
Saturday 9 February 2008

Beware, this article contains a sickening photo

Stephen "The people have spoken - the bastards" Pound appears in rather fetching garb in this photo from a BBC article

"Labour MP Stephen Pound is squirming with embarrassment over pictures of him dressed as a Cheeky Girl.

The tattooed Ealing North MP performed two songs with the pop duo at an MPs' variety night on Thursday.

"I was cringing so deep inside my Spandex hot pants I did not even notice the crowd's reaction," said Mr Pound."

What is happening to the Labour party? In the last six months or so, the wearing of make-up and general campness seems to have been all but encouraged. Just this week Andy Burnham appeared on Question Time in what appears to be rather a lot of make-up

Normal on the right, Question Time appearance on the right. Andy Burnham's defence according to the BBC "The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport spent yesterday denying claims that he had layered on the make-up for an appearance on Question Time. He said he had suffered a life-long problem of people thinking he was wearing cosmetics when he was not." Just look at those eyelashes, Mrs NotaSheep is very jealous.

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