
Monday 7 January 2008

Satire or truth?

I came across this article via House of Dumb. It is an article that humorously explains the hierarchy of victimhood in the USA. Now politically correct it is not, but as I read it I realised that it backed up a lot of what I have been wanting to put into words but have felt unable to do so due to a residual "I must not ne politically incorrect" feeling.

The article finishes with this explanation that I think bears repetition:

"A quick look through the Victimhood Poker deck reveals that muslims outrank plain old vanilla gays by 3 whole points in the leftist mind. The only way the left would have damned an attack by muslims on gays is if the gays possessed an additional valuable victim quality. If the gays were Native American gays, for example, the left would have damned the muslims because each Native American gay is worth 22 points whereas a muslim is only worth 12. Now, for argument's sake, let's say black muslims attacked and butchered Native American gays.

In such an instance, the left must clearly support the black muslims, because they are worth an overwhelming 26 victim points a piece!

On a larger scale, one can see the principles of the VP deck played out on the world stage.

Have you ever wondered why the left never screams bloody murder over the way muslims treat women, yet whines about the way Islamic terrorists are acting in Darfur? Ever wonder why the left never lodges the same complaints about the terrorists who massacre innocents in Iraq?

A quick look at the deck and it all makes sense! A woman is worth 8 points and thus muslims outrank women on the victimhood scale. Clearly, complaints about muslim brutality towards women are unwarranted, since muslims are 4 points more valuable than women.

On the other hand, blacks outrank muslims by two and thus a military intervention to save Africans from muslim attacks in Darfur is not another imperialist Western oil war, but is entirely justified in the leftist mind.

Finally, muslim attacks on innocent muslims in Iraq leaves us with the sum of zero since the muslims cancel out. Thus, the Iraq War has no value in the leftist mind and hence there are no complaints about terrorist atrocities in connection with it."

As I say politically incorrect but with more than a grain of truth.

Now of course this deck is from a US point of view and just like different countries have different Monopoly sets I suppose that a UK deck would have different priorities. Muslim would certainly outrank black in the UK, native American would not figure at all (but then neither would native Briton), Hispanic would not figure either and Oriental might rate just 1 point as Orientals generally do too well at school and in business to be a victim.

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