
Tuesday 23 September 2008

Gordon Brown's Labour conference speech

For reaction to Gordon Brown's conference speech on the BBC you could read Reeta Chakrabarti's "analysis"
"Serious about the economy - and substantial when talking about the Labour agenda."
Or you could read Nick Robinson's blog
"The conference reacted with joy and relief at seeing a Gordon Brown that some had never seen before. He restored some of their faith in him and themselves. It is, though, the public's verdict that will decide whether the party will keep him as their leader."
Or you could look at what the public think at Have Your Say, here's the first page of most recommended:
"I bet when he is "bigging himself up" over his mythical & delusional prowess as Chancellor, he neglects to mention some very big bills that future generations of taxpayers in Britain, some not even born yet, will have to deal with:

* Hundreds of millions of pounds committed to PFI projects.

* Uncosted & unfunded public sector pensions

* Northern Rock

* Massive overseas aid committment via the Department for International Development

He shouldn't be sacked, he should be prosecuted.

Righty Rightwing

I predict more of the usual,

Britain well placed...........I'm right man for the job.........mass immigration good for Britain.......all good news down to me........all bad news down to others......blah...blah

But whatever he says, he's finished!!

Politically Incorrect

I would like to hear:

I am sorry! We are sorry! I am very sorry! We are very sorry!
I am sorry! We are sorry! I am very sorry! We are very sorry! ... ad nauseam

For losing touch with reality; for leading the British people up the garden path, for our entire cabal of politicians who (as I've said before) are immersed Mouth, Body & Soul in the Trough with only their gleefully wiggling tails being seen; while pensioners die of cold and serving plus returning soldiers are left high and dry!

Captain In-the-Dock, Lost 'n' Found in Britain

Gordon Brown has finished giving one of the most important speeches of his political career. What did you think of it?

BBC Host,

The only important speech that imbecile will ever give is his resignation speech, and the day cant come soon enough.


I will not even listen I would not trust this traitor if he wrote it personally in his own blood!

Louis Cannell, Northampton, United Kingdom

It took 10 years as chancellor to blow 640 billion of our cash.
it took only a few months to bankrupt this country.
it will take years to put this country back on its feet it took labour 11 years to put it on its knees.

boom and bust gone forever he said tax and spend never left labour.
We are broke
We are taxed to the hilt
We are going to see more stealth taxes under labour.
We are sick of talk.
call the election NOW.

leon hughes, mold, United Kingdom

The prime minister is expected to underline his experience and commitment to create a fairer society.

Labour have, over their tenure, widened the gap between the rich and the poor more so than any previous Government.

Labour have failed. They've failed themselves and they've failed the country.

No speech can rectify the damage they've done to this nation over the last ten years. They should do the only honourable thing left - call a General Election.

[CeeofGee], Oxford, United Kingdom

His last conference speech he stole an oft touted & common sense BNP slogan:

"British Jobs for British Workers".

Which common sense BNP policy statement will McStalin steal this time I wonder? doubt never to implement.....

If Gordooms career were a horse, it would be illegal to leave it suffering.

Someone do the decent thing......

PS BBC: Marr & Robinson - what planet are they on? Planet Brown?

Righty RightProud, Coalville

All we've had under NuLabour is immigration immigration immigration.

What happened to 'Education education education'?


Reduce immigration and stop paying the workshy to watch sky TV,

Reduce the tax burdon on the low paid ( How about a 10% entry tax, thats a novel idea)

Stop bailing the banks out with taxpayers money whilst they buy new yachts with their annual bonus's

gey MP's to live in the real world and see what its like to pay a third of their take home pay on get to work costs


john Adair, England Not Britain, Virgin Islands (UK)

My views?

Lies, spin, and repeated garbage.

I notice that he turned the place into a fortress - is that to prevent us tax payers from making an appearance and spoiling it for him by hanging him in public?

badger fruit, resistance hq, United Kingdom

I wonder if he will still give us his favourite line "no return to boom and bust"

I somehow doubt it!

steve jones, Liverpool

Unless the speech amounts to his resignation, and the promise of an immediate General Election, I'm not really interested.

Chris, Hartlepool

What would I like to hear?

" Good afternoon - I resign - goodbye"

Totally Disgruntled, Wokingham

"People, I spent the last 11 years taxing, borrowing and squandering. Now that there is a global economic crisis, the UK is badly placed to weather the storm. After proving yet again that all Labour governments end in financial chaos, I hereby tender my resignation."

That's what we want to hear.

[SecretSkivver], Stockport"

That's the public speaking; it's a shame Gordon isn't in listening mode any more, if he ever was.

1 comment:

  1. The BBC should have attacked this speech but decided to go along with their liberal values and praise the resurgence of Labour - even before it has happened.


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