
Tuesday 20 May 2008

Is Gordon on his way out

The whispers have started, Guido Fawkes reports that:

"The sage thought that if only a handful of members of the cabinet were to tell Brown to his face that he had to go for the sake of the party that would be that. Jack Straw would be the man deputised to do the job. Brown has been a disaster for the Labour Party, he can't be the change he promised, he is clearly physically and politically exhausted. Will Jack be the one to put him out of his misery on Friday?"

Political Betting reports that:

"Word reaches me that the former Health Secretary and fervent Blairite, Alan Milburn, is planning to mount a leadership bid to topple Gordon Brown in the aftermath of Labour’s likely heavy defeat in the Crewe & Nantwich by-election.

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this but it comes from somebody I trust who has very close links within the party. Clearly something is going on out there and this weekend would be the ideal time to strike."

The Independent reports that:

"Backbench Labour critics of Gordon Brown plan to try to oust him by declaring he has lost the support of his MPs if he fails to revive his party's general election prospects.


If Mr Brown fails to halt Labour's slide, some MPs want the former cabinet minister Charles Clarke to challenge him for the party leadership by running as a "stalking horse".

Senior Labour figures describe such a move as a "kamikaze mission". They say cabinet ministers would rally behind Mr Brown and he would not resign to enter a leadership election as his backbench critics hope. They believe Mr Brown would defeat Mr Clarke in similar fashion to John Major's victory over John Redwood in a Tory leadership contest in 1995.

Instead, a majority of the Brown critics appears to favour forcing him out of Downing Street through a "tidal wave" of statements from MPs that he has lost their confidence because the public have turned against him.

"It would be better to let events take their course rather than [to] try to create events," one Labour MP said yesterday. "If it's a choice between Gordon Brown and Charles Clarke to be Prime Minister, Gordon would win. If it happens, the best option would be an avalanche or a tidal wave. No leader could withstand that.""

I will be happy to see Gordon Brown forced out of office as he has been a disaster for the UK for the past 11 years. I will so enjoy seeing him forced out of office against his will although no doubt an excuse will be found as to why he has had to retire. What worries me is that Labour will then call a general election and lose it leaving the Conservatives to shoulder some of the blame for the coming economic firestorm.

I want Gordon Brown, Jack Straw, Alistair Darling, Ed Balls, Harriet Harman, Tessa Jowell, David Milband, Des Browne, Hilary Benn, Douglas Alexander, Ruth Kelly, Yvette Cooper, Ed Miliband, Charles Clarke, Alistair Milburn, David Blunkett and the rest of the current Cabinet and ex-Cabinet members to have to shoulder all of the blame for what is going to happen to the UK and I want them to hate very minute of it. The look of embarrassed discomfort on their faces will be something to enjoy whilst the UK economy and society collapse around us. I fear that what is coming will be extremely unpleasant and I wish that I and Mrs NotaSheep had joined the two million and left the UK before this year.

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