
Saturday 27 October 2007


Back in May I wrote this about Labour Totalitarianism. Well not so much wrote as found on Iain Dale's excellent site. It was the comments section on an article entitled "John Reid Threatens Our Civil Liberties" which ended with this "Surely in this so-called war on terror we show weakness if we introduce the very kind of measures the terrorists will view as a small victory. Anyone who is concerned about our civil liberties should be very worried indeed by these developments. If a Conservative government had proposed these measures it would be accused of being on the road to a semi-fascist state." A good point and one that needs making again and again. Some of the legislation that this Labour Government has introduced over the last ten years would have been screamed down by the Labour party if suggested by the Thatcher/Major governments of the Conservative opposition under William Hague or Michael Howard.

Anyway back to the comments, here are extracts from a few, do go and read the rest -"We are on the road to being a totalitarian state. Hazel Blears thinks that elections are an inefficient way of deciding policy - she's probably not alone in her party on that."
"It's apalling political positioning. The Tories and LibDems will oppose this ludicrous measure, so Reid and Blair will say they are "soft on Terrorism" cover up the fact that NuLabs control orders haven't worked and they have lost track of many potentailly very dangerous terrorists."
"So this is the reality of life in Brown's new 'open, fair and democratic' society. A quasi-fascist surveillance state. This proposal - together with the raft of other sinister nulab public control measures which hugely erode our freedom and civil liberties- is all too evocative of Germany in 1933 and obnoxious measures to enforce S. African Apartheid. It would increase nulab's existing abuse of power. What next, Muslims made to wear yellow stars? Shoot on suspicion?"
"Stop and Search is ineffective, so the answer is Stop and Question? It would be nothing less then giving the Police a licence to go trawling. Don't answer their questions and they'll probably have grounds to arrest you, let alone issue you with a hefty fine. Arresting you will get you on their fingerprint and DNA databases whether you are charged with anything or not."
""if the Police want to stop and search you why would you refuse?" This is the variation of "if you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide.". Under this proposal, not answering a question will result in a charge of obstructing a police officer in his / her duty. This means that absolutely anyone could end up with a DNA test, criminal record, difficulty travelling to countries such as US, etc. etc.
The conversation would go something like this:
Officer: Excuse me Sir / Madam, where have you just been?
Citizen: Why do you want to know?
Officer: You're nicked"
"The real issue behind all this again is the great white elephant in the room that everyone is pretending doesn't exist: UNCONTROLLED 'IMMIGRATION'!!!(actually invasion) If Labour hadn't let in so many foriegners who hate our way of life they wouldn't have to stop anyone, would they? Create the problem then offer the solution; the sign of all political nervous breakdowns!"
"The Labour Party, now headless, is rushing about like a maddened dog -snapping and barking in all directions. It is the natural instinct of socialists to attempt to control all aspects of society."

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