
Thursday 11 June 2009

"Tory cuts" v "Labour investment"

That is the "choice" that Labour strategists have decided is the one to push at every opportunity. Gordon Brown pushed the line at yesterday's PMQs and every Minister I have heard interviewed since the weekend has done the same.

To get around the claims and see the truth, I recommend that you look at these four links:
1. Fraser Nelson's piece in The Spectator's Coffee House that explains: "The stated Labour and Tory position on post-election cuts is now identical. The Institute for Fiscal Studies analysis is clear: Budget 09 proposes 7 percent public service spending cuts from Apr11-Apr14, and if you exclude health from the cuts everything else falls by 10 percent."

2. Dizzy Thinks piece today that explains why "What Brown is doing is taking everyone for idiots " and includes this graph that "plots what Brown predicted the level and path of debt would be in his Budget against what actually happened. The dotted line is the direction he said debt was heading in the coming years, whilst the solid line shows the true path of debt based on his own figure for the given year."As Dizzy swrites "Brown consistently did the opposite of what he said he was going to do year on year, either deliberately or because he's just stupid. So when he stands up in Parliament and rattles off projected figures, they should be taken with a pinch of salt anyway."

3. Burning Our Money who point out that "In the most recent Budget, his own Chancellor... gave us the biggest public spending cuts since Labour's last biggest public spending cuts in 1976." and that "So does Gordo not know any of this? Is he really that far gone? No of course not. He is simply telling the British electorate another of his Gigantic Lies. Just like all those lies he told when he was Chancellor himself."
There will be lots of other pertinent articles on the Burning Our Money website.

4. The Today programme interview with Chief Secretary to the Treasury Liam Byrne and his shadow counterpart Philip Hammond. When even John Humphrys all but accuses Liam Byrne of deliberately avoiding admitting the real figures then you know the game is should be up for Labour.

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