
Friday 14 December 2007

Gordon Brown is not flavour of the month any more, in fact he's become a joke - albeit a sick one

Simon Hoggart in today's Guardian comments on Gordon Brown's appearance in front of the Liaison Committee thus "This meeting was his excuse for not being in Lisbon for the EU treaty signing. Actually the lads and lasses of the liaison committee are so compliant they would have postponed the meeting till Boxing Day, if asked." He continues "They asked about police pay. He told them he would like to pay the police more, oh how he would - he told us many times - but there might be short term political decisions for political gain, but we would have lost sight of inflation, and interest rates only came down this week because he had taken difficult long term decisions...

MPs asked why he'd let police pay go to arbitration if he wasn't prepared to honour the award.

"I value the police. I would like to pay the police more," he said again. And again."

Do read the rest, I think Simon Hoggart realises what sort of a person Gordon Brown is.

Quentin Letts in the Daily Mail comments on the same appearance thus "Shortly after breakfast Gordon Brown did his first turn in front of the "Liaison Committee", the ageing liggers, losers, placemen and palmed-off sycophants who chair select committees at the Commons.

Sorry. Deplorable manners. I meant "Parliament's most distinguished elected Honourable Members who bring the wealth of years of experience to their doughty deliberations". Cough."

I watched Gordon Brown's performance, I even tried a bit of light blogging to keep me awake but it was boring. Quentin Lettes picked up on the biggest lie told in the session "Mr Brown was soon claiming that he did not believe in "top-down government" - as blatant a lie as I have heard from him. My notebook records: "9.41, man in 2nd row of public seats, pink tie, marvellously asleep". He was not the only one. At 9.43 one of Mr Brown's Downing Street aides, a bald, camp creature, also lost the battle. Eyes shut. Another snoozer! "

Gordon Brown has, as I have commented before (here and here) a figure of fun, a joke, a laughing stock. Comedians, commentators and random people I meet are now commenting on the sheer ridiculousness of the "man". Simon Hoggart in yesterday's Guardian remarked "Gordon tried to use humour against him. It was a mistake. Gordon doing jokes is like me doing ballet - you really don't know where to look." Read the rest of this "sketch" it is to the point

For your delectation, Simon Hoggart last week "The Tories never liked Tony Blair, except in secret. They yelled at him, they resented his electoral success, they thought he was a charlatan, and they were outraged by his endless lists of non-existent triumphs. But they rarely laughed at him. They laugh at Gordon Brown. Sometimes the house is like a medieval village green where cruel boys throw insults and fruit at the local idiot, who shouts back and waves his arms like a broken windmill.

There seems to be no price to pay for mocking him. Take yesterday, when the Tory MP for Hammersmith and Fulham, Greg Hands, said: "With three different police investigations under way, two members of his cabinet ... falling foul of the law, and his general secretary facing charges, is this what he meant when he called himself a 'conviction' politician?"
Not a new gag, but delivered with enough aplomb to get a massive shout of laughter - openly from the Tories, behind-hands from many Labour MPs...The poor village daftie once again had no riposte. I hope things will improve soon: it is getting rather painful to watch."

Not painful, Simon, bloody enjoyable. Gordon Brown has well and truly fucked the citizens of this country over the past 10 years and as the economic pigeons come home to roost and even more people suffer the fruits of his stupidity, the one pleasure will be watching his jowly visage age even more as he has to shoulder the blame. This pleasure will, it is true, be reduced by the fact that his pension pot will be unaffected by the economies collapse, but I and others will just have to berate him all the more and make his life as miserable as possible so he suffers nearly as much as the people whose lives he will have ruined.

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