
Wednesday 6 February 2008

BBC hiding the story

The BBC feel they have to report the EU Treaty debate and associated matters but will not draw attention to these reports. Here is a hidden away report that tells us that "day three of the marathon debate about the Lisbon Treaty - or EU Reform Treaty - or European Constitution, which saw MPs at last focus their attention on the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

The charter does not appear in the treaty but a reference to it in the document will make its rights legally binding.

When Tony Blair was prime minister he argued that Britain had secured an opt-out from the charter.

Now the government says that it neither sought nor achieved an opt-out."

Hold on, the government are directly contradicting a statement previously made by Tony Blair - so one or the opther is lying - and the BBC aren't reporting this as headline news! Sorry, I have just re-read that and the point is so obvious I missed it...

The EU Treaty is being railroaded through the Hosue of Commons under a three line whip with less than the promised line by line debate. We the public have got to make a stand before our rights and liberties are subsumed into the EU superstate.

1 comment:

  1. "We the public have got to make a stand before our rights and liberties are subsumed into the EU superstate."



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