
Wednesday 28 May 2008

Democracy EU style

The Daily Telegraph reports that:

"The European Union assembly’s political establishment is pushing through changes that will silence dissidents by changing the rules allowing Euro-MPs to form political groupings.

Richard Corbett, a British Labour MEP, is leading the charge to cut the number of party political tendencies in the Parliament next year, a move that would dissolve UKIP’s pan-European Eurosceptic “Independence and Democracy” grouping.

Under the rule change, the largest and msot pro-EU groups would tighten their grip on the Parliament’s political agenda and keep control of lavish funding.

”It would prevent single issue politicians from being given undue support from the public purse,” said Mr Corbett.

”We want to avoid the formation of a fragmented Parliament, deeply divided into many small groups and unable to work effectively.”

Mr Corbett’s proposals will also give the President of the Parliament sweeping powers to approve or reject parliamentary questions.

Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party, claimed that the move goes hand in hand with the denial of popular votes on the new EU Treaty.

”Welcome to your future. This shows an EU mindset that is arrogant, anti-democratic and frankly scary,” he said.

”These people are so scared of public opinion they are willing to set in stone the right to ignore it. Freedom requires the governing elite to be held to account. They must be getting very worried if they are enacting such dictatorial powers for themselves.”

Current rules allow 20 MEPs from a fifth of the EU’s member states to form groupings, giving them a say in the Parliament’s administration and power structure.

Under the changes, the threshold would become 30 MEPs from one quarter of the EU’s member states. "

We should all face up to the fact that the EU is anti-democratic and heading towards being a totalitarian state. The Soviet Union fell apart, unfortunately we in the west have signed up to a new totalitarian state of our own. The EU have been implementing as many of the provisions of the failed Constitution as they can and regardless of the Eire vote on the Treaty it will be implemented. From that point on any changes to the EU will be carried out without recourse to the electorate. Future EU elections will only involve political parties that support the aims of the EU, dissenting parties will not be allowed to stand. Not long after that it will be made a crime to publish articles criticising the EU. How long before a UK citizen who says on a blog that the EU is corrupt, has an arrest warrant issued in Belgium and is extradited to that country to stand trial.

When the euro-enthusiasts lied about the political implications of joining the EEC back in the early 1970s and told us that it was just an economic area; the die was cast, the future is all but inevitable. Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein EU.

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