
Thursday 9 April 2009

BBC reporting

If an Israeli soldier spat at a Palestinian child you just know that it would be front page news on the BBC "news" website. However when A Palestinian attacker wielding an axe kills an Israeli boy and wounds another in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank, the coverage is restricted to a single page hidden away on the Middle East news page.

In the Israeli soldier case, the BBC would have sympathetic portrayals of the poor Palestinian boy and some bleating from Jeremy Bowen about how brutal Israeli soldiers are. But as it is only an Israeli boy that has been killed the coverage is somewhat different.

"A Palestinian attacker wielding an axe has killed an Israeli boy and wounded another in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank, police say."

Is there is some doubt that one boy was killed and another wounded? Why "police say", can the reporter not confirm this or does it just make the story look like a claim rather than established fact?

"The incident took place in the Bat Ayin settlement south of Bethlehem. The attacker is reported to have escaped.

Doctors said the fatality was a 13-year-old, Shlomo Nativ, while a seven-year-old boy suffered serious wounds.

The military wing of Islamic Jihad and Imad Mughniyeh Group said they carried out the attack, Israel Radio reports."

Has the reporter not checked whether these groups have claimed responsibility or does he prefer to cast some doubt?

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the attack as a "senseless act of brutality against innocents".

Reports say it appears to be the latest of sporadic attacks by Palestinians in Israeli-occupied territory.

It is also the first such incident since the right-leaning government of Prime Minister Netanyahu took office."

So is the reporter insinuating that the attack was in response to Mr Netanyahu taking office. Is his becoming Prime Minister so vile a thought that Palestinians felt they had no choice but to kill a child?

"There are fears that the killing could heighten tensions between the Israeli cabinet and the Palestinians."

Those awful Israelis getting tense just because an Israeli child has been murdered by a Palestinian, how could they be so vile.

"Mr Netanyahu's foreign minister has declared his government will abandon the Annapolis agreement and go back to the so-called roadmap for peace."

Nice turn of phrase "so-called roadmap for peace", nice. Nice statement that it is Israel abandoning the Annapolis agreement; I presume that the BBC reporter believes that the Palestinian leaderships want nothing but peace with Israel; maybe they should read Hamas' charter and listen to what their leaders say.

"According to the roadmap, the Palestinians first have to take a number of steps on security before going on to solve the final issues involved in creating their own state, the BBC's Paul Wood in Jerusalem says."

Those horrid Israelis want the Palestinians to standby the terms of the roadmap and actually do something positive rather than send rockets and terrorists into Israel; how unfair of Israel.

"Israeli TV reported that the attacker was a local Palestinian.

A massive search by police and the army is now under way around Bat Ayin, which is inhabited by about 1,000 religious settlers. "

Odd how religious Jews are so described whereas the avowedly Islamic group Hamas is never described as religious.

"Settler leader Shaul Goldstein said security guards managed to shoot the attacker, but he escaped.

One witness, who said his name was Avinoam, described trying to wrestle the man.

"I was near the settlement offices when I saw a Palestinian with an axe running toward me," he told Israeli television.

"I managed to block his arm, we fell to the ground and struggled but he managed to run away.

"I called for help, another resident fired at him, but missed.

"When I got up, I saw a child wounded in the head. I cried to warn his mother, who ran toward him," he said."

The BBC manage to hide the direct descriptions of what happened near the end of the report, hopefully most people won't read that far. Somehow I think that an attack by an Israeli on a Palestinian would have the horrific events right at the top of the article so as to raise the levels of anger at Israel

"More than 400,000 Jewish settlers live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, areas which were captured by Israeli in the 1967 war.

All Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territory are regarded as illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this. "

The standard BBC rubric; no mention of what caused the 1967 war, no mention of the surrounding Islamic countries endless war on Israel, no mention of why the Palestinians are refugees (hint look at the attitude of the surrounding Arab countries to the Palestinians). It is odd how only Israel is expected to give up territory it won in a defensive war, what other country is expected to do similar?

The BBC proud to vilify Israel and Israelis and protect all Palestinians.

1 comment:

  1. So true. The BBC is inherently and profoundly anti-semitic.


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