
Tuesday 31 July 2007

The future's bleak, the future's Labour

I am getting very dispirited, it seems to me that this country will be ruled by a Labour Government from now until the EU becomes a single state and that is probably no more than 20 years away. The Labour Government backed by a proselytizing BBC, much of the press and the liberal establishment of this country will ensure that any Conservative politician of the right will be denigrated, if he looks like achieving a high position in the party, so as to make them and the Conservative party unelectable; the exception is to promote a right wing politician as a threat to his leader and as a conduit for dissent within the Conservative party. The media will also ensure that any centrist Conservative politician will be commented upon favourably until he is elected leader when he will be belittled and commented upon unfavourably until he and the Conservative party have their popularity diminished.

The British media and especially the BBC are, as Andrew Marr said in a Daily Mail article on 21 October 2006, "not impartial or neutral. It's a publicly funded, urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people. It has a liberal bias not so much a party-political bias. It is better expressed as a cultural liberal bias". I truly believe that they see it as their duty to promote liberal values and to keep the forces of conservatism from ever regaining power in this country. The only reasons that David Cameron was built up by the BBC was first to put pressure on Tony Blair to leave office, Tony Blair was unsupportable by the BBC because of the Iraq war, the second reason was so as to have a more liberal face at the head of the Conservative party should Tony Blair's successor be a disaster and prove unelectable and thirdly so as to ensure that there would be a steady stream of unhappy right wing Conservative supporters available to proclaim their dissent. The BBC are always happy to bring up the comments of a few dissenting Conservatives at every opportunity but less happy to do so when a Labour supported complains about his party's direction, the exception being a left wing Labour supported criticizing Tony Blair.

Here's an article from the Telegraph in May 2005 showing how the Labour party manipulated the media during the last General Election. I am very politically aware and I do not remember hearing anything about this story at the time or afterwards. The reason why I didn't hear of it is that it didn't fit the "political narrative" of the time. There is always a political narrative and it is generally anti-Conservative, except (as I outlined above) when it is necessary to build up a Conservative leader so as to further damage a discredited Labour leader and so bring to power a more suitable Labour leader.

We right of centre bloggers can blog all we like and our readers can comment favourably and we can contribute to each other's forums snip bits of anti left wing consensus stories and we can all feel that we are achieving something worthwhile but at the end of the day the majority of the voters don't care. These people don't read our blogs, they don't read a serious newspaper; they get their news and views from The Sun or The Mirror (at best) and from a five minute watch or listen to the BBC news. The MSM mood music counts for so much more than all of our work and it doesn't matter a jot what we say. The BBC led MSM will ensure that this country is ruled by a left of centre government for as long as is necessary. Our work is interesting, challenging but essentially futile.


  1. I agree with everything you state except the final message.
    We cannot give in to a totally biased BBC but need to attack the BBC trustees for not doing their duty.
    If nothing is done this country will be a second rate country and the perpetrators in government and the BBC will have disappeared under their rocks.

  2. I agree but I am actually coming to believe that the "powers that be" are all but untouchable. They control the State and the media to such an extent that they are virtually above the law. We can write and protest but they can just laugh it off as the "old agenda".


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