
Tuesday 14 October 2008

Barack Obama - The truth

Read this article by former Obama supporter Edward Heathcoat-Amory and maybe you will understand why so many people including myself have a very nasty feeling about Barack Obama. Here are a few extracts to give you a flavour:
1. "First, let's examine how Obama took his first significant step on to the political scene when be became a state senator for Illinois in January 1996.

It was a rather remarkable contest, in that Obama was elected unopposed. And the reason for that was that he had found a way to have all the other candidates removed from the ballot, including the incumbent.

If you want to run for a U.S. state senate seat, you need the backing - ie, the signatures - of a minimum of 757 ordinary electors within your district.

Obama employed a special consultant, Ronald Davis, to look at each of the 1,600 signatures that the sitting senator, Alice Palmer, a member of his own party, had gathered. And Mr Davis found problems with so many that Palmer was dropped from the ballot, and for good measure he managed to have the other three candidates ditched as well.

According to a local newspaper, problems included 'printing registered voters name [sic] instead of writing, a female voter got married after she registered to vote and signed her maiden name'.

It was a legal electoral tactic, but a little odd from the man who had run 'Project Vote' - a campaign to persuade the disenfranchised to vote for the first time. Yet here was Obama disenfranchising those same voters in another way, using the toughest of political tactics to deny them a choice at the election.

Asked about it later, he said: 'If you can win, you should win, and get to work doing the people's business.'"

2. "in 2007, Senator Obama 'earmarked' $1 million for the University of Chicago medical centre. The vice-president of the centre is his own wife, Michelle Obama.

Indeed, she had received a pay rise of $200,000 (£115,500) at the very same time that Obama first became a senator - and thus able to organise earmarks. Coincidence? Or something more sinister? Obama insists the former, but it certainly doesn't look good."

3. "Finally, Freddoso looks at Obama's relationships with a series of property developers, including Tony Rezko, who recently went to jail for fraud.

When Obama bought his house in 2005 for $300,000 (£173,000) less than the market value, Rezko bought the plot next door. When challenged about their connections, Obama claimed: 'I've never done any favours for him.'

Not quite true, apparently. The two were friends and Obama wrote a series of letters supporting Rezko's successful attempts to get state subsidy to build affordable housing in Chicago.

Unfortunately, Rezko's 30 buildings have subsequently run into financial difficulties, which is a bit tough for their tenants as living conditions have deteriorated. Rezko even turned off the heating in the middle of winter to save money.

Not a nice man, then. But a generous supporter of Obama, collecting and donating $250,000 (£144,000) to his political patron over the years."

Do read the rest of the article to learn more about the vile Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the scarcely more pleasant John and Todd Stroger and Richard Daley as well as the funding of the Presidential elections.

If you add the allegations in this article to the Bill Ayers, ACORN and other major questions about Barack Obama, does it not seem odd that the MSM in both the USA and the BBC in the UK are concentrating on "Troopergate" rather than any of these more serious allegations about "the One"?


  1. No-one has come out of this presidential campaign looking squeaky clean.

  2. True but one of the four POTUS and VP candidates looks a lot more ethically compromised than the others and he's the one generally getting a free ride from the media.


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