
Wednesday 11 February 2009

Carole Cadwalladr on Jacqui Smith

Jacqui Smith is not faring well today is she. I have already commented on Simon Heffer in The Telegraph and his views on Jacqui Smith, now I see that Carole Cadwalladr in The Guardian's Comment is Free is little kinder:
"So there it is. Greed is good. And on the same day, that Gordon Brown appeared before an audience of economists like a dark avenging angel and said that he would be "sweeping away" the bankers' bonuses, his spokesman told reporters: "Jacqui Smith has made her statement on that and that's it as far as the prime minister is concerned."

In fact, the tale of Smith has more than one parallel with the banking crisis. She "fully abided" by the rules. Just as the banks did nothing legally wrong. The problem is that it's obvious to anyone, to everyone, that is, apart from Gordon Brown, that the rules are wrong."

If you want a flavour of Labour anger then take a read of the comments that follow the CIF piece, here's a few:
"Resign. Now. This is absolutely and unforgivably scandalous."

"GUARDIAN, seriously, why isn't this on the front page?"

"Jacqui Smith is actually so reminiscent of the Napolean from Animal Farm I am finding it all quite disturbing

The cowardly pig who encourages the other animals to fight and die for the good of the farm.

Controlling, greedy, deceitful hypocrite : Jacqui Smith."

"Jacqui Smith is just another not-terribly-bright politician who's in it for herself.

I'm sure she doesn't see herself as corrupt but she certainly makes sure she gets her snout as far into the trough as possible. I truly wonder if she has any understanding that to the general public it seems venal and corrupt. She's spending nearly five times the median wage on benefits for a second home. How else can it look but corrupt?"

"The other key point that the Guardian & BBC etc are not mentioning is that, on becoming Home Secretary, one of the top Cabinet posts & the key national security position, she turned down the use of a grace & favour apartment in Whitehall with existing police guard, as this would have meant that she would lose her £24k pa second home allowance. So instead, she carries on living in her unsecure Peckham house share which now needs 24 hour police protection, costing c. £200k pa. Not a bad deal for the taxpayer, is it ? And why was the Mail on Sunday front page with this on not shown during the press review on Andrew Marr's show on the BBC ?"

"If they want to monitor our calls, emails and messages, then we ought to have the right to see what they are spending our money on."

The public are getting angrier by the day. When will Gordon Brown and Michael Martin realise that the game is up; it's our money your getting in "expenses" so you and your associates can bloody well account for it like any other taxpayer. Your are public servants not our masters, behave appropriately.


  1. Carole Cadwalladr on Jacqui Smith, now there is another image...

  2. I just couldn't bring myself to add that thought to this post; I have standards!


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