
Saturday 4 April 2009

"Are you worried yet?"

In November I asked if you were worried yet about the UK having to go to the IMF for money. Today I read that an unnamed "senior Cabinet minister" has told the Daily Telegraph that Britain should not be afraid or ashamed of taking money from the International Monetary Fund (no quotes). Apparently this unnamed "senior Cabinet Minister" is also reported as saying
"that the new fund would not be like the 1970s version and should not be seen as such. He said there would be nothing wrong if America or Britain used the facility.

He said: "Previously a country would only go if they were in a very bad state. It was a bit like going to accident and emergency to get urgent help.

"This new facility will not be like that. It is a bit more like getting wellbeing care or even like going to a spa to recuperate."

A "spa", a f***ing spa; do these people have no shame, no sense of reality, no sense? This Labour government have brought the UK close to bankruptcy and the spinmeisters try and make any call for assistance seem like a short break at Champneys.

It does seem that we are governed by the most dishonest bunch of shysters that have ever governed this country. I am absolutely fed-up with the lies, the deceit, the spin; the way that they would claim that black was white if they felt it would help their cause.

The time has come for the honest, hard-working, tax-paying, majority in this Country to say "NO, NO MORE, WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH! In the words of Oliver Cromwell -
"You have sat for too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!"

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