
Thursday 28 August 2008

Muslims are the new Jews?

It has become a truism amongst many that "Muslims are the new Jews".

These are just two examples: India Knight wrote in The Times that
"It’s open season on Islam — Muslims are the new Jews."
the MP Shaid Malik was quoted as saying that
"In the way that it was and still is in some parts, almost legitimate to target Jews, many Muslims would say we feel the exact same way - that somehow there is a message out there that it is OK to target people as long as they are Muslims."

I watched Jerry Springer on the BBC's "Who do you think you are" last night and I think that the above comparisons are thus shown to be vacuous and possibly dangerous.

Watch the programme here and then tell me where in the UK Muslims are being banned from working as doctors, lawyers or accountants.

Watch the programme and tell me where in the UK Muslim shops are being made to identify themselves as Muslim owned.

Watch the programme and tell me where in the UK Muslims are banned from using public transport.

Watch the programme and then tell me where in the UK Muslims are banned from public parks and libraries.

Watch the programme and then tell me where in the UK Muslims are banned from owning bicycles, cars and telephones.

Watch the programme and tell me where in the UK Muslims are banned from owning pets.

Watch the programme and tell me where in the UK Muslims are having all of their possessions taken by the State.

Watch the programme and tell me where in the UK Muslims are being put into cattle wagons and sent to ghettos to work under forced labour.

Watch the programme and tell me where in the UK Muslims are being stripped, herded into vans and gassed by the exhaust fumes to die in agony over 15-20 minutes.

Watch the programme and tell me where in the UK Muslims are being taken into concentration camps and there gassed to death by the thousand in an industrial killing system before having their gold fillings removed for re-use, their hair removed for use in mattresses and their bodies melted down for the fat.

Watch this programme and then tell me where in the UK 6,000,000 Muslims have been killed by the State or indeed anyone.

Watch this programme and tell me how the Muslims are the new Jews.

The Jews were innocents targeted by the State as part of a concerted attempt to destroy a race. To compare what happened to the Jews during World War 2 to the conditions of the Muslims in the UK today is an insult to both Jews and Muslims.

If anyone are the new Jews in 21st Century Europe, it is the Jews.

It is the Jews who are facing increased violence against them.

It is Jews who are the victims of the anti-Semitic violence that has become endemic in Britain, both on the streets and university campuses - according to an all-party parliamentary inquiry in 2006.

It is the Jews that once again are having to guard their places of worship and schools from attack.

It is the Jews that are regularly having their graveyards desecrated.

It is the Jews that fear wearing identifiable symbols of their religion lest they be attacked for being Jewish.

It is in the somewhat Jewish area of London, Hampstead Garden Suburb, that swastikas and the words "Kill all Jews" and "Allah" were daubed on the house and car of Dr. Justin Stebbing.

It is in the UK that the BBC portray Israel as evil and the cause of most, if not all, of the troubles in the Middle East and thus of the problems between Islam and the West.

Are Muslims the new Jews? No the Jews are now, as they have been for many years, the Jews.

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