
Monday 2 March 2009

Jack Straw - he's a funny, funny guy

Prepare to hold onto your sides, else they might split.

Jack Straw in a recent Guardian Comment is Free -
"this Labour government has done more than any before it to extend liberties and to constrain government."
And Jack Straw's not a one joke man:
"this government has done more to reinforce and strengthen liberty than any since the war."

The trouble is I don't think he was trying to be funny, I think he believes it or at least thinks he can convince us that he believes.

As ever with CIF, the comments are well worth a read; here's a few examples:


27 Feb 09, 1:58am

Another NuLabour drone marches onto the battlefield, no doubt whipped into action by the likes of Alistair Campbell. Total bullshit Straw and you bloody well know it. Your government is by far the most pernicious, self-seeking, parasitic, authoritarian, nannying, overbearing, odious, elitist, smug, egotistical, warmongering, hypocritical, ignorant, disrespectful, lying, toadying, tyrannical, overbearing, self-gratifying, economically illiterate, spineless and ILLIBERAL governments that this country has ever witnessed.

The 'war on terror' is totally Orwellian, conjured up to suit your agenda. Doublespeak is all part of the nightmare you have contrived - "war is peace" and "security is freedom", blah blah blah.

You should all be on trial at the Hague for war crimes and not left free to write such gob-smackingly twisted versions of reality.

You all chose your sides when you sided with the financial and corporate elites and you chose your loyalties when you all decided to trouser as much of our hard earned income as was possible to stuff into your pockets. Shame on all you loathsome creatures - may true justice be served on you all."


27 Feb 09, 2:03am

i for one don't understand what all the fuss is about, i think i once read somewhere that you initially styled yourself as some kind of radical student leader, it's now plain to see that you're a third rate sophist with a lifelong compunction to seek attention and power. I wouldn't let you run a bath."


27 Feb 09, 5:05am

Please shut up ! you are a national embarrassment , just go and fill your expenses sheet and nail up some more CCTV cameras, then try handing some more people over for torture.


Do read the rest and mull on the fact that this is the Guardian; these are the people who are meant to be Labour supporters.

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