
Wednesday 2 July 2008

Dr Who speculation

The big speculation on the Internet is will the David Tennant Doctor Who's regeneration complete or not. If you want the full speculation you could do a lot worse than take a trip over to Gallifrey One's forums. Lots of theories, some sensible some not, here are a few that I enjoyed:
"51stCenturyGuy - What will never happen but I'd love

The time anomalies within the Medusa Cascade cause David Tennant to DEGENERATE back into Christopher Eccleston while the hand grows itself a full body, becoming David Tennent and giving us both 9th and 10th Doctors for the finale.

Well everybody else is here, it's a shame not to complete the set with Chrsitopher lol

Eccleston Doctor is then killed in the final battle against Davros and the Daleks, leaving us with Tennant in time for Christmas"

"Grayo - Remember Midnight? I am convinced the "thing" the Doctor encountered there was not completely severed from him. It had made contact. And I believe "the darkness is coming" does not relate to Davros and the Daleks but to the force encountered in Midnight.

So this thing will either stop the Doctor from fully regenerating or he will turn into "the darkness" itself! "The darkness is coming..." "Your song will end..." Whether the darkness is a resurrected Master is another thing. Doubt it. But I bet it's so bad that Donna decides to use the "thing on her back" to wipe out the timeline and create an alternative version. Resulting in her death.

Another idea is that Martha dies by using this key she's been given. Perhaps that is where the alternate time line will start. When she uses it instead of not using it...

A good theory? Or utter nonsense?"

"Andrew Davie - I'll venture that the hand in the jar is the key to all of this. Firstly, it's conspicuous right at the side of the console towards the start of the episode and just happens to be right alongside where the Doctor is 'regenerating'. He carries that thing everywhere, but can you imagine a regenerated doctor lugging along a severed hand from a previous incarnation. I think not. In my opinion, this hand has been prominent for a reason, and I think that reason is to assist in preventing the need for regeneration. I don't think it was prominently visible early in the episode by chance. So my 2c is on no regeneration per-se. More of a recharge, with a bit of a hand from ... the hand."

"teletubby - How about ...

Doctor 10 regenerates into Doctor 11 (David Morissey)
The hand starts to grow in the jar and Captain Jack breaks it out. It grows into a clone of Doctor 10.
We now have two Doctors to fight Davros. At the end of the story, we go into the the Christmas special and maybe the 2009 specials with both Doctors.
Doctor 10 then goes off in his own time-line to eventually meet River Song.
The TV series 2010 continues with Doctor 11."

"Birdie1970 - If he does regenetate (the Doctor as it has already been revealed that David Tennant can't regenerate) then this could go down as the biggest deception since?.... How many stories have been sent out about the next two years- specials only next year to cover DT for Hamlet for one. Also the one about obscene amounts of money for each eposide (Could the BBC afford that?). Could the shots of DT being filmed for the Xmas special be staged?

If he regenerates then hats off to everyone involved for keeping it so quiet. If not then I will continue to wnjoy the 10th Doctor - so all good.

Is Donna a descendant of Leela and Andred, escaped from Gallifrey before it was destroyed?"

"MoonAura - If the rumors are true that the Doctor (and his hand) regenerate into two versions of Ten, but one is human, then I believe this botched regeneration is being used to turn the Doctor more toward that in-control Time Lordy Doctor that River Song knew, and may be used to resolve the half-human controversy. If the regeneration creates two Doctors with two natures, Time Lord and human, and the human Doctor is sacrificed or goes into the alt-universe, then a more Time Lord like version of Ten can go forward to the specials and into Moffat's S5. Given that Moffat set up this view of the Doctor in his two parter, I think it's really possible. If we were headed for a regeneration, none of this would be necessary, since that change could be made as part of Doctor Eleven's nature. But, if you want to spin Ten in a new direction, this would be one way to do it.

Also, River Song commented on how this version of the Doctor wasn't "her" Doctor, and he didn't seem "quite finished." Rose may find herself feeling the same way about a revised, less cuddly Ten, thus resolving the romance angle, and making her fear in the regeneration scene pay off. Even though Ten remains, Rose loses "her" Doctor."

"Criz - Dalek Caan says the three-fold man is coming.

...Also the Time War is apparently no longer time locked (or maybe never was and it was just the Doctor assuming it was?)

...three-fold-man means...

...10th Doctor is joined by 9th, and 8th to defeat the Daleks and reverse Gallifrey's destruction in the Time War

(Maybe what RTD really said was a multi-doctor episode would be the *last* thing he would do - heh heh)

Yes it would be huge, melodramatic and it would fit the finale perfectly"

"whyinthebloodyhell - I'm going to say it's that The Doctor has three names: his real name (which "burns in the cascade of Medusa"), his three-Greek-letter name he was given in school, and "The Doctor".

I just wonder why they put in two references to The Doctor's real name during the fourth series, particularly one telling us that it can be found in the Medusa Cascade, if they had no plans to bring it up when he actually goes to the Medusa Cascade.

Also, Dalek Caan *is* bloody nutso. Anything he says is strictly true, even in the most insignificant way. So it could just be that The Doctor once ordered a pizza with three toppings or made an origami out of three folds."

"Lots of spoilerers think there is likely to be two doctors generating - one from The Doctor and one from the hand-in-the-jar . . .

Maybe they are half right? What about three Doctors??? him, the hand-in-the-jar and the fighting hand!!! So, the new hand shears off as the generation begins - he repairs himself / generates, the fighting hand spurts a new Doctor, and the energy arcs over to the hand-in-the-jar which does the same (breaking the glass and emerging all shiny and wet - mmmmm).

Three Doctors, identical - The Three-Fold Man!!!"

"guesswho - Somehow Rose becomes mortally wounded in the TARDIS whilst watching the doctor regenerate (bear with me)

The Doctor, sensing her need for it, redirects his regeneration towards her. Rose regenerates into River Song. Captain Jack saves the Doctor with the use of his hand/second heart/some kind of timey wimey magic.

It's completely rubbish and far-fetched - but then, I really wouldn't consider anything too strange at the moment."

"mikeyd - Ok, it's only a theory but......

How about DT's regeneration is in full swing, but the hand (in the jar) sparks off a regeneration of it's own (Due to close proximity of the regenerating Doctor)...into another David us two Doctors. A David Tennant and a David Morrisey????

This could lead into the Christmas special where (Speculating even more) David Morrisey get's killed and David Tennant carry's on until he regenerates (again) into David Morrisey at a later time (After next years specials/another series???) hence giving us an extened preview of the 11th Doctor and allowing DT to carry on with the role for another year or so.....

Ok, shoot me down"

But finally the theories to end all theories
"Caligari - So, judging from the various threads after The Stolen Earth this is what's going to happen:

1. DT's Doctor will regenerate into Christopher Eccleston, Peter Davidson, Sylvester McCoy, Colin Baker, Paul McGann, David Morrissey, James Nesbitt and himself.
2. Donna will die, be revealed to be the Master, the Rani, Lauren from The Catherine Tate Show and quite possibly K-9.
3. Rose will die and regenerate into Captain Jack, who will do an emergency temporal shift and end up in a fish tank with big balls and dreadlocks.
4. Captain Jack will regenerate into Martha, who will in turn regenerate into Jacqui, who will unzip a flesh suit to reveal that she is actually Mickey, but this is the Mock-Mickey from the other dimension who didn't die and never wrote kidULTHOOD.
5. Martha, who has by now regenerated into Davros' clone, uses that key thingy what that bloke out of Dempsey and Makepeace gave her to unlock the Time War, releasing the Time Lords, who will intervene and make everybody "sit down, have a nice cup of tea and stop all this regenerating nonsense once and for all, thankyou very much."
6. Russell T Davies will regenerate into Steven Moffatt, but there will be a split in the timeline and in another dimension he'll be given the task of relaunching other long dormant TV shows like [i]Love Thy Neighbour[i].

Is that right? Have I missed owt out?"

OK there is an addendum, take a read of this thread, some people really WATCH Dr Who!

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