
Monday 26 November 2007

Hilary Clinton

Some time ago, I blogged as follows:

"The Clintons, a delightful couple almost on a par with the Blair's when it comes to political sleaze. The newest rumour about the Clintons is sexual but concerns Hilary rather than, as you might expect, Bill. However it does, as usual, involve another woman.

I don't know if this rumour of lesbianism is true, nor do I care if Hilary is enjoying a "Boston Marriage" with Huma Abedin; bearing in mind Bill's record on marital fidelity I wouldn't blame her at all. What interests me is the way the US liberal press are ignoring this story so completely, I wonder if they would cover the story if it concerned Rudy Giuliani's wife. Of course they would, they have faithfully covered Rudy's history of marital problems for years. However Rudy Giuliani is a Republican candidate and therefore his "private life" is a legitimate matter for concern and discussion; Hilary Clinton is a Democrat and therefore her private life is her own affair and none of our business.

The US liberal media are desperate to get a Democrat back into the White House and Hilary Clinton is their current chosen candidate, although they will swap to Barack Obama should he seem to be the candidate with the best chance of not losing to the Republican candidate in 2008."

Now I read that "The anonymous e-mails and letters began dropping into inboxes and through front doors this summer. One claimed that Hillary Clinton was having a lesbian affair with Huma Abedin, her beautiful aide. Another online mass-mailing cautioned of the “dark secrets” of Mitt Romney’s Mormonism. A blogger claiming to support John McCain said that Rudy Giuliani's wife supported the killing of “innocent puppies”. Flyers appeared on cars accusing Barack Obama of being a Muslim extremist. An anonymous website said that Fred Thompson was a corrupt playboy. Welcome to South Carolina, the foulest swamp of electoral dirty tricks in America. This state’s primary race has already become the sleaziest leg of the 2008 presidential campaign."

Hilray Clinton's team are denying the story thus "it is not even a tabloid trash story".

Meanwhile Guido Fawkes informs us of the "alleged line from Bill Clinton in his former mistress' book Sleeping With the President: My Intimate Years With Bill Clinton by Gennifer Flowers, where he is said to have claimed that Hillary "has probably eaten more pussy than I have""

All most interesting and yet irrelevant, as I said previously "I don't know if this rumour of lesbianism is true, nor do I care if Hilary is enjoying a "Boston Marriage" with Huma Abedin; bearing in mind Bill's record on marital fidelity I wouldn't blame her at all. What interests me is the way the US liberal press are ignoring this story so completely, I wonder if they would cover the story if it concerned Rudy Giuliani's wife. Of course they would, they have faithfully covered Rudy's history of marital problems for years. However Rudy Giuliani is a Republican candidate and therefore his "private life" is a legitimate matter for concern and discussion; Hilary Clinton is a Democrat and therefore her private life is her own affair and none of our business."

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