
Thursday 6 November 2008

The power to deny membership to individuals whose political beliefs are in opposition to their own

"Labour MPs are pushing for trade unions to be given the right to expel members who belong to the BNP without penalty.

They are attempting to overturn a Lords amendment to the Employment Bill offering more safeguards to union members expelled for BNP membership.... Labour MP Tony Lloyd is leading calls for unions have more freedom to expel members who oppose their beliefs."
So reports the BBC.

What is not discussed is whether membership of the Communist Party of Great Britain who say that
"the socialist revolution can be carried through in Britain by organised mass struggle outside parliament, creating and combining with a socialist parliamentary majority - producing a government and mass movement determined and able to implement a socialist programme;"
or the Socialist Workers party (Britain) who state that:
"The present system cannot be patched up — it has to be completely transformed. The structures of the parliament, army, police and judiciary cannot be taken over and used by the working people. Elections can be used to agitate for real improvements in people’s lives and to expose the system we live under, but only the mass action of workers themselves can change the system. Workers create all the wealth under capitalism. A new society can only be constructed when they collectively seize control of that wealth and plan its production and distribution according to need."
is against the "beliefs" of the Trade Union Movement.

What about membership of the CPGB who say:
"We will use the most militant methods objective circumstances allow to achieve a federal republic of England, Scotland and Wales, a federal Ireland and a United States of Europe."
Do their aims fit in with those of the Unions?

How about the Respect Coalition who seem to be living somewhat in the past with this statement
"The real war of terror in the UK is that carried out by Blunkett's Home Office, immigration officials and the police on asylum seekers, often in this country as a result of fleeing war zones created by Blair's Government."

I hold no brief for the BNP, indeed I despise most of their policies, but they are not that dissimilar from many extreme left wing parties except for their position on race. Why is that the only factor that the Labour Party and the Trade Unions pick up on?

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