
Friday 6 June 2008

What if the Irish vote no?

The Irish Times reported earlier this week that:

" THE LISBON Treaty could face a shock rejection with the No side now in the lead, according to the findings of the latest Irish Times /TNS mrbi poll.

It will take an unprecedented swing in the last week of the campaign for the treaty to be carried.

The poll shows the number of people intending to vote No has almost doubled to 35 per cent (up 17 points) since the last poll three weeks ago, while the number of the Yes side has declined to 30 per cent (down 5 points).

The number of undecided voters is still a significant 28 per cent (down 12 points) while 7 per cent won't vote.

The massive increase by the No vote since the last poll has mainly come through gains among undecided voters but, even more ominously for the Yes side, it has lost some support to the No camp."

Oddly it seems that once the issues are explained people decide that they don't like the thought of the Lisbon Treaty and its probable consequences.

As I have blogged before, the Irish voting NO will make no difference as when faced with the proposition:

"2a. Undertakes to respect the outcome of the referendum in Ireland."

the EU Parliament voted 129 in favour, 499 Against with 33 Abstentions.

Isn't the EU's respect for democracy truly mindblowing?

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