
Thursday 12 February 2009

More on the banning of Geert Wilders (update)

The Geert Wilders/Fitna affair took another turn today when Geert Wilders was denied entry by the Home Office and was questioned by immigration officials at Heathrow. Also in attendance was the Dutch Ambassador who made clear his government's opposition to the ban on Mr Wilders entering the UK. Lord Pearson still intends to show Fitna at the Houses of Parliament today and to hold a debate afterwards.

David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, told the BBC's Hardtalk that: "The home secretary made a decision on an individual case as she is required to do." and that the film contained "extreme anti-Muslim hate and we have very clear laws in this country". He added "We have profound commitment to freedom of speech but there is no freedom to cry 'fire' in a crowded theatre and there is no freedom to stir up hate, religious and racial hatred, according to the laws of the land."

The Home Office issued a statement that included this: "The government opposes extremism in all forms... "

Meanwhile Jacqui Smith allowed Ibrahim Moussawi into the UK to address an anti-war rally at Birmingham City Council's offices last year, that's the same Ibrahim Moussawi who has been reported in the New Yorker magazine as saying that Jews are "a lesion on the forehead of history".

Meanwhile the Labour government continually listened to and consorted with Azad Ali the president of the Civil Service Islamic Society, to whose advantage.

Meanwhile a report claimed that some Muslim schools in the UK teach "repugnant" beliefs about the wickedness of Western society and Jews.

Meanwhile Anjem Choudary can host a live feed from the Lebanon by Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad and himself say that "As Muslims, we will not submit to any man-made law, any government, or any prime minister - Bush or Brown - or [to] Jacqui Smith. We submit to Allah." as well as "Jihad is a duty and a struggle and an obligation that lies upon the shoulders of us all. We will not rest until the flag of Allah and the flag of Islam is raised above 10 Downing Street."

Meanwhile Abu Rumaysah at the same meeting can say: "Women need to be covered up, men lashed for fornication [outside marriage] and hands cut off for theft and breaking Sharia law," When a woman in a burkha asked how he could justify this when Islam was supposed to be a religion of peace, the crowd mocked her. But it was Choudary who rose to put her in her place. "Islam is not a religion of peace," he said. "It is a religion of submission. We need to submit to the will of Allah."

Meanwhile the King of Saudi Arabia is accorded the honour of a full state visit and The Mall is hung with flags bearing the text (in Arabic) that: "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger". That's the King of Saudi Arabia, the Country where:
1) No symbols of any faith other than Islam are allowed and the public practice of non-Muslim religions is prohibited.

2) Only Muslims are allowed into Mecca & Medina, the street signs are really quite shocking when you see them.

3) The Saudi government does not permit non-Muslim clergy to enter the country for the purpose of conducting religious services.

4) According Saudi policy for tourists, it is not permissible to bring Christian or Jewish religious symbols and books into the kingdom and they are subject to confiscation

5) Until March 1, 2004, the official government website stated that Jews were forbidden from entering the country - the situation now is less clear

But it is Geert Wilders who is prevented from entering the UK to speak at a meeting whilst Ibrahim Moussawi, Anjem Choudary and Abu Rumaysah can say what they like without fear of censure. It is Geert Wilders who is prevented from entering the UK whilst those who march chanting "death to the Jews" or call for the beheading of cartoonists carry on regardless. It is strange Country we live in, is it not?


  1. It's only by Wilders and other brave souls continuing to point out the inconsistencies and outright hypocrisies of radical Islamists that the rest of the world may be alerted to what is really going on. Thank you for posting updates on this story: the UK "authorities" ought to be ashamed of themselves.


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