
Sunday 1 February 2009

"British jobs for British workers" - the truth will out

I have blogged several times about Gordon Brown's misleading "British jobs for British workers" promise and I have previously stated that whilst the population were willing to acquiesce in Labour's social engineering in good economic times, they would be less happy in a recession.

It looks as though the conditions for social unrest are getting closer and Gordon Brown is in a flap. He is trying to claim that when he said "British jobs for British workers" he actually meant that British workers would have the right to compete for British jobs; nobody believes him of course, people know a "Brownie" when they hear one. The conditions in many towns and cities across the UK soon to have 30%+ (or much higher) unemployment and people losing jobs to recent and longer-standing immigrants will be ripe for a breakdown in "social cohesion".

The current "wild cat" protests may spread and lead to petrol shortages and power cuts or they may peter out. However there will be another cause of "unrest" before too long and then another one and then another one and so on. Eventually one "cause" will reach the point of no return and the inner city riots of 1981 may be made to look like a picnic by what ensues.

My advice is to get out of the UK whilst you still can. If you decide to stay then: buy a generator, lay in stocks of fuel, food and water and secure your house against what may be coming. 2009 may go down in history as the year the Labour government reaped the harvest of what it had sown over 12 years. Don't expect the police and the government to help you; you and I are expendable, only the government and its friends will be protected. And don't expect to be able to vote this Labour mob out at a general election, any civil unrest will lead to the Civil Contingency Act being used to "postpone" elections, initially for a short time and then for the duration of the disturbances, disturbances that may last for a very very long time indeed.

That all means that Gordon Brown might very well be the last UK Prime Minister that you and I ever know; now isn't that a depressing thought?

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