
Wednesday 4 June 2008

Educational standards

I have blogged many times before about the fall in educational standards that we have seen over the last 20 years, a fall that has increased in velocity over the last 11 years of this Labour government. Today I read in The Telegraph that Imperial College London will be requiring all prospective students to sit an aptitude test. Why?

"Sir Richard Sykes, the university's rector, said year-on-year grade inflation had "destroyed" its ability to discriminate between bright and average applicants."

Speaking at the Independent Schools Council annual conference in London, Sir Richard said the qualification had become "almost worthless".

He said it was "frightening" that four in 10 of his students came from private schools even though they educate just seven per cent of pupils.

"We can't rely on A-levels any more," he said. "Everybody who applies has got three As or four As – they are not very useful."

That's this Labour government for you, they have created an education system in which the exams get easier every year and the pass marks get lower each year but if anyone points this out they get told that any criticism is unfair on the hard-working students who have taken the exams. The Labour government and their fellow-travellers in the educational establishment have have created an "all shall have prizes" system whilst claiming to prize excellence. Students now expect A grades and as they move on to University where they will be paying to be on their chosen course, they will expect a 1st or at least a 2:1. Rather than producing highly qualified people ready to meet the workplace and compete with the "tiger economies" of Asia and beyond, our educational system is producing an ill-educated, lazy workforce who will need all the protectionism that the EU can provide.

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