
Sunday 2 November 2008

"Three things the Obamedia will do to depress Republican turnout and help Obama"

A fascinating article from Hillbuzz about how Obama and his media allied are trying to repeat the three tactics that helped him beat Hillary Clinton to the Democratic Party nomination. The three tactics being:
(1) Calls for McCain to just give up and quit, because the race is over
(2) Wild claims of Obama winning states that shock and surprise you
(3) Repeated insistance that blacks and young people will decide this election, and they are all going to vote in record numbers for Obama

The writer also draws a nice analogy with "I am Legend":
"This reminds us of the book I Am Legend by Richard Matheson — not the lame movie versions, but the actual truly terrifying book. In it, there’s a man in a house who’s the last sane person in a world gone mad, filled with infected people, who come out every night and stand outside his house and shout terrible things at him to make him kill himself or come outside so they can do the job for him. People this guy used to know and love are infected, and come out each night to use every psycholgical trick they can to get this guy out of the house so they can kill him. And the guy sometimes starts to buy into this, because it’s such pressure, and the taunts and jeers are relentless, and sometimes he just can’t take it, and he crumples to the ground in the face of all this negative saturation. He cracks. He breaks. It’s brutal. And this happens each and every day.

That’s what the media is doing for Obama right now.

You do realize that, don’t you?

It’s all a head game, a fake out. All of this talk about Obama being ahead is just garbage the Obamedia shovels to make you give up and sit home so Obama can win. That’s what breeds Eeyores. And Eeyores giving up and staying home is why Hillary Clinton won Indiana by only 1% when she should have won it by 9%. It really is as simple as that.

So, heads up out there — if you can get Rush to talk about this stuff on air, it would do Republicans a world of good. Make as many people see the media for what they are — a paid extension of the Obama campaign — as humanly possible, keep your heads up, and let’s put another crack in the glass ceiling by making Sarah Palin the nation’s first female Vice President, while putting a good and decent man we trust behind the Resolute Desk where all of us Democrats know he’ll work effectively with Senator Clinton and other Democrats to fix our economy, create good jobs, and make America energy independent for good.

If we work hard, we will win."
Spread the word...or is it too late?

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