
Wednesday 6 February 2008

PMQs - 6 February 2008

Prediction - Gordon Brown to at least once say "Opportunity for all, not for some" and something about David Cameron practising in front of a mirror.

Gordon Brown repeats what Jack Straw stated but does not

David Cameron - How many reviews since he became PM?

Direct question on A'levels and Gordon does come back with "Education for all, not for some" - close enough...

Nice jibe there "I think he has been practising that sound bite all week, and it is still rubbish"

And Gordon Brown has to get "Education for all, not just for some" in again - why is he fixated on this line.

I see Gordon Brown is still sticking to asking David Cameron questions, despite it being PMQs.

Gordon Brown has got a tactic at PMQs when answering David Cameron's question; he doesn't answer the question, he blusters, he asks David Cameron questions and he gets in his favourite quote ".. for all, not for some" as often as possible.

Now Gordon Brown resorts to asking Nick Clegg questions

Does anyone else find Ed Milliband's staring just a little scary, has he taken some sort of "How to intimidate people" course? If so, it doesn't work, he just looks slightly vacant.

Robert Gidwell asks a good question linking the EU Referendum and keeping manifesto problems.

Gordon Brown says the questions are for the Conservative party.

James Arbuthnot's question is at odds with the debate pre PMQs last week that I still mean to blog about when i get the time.

Peter Lilley asks a good question regarding Gordon Brown's broken promise re line by line scrutiny of the EU Treaty.

Gordon Brown says it is being discussed day by day - as though that is the same and brings up the Marstricht Treaty

Patrick Mercer's question about troops to Afghanistan asks for a commitment from Gordon Brown, he doesn't get it.

Jack Straw is doing his serious statesman look - it doesn't wash Jack

Gordon Brown is on the subject of Police numbers and safety on the streets, I hope he doesn't accuse anyone incorrectly this week

Mr James Gray asks a question about equipping the army

Ian Lucas asks a question about inward investment and Gordon Brown comes up with the predictable sound bites that mis-state the position regarding trade with Europe as usual

An idea for next week, David Cameron to wait until almost the end of PMQs and then get up and say that since Gordon Brown has failed to answer any questions asked in previous weeks PMQs he has decided not to bother asking any more questions until Gordon Brown commits to answering questions.

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