
Saturday 24 May 2008

Eurovision Song Contest

I admit it, myself and Mrs NotaSheep are watching the Eurovision Song Contest. Well it's on in the background whilst I blog and Mrs NotaSheep chooses some lingerie or whatever it she does on her laptop of an evening.

With the songs done and dusted, here's my verdict:

1. Romania - boring, not a chance

2. UK - Polished and one of the few songs that could be a hit in the UK but no chance of winning as everyone in "Europe" hates the UK

3. Albania - dire power ballad not a chance

4. Germany - Yikes, not a chance

5. Armenia - Weird dancing, not a chance

6. Bosnia - What the hell was that about, the girl singer looked like a slimmer Cleo Rocos from the Kenny Everett Show and as for the male singer and the backing artistes... bizarrely I think I can still hum it...

7. Israel - Not a hope as Europe hates Israel almost as much as the UK

8. Finland - The winning rock song from 2 years ago was interesting, this one wasn't

9. Croatia - Total crap

10. Poland - Very poor but the telephone lines from Ealing, Hammersmith and other parts West London will be red-hot

11. Iceland - Quite a good hi-energy song

12. Turkey - Not my cup of tea

13. Portugal - Forgotten it already

14. Latvia - What was that, Pirates of the Caribbean (the musical), weird people...

15. Sweden - Blondes have more fun, really...

16. Denmark - very, very catchy and a bit familiar somehow

17. Georgia - The Matrix (the musical)

18. Ukraine - Yeech

19. France - Huh.... and the French are meant to have style?

20. Azerbaijan - What...

21. Greece - Very Britney Spears per Mrs NotaSheep...

22. Spain - That was a joke wasn't it, please tell me it was a joke

23. Serbia - A terrible Eurovision ballad

24. Russia - Desperately average

25. Norway - Quite a fair Eurovision song, strapping singer...

Winners of the films as a musical were nobody, Latvia and Georgia were equally dire.

My predictions:

Greece will give Cyprus 12 points or maybe only 10 points
Cyprus will give Greece 12 points
Sweden will give Norway 12 points
Norway will give Sweden 12 points
The ex-Soviet Union states will vote for each other
The Balkan states will vote en-bloc
The UL will get less than 30 points

The winners will be from one of Poland, Denmark or Norway but bearing in mind the bloc-voting maybe Russia or if not then Ukraine or Greece.

The voting:
UK no politics and surprisingly few points for Poland
Macedonia 12 points to Albania what a surprise
Ukraine 12 points to Russia what a surprise (and the 10 and 8 were hardly shocks)
Germany 10 points to Turkey what a surprise
Estonia Estonia 8, 10 & 12 to Baltic or Baltic bordering
Bosnia & Herzegovina 12 points to Serbia what a surprise
Albania 10 points to Turkey and 12 points to Greece
Belgium 10 points to the Turkish homeland and 12 for Armenia!
San Marino 6 for UK, 12 points would go to Italy had they been there, 10 points for Israel, 12 points to Greece - Obviously nobody has told San Marino not to vote for UK or Israel
Latvia 10 points to Ukraine and 12 points to Russia, I am in shock, mind you would I want to annoy Putin more than I had to
Bulgaria 8 to Armenia, 10 to Greece and 12 to Germany (I am fed-up with typing points...)
Serbia 10 to Russia (a massive surprise) and 12 to Bosnia Herzegvina (a huge shock)
Israel lots of ex-Soviets there so 10 to Ukraine and 12 to Russia
Cyprus ... here we go... 12 points to Greece (typed before she said it, no need for the delete button)
Moldova 8 to Azerbaijan, 10 to Russia and 12 to Romania (shocks all round...)
Iceland (I feel votes for Scandinavia) 10 to Norway and 12 to Denmark (shocks galore)
France (Votes announced in French, song in English) surprising votes
Romania (I sense more votes for Turkey (8), Russia (10) and Ukraine or Greece (12)
Portugal (oldest allies in Europe, could they give us 12? probably not...) 12 to Ukraine (voted on music not politics)
Norway (more votes for Scandinavia?) Sweden only 7, Iceland 8, BOSNIA 10 (are they mad), 12 to Denmark (what a shock)
Hungary (good Balkan solidarity?) 8 Greece, 10 Russia (OK), 12 Azerbijan
Andorra (Spain, France and Spain?) France just 3 (so 12 for Spain?), 10 for Portugal
and yes 12 for Spain
Poland (anyone left there, I thought most were now in West London) 10 to Ukraine and 12 to Armenia (hmmm)
Slovenia (more Balkan solidarity?) 8 Croatia, 10 to Bosnia Herz.. and 12 to Serbia (I am shocked!)
Armenia (Balkan, Russia and Greece?) 8 to Greece, 10 to Georgia and 12 to Russia
Czech Republic (harder to predict - joke!) 8 to Ukraine, 10 to Azerbijan and 12 to Armenia
Spain just 8 to Portugal, 10 to Armenia and 12 to Romania (no idea...)
Netherlands (would be 12 for Belgium..., I predict a lot for Turkey) 10 for Turkey (Firefox locked there ... oops)
Turkey (look Balkan) 8 to Ukraine, 10 to Armenia and 12 to Azerbijan
Malta (needs to stay out of the sun) 8 to Russia (?), 10 to Ukraine (??) and 12 points to Sweden (Can we recall the George Cross?)
Ireland (anything for UK?) 8 for UK, 10 to Poland, 12 to Latvia
Switzerland (that'll be France and Germany) 8 to Albania (?!?!), 10 to Portugal and 12 to Serbia
Azerbaijan (more ex-Soviet and Balkan?) 8 to Russia (shock!), 10 to Ukraine(!?) and 12 to Turkey
Greece (12 or 10 to Cyprus?, 0 for Turkey?) 8 for Spain, 10 for Albania and 12 for Armenia (NOT CYPRUS!) --- It has been pointed out that Cyprus didn't make it to the final and therefore Greece wouldn't vote for them. I didn't think that this minor problem would stop Greece voting for Cyprus; if the positions were reversed I am positive that Cyprus would try to vote for Greece ---
Finland (Scandinavia... and Russia) 5 Sweden, 7 Iceland, 8 Israel (not very Scandinavian), 10 to Russia and 12 to Norway
Croatia (solidly Balkan) Albania 8, Serbia 10 and Bosnia H 12 (what a shock)
Sweden (more for Scandinavia?) 5 Denmark, 7 Finland, 8 Iceland, 10 BOSNIA H(!), 12 Norway
Belarus (12 for Russia and 10 to Ukraine?) 8 to Azerbijan, 10 to Ukraine and 12 to Russia (this is so hard to predict)
Lithuania (Russia, Baltic and ex-Soviet?) 8 to France (a surprise), 10 to Lithuania and 12 to Russia
Russia (will they reward their ex-Soviet friends?) 8 to Ukraine, 10 to Azerbijan and 12 to Armenia (that was a yes then!)
Montenegro (more Balkans) Croatia 2 Armenia 1, 8 to Russia, 10 to Bosnia H, 12 to Serbia (what a shock)
Georgia (more ex-Soviet?) 8 to Russia (just 8, Putin won't like that), 10 to Ukraine and 12 to Armenia (ex Soviet solidarity)
Denmark (Scandinavia and Germany?) 8 to Sweden, 10 to Norway (wrote that before she said it and 12 to Iceland (ditto)

Russia win due to politics as predicted
UK come equal last as predicted
How did Bosnia & Herzegovina get that many points

Politics not music; one question why should the UK fund this event? I suppose if we didn't then we wouldn't even make the final in the future.

Sounds like even Terry Wogan has had enough... Mrs NotaSheep certainly has, she has been asleep for the past hour!

The Russian winning song really reminds me of something else, a ballad from not that long ago - I will ask Mrs NotaSheep in the morning.


Mrs NotaSheep asked why is it called a "green room", so I Wikipedia'd it:

"A green room is a room in a theatre, studio, or other public venue for the accommodation of performers or speakers when not required on the stage.


The most widely accepted origin of the term dates back to Shakespearean theatre. Actors would prepare for their performances in a room filled with plants and shrubs. It was believed that the moisture in the topiary was beneficial to the Actors' voices."

UPDATE Donal Blaney has a nice article on the Eurovision Song Contest and I was active in his comments section.


  1. Greece (12 or 10 to Cyprus?, 0 for Turkey?) 8 for Spain, 10 for Albania and 12 for Armenia (NOT CYPRUS!)

    Errr Cyprus didn't take part!

  2. I didn't think that would stop Greece voting for Cyprus...


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