
Thursday 23 October 2008

The BBC and their hatred of a Republican run USA and Israel

The BBC "report" on the latest Reporters Without Borders annual report on press freedom around the world. Here are the opening lines of the BBC report, which are all that many will read as they scan the news:
"Security worries can erode freedoms even in democratic nations and undermine press freedom, media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) says.

The warning comes as the group publishes its annual 173-nation index of press freedom around the world.

RSF cited poor rankings by the US and Israel, and called for US political leaders to improve its situation.

Iceland topped the list while the US was 36th. North Korea, Turkmenistan and Eritrea were the lowest-ranked nations.

The Paris-based press freedom body described those three countries as "unchanging hells" in which the population is cut off from the world and is subjected to "propaganda worthy of a bygone age"."
So the two countries that the BBC report Reporters Without Borders have described as having poor ratings are the USA and Israel. The BBC push this point with this sentence:
"Although the US rose from its 2007 position of 48th to be ranked 36th, Israel fell two positions to 46th in the list."
Let's have a look at the data... You can see the report here and I reproduce the list from 1 to 173 at the end of this piece. What is odd though is that the BBC have picked on USA and Israel. Shall we take a look at where Israel's neighbours figure on this report?

66 - Lebanon
146 - Egypt
159 - Syria
163 - Palestinian Territories

How about some other Islamic nations:
69 - United Arab Emirates
74 - Qatar
96 - Bahrein (better spelt Bahrain)
111 - Indonesia
121 - Algeria
122 - Morocco
123 - Oman
132 - Malaysia
135 - Sudan
143 - Tunisia
152 - Pakistan
153 - Somalia
155 - Yemen
156 - Afghanistan
158 - Iraq
160 - Libya
161 - Saudi Arabia
163 - Palestinian Territories
166 - Iran

Now why would the BBC decide to criticize Israel when they rank so much higher than all of their neighbouring countries?

Now let's compare the USA with the world's other superpowers both current and future. The USA are criticised for rising to position 36, so what about its rivals:

118 - India
141 - Russia
167 - China

Now why would the BBC decide to criticize the US when they rank so much higher than their Superpower rivals?

How about one of the BBC's favourite countries, the one that they love to praise for its magnificent health system and all but perfect education system - Cuba? Well they aren't bottom, not quite, placing at 169 - above just Burma, Turkmenistan, North Korea and Eritrea.

Don't you find the BBC's reporting of such stories most revealing?

Here's the list from 1 to 173:
Rank Country
1 Iceland
- Luxembourg
- Norway
4 Estonia
- Finland
- Ireland
7 Belgium
- Latvia
- New Zealand
- Slovakia
- Sweden
- Switzerland
13 Canada
14 Austria
- Denmark
16 Czech Republic
- Lithuania
- Netherlands
- Portugal
20 Germany
21 Jamaica
22 Costa Rica
23 Hungary
- Namibia
- United Kingdom
26 Surinam
27 Trinidad and Tobago
28 Australia
29 Japan
30 Slovenia
31 Cyprus
- Ghana
- Greece
- Mali
35 France
36 Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Cape Verde
- South Africa
- Spain
- Taiwan
- United States of America
42 Macedonia
43 Uruguay
44 Italy
45 Croatia
46 Israel (Israeli territory)
47 Mauritius
- Poland
- Romania
- South Korea
51 Hong-Kong
- Liberia
53 Cyprus (North)
- Montenegro
- Togo
56 Chile
57 Panama
58 Kosovo
59 Bulgaria
- Nicaragua
61 Kuwait
62 El Salvador
63 Burkina Faso
64 Serbia
65 Timor-Leste
66 Botswana
- Lebanon
68 Argentina
69 United Arab Emirates
70 Benin
- Malawi
- Tanzania
73 Haiti
74 Bhutan
- Ecuador
- Qatar
- Seychelles
- Zambia
79 Albania
- Fiji
81 Guinea-Bissau
82 Brazil
- Dominican Republic
- Tonga
85 Central African Republic
86 Senegal
87 Ukraine
88 Guyana
89 Comoros
90 Mozambique
- Paraguay
92 Congo
93 Mongolia
94 Burundi
- Madagascar
96 Bahrein
97 Kenya
98 Moldova
99 Guinea
- Honduras
101 Guatemala
102 Armenia
- Turkey
104 Maldives
105 Mauritania
106 Tajikistan
107 Uganda
108 Peru
109 Côte d’Ivoire
110 Gabon
111 Indonesia
- Kyrgyzstan
113 Venezuela
114 Sierra Leone
115 Bolivia
116 Angola
- Lesotho
118 India
119 United States of America (extra-territorial)
120 Georgia
121 Algeria
122 Morocco
123 Oman
124 Thailand
125 Kazakhstan
126 Cambodia
- Colombia
128 Jordan
129 Cameroon
130 Niger
131 Nigeria
132 Malaysia
133 Chad
134 Djibouti
135 Sudan
136 Bangladesh
137 Gambia
138 Nepal
139 Philippines
140 Mexico
141 Russia
142 Ethiopia
143 Tunisia
144 Singapore
145 Rwanda
146 Egypt
147 Swaziland
148 Democratic Republic of Congo
149 Israel (extra-territorial)
150 Azerbaijan
151 Zimbabwe
152 Pakistan
153 Somalia
154 Belarus
155 Yemen
156 Afghanistan
- Equatorial Guinea
158 Iraq
159 Syria
160 Libya
161 Saudi Arabia
162 Uzbekistan
163 Palestinian Territories
164 Laos
165 Sri Lanka
166 Iran
167 China
168 Vietnam
169 Cuba
170 Burma
171 Turkmenistan
172 North Korea
173 Eritrea

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic story. The BBC go on and on about how non-partisan they are, but they always take the side of Islam and the Middle East over that of Israel and the USA. This is what I have been telling people for years. I will be sending this to them to show them that the BBC is as partisan with its left wing ideals, as the right is with their's.

    Top work.


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