
Saturday 18 October 2008

The idiots who wear Che Guevara t-shirts (update)

Further to my piece of this morning, I see that Devils Kitchen has also blogged about the evils of Che Guevara, he includes a link to a site that records the names of those murdered by (or on the orders) of Che Guevara. DK also records the names of the evil scum MPs who have signed John McDonnell's Parliamentary Early Day Motion that
"That this House notes that 9th October marks the 40th anniversary of the murder of Ernesto Che Guevara in Bolivia; further notes the inspiration that Che Guevara has brought to national liberation movements and millions of socialists around the world; and believes that the sustained social gains of the Cuban revolution and the government of Evo Morales in Bolivia are fitting tributes to his legacy."

Jeremy Corbyn
Ian Gibson
Linda Riordan
Ann Cryer
David Drew
Ken Purchase
Lynne Jones
Robert N Wareing
Jim Devine
David Lepper
Alasdair McDonnell
Janet Dean
Dennis Skinner
Jim Dobbin
Desmond Turner
David Anderson
Dai Davies
Bill Etherington
Angus MacNeil
John Austin
Kelvin Hopkins
Harry Cohen
Martin Salter
Alan Simpson
David Hamilton
Rudi Vis
Eric Illsley

What lovely people, I look forward to the BBC asking Dennis Skinner and Jeremy Corbyn about their support for politically inspired murder the next time these cuddly socialists appear on the BBC. Of course it is more likely that the BBC will produce its own hagiography of Che Guevara in due course.

Similarly, these are the larger number of scummy MPs who supported Colin Burgon's Early Motion from February that
"That this House commends the achievements of Fidel Castro in securing first-class free healthcare and education provision for the people of Cuba despite the 44 year illegal US embargo of the Cuban economy; notes the great strides Cuba has taken during this period in many fields such as biotechnology and sport in both of which Cuba is a world leader; acknowledges the esteem in which Castro is held by the people and leaders of Africa, Asia and Latin America for leading the calls for emancipation of the world's poorest people from slavery, hunger and the denial of human rights such as the right to life, the right to shelter, the right to healthcare and basic medicines and the right to education; welcomes the EU statement that constructive engagement with Cuba at this time is the most responsible course of action; and calls upon the Government to respect Cuba's right to self-determination and resist the aggressive forces within the US Administration who are openly planning their own illegal transition in Cuba."

Colin Burgon
Jon Trickett
Jon Cruddas
Ian Gibson
Michael Clapham
George Mudie
Kelvin Hopkins
John McDonnell
Ann Cryer
Diane Abbott
David Taylor
Linda Riordan
Adam Price
Dennis Skinner
David Heyes
Brian Iddon
Lynne Jones
Elfyn Llwyd
Edward O'Hara
Ronnie Campbell
Martin Caton
Jeremy Corbyn
Andrew Dismore
Paul Flynn
Hywel Francis
David Hamilton
John Battle
Katy Clark
Jim Devine
Gordon Prentice
Ken Purchase
Jim Sheridan
Marsha Singh
Paul Holmes
Jim Hood
Lindsay Hoyle
Joan Humble
David Lepper
Denis Murphy
Albert Owen
Harry Cohen
David Crausby
Janet Dean
Jim Dobbin
David Drew
Clive Efford
Bill Etherington
John Grogan
Fabian Hamilton
John Austin
Anne Begg
Dari Taylor
Mike Wood
David Anderson
Dai Davies
Karen Buck
Richard Caborn
Colin Challen
Frank Cook
Virendra Kumar Sharma
Alan Simpson
Dai Havard
Peter Kilfoyle
Andrew Mackinlay
Austin Mitchell
David Chaytor
Ian Davidson
George Galloway
Desmond Turner
Martin Salter
Rudi Vis
Andy Slaughter
Sian C James
Bill Olner
Richard Burden
Michael Connarty
John Cummings
Paul Truswell
Keith Vaz
Julie Morgan
Doug Naysmith
Frank Dobson
Chris McCafferty
Eric Illsley
Anne Moffat
Ian Stewart
Emily Thornberry

The self-delusion that the left are capable of frightens me = "first-class free healthcare"! Two minutes on the web would show you the lie there...

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