigration is sworn at then it seems that the BBC headline the story and scream Islamophobia. Somehow I doubt that this story will get anything like equal coverage on the BBC. 

'A Jewish 14-year-old girl in Germany who had been missing since May was found dead.

The girl, identified as Susanna F., was found Wednesday outside Wiesbaden, a city in western Germany. On Thursday, police said that two male asylum seekers were suspected in her rape and murder.

The men, a 20-year-old Iraqi and 35-year-old Turkish citizen, are suspected of killing the girl on May 22, when she went missing. Police said they believe she had been strangled to death.'

More here but not on the BBC. 

Thursday 7 June 2018

There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger, so says the Arabic text on the Saudi Arabian flag

The Arabic words on the Saudi Arabian flag are translated as "There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger."

Not included are the beginning of the Hadith from which these words are taken. The whole Hadith translates thus:
"I have been ordered to fight all men until they testify there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger."

So is the Saudi flag actually a declaration of war against all non-Muslims?

Argentina cancel their football match with Israel but will travel to Russia for the World Cup

Argentina canceled their warmup game against Israel but are happy to travel to Russia for the World Cup.  

Do the Argentinan football team know about the Russian invasion of Crimea, the restrictions on gay rights, the lack of a free press, the endemic racism, the arrest of peaceful demonstrators and most critically Russia's involvement in the murder of countless Syrian civilians? 

Somehow I doubt that Argentina will be canceling their flights to Russia, so what's different about Israel? Is it the Jews? 

The anniversary of the Normandy landings aka D-Day, as not remembered by the BBC

I note that the BBC have nothing in their news about today being the 74th anniversary of D-Day. 

Maybe the EU supporting quislings at the BBC don't want to remind the British people of the thousands of Allied soldiers, airmen and sailors primarily from Britain, America and the British Empire who gave their lives fighting for freedom and the right of other European countries not to be ruled by the Germans. 

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Is the FAA sacrificing your safety for diversity?

I saw this video and initially thought that this must be a joke, but then I thought again. 

Monday 4 June 2018

London teen guilty of museum terror plot per BBC News

'A teenager has been found guilty of plotting a terror attack on the British Museum in London with Britain's first all-woman cell.

Safaa Boular, 18, of Vauxhall, London, has become Britain's youngest convicted female Islamic State terrorist.

A jury at the Old Bailey found her guilty of two offences of preparation of terrorism acts.

She was also found guilty over an earlier attempt to travel to Syria for terrorism.

Boular was accused of planning to travel to Syria to join IS militants and later preparing to carry out a terrorist attack in London after her fiancé, an Islamic State fighter, died.

Her sister Rizlaine 22, of Clerkenwell, London, has already admitted planning a knife attack on London and their mother Mina Dich, 44, has pleaded guilty to assisting her.

Boular will be sentenced in around six weeks time.

During her trial, the court heard how Boular - then 17 - plotted a gun and grenade attack at the British Museum.'

More of this inexplicable story here

Sunday 3 June 2018

Parents video under-fives dressed as jihadis storming Israeli building

I see in The Mail that the brainwashing of Palestinian children continues. I've reported on this sort of news before but in case you rely upon the institutionally anti Israel BBC for your Middle East news:

'Disturbing footage has emerged of children at nursery school in Gaza dressing up as jihadis and storming an Israeli building.

The children, who are no older than five-years-old, are seen carrying fake rifles, handguns and gas masks.

The young children then take a child dressed in Orthodox Jewish clothing hostage, before pretending to kill an Israeli soldier during the performance at the Al-Hoda nursery.

Their end-of-term production also includes smoke going off in a cardboard building as the young boys children carry out an invasion, placing a sign down which read 'Israel has fallen' in Hebrew and Arabic on the back of a soldier. '

Child abuse? Brainwashing? But not a word on the BBC or from the, definitely not antisemitic, Jeremy Corbyn. 

"It's never awkward being Jeremy Corbyn - Tracey Ullman Breaks the News"

"I've spoken to every antisemite in the Labour Party and told them to turn it down a bit". Many a true word...

As I've said before, don't fall for Jeremy Corbyn's nice old man act; it's just that, an act. He has, and probably still does, associated with some seriously nasty people. 

Saturday 2 June 2018

Friday 1 June 2018


'So now we know: in the New Europe, in this EU-governed continent that 'progressives' tell us is a wonderful, liberal place, governments are now shaped to the tastes of the rich and powerful rather than by the votes of ordinary people. This is the lesson of Italy. A new government was finally confirmed this week, but only after the Italian president, in tandem with Brussels officials, vetoed a Eurosceptic minister. Anti-EU thinking is not permissible in public life, Italy's semi-democratic president and the EU's anti-democratic officials informed Italy's democratically elected populist parties – even though millions of Italians voted in an anti-EU way. A more agreeable government was concocted, one which, in the Guardian's words, would ease the concerns of 'Brussels and investors around the world'. So the concerns of big business override the desires of the electorate. You can vote Eurosceptically as much as you like, but it will be thwarted by people with power. This grates against the most basic principles of democracy. Brexit has never looked so wise. Other European peoples should now follow us out of these corrupt institutions. Up next: Italeave?'

That was Brendan O' Neill in Spiked today. Wise words but not an aspect of what happened in Italy that the Remoaners at the BBC will give any attention to. 

Italy government: Giuseppe Conte to head populist coalition per BBC News who have an 'if only here' moment

One line from this BBC report on the forming of a new Italian government struck me:

'Mr Conte presents his cabinet list to President Mattarella who vetoes the choice of Mr Savona as finance minister on the grounds that he is a eurosceptic.'

Maybe many at the pro EU BBC would like it if being a eurosceptic was grounds to be vetoed as finance minister, or preferably any type of minister.