
Sunday 16 December 2007

Opinion Polls make good reading this morning

More bad opinion poll news in today's You Gov poll in the Sunday Times, not happy reading for the ever more miserable looking Gordon Brown.

"Today’s YouGov poll of almost 1,500 people for The Sunday Times shows that the Tories are in their strongest position for more than 15 years with a 13-point lead. They are on 45%, compared with 32% for Labour and 14% for the Liberal Democrats. A month ago the figures were 41% for the Tories, 35% for Labour and 13% for the Lib Dems.

Women in particular are deserting Labour. The Tories now enjoy a 20-point lead among female voters, compared with 6 points among men.

The poll also shows an unprecedented drop in Brown’s personal ratings. At the height of the Brown “honeymoon”, in August, the prime minister had a net approval rating of 48%, the difference between those saying he was doing a good job and those saying he was doing badly. In October, when he was agonising over whether to call an early election, his approval rating was still a healthy 30%. But it dropped to minus 10% last month and is down to minus 26% this month."

Oddly "90% of people think some or most of the money poured into public services has been wasted." Only 90%? Presumably the other 10% just don't think at all, maybe they are relatives of the Cabinet.

"More than a third of people – 36% – expect house prices to fall next year with 23% expecting a rise. In June, only 8% expected a fall and 61% thought prices would rise." The 23% are delusional.

"More than half of people, 53%, say they are very or fairly worried about a recession and rising unemployment next year, outnumbering the 43% who say they are not." Finally the British people realise that we have been lied to about the state of our economy and the end of boom and bust economics.

"If the economy does slide, 32% said they would blame Brown for making the economy vulnerable through high debt levels, while others said they would blame the banks or America’s mortgage market" So 68% of people still think that Gordon Brown is an economic genius. I would assume that they will be changing their minds very soon.

You can see a pdf of the You Gov poll here.

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