
Sunday 18 January 2009

It's a war and we have to realise it soon (update)

Further to my recent piece I need to add something.

I wrote that:

"Islam traditionally splits the world into dar al-Islam (the house of Islam) and dar al-Harb (the house of war), the latter being so described to emphasise Islam's aspirations to conquer such territories in dar al-Harb and render them part of dar al-Islam.

A term that I have found recently is dar al-Hudna (house of calm). This is important as even the BBC are using the term hudna in their coverage of the Israel/Hamas war. Hudna is defined as a respite between wars and needs payment by the other side of the conflict, refusal to pay tribute in exchange for the truce means that hostilities are resumed. Furthermore, only treaties that conform to Islamic prescriptions are valid; if these conditions are not fulfilled, the treaty is worthless.

So at best Islam seems to see non-Islamic Countries as places where a truce can prevail so long as payment is made to the house of Islam and at worst a place where war will prevail until Islam conquers them. Reassuring isn't it?"

I have been reminded of a few more related facts:
"Islam also splits the population of the world into Muslims and Kuffars (non-believers). Muslims are superior to Kuffars who are 'najis' (filthy or polluted).

The Kuffars themselves are further divided into Dhimmis and Harbis. A Dhimmi is a Kuffar who pays the Jizya (protection money) and accepts the supremacy of Islam, and may be allowed to live. A Harbi is a Kuffar who does not accept the supremacy of Islam, and must be killed.

So Islam is at war with us and always has been, and always will be until we submit, pay the Jizya and 'feel ourselves subdued', as the Koran says.

Terror is an essential aspect of Islam. Mohammed himself said 'I have been made victorious through terror'."

Not any more reassuring is it?

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