
Wednesday 29 October 2008

"The sacrifice of truth to power"

Melanie Phillips has written a must read article for The Spectator, do read the whole powerful piece but here is an extract:
"At NRO Mark Levin identifies a terrifying historical echo when he shudders that, such is the tide of irrationality running in this campaign, the American public appears to be falling under the cult-like spell of an authoritarian demagogue. He is surely correct. For all Obama’s laid-back, attractive appearance this election is being fought in an atmosphere of menace. Menace in the way ACORN is intimidating voters into multiple registrations. Menace in the way criminal donations to the Obama campaign have been institutionalised. Menace in the serial lies being told by Obama, Biden and the campaign rebuttal team. Menace in the way the few remaining proper journalists such as Stanley Kurtz are finding sources of information shut down and themselves shut out when they attempt to probe Obama’s deeply dubious associations. Menace in the smears and hysterical abuse directed at anyone who questions The One. Menace in the threat of violence if Obama doesn’t win. Menace in the pre-emptive smear that the only thing that could bring about an Obama defeat is the inherent racism of the American voters – a smear that potentially identifies all those who vote against him as public enemies."

Melanie Phillips and Mark Levin are correct. On a smaller scale, I am going out to dinner with two old school friends (both decidedly left of centre); whilst they feel free to demean Conservative politics in front of me, it will not be acceptable for me to express doubts about the sainted Barack Obama. Should I try and enlighten them or do I leave them happy in their ignorance?

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