
Thursday 9 October 2008

More on Robert Peston

Robert Peston's latest blog article is attracting a fair bit of negative comment, quite a few claiming that there is censorship operating on the blog. Here are a few adverse comments, I will look tonight and see how many are still there:
"24. At 08:07am on 07 Oct 2008, barefacedlies wrote:

Are we permitted to ask, who is feeding you with these 'insider' 'fresh from the meeting' updates? I begin to wonder whether your fly on the wall journalism whilst undeniably insightful, that your mole's leaks simply seek to achieve the selfish objectives of the very same people who contributed to this catastrophe?

85. At 09:31am on 07 Oct 2008, chivalrousmacrus wrote:

what the hell do you think you are doing acting as a channel for information like this. you have just acted as a conduit for a run on the banks. tell the government that if they intend to leak to you that they should think about what they are doing before they leak. not sure if they had noticed that the markets are a little nervous right now - last night falls might have given a hint.

we will find a way to find the leaker and have him prosecuted by the fsa.

99. At 09:41am on 07 Oct 2008, dispatchpestonnow wrote:

THIS GOVERNMENT SHOULD EITHER STOP LEAKING INFORMED RUMOUR OR SOMEONE SOULD BE FIRED ? TREASURY OR DOWNING STREET. If we want an orderly market in this country without the stock market falling completely out of bed, then order should be restored sooner rather than later. If there have been deliberations with Sir Fred Goodwin and John Varley about the lack of working capital and contingency plans to improve it, then announce them ? bosh! But for goodness sakes to drip feed sensitive information of this nature to a market whose confidence is shot to ribbons is just insanity. This government is either naive or stupid or conceivably somebody has let them down badly. Time this irresponsible behaviour ceased. Otherwise we shall be the laughing stock of the world?s financial community which will result in London surrendering its premier position as the leading financial centre of the world.

169. At 1:06pm on 07 Oct 2008, fattybadger wrote:

So Bob. Now they have all come out and denied this and you have manipulated the stock market and spread false rumours. I understand the FSA investigation on HBOS is still running. This one seems much simpler? All fingers point to Bobby P!!

181. At 3:05pm on 07 Oct 2008, SotonBlogger wrote:

#76 and others.

If you agree with me that Mr Pestons online and broadcast comments are ill thought through alarmist hyperbole that is damaging the financial and social well being of our country by exaggerating an already bad situation can I suggest you send your own thoughts to the BBC via their official complaints channel.

198. At 6:56pm on 07 Oct 2008, DMJeffery wrote:

I hope either you or your banker friend enjoy the money you could have made on spread-betting the FTSE changes resulting from your rumour.

203. At 2:26pm on 08 Oct 2008, priorpark17 wrote:

A simple question:

Did you just have one source for this story? Ig just one how does this fit with the BBC's updated editorial and management processes.

204. At 5:38pm on 08 Oct 2008, getridofgordonnow wrote:

Strange how comments criticising the "reporting" which were accepted yesterday, are suddenly disappearing from the blog one by one now that Michael Howard has asked for an fsa investigation.

205. At 5:59pm on 08 Oct 2008, Arquebuss wrote:

Is someone telling me that between 9.38pm on 7th October 2008 and 2.26pm on 8th October 2008 there were no posts on this subject?

Were there any posts?
If there were any, where are they now?
If they've been deleted, why?

This has been copied and posted on Guido's Blog.

206. At 7:28pm on 08 Oct 2008, Arquebuss wrote:

Going back through the comments posted on this blog, there appear to be huge gaps in the timings. This indicates to me, at least, that a large number of posts have been deleted.
I should be grateful if someone can explain why.
Again, I've copied and posted this on Guid's Blog.

207. At 8:48pm on 08 Oct 2008, JeremyP wrote:

At 07:28am on 07 Oct 2008, AvensisTom wrote: (refer back...)

He's too busy talking to Darling, Tom...

208. At 8:56pm on 08 Oct 2008, JeremyP wrote:

All the deleted comments are still cached on Google. Got a copy... Oh BBC - naughty, naughty - do remember, our license fee means you speak for US - not New Stasi, occasionally known as the government.

I never, ever thought I'd catch myself saying this, but well done Michael Howard.

210. At 00:05am on 09 Oct 2008, JGScotland wrote:

Robert, I was just wondering if you knew that informing the world of market-sensitive information in advance of any confirmation from the institutions involved is illegal.

211. At 08:37am on 09 Oct 2008, Mister_E_Man wrote:

Why have large numbers of critical comments on this blog been removed?

Since when did we fund the BBC to censor us?

Do you really think, in this day and age, websites are not cached elsewhere...??

Your actions speak volumes - Peston has clearly broken the law in reporting what he was told, and this had a catastrophic effect on the stock market...

Do you think this is all a game? Your desperation to spin every story on behalf of the government has backfired spectacularly this time and your attempted cover up will not work.

"New Stasi style propaganda & cover up?
We're the BBC, it's what we do...""

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