
Tuesday 26 August 2008

"What does it mean to be British?"

The BBC just don't learn do they? Today they have had another try at this subject on their Have Your Say website and the top "Readers Recommended" comments are not exactly in-line with BBC group-thought. The BBC question is followed by this
""Britishness" should be celebrated with a special day, according to the government. What does being British mean and should it be commemorated on an annual basis?

The August Bank Holiday has been suggested as a possible "Britishness" day by the Home Office minister Liam Byrne.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown - who revealed this month that he is preparing to write a book on what it means to be British - says it is all about shared values.

Panorama explored Britishness in a programme that was shown at 8.30pm on BBC1, speaking to a range of people including fashion designer Vivienne Westwood and BNP leader Nick Griffin.

What does being British really mean? Have you recently become a British citizen? What are the best aspects of being British? What is the worst thing about being British?"

Here are the top few "Readers Recommended" comments:
""BRITAIN" a dumping ground for every sponger, lowlife and foreign terrorist avoiding deportation because their rights might be violated.

A once great nation decimated by political correctness, controlled by misguided and treasonous politicians more interested in their own financial wellbeing.

A once mighty empire is now a joke on the world stage and controlled by a bunch of eurocrats who cannot wait to rip this county apart further.

Yes, Britishness is great!!!

Mark Roberts, United Kingdom

Being British means getting ripped of by an incompetent government, who tax you to the hilt in order to try and cover the colossal amount of money they waste on a daily basis.

Being British means being the dumping ground for people who are cannot live in their own country, and having to pay to support these people whether we want to or not.

Being British means being told we have the right to free speech, so long as the words are government approved.

Being British sucks.

Bigotry is also a diversity, Multicultural Hellhole, United Kingdom

Celebrate "Britishness"?

You can bet that NuLabour will not be celebrating our history, our culture and our traditions! They have been doing their best to destroy all that.

Instead they will want to turn it into some politically correct / multi-cultural celebration of "diversity", "inclusiveness", and "gayness"...

The worst aspect of being British is having to put up with NuLabour, NuLabour politicians, and everything they stand for. They are the ruin of this country and our heritage.

[BROWNED_OFF], London, United Kingdom

The last people I want telling me to celebrate my "Britishness" is this Labour government.

The worse thing about Britishness is that we are being had for mugs by our own government, the EU, immigrants and our own underclass.

Tommy Ruffe


Once more the supporters of diversity and multi culturalism are trying to push the agenda of Britain ( and often the EU) when most people are determined to remain English, Irish, Scotish or Welsh. Being British is meaningless its only a convenient political designation used to describe four individual nations sharing the same land. We find these same people who encourage migrant groups to remain proud to be African or Asian, while condemning us for wanting to be English, Irish, Scots or Welsh.

Steve Day"

And here is the current latest comment:

"............the question should be who are the British? They are the English, Scots, Welsh and Irish races who have gradually built a Christian based democracy which thrives on tolerance and freedom of the individual .. A model for many other nation The British people have accepted refugees from other countries who have happily absorbed life here. Britain is blighted by mass immigration of people who have no affinity with the British way of life & loyal to their own customs & religion.

R. Stubbings, Le Beny Bocage "

The BBC as often is the case discovering that their view of Britishness is at odds with that of many Brits. It must be confusing for the BBC that despite all of their propaganda to the contrary many people know what has happened to this Country and don't like it.

More on this subject tomorrow...

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