
Monday 11 February 2008

Valentine's Day

Here's two Valentines stories from the Islamic world.

1) "Religious police ban red roses" - "SAUDI Arabia's religious police have banned red roses ahead of Valentine's Day, forcing couples in the conservative Muslim nation to think of new ways to show their love.

The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has ordered florists and gift shop owners in the capital Riyadh to remove any items coloured scarlet, which is widely seen as symbolising love, newspapers said..."

2) "Kuwaiti MPs seek to ban Valentine's Day celebrations" - "KUWAIT CITY: Two Islamist MPs on Sunday called on the Kuwaiti government to ban Valentine's Day celebrations, saying they flout Islamic values and promote immorality. "We call on the commerce minister to perform his duties by banning celebrations of Valentine's Day which is alien to our society ... and contradicts our religion's values and teachings," MP Jamaan al-Harbash told reporters. He said that Valentine's Day, marked on February 14, spreads "immorality" in society and warned concerned authorities that he will take action against them if they do not ban it. MP Waleed al-Tabtabai, who heads a parliamentary committee for monitoring alien practices, said the panel will on Wednesday meet with officials from the ministries of information, interior and commerce to study measures required to curb the celebrations. He said they will review restrictions needed to prevent such celebrations from spreading "moral corruption" among youth in Kuwait. - AFP"

I have no problem with Islamic countries not celebrating Valentine's day, myself and Mrs NotaSheep don't really celebrate it either BUT don't you find the sheer lack of joy in life that they express in this regard so depressing? I wonder how long before the celebration of such immorality as Valentine's day will be frowned upon within the new Islamic Europe.

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