
Sunday 5 August 2007

Identified Cameras (pt 2) - London's Low Emissions Zone and/or Increase in the Congestion Charge

Ken, Ken, Ken, it would appear that the cameras I queried and then identified here are part of the Low Emissions Zone but that zone will not apply just to HGVs as originally and until recently claimed, it will also according to today's Sunday Times apply to non "low emitting" cars as well. Low emitting cars will pay nothing to enter London, middling emitting cars will be charged £8 a day and high emitting cars £25 a day. As yet there is no definition as to what "entering London" means, but from the location of the cameras that have been reported here and elsewhere I would predict that "entering London" will mean driving on any of the A roads or motorways (inside the M25) that encircle London. So that will be £25 to drive 10 miles around the North Circular every day, a 20 minute drive. The alternative will be to spend over an hour on public transport at £4 or so a day. Full details will be announced this week but the LEZ will be introduced in February 2008.

Back in 1989 I seem to remember Ken Livingstone being quoted as saying something along the lines of: "I hate cars, if I ever get any power again I'd ban the lot". It looks as though this is yet another part of this plan that has so far included the introduction of cycle lanes and changing the phasing of traffic lights in central London to increase congestion so as to "justify" the introduction of the congestion charge zone and then the extension of the zone to Kensington & Chelsea despite a consultation coming out against this. Let's see if Boris can get off his famous cycling posterior and use the introduction of this money grabbing and anti-car measure as part of his campaign for London Mayor.

Puzzlingly the TFL website still describes the LEZ thus "The Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone has confirmed his plans to introduce a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) across London... The aim of the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) is to improve air quality in London by deterring the most polluting vehicles from being driven in the area. The vehicles affected are older diesel-engined lorries, buses, coaches, large vans, minibuses and other heavy vehicles that are derived from lorries and vans such as motor caravans and motorised horse boxes." No mention of cars there... Indeed a footer on this page says "Cars, motorcycles and small vans are not included in the LEZ. " What is the actual truth here? Elsewhere the TFL website says "All roads, including certain motorways within the LEZ boundary are included within the Zone. The M25 motorway is not included in the LEZ even where it passes within the boundary." that fits in with my thoughts above.

This page includes the caveat "There will be a phased introduction of the LEZ from 4 February 2008 through to January 2012...Different vehicles will be affected over time and increasingly tougher emissions standards will apply ...The vehicles affected by the LEZ, the relevant emissions standards and the date on which standards come into effect are outlined in Emissions standards" My bet would be that Ken is about to announce the extension of the scope of the LEZ to include all vehicles, contrary to what the published information stated and still states. We Londoners will be charged for driving on any main road in London. The law of unintended consequences dictates that traffic on roads that don't have the LEZ cameras on will suffer increased traffic and pollution levels.

There is much confusion today about this scheme: will it include the whole LEZ area (virtually everything within the M25) or just the Congestion Charge Area? Will the Congestion Charge Area be extended again? Will Ken get away with yet another tax on the motor car? Will Ken listen to reason? Sorry, that last one has an obvious "No" as the answer.

1 comment:

  1. I have taken upon myself to start a petition.
    So may I call upon you all to back me, as not all of us have a new Motorhome.
    I love my older van and do not wish to "scrap it."
    For many a pensioner it is not an option.
    My petition has been approved by the Number 10 web team, and
    Is now available on the Number 10 website at the following

    My petition reads:
    We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Exempt
    Motorhomes from the new Emmission Charges.
    Motorhome Owners average Mileage in England is aprox 6,000 per
    Year. We rally at weekends and enjoy holidays around the
    Country as well. The Hobby is enjoyed by retired couples and so
    We cannot afford fines or scrap our vehicles, as advised in
    Many of the articles on the subject. Our carbon footprint is
    Very small compared to Lorries (English or foreign).

    Ken Livingstone's LEZ rules state that the vehicles that will be charged for using the LEZ are: "The classes specified for the purposes of paragraph (1) are Class M2, Class M3, Class N1 subclasses (ii) and (iii), Class N2 and Class N3"

    I have also found a recent Euro directive that states: "5.1. "Motor Caravan" means a special purpose M category vehicle constructed to include living accommodation which contains at least the following equipment:
    – seats and table,
    – sleeping accommodation which may be converted from the seats,
    – cooking facilities, and
    – storage facilities.
    This equipment shall be rigidly fixed to the living compartment; however, the table may be designed to be easily removable."

    If you were wondering what a motorhome may be, here is a breakdown of the M class:
    1. Category M: Motor vehicles with at least four wheels designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers.

    Category M1: Vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers and comprising no more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat.

    Category M2: Vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat, and having a maximum mass not exceeding 5 tonnes.

    Category M3: Vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat, and having a maximum mass exceeding 5 tonnes.

    To my mind that would make a motorhome a M1 class and therefore exempt from the LEZ. But it obviously cannot be that simple otherwise all those with motorhomes wouldn't be making such a fuss. Or have I found the loophole in the system?

    Obviously, these passages are taken from much larger documents which I have in full if anyone wants to look.

    Are our 'vans being classified in the correct manner? Are they classified as M1 class as the Euro directive suggests or are they being classified as a commercial vehicle? How can we check and more importantly, how can we change the class of vehicle if it is wrong?


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